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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 31

  SELECT formula_id
  FROM ff_formulas_x
  WHERE formula_name = 'BUDGET_' || p_formula_name
  AND business_group_id = p_business_group_id;
Line: 37

  SELECT formula_id
  FROM ff_formulas_x
  WHERE formula_name = 'TEMPLATE_' || p_formula_name
  AND business_group_id IS NULL;
Line: 119

  FROM per_budgets   b
  WHERE b.budget_id = p_budget_id;
Line: 126

  SELECT tp.end_date
  FROM per_time_periods    tp
  WHERE tp.time_period_id	= p_time_period_id;
Line: 134

/* passed in a different cursor is used. The most selective parameter to use  */
/* is p_position_id, so this is checked first, followed by grade, job and     */
/* organization. If all parameters are null, then business group id is used.  */
/* Note that the option of using this index is disabled in the former four    */
/* cursors. This is to prevent an inefficient query plan being used.          */
/* To be accessed if p_position_id is not null */
  CURSOR pos_assignment_csr(
         p_business_group_id	NUMBER
        ,p_grade_id		NUMBER
        ,p_job_id		NUMBER
        ,p_organization_id	NUMBER
        ,p_position_id		NUMBER
        ,p_period_end_date	DATE) is
  SELECT asg.assignment_id
  FROM  per_assignments_f    asg
       ,per_assignment_status_types   ast
  WHERE p_position_id = asg.position_id
  AND (p_organization_id IS NULL OR asg.organization_id = p_organization_id)
  AND (p_job_id IS NULL OR asg.job_id = p_job_id)
  AND (p_grade_id IS NULL OR asg.grade_id = p_grade_id)
  AND asg.business_group_id + 0 = p_business_group_id
  AND asg.assignment_type = 'E'
  AND p_period_end_date BETWEEN asg.effective_start_date
                            AND asg.effective_end_date
  AND asg.assignment_status_type_id = ast.assignment_status_type_id
  AND ast.per_system_status = 'ACTIVE_ASSIGN';
Line: 169

  SELECT asg.assignment_id
  FROM  per_assignments_f    asg
       ,per_assignment_status_types   ast
  WHERE (p_organization_id IS NULL OR asg.organization_id = p_organization_id)
  AND (p_job_id IS NULL OR asg.job_id = p_job_id)
  AND p_grade_id = asg.grade_id
  AND asg.business_group_id + 0 = p_business_group_id
  AND asg.assignment_type = 'E'
  AND p_period_end_date BETWEEN asg.effective_start_date
                            AND asg.effective_end_date
  AND asg.assignment_status_type_id = ast.assignment_status_type_id
  AND ast.per_system_status = 'ACTIVE_ASSIGN';
Line: 188

  SELECT asg.assignment_id
  FROM  per_assignments_f    asg
       ,per_assignment_status_types   ast
  WHERE (p_organization_id IS NULL OR asg.organization_id = p_organization_id)
  AND p_job_id = asg.job_id
  AND asg.business_group_id + 0 = p_business_group_id
  AND asg.assignment_type = 'E'
  AND p_period_end_date BETWEEN asg.effective_start_date
                            AND asg.effective_end_date
  AND asg.assignment_status_type_id = ast.assignment_status_type_id
  AND ast.per_system_status = 'ACTIVE_ASSIGN';
Line: 205

  SELECT asg.assignment_id
  FROM  per_assignments_f    asg
       ,per_assignment_status_types   ast
  WHERE p_organization_id = asg.organization_id
  AND asg.business_group_id + 0 = p_business_group_id
  AND asg.assignment_type = 'E'
  AND p_period_end_date BETWEEN asg.effective_start_date
                            AND asg.effective_end_date
  AND asg.assignment_status_type_id = ast.assignment_status_type_id
  AND ast.per_system_status = 'ACTIVE_ASSIGN';
Line: 220

  SELECT asg.assignment_id
  FROM  per_assignments_f    asg
       ,per_assignment_status_types   ast
  WHERE asg.business_group_id = p_business_group_id
  AND asg.assignment_type = 'E'
  AND p_period_end_date BETWEEN asg.effective_start_date
                            AND asg.effective_end_date
  AND asg.assignment_status_type_id = ast.assignment_status_type_id
  AND ast.per_system_status = 'ACTIVE_ASSIGN';
Line: 279

/* passed in a different cursor is used. The most selective parameter to use  */
/* is p_position_id, so this is checked first, followed by grade, job and     */
/* organization. If all parameters are null, then business group id is used.  */
/* Note that the option of using this index is disabled in the former four    */
/* cursors. This is to prevent an inefficient query plan being used.          */

  IF (p_position_id IS NOT NULL) THEN

    FOR assignment_rec in pos_assignment_csr(
	,l_period_end_date) LOOP

      l_assignment_id := assignment_rec.assignment_id;
Line: 456

select  pst1.system_type_cd     unit1_name
      , pst2.system_type_cd     unit2_name
      , pst3.system_type_cd     unit3_name
      , bgt.business_group_id   business_group_id
from    pqh_budgets     bgt
      , per_shared_types_vl pst1
      , per_shared_types_vl pst2
      , per_shared_types_vl pst3
where bgt.budget_id     = p_budget_id
AND   bgt.budget_unit1_id               = pst1.shared_type_id (+)
AND   bgt.budget_unit2_id               = pst2.shared_type_id (+)
AND   bgt.budget_unit3_id               = pst3.shared_type_id (+);
Line: 470

select  tp.end_date
from    per_time_periods        tp, pqh_budget_periods bpr
where   bpr.budget_period_id = p_time_period_id
and     tp.time_period_id    = bpr.end_time_period_id;
Line: 479

/* passed in a different cursor is used. The most selective parameter to use  */
/* is p_position_id, so this is checked first, followed by grade, job and     */
/* organization. If all parameters are null, then business group id is used.  */
/* Note that the option of using this index is disabled in the former four    */
/* cursors. This is to prevent an inefficient query plan being used.          */
/* To be used if p_position_id is not null */
cursor pos_assignment_csr(
         p_business_group_id    NUMBER
        ,p_grade_id             NUMBER
        ,p_job_id               NUMBER
        ,p_organization_id      NUMBER
        ,p_position_id          NUMBER
        ,p_period_end_date      DATE
        ) is
select  asg.assignment_id
from     per_assignments_f              asg
        ,per_assignment_status_types    ast
where   (p_organization_id IS NULL OR asg.organization_id = p_organization_id)
and     p_position_id = asg.position_id
and     (p_job_id IS NULL OR asg.job_id = p_job_id)
and     (p_grade_id IS NULL OR asg.grade_id = p_grade_id)
and     asg.business_group_id + 0 = p_business_group_id
and     asg.assignment_type     = 'E'
and     p_period_end_date between asg.effective_start_date and
and     asg.assignment_status_type_id   = ast.assignment_status_type_id
and     ast.per_system_status           = 'ACTIVE_ASSIGN';
Line: 516

select  asg.assignment_id
from     per_assignments_f              asg
        ,per_assignment_status_types    ast
where   (p_organization_id IS NULL OR asg.organization_id = p_organization_id)
and     (p_job_id IS NULL OR asg.job_id = p_job_id)
and     p_grade_id = asg.grade_id
and     asg.business_group_id + 0 = p_business_group_id
and     asg.assignment_type     = 'E'
and     p_period_end_date between asg.effective_start_date and
and     asg.assignment_status_type_id   = ast.assignment_status_type_id
and     ast.per_system_status           = 'ACTIVE_ASSIGN';
Line: 536

select  asg.assignment_id
from     per_assignments_f              asg
        ,per_assignment_status_types    ast
where   (p_organization_id IS NULL OR asg.organization_id = p_organization_id)
and     p_job_id = asg.job_id
and     asg.business_group_id + 0 = p_business_group_id
and     asg.assignment_type     = 'E'
and     p_period_end_date between asg.effective_start_date and
and     asg.assignment_status_type_id   = ast.assignment_status_type_id
and     ast.per_system_status           = 'ACTIVE_ASSIGN';
Line: 554

select  asg.assignment_id
from     per_assignments_f              asg
        ,per_assignment_status_types    ast
where   p_organization_id = asg.organization_id
and     asg.business_group_id + 0 = p_business_group_id
and     asg.assignment_type     = 'E'
and     p_period_end_date between asg.effective_start_date and
and     asg.assignment_status_type_id   = ast.assignment_status_type_id
and     ast.per_system_status           = 'ACTIVE_ASSIGN';
Line: 570

select  asg.assignment_id
from     per_assignments_f              asg
        ,per_assignment_status_types    ast
where   asg.business_group_id = p_business_group_id
and     asg.assignment_type     = 'E'
and     p_period_end_date between asg.effective_start_date and
and     asg.assignment_status_type_id   = ast.assignment_status_type_id
and     ast.per_system_status           = 'ACTIVE_ASSIGN';
Line: 643

/* passed in a different cursor is used. The most selective parameter to use  */
/* is p_position_id, so this is checked first, followed by grade, job and     */
/* organization. If all parameters are null, then business group id is used.  */
/* Note that the option of using this index is disabled in the former four    */
/* cursors. This is to prevent an inefficient query plan being used.          */

  IF (p_position_id IS NOT NULL) THEN

    FOR assignment_rec IN pos_assignment_csr(
        ) LOOP

      l_assignment_id := assignment_rec.assignment_id;
Line: 830

   SELECT count(*) INTO v_direct_reports
   FROM   per_all_assignments_f   asg, per_all_people_f peo
   WHERE  asg.supervisor_id = v_person_id
   AND    v_effective_end_date BETWEEN asg.effective_start_date
                               AND     asg.effective_end_date
   AND    asg.person_id = peo.person_id
   AND    v_effective_end_date
      BETWEEN peo.effective_start_date AND peo.effective_end_date
   AND    peo.current_employee_flag = 'Y' ;
Line: 850

  SELECT lookup_code
  FROM hr_standard_lookups
  AND meaning = p_bmt_meaning;
Line: 940

SELECT  pst1.system_type_cd     unit1_name
      , pst2.system_type_cd     unit2_name
      , pst3.system_type_cd     unit3_name
      , bgt.business_group_id   business_group_id
FROM    pqh_budgets     bgt
      , per_shared_types_vl pst1
      , per_shared_types_vl pst2
      , per_shared_types_vl pst3
WHERE bgt.budget_id     = p_budget_id
AND   bgt.budget_unit1_id               = pst1.shared_type_id (+)
AND   bgt.budget_unit2_id               = pst2.shared_type_id (+)
AND   bgt.budget_unit3_id               = pst3.shared_type_id (+);
Line: 963

select  asg.assignment_id
from     per_assignments_f              asg
        ,per_assignment_status_types    ast
where   (p_organization_id IS NULL OR asg.organization_id = p_organization_id)
and     p_position_id = asg.position_id
and     (p_job_id IS NULL OR asg.job_id = p_job_id)
and     (p_grade_id IS NULL OR asg.grade_id = p_grade_id)
and     asg.business_group_id   = p_business_group_id
and     asg.assignment_type     = 'E'
and     p_effective_date between asg.effective_start_date and
and     asg.assignment_status_type_id   = ast.assignment_status_type_id
and     ast.per_system_status           = 'ACTIVE_ASSIGN';
Line: 985

select  asg.assignment_id
from     per_assignments_f              asg
        ,per_assignment_status_types    ast
where   (p_organization_id IS NULL OR asg.organization_id = p_organization_id)
and     (p_job_id IS NULL OR asg.job_id = p_job_id)
and     p_grade_id = asg.grade_id
and     asg.business_group_id  = p_business_group_id
and     asg.assignment_type     = 'E'
and     p_effective_date between asg.effective_start_date and
and     asg.assignment_status_type_id   = ast.assignment_status_type_id
and     ast.per_system_status           = 'ACTIVE_ASSIGN';
Line: 1005

select  asg.assignment_id
from     per_assignments_f              asg
        ,per_assignment_status_types    ast
where   (p_organization_id IS NULL OR asg.organization_id = p_organization_id)
and     p_job_id = asg.job_id
and     asg.business_group_id   = p_business_group_id
and     asg.assignment_type     = 'E'
and     p_effective_date between asg.effective_start_date and
and     asg.assignment_status_type_id   = ast.assignment_status_type_id
and     ast.per_system_status           = 'ACTIVE_ASSIGN';
Line: 1023

select  asg.assignment_id
from     per_assignments_f              asg
        ,per_assignment_status_types    ast
where   p_organization_id = asg.organization_id
and     asg.business_group_id  = p_business_group_id
and     asg.assignment_type     = 'E'
and     p_effective_date between asg.effective_start_date and
and     asg.assignment_status_type_id   = ast.assignment_status_type_id
and     ast.per_system_status           = 'ACTIVE_ASSIGN';
Line: 1039

select  asg.assignment_id
from     per_assignments_f              asg
        ,per_assignment_status_types    ast
where   asg.business_group_id = p_business_group_id
and     asg.assignment_type     = 'E'
and     p_effective_date between asg.effective_start_date and
and     asg.assignment_status_type_id   = ast.assignment_status_type_id
and     ast.per_system_status           = 'ACTIVE_ASSIGN';
Line: 1267

SELECT sum(months_between(least(nvl(actual_termination_date + 1,
       p_effective_date + 1), p_effective_date + 1), date_start)) total_months
FROM  per_periods_of_service
WHERE  person_id             = p_person_id
AND    date_start           <= p_effective_date
AND    period_of_service_id <= p_period_of_service_id;
Line: 1305

SELECT sum(months_between
                (least(nvl(actual_termination_date + 1, p_effective_date + 1),
                   p_effective_date + 1), date_start)) / 12   total_years
FROM  per_periods_of_service
WHERE  person_id             = p_person_id
AND    date_start           <= p_effective_date
AND    period_of_service_id <= p_period_of_service_id;