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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 5

 |  Dummy constants for use in update and lock operations |

  AR_TEXT_DUMMY   CONSTANT VARCHAR2(10) := '~~!@#$*&^';
Line: 19

PROCEDURE insert_BR_ps(
        p_trh_rec       IN  ar_transaction_history%ROWTYPE,
        p_ps_id         OUT NOCOPY ar_payment_schedules.payment_schedule_id%TYPE);
Line: 36

 |    insert_transaction_history                                             |
 |                                                                           |
 | DESCRIPTION                                                               |
 |    Inserts a record into ar_transaction_history for bills receivable      |
 |    transaction. If this is not the first history record the previous      |
 |    record flags are updated. If this is the completion record             |
 |    payment schedule is created for the BR. MRC information is created     |
 |    if MRC functionality is enabled                                        |
 |                                                                           |
 | SCOPE - PUBLIC                                                            |
 |                                                                           |
 | EXETERNAL PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS ACCESSED                                   |
 |    arp_util.debug                                                         |
 |                                                                           |
 | ARGUMENTS  : IN:      p_trh_rec                                           |
 |              OUT:     p_transaction_history_id                            |
 |          IN/ OUT:                                                         |
 |                                                                           |
 | RETURNS    : NONE                                                         |
 |                                                                           |
 | MODIFICATION HISTORY                                                      |
 |     28-MAR-2000  Jani Rautiainen      Created                             |
 |                                                                           |

PROCEDURE insert_transaction_history(p_trh_rec                IN  OUT NOCOPY ar_transaction_history%rowtype,
                                     p_transaction_history_id OUT NOCOPY     ar_transaction_history.transaction_history_id%type,
                                     p_move_deferred_tax      IN      VARCHAR2 DEFAULT 'N') IS

  l_ae_doc_rec         ae_doc_rec_type;
Line: 81

  cursor update_event (p_trx_id ra_customer_trx.customer_trx_id%TYPE)
  select distinct trh.event_id
  from ar_transaction_history_all trh
  where trh.customer_trx_id = p_trx_id and
  trh.event_id is not null  and    /* This condition is to make sure that null events are not selected for update. Null events get inserted in TRH when fields like maturity date are updated */
  not exists
  ( select 'Y'
    from ar_transaction_history_all trh_sub
    where trh_sub.customer_trx_id = p_trx_id and
    trh_sub.postable_flag ='Y' and
    trh_sub.event_id = trh.event_id
Line: 100

     arp_util.debug(  'arp_proc_transaction_history.insert_transaction_history()+');
Line: 126

  | If this is not the first history record, update  |
  | the previous records current flags               |

  IF l_old_trh_rec.transaction_history_id IS NOT NULL THEN

    | set the prv_trx_history_id to point to the previous record      |
    p_trh_rec.prv_trx_history_id := l_old_trh_rec.transaction_history_id;
Line: 138

    | If the new record created is postable update the |
    | current_accounted_flag of previous record to 'N' |

    IF NVL(p_trh_rec.postable_flag,'N') = 'Y' THEN

      | Check whether the previous record was the current accounted record |

      IF NVL(l_old_trh_rec.current_accounted_flag,'N') = 'N' THEN
        | Previous record was not the accounted record, so find the correct record |
        l_prev_acctd_id := find_prev_accounted_id(l_old_trh_rec.customer_trx_id);
Line: 155

        | Update previous accounted history record |
        | if one exists. If one does not exist this|
        | we are inserting the first accounted row |
        IF l_prev_acctd_id is not null THEN

          | Initialize the record with dummy values |
Line: 167

          | Set the flag to be updated |
          l_old_acctd_trh_rec.current_accounted_flag := 'N';
Line: 172

          | Update the previous accounted record |
Line: 187

        | Previous record was the accounted record, so set the flag to update it |
        l_old_trh_rec.current_accounted_flag := 'N';
Line: 196

    | Update the current record indicator of the previous record |
    l_old_trh_rec.current_record_flag := 'N';
Line: 201

    |  Update the previous record |
Line: 216

Line: 224

  arp_transaction_history_pkg.insert_p(p_trh_rec, p_transaction_history_id);
Line: 242

   |  Need to call ARP XLA to create or update  |
   |  the life cycle of a TH                    |
   |  This routine is called by all the TH WB   |
   |  And it is a central place for TH lifecycle|
   arp_standard.debug('p_transaction_history_id :'||p_transaction_history_id);
Line: 281

    | If the Bills was incompleted we need to delete           |
    | the accounting for previous PENDING_REMITTANCE           |
    | record since This scenario is only possible if           |
    | the BR does not have any activities or reclassifications |
    | on it. The validation is done in the calling             |
    | functionality                                            |

    | Since the previous history is not necessarily postable   |
    | accounting needs to be reversed on the previout accounted|
    | transaction history record                               |
    l_prev_acctd_id := find_prev_accounted_id(l_old_trh_rec.customer_trx_id);
Line: 301

Line: 305

    | If the Bills was incompleted we need to update also the  |
    | the other flags from the previous PENDING_REMITTANCE     |
    | record since the accounting engine will delete the       |
    | accounting rows for it. This scenario is only possible if|
    | the BR does not have any activities or reclassifications |
    | on it. The validation is done in the calling             |
    | functionality                                            |

     | Initialize the record with dummy values |
Line: 320

     | Set the flag to be updated |
     l_old_acctd_trh_rec.current_accounted_flag 	:= 'N';
Line: 327

     | Update the previous accounted record |
Line: 339

/* Identify and update the events only when the status changes from INCOMPLETE TO PENDING_REMITTANCE */
IF (p_trh_rec.status = 'PENDING_REMITTANCE' AND l_old_trh_rec.status = 'INCOMPLETE') THEN

   select count(distinct trh.event_id)
   into l_event_count
   from ar_transaction_history_all trh
   where trh.customer_trx_id = p_trh_rec.customer_trx_id and
   not exists
       ( select 'Y'
         from ar_transaction_history_all trh_sub
         where trh_sub.customer_trx_id = p_trh_rec.customer_trx_id and
         trh_sub.postable_flag ='Y' and
         trh_sub.event_id = trh.event_id
Line: 356

  /* Values selected to populate the IN parameters of the xla procedure */
  select xet.legal_entity_id legal_entity_id,
         trx.SET_OF_BOOKS_ID set_of_books_id,
         xet.entity_code     entity_code
        ra_customer_trx trx ,
	xla_transaction_entities_upg  xet
  where       trx.customer_trx_id       = p_trh_rec.customer_trx_id
        and   trx.customer_trx_id       = xet.source_id_int_1
        and   xet.entity_code           ='BILLS_RECEIVABLE'
        AND   xet.application_id        = 222
        AND   trx.SET_OF_BOOKS_ID       = xet.LEDGER_ID;
Line: 377

   /* Open the cursor containing the events to be updated and call the xla procedure for every event */

   open update_event (p_trh_rec.customer_trx_id);
Line: 381

   fetch update_event into l_event_id;
Line: 382

   exit when update_event%NOTFOUND;
Line: 383

   (   p_event_source_info    => l_event_source_info,
       p_event_id             => l_event_id,
       p_event_status_code    => 'N',
       p_valuation_method     => null,
       p_security_context     => l_security  );
Line: 397

     arp_util.debug(  'arp_proc_transaction_history.insert_transaction_history()-');
Line: 403

           arp_util.debug(  'EXCEPTION:  arp_proc_transaction_history.insert_transaction_history()');
Line: 407

END insert_transaction_history;
Line: 411

 |    update_transaction_history                                             |
 |                                                                           |
 | DESCRIPTION                                                               |
 |    Updates a record into ar_transaction_history for bills receivable      |
 |    transaction. MRC information is updated if MRC functionality is enabled|
 |                                                                           |
 | SCOPE - PUBLIC                                                            |
 |                                                                           |
 | EXETERNAL PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS ACCESSED                                   |
 |    arp_util.debug                                                         |
 |                                                                           |
 | ARGUMENTS  : IN:                                                          |
 |              OUT:                                                         |
 |          IN/ OUT:  p_trx_rec                                              |
 |                                                                           |
 | RETURNS    : NONE                                                         |
 |                                                                           |
 | NOTES                                                                     |
 |                                                                           |
 | MODIFICATION HISTORY                                                      |
 |     28-MAR-2000  Jani Rautiainen      Created                             |
 |                                                                           |

PROCEDURE update_transaction_history(p_trh_rec                IN OUT NOCOPY ar_transaction_history%rowtype,
                                     p_transaction_history_id IN     ar_transaction_history.transaction_history_id%TYPE) IS

  CURSOR trh_customer_trx_cur IS
    SELECT customer_trx_id
    FROM ar_transaction_history
    WHERE transaction_history_id = p_transaction_history_id;
Line: 448

      arp_util.debug(  'arp_proc_transaction_history.update_transaction_history()+');
Line: 484

   arp_transaction_history_pkg.update_p(p_trh_rec, p_transaction_history_id);
Line: 487

   | None of MRC columns can be updated  |

   IF PG_DEBUG in ('Y', 'C') THEN
      arp_util.debug(  'arp_proc_transaction_history.update_transaction_history()-');
Line: 497

           arp_util.debug(  'EXCEPTION:  arp_proc_transaction_history.update_transaction_history()');
Line: 501

END update_transaction_history;
Line: 505

 |    delete_transaction_history                                             |
 |                                                                           |
 | DESCRIPTION                                                               |
 |    Deletes row from ar_transaction_history for Bills Receivable           |
 |    Transaction. MRC information is deleted if MRC functionality is enabled|
 |                                                                           |
 | SCOPE - PUBLIC                                                            |
 |                                                                           |
 | EXETERNAL PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS ACCESSED                                   |
 |    arp_util.debug                                                         |
 |                                                                           |
 | ARGUMENTS  : IN:  p_transaction_history_id                                |
 |              OUT:                                                         |
 |          IN/ OUT:                                                         |
 |                                                                           |
 | RETURNS    : NONE                                                         |
 |                                                                           |
 | NOTES                                                                     |
 |                                                                           |
 | MODIFICATION HISTORY                                                      |
 |     28-MAR-2000  Jani Rautiainen      Created                             |
 |                                                                           |
PROCEDURE delete_transaction_history(p_transaction_history_id IN ar_transaction_history.transaction_history_id%TYPE) IS


   IF PG_DEBUG in ('Y', 'C') THEN
      arp_util.debug(  'arp_proc_transaction_history.delete_transaction_history()+');
Line: 542

   |  delete the history record     |
   arp_transaction_history_pkg.delete_p(p_trh_id => p_transaction_history_id);
Line: 547

   | Delete all accounting related to the history row  |
Line: 552

   |  Call MRC logic to delete MRC rows       |
--   ARP_PROC_TRANSACTION_HISTORY.delete_mrc_transaction_hist(p_transaction_history_id);
Line: 559

   arp_xla_events.delete_event( p_document_id  => p_transaction_history_id,
                                p_doc_table    => 'TRH');
Line: 564

      arp_util.debug(  'arp_proc_transaction_history.delete_transaction_history()-');
Line: 570

           arp_util.debug(  'EXCEPTION:  arp_proc_transaction_history.delete_transaction_history()');
Line: 574

END delete_transaction_history;
Line: 578

 |    delete_transaction_history                                             |
 |                                                                           |
 | DESCRIPTION                                                               |
 |    Deletes distribution rows from ar_distributions for given transaction  |
 |    history record.                                                        |
 |                                                                           |
 | SCOPE - PUBLIC                                                            |
 |                                                                           |
 | EXETERNAL PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS ACCESSED                                   |
 |    arp_util.debug                                                         |
 |                                                                           |
 | ARGUMENTS  : IN:  p_transaction_history_id                                |
 |              OUT:                                                         |
 |          IN/ OUT:                                                         |
 |                                                                           |
 | RETURNS    : NONE                                                         |
 |                                                                           |
 | NOTES                                                                     |
 |                                                                           |
 | MODIFICATION HISTORY                                                      |
 |   28-MAR-2000  Jani Rautiainen      Created                               |
 |   10-MAY-2000  Debbie Jancis        Added call to delete from             |
 |				       ar_distributions after call to delete |
 |				       using table handler since that will   |
 |				       not be modified to handle MRC ar      |
 |				       distributions deletes.  Added call to |
 |				       ar_mrc_engine for processing.         |
PROCEDURE delete_transaction_hist_dist(p_transaction_history_id IN ar_transaction_history.transaction_history_id%TYPE) IS

  |  Cursor for distribution records       |
  |  related to the transaction history    |
/* Start FP Bug 5741803 chng the defination to check for source table */
  CURSOR distribution_cur IS
    select dist.line_id
    from ar_distributions dist
    where source_id = p_transaction_history_id
    and source_table = 'TH';
Line: 624

      arp_util.debug(  'arp_proc_transaction_history.delete_transaction_hist_dist()+');
Line: 635

     |  Delete distribution record |
Line: 642

      arp_util.debug(  'arp_proc_transaction_history.delete_transaction_hist_dist()-');
Line: 648

           arp_util.debug(  'EXCEPTION:  arp_proc_transaction_history.delete_transaction_hist_dist()');
Line: 652

END delete_transaction_hist_dist;
Line: 686

    select transaction_history_id
    from ar_transaction_history
    where current_accounted_flag = 'Y'
    and customer_trx_id = p_customer_trx_id;
Line: 723

 |    insert_BR_ps                                                           |
 |                                                                           |
 | DESCRIPTION                                                               |
 |    Inserts an payment schedule for Bills Receivable                       |
 |                                                                           |
 | SCOPE - PUBLIC                                                            |
 |                                                                           |
 | EXETERNAL PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS ACCESSED                                   |
 |    arp_util.debug                                                         |
 |                                                                           |
 | ARGUMENTS  : IN:  p_trh_rec   - Record containing the transaction history |
 |                                 recor being created.                      |
 |              OUT: p_ps_id     - PS id of the record created               |
 |          IN/ OUT:                                                         |
 |                                                                           |
 | RETURNS    : NONE                                                         |
 |                                                                           |
 | NOTES                                                                     |
 |                                                                           |
 | MODIFICATION HISTORY                                                      |
 |     28-MAR-2000  Jani Rautiainen      Created                             |
 |     25-MAY-2005  V Crisostomo	 SSA-R12 : add org_id                |
 |                                                                           |
PROCEDURE insert_BR_ps(
        p_trh_rec       IN  ar_transaction_history%ROWTYPE,
        p_ps_id         OUT NOCOPY ar_payment_schedules.payment_schedule_id%TYPE) IS

l_trx_rec         ra_customer_trx%ROWTYPE;
Line: 758

Line: 814

  |  insert record into payment schedule table |
  arp_ps_pkg.insert_p(l_ps_rec, l_ps_id);
Line: 821

Line: 827

         arp_standard.debug('EXCEPTION: arp_proc_transaction_history.insert_BR_ps()');
Line: 831

END insert_BR_ps;
Line: 879

    SELECT sum(nvl(amount,0)) total_amount,
           sum(nvl(acctd_amount,0)) total_acctd_amount,
           sum(nvl(line_adjusted,0)) total_line,
           sum(nvl(freight_adjusted,0)) total_freight,
           sum(nvl(tax_adjusted,0)) total_tax,
           sum(nvl(receivables_charges_adjusted,0)) total_charges
    FROM ra_customer_trx_lines ctl,
         ar_adjustments adj
    WHERE ctl.customer_trx_id = p_customer_trx_id
    AND   adj.adjustment_id   = ctl.br_adjustment_id;
Line: 960

    SELECT 'exists'
    FROM   ar_transaction_history
    WHERE  customer_trx_id = p_customer_trx_id
    AND    current_record_flag = 'Y';
Line: 1055

  |  Fetch the updated image of the payment schedule |
  arp_ps_pkg.fetch_p( p_old_ps_rec.payment_schedule_id, l_new_ps_rec );
Line: 1106

    |  Cannot insert NULL into trx_date  |
    IF l_trh_rec.trx_date IS NULL THEN

      l_trh_rec.trx_date := SYSDATE;
Line: 1136

    ARP_PROC_TRANSACTION_HISTORY.insert_transaction_history(l_trh_rec, l_transaction_history_id);