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Line 477: from wip_requirement_operations

473: for update nowait;
475: cursor c_mtlReqs is
476: select 1
477: from wip_requirement_operations
478: where wip_entity_id = p_wipEntityID
479: and organization_id = p_orgID
480: and operation_seq_num between p_minOpSeqNum and p_maxOpSeqNum
481: for update nowait;

Line 1111: update wip_requirement_operations

1107: end if;
1109: --update mtl requirement dates if job has routing
1110: forall i in l_startOpIdx..l_endOpIdx
1111: update wip_requirement_operations
1112: set date_required = l_opTbls.startDate(i),
1113: last_update_date = l_sysdate,
1114: last_updated_by = l_userID,
1115: last_update_login = l_loginID,

Line 1125: update wip_requirement_operations

1121: and organization_id = p_orgID
1122: and operation_seq_num = l_opTbls.opSeqNum(i);
1123: else
1124: --update mtl requirement dates if job doesn't have a routing
1125: update wip_requirement_operations
1126: set date_required = p_anchorDate,
1127: last_update_date = l_sysdate,
1128: last_updated_by = l_userID,
1129: last_update_login = l_loginID,