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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 14

	p_sqlstr := 'SELECT 1 FROM dual WHERE to_char(:payroll_action_id) = dummy';
Line: 81

SELECT legislative_parameters
FROM   pay_payroll_actions
WHERE  payroll_action_id = p_pact_id;
Line: 140

select effective_date from pay_payroll_actions
where payroll_action_id = l_payroll_action_id;
Line: 144

select to_char(start_date,'YYYYMMDD'), to_char(end_date,'YYYYMMDD'), to_char(default_dd_date,'YYYYMMDD')
from per_time_periods
where payroll_id = l_payroll_id
and l_effective_date between start_date and end_date;
Line: 185

select effective_date from pay_payroll_actions
where payroll_action_id = l_payroll_action_id;
Line: 189

select period_name,period_num
from per_time_periods
where payroll_id = l_payroll_id
and l_effective_date between start_date and end_date;
Line: 236

     SELECT pdb.defined_balance_id
     FROM   pay_defined_balances      pdb
            ,pay_balance_types         pbt
            ,pay_balance_dimensions    pbd
      WHERE  pbd.database_item_suffix = p_dbi_suffix
      AND    pbd.legislation_code = 'DK'
      AND    pbt.balance_name = p_balance_name
      AND    pbt.legislation_code = 'DK'
      AND    pdb.balance_type_id = pbt.balance_type_id
      AND    pdb.balance_dimension_id = pbd.balance_dimension_id
      AND    pdb.legislation_code = 'DK';
Line: 271

 SELECT name from hr_organization_units where organization_id =
		 (select organization_id from hr_organization_information where org_information_context = 'DK_SERVICE_PROVIDER_DETAILS')
		 and business_group_id = p_business_group_id;
Line: 298

 SELECT hou.name , hoi.ORG_INFORMATION1,
        substr((loc.ADDRESS_LINE_1||' '||loc.ADDRESS_LINE_2||' '||loc.ADDRESS_LINE_3),1,40),
	substr((loc.POSTAL_CODE ||' ' || loc.TOWN_OR_CITY),1,40)
 from hr_organization_units hou, hr_organization_information hoi, hr_locations loc
 where hou.business_group_id = get_business_group_id(p_payroll_action_id) -- change the bg id
 AND hoi.organization_id = hou.organization_id
 and hoi.org_information_context='DK_SERVICE_PROVIDER_DETAILS'
 and hou.location_id=loc.location_id;
Line: 336

  SELECT business_group_id
  FROM pay_payroll_actions
  WHERE payroll_action_id = p_payroll_action_id;
Line: 356

  SELECT TO_CHAR(to_date(substr(legislative_parameters,instr(legislative_parameters,'=')+1,10),'YYYY/MM/DD'),'YYYYMMDD')
  FROM pay_payroll_actions
  where payroll_action_id = (select min(payroll_action_id) from pay_payroll_actions
			     where payroll_id = p_payroll_id
			     and action_type ='M'
			     AND action_status ='C'
			     AND p_effective_date BETWEEN start_date AND effective_date);
Line: 388

  SELECT '1' FROM dual
  WHERE p_termination_date BETWEEN p_start_date AND p_end_date;