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Line 71: , fnd_user b

67: CURSOR get_org_id ( pc_user_id NUMBER)
68: IS
69: SELECT business_group_id
70: FROM per_all_people_f a
71: , fnd_user b
72: WHERE b.user_id = pc_user_id
73: AND b.employee_id = a.person_id;
75: l_routing_log_id NUMBER;

Line 517: fnd_user usr

513: b.party_notification_id
514: from pv_party_notifications b,
515: wf_item_activity_statuses d,
516: wf_notifications c,
517: fnd_user usr
518: where b.wf_item_type = pc_itemtype
519: and b.wf_item_key = pc_itemkey
520: and b.notification_type = pc_notify_type
521: and d.item_type = b.wf_item_type

Line 758: FROM fnd_user fuser,

754: and PEAV.attr_value = 'VAD';
756: CURSOR lc_get_user_type (pc_user_id NUMBER) IS
757: SELECT extn.category
758: FROM fnd_user fuser,
759: jtf_rs_resource_extns extn
760: WHERE fuser.user_id = pc_user_id
761: AND fuser.user_id = extn.user_id;

Line 1184: fnd_user d

1180: pv_lead_assignments a1,
1181: pv_party_notifications a2,
1182: jtf_rs_resource_extns b,
1183: as_accesses_all c,
1184: fnd_user d
1185: where
1186: a1.wf_item_type = pc_itemtype
1187: and a1.wf_item_key = pc_itemkey
1188: and a1.status in ( pv_assignment_pub.g_la_status_cm_rejected,

Line 1272: fnd_user d

1268: pv_lead_assignments a1,
1269: pv_party_notifications a2,
1270: jtf_rs_resource_extns b,
1271: as_accesses_all c,
1272: fnd_user d
1273: where
1274: a1.wf_item_type = pc_itemtype
1275: and a1.wf_item_key = pc_itemkey
1276: and a1.partner_id = pc_partner_id

Line 2117: fnd_user usr

2113: pc_notify_type varchar2) is
2114: select usr.user_name, pn.resource_id
2115: from pv_lead_assignments la,
2116: pv_party_notifications pn,
2117: fnd_user usr
2118: where la.wf_item_type = pc_itemtype
2119: and la.wf_item_key = pc_itemkey
2120: and la.status in ( pv_assignment_pub.g_la_status_cm_approved,
2121: pv_assignment_pub.g_la_status_cm_added,

Line 2136: fnd_user usr

2132: pc_notify_type varchar2) is
2133: select usr.user_name, pn.resource_id
2134: from pv_lead_assignments la,
2135: pv_party_notifications pn,
2136: fnd_user usr
2137: where la.wf_item_type = pc_itemtype
2138: and la.wf_item_key = pc_itemkey
2139: and la.partner_id = pc_partner_id
2140: and la.lead_assignment_id = pn.lead_assignment_id

Line 3486: FROM pv_lead_assignments pa, pv_party_notifications pn, pv_lead_workflows pw, fnd_user usr

3482: is
3483: SELECT pn.user_id, pn.resource_id, usr.user_name,
3484: decode(pn.notification_type, 'MATCHED_TO', 'CM', 'PT') user_type,
3485: decode(pc_ignore_pt_flag, 'Y', 0, pa.partner_id) partner_id, pa.status
3486: FROM pv_lead_assignments pa, pv_party_notifications pn, pv_lead_workflows pw, fnd_user usr
3487: WHERE
3488: ((pn.notification_type = 'MATCHED_TO' and 'Y' = pc_notify_cm_flag)
3489: or (pn.notification_type = 'OFFERED_TO' and 'Y' = pc_notify_pt_flag))
3490: and pw.lead_id = pc_lead_id

Line 3502: FROM as_accesses_all ac, jtf_rs_resource_extns js, fnd_user fu,

3498: union
3499: SELECT js.user_id, js.resource_id, fu.user_name,
3500: decode(pw.created_by - js.user_id,0,'AM','OT') user_type,
3501: decode(pc_ignore_pt_flag, 'Y', 0, pl.partner_id) partner_id, pl.status
3502: FROM as_accesses_all ac, jtf_rs_resource_extns js, fnd_user fu,
3503: pv_lead_workflows pw, pv_lead_assignments pl
3504: WHERE (('Y' = pc_notify_ot_flag and pw.created_by <> js.user_id)
3505: or ('Y' = pc_notify_am_flag and pw.created_by = js.user_id))
3506: AND ac.lead_id = pc_lead_id