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Line 320: -- Check that the legislation_code is valid within FND_TERRITORIES

316: -- |-----------------------< chk_legislation_code >----------------|
317: -- -----------------------------------------------------------------
318: --
319: -- Description:
320: -- Check that the legislation_code is valid within FND_TERRITORIES
321: --
322: -- Pre-Requisites:
323: -- None
324: --

Line 346: l_territory_code fnd_territories.territory_code%TYPE;

342: ) is
343: --
344: -- Local declarations
345: l_proc varchar2(72) := g_package||'chk_legislation_code';
346: l_territory_code fnd_territories.territory_code%TYPE;
347: --
348: -- Setup cursor for valid legislation code check
349: cursor csr_valid_legislation_code is
350: select territory_code

Line 351: from fnd_territories ft

347: --
348: -- Setup cursor for valid legislation code check
349: cursor csr_valid_legislation_code is
350: select territory_code
351: from fnd_territories ft
352: where ft.territory_code = p_legislation_code;
354: --
355: --