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Line 65: hz_party_sites hps

61: --of given party.
62: CURSOR Check_location_csr IS
63: SELECT hl.location_id , hps.party_site_id
64: FROM hz_locations hl,
65: hz_party_sites hps
66: WHERE hl.country =p_country
67: AND hl.address1 =p_address1
68: AND hl.address2 = decode(p_address2,NULL,hl.address2,p_address2)
69: AND hl.address3 = decode(p_address3,NULL,hl.address3,p_address3)

Line 2127: from hz_party_sites hps,

2123: email_record.email_address,
2124: email_record.owner_table_id,
2125: hrel.relationship_id, -- IB-Phase-2
2126: hrel.end_date end_date -- IB-Phase-2
2127: from hz_party_sites hps,
2128: hz_parties contact_person,
2129: hz_org_contacts supplier_contact,
2130: hz_contact_points phone_record,
2131: hz_contact_points email_record,

Line 2804: FROM hz_party_sites ps,hz_party_site_uses psu

2801: --Cursor to find existing address information in TCA.
2802: CURSOR check_location_csr(p_location_code varchar2,p_party_id number) IS
2803: SELECT ps.location_id,ps.party_site_id,ps.status -- IB-Phase-2 Vendor Merge
2804: FROM hz_party_sites ps,hz_party_site_uses psu
2805: WHERE ps.party_site_id = psu.party_site_id
2806: AND psu.site_use_type = 'SUPPLIER_SHIP_FROM'
2807: and party_site_number=p_location_code||'|'||p_party_id
2808: and party_id =p_party_id;