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1 PACKAGE dbms_addm
2   authid current_user
3 IS
4 --    PROCEDURE DBMS_ADDM.analyze_db
5 --    PURPOSE: Create and execute an ADDM task to analyze all instances
6 --             of a database for a rango of snapshots.
8 --         TASK_NAME
9 --            An optional task name.  Task names must be unique to the user.
10 --            If not specified, a name will be generated by the system.
11 --         BEGIN_SNAPSHOT
12 --            The snapshot id for the beginning of the analysis period
13 --         END_SNAPSHOT
14 --            The snapshot id for the end of the analysis period
15 --         DB_ID
16 --            The databse to analyze, defaults to current database.
18 procedure analyze_db ( task_name             in out varchar2,
19                        begin_snapshot        in number,
20                        end_snapshot          in number,
21                        db_id                 in number := NULL);
23 --    PROCEDURE DBMS_ADDM.analyze_inst
24 --    PURPOSE: Create and execute an ADDM task to analyze a specific instance
25 --             of a database for a rango of snapshots.
26 --    PARAMETERS:
27 --         TASK_NAME
28 --            An optional task name.  Task names must be unique to the user.
29 --            If not specified, a name will be generated by the system.
30 --         BEGIN_SNAPSHOT
31 --            The snapshot id for the beginning of the analysis period
32 --         END_SNAPSHOT
33 --            The snapshot id for the end of the analysis period
34 --         INSTANCE_NUMBER
35 --            The number of the instance to analyze, defaults to current
36 --         DB_ID
37 --            The databse to analyze, defaults to current database.
40 procedure analyze_inst ( task_name             in out varchar2,
41                          begin_snapshot        in number,
42                          end_snapshot          in number,
43                          instance_number       in number := NULL,
44                          db_id                 in number := NULL);
46 --    PROCEDURE DBMS_ADDM.analyze_partial
47 --    PURPOSE: Create and execute an ADDM task to analyze a partial list
48 --             of instances for a rango of snapshots.
49 --    PARAMETERS:
50 --         TASK_NAME
51 --            An optional task name.  Task names must be unique to the user.
52 --            If not specified, a name will be generated by the system.
53 --         INSTANCE_NUMBERS
54 --            A comma separated list of instance numbers that participate
55 --            in the analysis
56 --         BEGIN_SNAPSHOT
57 --            The snapshot id for the beginning of the analysis period
58 --         END_SNAPSHOT
59 --            The snapshot id for the end of the analysis period
60 --         DB_ID
61 --            The databse to analyze, defaults to current database.
63 procedure analyze_partial ( task_name             in out varchar2,
64                             instance_numbers      in varchar2,
65                             begin_snapshot        in number,
66                             end_snapshot          in number,
67                             db_id                 in number := NULL);
69 --    PROCEDURE DBMS_ADDM.insert_finding_directive
70 --    PURPOSE:  insert a directive filtering a finding, either for a task or
71 --               system wide.
72 --    PARAMETERS:
73 --         TASK_NAME
74 --            An optional task name. If NULL, this is a system directive.
75 --         DIR_NAME
76 --            A unique name identifying the new directive
77 --         FINDING_NAME
78 --            A name for the finding, will appear in the "FINDING_NAME"
79 --            column of dba_advisor_findings.
81 --            Minimal value for active sessions. A finding is filtered out
82 --            if it has less active sessions than this value.
83 --         MIN_PERC_IMPACT
84 --            Minimal value for percentage of impact (0-100). A finding
85 --            is filtered out if its impact is less than this percentage of
86 --            the database time of the analysis period.
88 procedure insert_finding_directive ( task_name           in varchar2,
89                                      dir_name            in varchar2,
90                                      finding_name        in varchar2,
91                                      min_active_sessions in number := 0,
92                                      min_perc_impact     in number := 0);
94 --    PROCEDURE DBMS_ADDM.insert_finding_directive
95 --    PURPOSE:  insert a directive filtering sql recommendations,
96 --              either for a task or system wide.
97 --    PARAMETERS:
98 --         TASK_NAME
99 --            An optional task name. If NULL, this is a system directive.
100 --         DIR_NAME
101 --            A unique name identifying the new directive
102 --         SQL_ID
103 --            A string identifying the SQL (13 characters).
104 --         MIN_ACTIVE_SESSIONS
105 --            Minimal value for active sessions. Ain action  is filtered out
106 --            if the SQL's total db time is less than this value.
107 --         MIN_PERC_IMPACT
108 --            Minimal value for response time (microseconds).
109 --            A SQL action is filtered out if the response time is less than
110 --            this value.
112 procedure insert_sql_directive ( task_name           in varchar2,
113                                  dir_name            in varchar2,
114                                  sql_id              in varchar2,
115                                  min_active_sessions in number := 0,
116                                  min_response_time   in number := 0);
118 --    PROCEDURE DBMS_ADDM.insert_segment_directive
119 --    PURPOSE:  insert a directive filtering recommendations to run segment
120 --              advisor.
121 --    PARAMETERS:
122 --         TASK_NAME
123 --            An optional task name. If NULL, this is a system directive.
124 --         DIR_NAME
125 --            A unique name identifying the new directive
126 --         OWNER_NAME
127 --            The owner of the segment.
128 --         OBJECT_NAME
129 --            The name of the main object. If NULL, then all objects for the
130 --            specified owner are filtered.
131 --         SUB_OBJECT_NAME
132 --            The name of a partition of the object. If null, than all
133 --            partitions of the object are filtered. Also, if the object is
134 --            not partitioned, leave the value as NULL.
135 --
137 procedure insert_segment_directive ( task_name           in varchar2,
138                                      dir_name            in varchar2,
139                                      owner_name          in varchar2,
140                                      object_name         in varchar2 := NULL,
141                                      sub_object_name     in varchar2 := NULL);
143 --    PROCEDURE DBMS_ADDM.insert_segment_directive
144 --    PURPOSE:  insert a directive filtering recommendations to run segment
145 --              advisor.
146 --    PARAMETERS:
147 --         TASK_NAME
148 --            An optional task name. If NULL, this is a system directive.
149 --         DIR_NAME
150 --            A unique name identifying the new directive
151 --         OBJECT_NUMBER
152 --            The data object number (as appears in OBJ$)
153 --
155 procedure insert_segment_directive ( task_name           in varchar2,
156                                      dir_name            in varchar2,
157                                      object_number       in number);
159 --    PROCEDURE DBMS_ADDM.insert_parameter_directive
160 --    PURPOSE:  insert a directive filtering a recommendations to change
161 --              a system parameter.
162 --    PARAMETERS:
163 --         TASK_NAME
164 --            An optional task name. If NULL, this is a system directive.
165 --         DIR_NAME
166 --            A unique name identifying the new directive
167 --         PARAMETER_NAME
168 --            The name of the system parameter. All actions to change this
169 --            parameter are filtered out.
171 procedure insert_parameter_directive ( task_name           in varchar2,
172                                        dir_name            in varchar2,
173                                        parameter_name      in varchar2);
175 --    PROCEDURE DBMS_ADDM.delete_finding_directive
176 --    PURPOSE:  delete an addm directive
177 --    PARAMETERS:
178 --         TASK_NAME
179 --            An optional task name. If NULL, this is a system directive.
180 --         DIR_NAME
181 --            A unique name identifying the directive
182 procedure delete_finding_directive ( task_name           in varchar2,
183                                      dir_name            in varchar2);
185 --    PROCEDURE DBMS_ADDM.delete_sql_directive
186 --    PURPOSE:  delete an addm directive
187 --    PARAMETERS:
188 --         TASK_NAME
189 --            An optional task name. If NULL, this is a system directive.
190 --         DIR_NAME
191 --            A unique name identifying the directive
192 procedure delete_sql_directive ( task_name           in varchar2,
193                                      dir_name            in varchar2);
195 --    PROCEDURE DBMS_ADDM.delete_segment_directive
196 --    PURPOSE:  delete an addm directive
197 --    PARAMETERS:
198 --         TASK_NAME
199 --            An optional task name. If NULL, this is a system directive.
200 --         DIR_NAME
201 --            A unique name identifying the directive
202 procedure delete_segment_directive ( task_name           in varchar2,
203                                      dir_name            in varchar2);
205 --    PROCEDURE DBMS_ADDM.delete_parameter_directive
206 --    PURPOSE:  delete an addm directive
207 --    PARAMETERS:
208 --         TASK_NAME
209 --            An optional task name. If NULL, this is a system directive.
210 --         DIR_NAME
211 --            A unique name identifying the directive
212 procedure delete_parameter_directive ( task_name           in varchar2,
213                                        dir_name            in varchar2);
215 --    PROCEDURE DBMS_ADDM.delete
216 --    PURPOSE: delete an ADDM task
217 --    PARAMETERS:
218 --         TASK_NAME
219 --            The name of the task to be deleted.
221 procedure delete ( task_name             in varchar2);
224 --    FUNCTION DBMS_ADDM.get_report
225 --    RETURN: a CLOB containing the report.
226 --    PURPOSE: get the report of an ADDM task.
227 --    PARAMETERS:
228 --         TASK_NAME
229 --            The name of the task to report on.
231 function get_report ( task_name             in varchar2)
232 return clob;
234 --    FUNCTION DBMS_ADDM.get_ash_query
235 --    RETURN: a varchar containing an ASH query identifying the rows
236 --            in ASH with impact for the finding.
237 --    PURPOSE: get a SQL text of an ASH query for a finding
238 --    PARAMETERS:
239 --         TASK_NAME
240 --            The name of the task.
241 --         FINDING_ID
242 --            The ID of the finding within the task
244 function get_ash_query ( task_name in varchar2, finding_id in number)
245 return varchar2;
247 --    FUNCTION DBMS_ADDM.real_time_addm_report
248 --    RETURN: a clob containing a real time addm report for the
249 --            past 5 minutes.
250 --    PURPOSE: Get Real-Time ADDM report of a system.
251 --             Get a full RAC report - assumes SQL over GV$ is possible.
252 function real_time_addm_report
253 return clob;
255 --    FUNCTION DBMS_ADDM.compare_databases_report
256 --    RETURN: a clob containing a compare period addm report comparing the
257 --            the performance of a database over two different time periods
258 --            or the performance of two different databases over two different
259 --            time periods
260 --    PURPOSE: Get a compare period addm report for the given two time periods
261 --    PARAMETERS:
262 --         BASE_DBID
263 --            dbid of the base period.Default is NULL in which case
264 --            we choose the current dbid.
265 --         BASE_BEGIN_SNAP_ID
266 --            snapshot id of the beginning of the base period
267 --         BASE_END_SNAP_ID
268 --            snapshot id of the end of the base period
269 --         COMP_DBID
270 --            dbid of the comparison period. Default is NULL in
271 --            which case we choose the current dbid
272 --         COMP_BEGIN_SNAP_ID
273 --            snapshot id of the beginning of the comparison period
274 --         COMP_END_SNAP_ID
275 --            snapshot id of the end of the comparison period
276 --         REPORT_TYPE
277 --            Output type for the report - XML or HTML.Default is HTML
278 function compare_databases ( base_dbid in number := NULL,
279                              base_begin_snap_id in number,
280                              base_end_snap_id in number,
281                              comp_dbid  in number := NULL,
282                              comp_begin_snap_id in number,
283                              comp_end_snap_id in  number,
284                              report_type in varchar2 := 'HTML')
285 return clob;
287 --    FUNCTION DBMS_ADDM.compare_instances
288 --    RETURN: a clob containing a compare period addm report comparing the
289 --            the performance of a single instance over two different
290 --            time periods or the performance of two different instances
291 --            over two different time periods
292 --    PURPOSE: Get a compare period addm report for the given two time periods
293 --    PARAMETERS:
294 --         BASE_DBID
295 --            dbid of the base period.Default is NULL in which case
296 --            we choose the current dbid.
297 --         BASE_INSTANCE_ID
298 --            instance id of the base period
299 --         BASE_BEGIN_SNAP_ID
300 --            snapshot id of the beginning of the base period
301 --         BASE_END_SNAP_ID
302 --            snapshot id of the end of the base period
303 --         COMP_DBID
304 --            dbid of the comparison period. Default is NULL in
305 --            which case we choose the current dbid
306 --         COMP_INSTANCE_ID
307 --            instance id of the comparison period
308 --         COMP_BEGIN_SNAP_ID
309 --            snapshot id of the beginning of the comparison period
310 --         COMP_END_SNAP_ID
311 --            snapshot id of the end of the comparison period
312 --         REPORT_TYPE
313 --            Output type for the report - XML or HTML.Default is HTML
314 function compare_instances ( base_dbid in number := NULL,
315                              base_instance_id in number,
316                              base_begin_snap_id in number,
317                              base_end_snap_id in number,
318                              comp_dbid  in number := NULL,
319                              comp_instance_id in number,
320                              comp_begin_snap_id in number,
321                              comp_end_snap_id in  number,
322                              report_type in varchar2 := 'HTML')
323 return clob;
325 --    FUNCTION DBMS_ADDM.compare_capture_replay_report
329 --    PARAMETERS:
326 --    RETURN: a clob containing a compare period addm report comparing the
327 --            the performance of a capture to a replay
328 --    PURPOSE: Get a compare period addm report
330 --         REPLAY_ID
331 --            id of the replay to be compared
332 --         REPORT_TYPE
333 --            Output type for the report - XML or HTML.Default is HTML
334 function compare_capture_replay_report(replay_id in number,
335                                        report_type in varchar2 := 'HTML')
336 return clob;
338 --    FUNCTION DBMS_ADDM.compare_replay_replay_report
339 --    RETURN: a clob containing a compare period addm report comparing the
340 --            the performance of a replay to another replay
341 --    PURPOSE: Get a compare period addm report
342 --    PARAMETERS:
343 --         REPLAY_ID1
344 --            id of the replay to be compared
345 --         REPLAY_ID2
346 --            id of the replay to be compared
347 --         REPORT_TYPE
348 --            Output type for the report - XML or HTML.Default is HTML
350 function compare_replay_replay_report(replay_id1 in number,
351                                       replay_id2 in number,
352                                       report_type in varchar2 := 'HTML')
353 return clob;
355 END dbms_addm;