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2 /* $Header: AFASMSGS.pls 120.2 2005/11/03 15:47:48 tmorrow ship $ */
4 --  Global constants used by the Get function/procedure to
5 --  determine which message to get.
7     G_FIRST	    CONSTANT	NUMBER	:=  -1	;
8     G_NEXT	    CONSTANT	NUMBER	:=  -2	;
9     G_LAST	    CONSTANT	NUMBER	:=  -3	;
10     G_PREVIOUS	    CONSTANT	NUMBER	:=  -4	;
12 --  global that holds the value of the message level profile option.
14     G_msg_level_threshold	NUMBER    	:= 9.99E125;
16 --  Procedure	Initialize
17 --
18 --  Usage	Used by API callers and developers to intialize the
19 --		global message table.
20 --  Desc	Clears the G_msg_tbl and resets all its global
21 --		variables. Except for the message level threshold.
22 --
24 PROCEDURE Initialize;
26 --  FUNCTION	Count_Msg
27 --
28 --  Usage	Used by API callers and developers to find the count
29 --		of messages in the  message list.
30 --  Desc	Returns the value of G_msg_count
31 --
32 --  Parameters	None
33 --
34 --  Return	NUMBER
38 --  PROCEDURE	Count_And_Get
39 --
40 --  Usage	Used by API developers to find the count of messages
41 --		in the message table. If there is only one message in
42 --		the table it retrieves this message.
43 --
44 --  Desc	This procedure is a cover that calls the function
45 --		Count_Msg and if the count of messages is 1. It calls the
46 --		procedure Get. It serves as a shortcut for API
47 --		developers. to make one call instead of making a call
48 --		to count, a check, and then another call to get.
49 --
50 --  Parameters	p_encoded   IN VARCHAR2(1) := 'T'    Optional
51 --		    If TRUE the message is returned in an encoded
52 --		    format, else it is translated and returned.
53 --		p_count OUT NUMBER
54 --		    Message count.
55 --		p_data	    OUT VARCHAR2(2000)
56 --		    Message data.
57 --
59 PROCEDURE    Count_And_Get
60 (   p_encoded		    IN	VARCHAR2    := 'T'    ,
61     p_count		    OUT	NOCOPY NUMBER				    ,
62     p_data		    OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
63 );
65 --  PROCEDURE 	Add
66 --
67 --  Usage	Used to add messages to the global message table.
68 --
69 --  Desc	Reads a message off the message dictionary stack and
70 --  	    	writes it in an encoded format to the global PL/SQL
71 --		message table.
72 --  	    	The message is appended at the bottom of the message
73 --    	    	table.
74 --
78 --  PROCEDURE 	Delete_Msg
79 --
80 --  Usage	Used to delete a specific message from the message
81 --		list, or clear the whole message list.
82 --
83 --  Desc	If instructed to delete a specific message, the
84 --		message is removed from the message table and the
85 --		table is compressed by moving the messages coming
86 --		after the deleted messages up one entry in the message
87 --		table.
88 --		If there is no entry found the Delete procedure does
89 --		nothing, and  no exception is raised.
90 --		If delete is passed no parameters it deletes the whole
91 --		message table.
92 --
93 --  Prameters	p_msg_index	IN NUMBER := NULL Optional
94 --		    holds the index of the message to be deleted.
95 --
97 PROCEDURE Delete_Msg
98 (   p_msg_index IN    NUMBER	:=	NULL
99 );
101 --  PROCEDURE 	Get
102 --
103 --  Usage	Used to get message info from the global message table.
104 --
105 --  Desc	Gets the next message from the message table.
106 --		This procedure utilizes the G_msg_index to keep track
107 --		of the last message fetched from the global table and
108 --		then fetches the next.
109 --
110 --  Parameters	p_msg_index	IN NUMBER := G_NEXT
111 --		    Index of message to be fetched. the default is to
112 --		    fetch the next message starting by the first
113 --		    message. Possible values are :
114 --
115 --		    G_FIRST
116 --		    G_NEXT
117 --		    G_LAST
118 --		    G_PREVIOUS
119 --		    Specific message index.
120 --
121 --		p_encoded   IN VARCHAR2(1) := G_TRUE	Optional
122 --		    When set to TRUE retieves the message in an
123 --		    encoded format. If FALSE, the function calls the
124 --		    message dictionary utilities to translate the
125 --		    message and do the token substitution, the message
126 --		    text is then returned.
127 --
128 --		p_msg_data	    OUT	VARCHAR2(2000)
129 --		p_msg_index_out	    OUT NUMBER
131 PROCEDURE    Get
132 (   p_msg_index	    IN	NUMBER	    := G_NEXT		,
133     p_encoded	    IN	VARCHAR2    := 'T'              ,
134     p_data	    OUT	NOCOPY VARCHAR2			,
135     p_msg_index_out OUT	NOCOPY NUMBER
136 );
138 --  FUNCTION	Get
139 --
140 --  Usage	Used to get message info from the message table.
141 --
142 --  Desc	Gets the next message from the message table.
143 --		This procedure utilizes the G_msg_index to keep track
144 --		of the last message fetched from the table and
145 --		then fetches the next or previous message depending on
146 --		the mode the function is being called in..
147 --
148 --  Parameters	p_msg_index	IN NUMBER := G_NEXT
149 --		    Index of message to be fetched. the default is to
150 --		    fetch the next message starting by the first
151 --		    message. Possible values are :
152 --
153 --		    G_FIRST
154 --		    G_NEXT
155 --		    G_LAST
156 --		    G_PREVIOUS
157 --		    Specific message index.
158 --
159 --		p_encoded   IN VARCHAR2(1) := 'T'	Optional
160 --		    When set to TRUE Get retrieves the message in an
161 --		    encoded format. If FALSE, the function calls the
162 --		    message dictionary utilities to translate the
163 --		    message and do the token substitution, the message
164 --		    text is then returned.
165 --
166 --  Return	VARCHAR2(2000) message data.
167 --		If there are no more messages it returns NULL.
168 --
169 --  Notes	The function name Get is overloaded with another
170 --		procedure Get that performs the exact same function as
171 --		the function, the only difference is that the
172 --		procedure returns the message data as well as its
173 --		index i the message list.
175 FUNCTION    Get
176 (   p_msg_index	    IN NUMBER	:= G_NEXT	    ,
177     p_encoded	    IN VARCHAR2 := 'T'
178 )
181 --  PROCEDURE	Reset
182 --
183 --  Usage	Used to reset the message table index used in reading
184 --		messages to point to the top of the message table or
185 --		the botom of the message table.
186 --
187 --  Desc	Sets G_msg_index to 0 or G_msg_count+1 depending on
188 --		the reset mode.
189 --
190 --  Parameters	p_mode	IN NUMBER := G_FIRST	Optional
191 --		    possible values are :
192 --			G_FIRST	resets index to the begining of msg tbl
193 --			G_LAST  resets index to the end of msg tbl
194 --
195 --  Exceptions	G_EXC_UNEXPECTED_ERROR if it is passed an
196 --		invalid mode.
199 ( p_mode    IN NUMBER := G_FIRST );
201 --  Pre-defined API message levels
202 --
203 --  	Valid values for message levels are from 1-50.
204 --  	1 being least severe and 50 highest.
205 --
206 --  	The pre-defined levels correspond to standard API
207 --  	return status. Debug levels are used to control the amount of
208 --	debug information a program writes to the PL/SQL message table.
217 --  FUNCTION 	Check_Msg_Level
218 --
219 --  Usage   	Used by API developers to check if the level of the
220 --  	    	message they want to write to the message table is
221 --  	    	higher or equal to the message level threshold or not.
222 --  	    	If the function returns TRUE the developer should go
223 --  	    	ahead and write the message to the message table else
224 --  	    	he/she should skip writing this message.
225 --  Desc    	Accepts a message level as input fetches the value of
226 --  	    	the message threshold profile option and compares it
227 --  	    	to the input level.
228 --  Return  	TRUE if the level is equal to or higher than the
229 --  	    	threshold. Otherwise, it returns FALSE.
230 --
232 FUNCTION Check_Msg_Level
233 (   p_message_level IN NUMBER := G_MSG_LVL_SUCCESS
234 )
237 --  PROCEDURE	Build_Exc_Msg()
238 --
239 --  USAGE   	Used by APIs to issue a standard message when
240 --		encountering an unexpected error.
241 --  Desc    	The IN parameters are used as tokens to a standard
242 --		message 'FND_API_UNEXP_ERROR'.
243 --  Parameters	p_pkg_name  	    IN VARCHAR2(30)	Optional
244 --  	    	p_procedure_name    IN VARCHAR2(30)	Optional
245 --  	    	p_error_text  	    IN VARCHAR2(240)	Optional
246 --		    If p_error_text is missing SQLERRM is used.
248 PROCEDURE Build_Exc_Msg
249 (   p_pkg_name		IN VARCHAR2 :=null    ,
250     p_procedure_name	IN VARCHAR2 :=null    ,
251     p_error_text	IN VARCHAR2 :=null
252 );
254 --  PROCEDURE	Add_Exc_Msg()
255 --
256 --  USAGE   	Same as Build_Exc_Msg but in addition to constructing
257 --		the messages the procedure Adds it to the global
258 --		mesage table.
260 PROCEDURE Add_Exc_Msg
261 ( p_pkg_name		IN VARCHAR2 :=null   ,
262   p_procedure_name	IN VARCHAR2 :=null   ,
263   p_error_text		IN VARCHAR2 :=null
264 );
266 --  PROCEDURE Dump_Msg and Dump_List are used for debugging purposes.
267 --
269 PROCEDURE    Dump_Msg
270 (   p_msg_index IN NUMBER );
272 PROCEDURE    Dump_List
273 (   p_messages	IN BOOLEAN  :=	FALSE );
276 --  global constants to hold message type
278     G_ERROR_MSG       constant varchar2(1) := 'E';
279     G_WARNING_MSG     constant varchar2(1) := 'W';
280     G_INFORMATION_MSG constant varchar2(1) := 'I';
281     G_DEPENDENCY_MSG  constant varchar2(1) := 'D';
283 --  Constants used to set token names for associated columns
284 --  and message type
289 --  PROCEDURE   Add_Detail
290 --
291 --   Usage: Allows an Error, Warning or Information message to be added to the
292 --          Multiple Message List. The caller can optionally provide
293 --          details of which TABLE.COLUMN (or API control parameter) the error is
294 --          associated. In this case either the p_associated_column1 to 5
295 --          parameters should be populated with 'TABLE_NAME.COLUMN_NAME' or
296 --          the p_same_associated_columns parameter should be explicitly set to 'Y'.
297 --          The p_same_associated_columns parameter is defaulted to 'N' indicating
298 --          the p_associated_column1 to 5 parameter set in this function call
299 --          should be used. To use the p_associated_column1 to 5 parameter values
300 --          past into the most recent "verify" function call
301 --          (no_all_inclusive_error, no_exclusive_error or no_error_message)
302 --          then explicitly set p_same_associated_columns to 'Y'. Where a "verify"
303 --          function has been called, setting p_same_associated_columns to 'Y'
304 --          will avoid having to maintain the associated column information more
305 --          than once.
306 --
307 -- In Parameters:
308 --   Name                           Reqd Type     Description
309 --   p_associated_column1           No   varchar2 Database column or
310 --                                                API control parameter
311 --                                                name.
312 --   p_associated_column2           No   varchar2 Database column or
313 --                                                API control parameter
314 --                                                name.
315 --   p_associated_column3           No   varchar2 Database column or
316 --                                                API control parameter
317 --                                                name.
318 --   p_associated_column4           No   varchar2 Database column or
319 --                                                API control parameter
320 --                                                name.
321 --   p_associated_column5           No   varchar2 Database column or
322 --                                                API control parameter
323 --                                                name.
324 --   p_same_associated_columns      No   varchar2 Set to 'T' or 'F'.
325 --   p_message_type                 No   varchar2 Set to one of the
326 --                                                FND_MSG_PUB package
327 --                                                message type constants.
332 PROCEDURE    Add_Detail
333 (    p_associated_column1 IN VARCHAR2 default null
334     ,p_associated_column2 IN VARCHAR2 default null
335     ,p_associated_column3 IN VARCHAR2 default null
336     ,p_associated_column4 IN VARCHAR2 default null
337     ,p_associated_column5 IN VARCHAR2 default null
338     ,p_same_associated_columns IN VARCHAR2 default 'F'
339     ,p_message_type IN VARCHAR2 default FND_MSG_PUB.G_ERROR_MSG
340 );
343 --  FUNCTION   No_All_Inclusive_Error
344 --    Usage: For finding out if there are any known messages
345 --           associated, with any column in a set of
346 --           TABLE.COLUMN values (or set of API control parameters).
347 --           i.e. Search the message lists for each TABLE.COLUMN.
348 --           If any message contains that TABLE.COLUMN then
349 --           a match has been found.
350 --           Details:
351 --           Returns 'T' for TRUE when any p_check_column%
352 --           parameter (TABLE.COLUMN) value is NOT
353 --           associated with an existing error message in the
354 --           either the Multiple Message List or the internal
355 --           Dependency Chain List. Returns 'F' for FALSE
356 --           when at least one of the p_check_column1 to 5
357 --           parameter values is associated with an existing
358 --           error message in either list. If the
359 --           p_assoicated_column% parameter has also been set
360 --           then a message will be added to the Dependency
361 --           Chain List and will be associated with the
362 --           p_associated_column% values.
363 --
364 --     For example, say the message list contains two entries:
365 --       Message_1  associated with TABLE_A.COLUMN_1
366 --       Message_2  associated with TABLE_A.COLUMN_2 and TABLE_A.COLUMN_3
367 --
368 --       Calls to this function and results:
369 --       a) p_check_column1 parameter set to 'TABLE_A.COLUMN_4'
370 --          TRUE will be returned.
371 --       b) p_check_column1 parameter set to 'TABLE_A.COLUMN_1'
372 --          FALSE will be returned.
373 --       c) p_check_column1 parameter set to 'TABLE_A.COLUMN_2'
374 --          FALSE will be returned.
375 --       d) p_check_column1 parameter set to 'TABLE_A.COLUMN_1' and
376 --          p_check_column2 parameter set to 'TABLE_A.COLUMN_2'
377 --          FALSE will be returned.
378 --       e) p_check_column1 parameter set to 'TABLE_A.COLUMN_2' and
379 --          p_check_column2 parameter set to 'TABLE_A.COLUMN_3'
380 --          FALSE will be returned.
381 --       f) p_check_column1 parameter set to 'TABLE_A.COLUMN_2' and
382 --          p_check_column2 parameter set to 'TABLE_A.COLUMN_4'
383 --          FALSE will be returned.
384 --
385 -- In Parameters:
386 --   Name                           Reqd Type     Description
387 --   p_check_column1                Yes  varchar2 Column or API control
388 --                                                parameter name to
389 --                                                verify in the message
390 --                                                list.
391 --   p_check_column2                No   varchar2 Column or API control
392 --                                                parameter name to
393 --                                                verify in the message
397 --                                                verify in the message
394 --                                                list.
395 --   p_check_column3                No   varchar2 Column or API control
396 --                                                parameter name to
398 --                                                list.
399 --   p_check_column4                No   varchar2 Column or API control
400 --                                                parameter name to
401 --                                                verify in the message
402 --                                                list.
403 --   p_check_column5                No   varchar2 Column or API control
404 --                                                parameter name to
405 --                                                verify in the message
406 --                                                list.
407 --   p_associated_column1           No   varchar2 Dependent database
408 --                                                column or API
409 --                                                control parameter
410 --                                                name. Only used if
411 --                                                an existing message
412 --                                                is found.
413 --   p_associated_column2           No   varchar2 Dependent database
414 --                                                column or API
415 --                                                control parameter
416 --                                                name. Only used if
417 --                                                an existing message
418 --                                                is found.
419 --   p_associated_column3           No   varchar2 Dependent database
420 --                                                column or API
421 --                                                control parameter
422 --                                                name. Only used if
423 --                                                an existing message
424 --                                                is found.
425 --   p_associated_column4           No   varchar2 Dependent database
426 --                                                column or API
427 --                                                control parameter
428 --                                                name. Only used if
429 --                                                an existing message
430 --                                                is found.
431 --   p_associated_column5           No   varchar2 Dependent database
432 --                                                column or API
433 --                                                control parameter
434 --                                                name. Only used if
435 --                                                an existing message
436 --                                                is found.
439 FUNCTION    No_All_Inclusive_Error
440 (   p_check_column1 IN VARCHAR2
441    ,p_check_column2 IN VARCHAR2 default null
442    ,p_check_column3 IN VARCHAR2 default null
443    ,p_check_column4 IN VARCHAR2 default null
444    ,p_check_column5 IN VARCHAR2 default null
445    ,p_associated_column1 IN VARCHAR2 default null
446    ,p_associated_column2 IN VARCHAR2 default null
447    ,p_associated_column3 IN VARCHAR2 default null
448    ,p_associated_column4 IN VARCHAR2 default null
449    ,p_associated_column5 IN VARCHAR2 default null
450 ) return varchar2;
452 --  FUNCTION   No_Exclusive_Error
453 -- Usage: For finding out if there are any known single
454 --        column messages for a set of up to five
455 --        TABLE.COLUMN values. Any messages for more
456 --        than one column will not included in the
457 --        search. Useful when about to execute a
458 --        "combination style" validation check between a
459 --        group of columns. Alternatively messages can
460 --        be associated with API control parameters
461 --        rather than table columns.
462 --
463 --        For example, a validation check needs to verify
464 --        that the COLUMN_A and COLUMN_B column values
465 --        are compatible. This validation should only
466 --        go ahead if the individual COLUMN_A and
467 --        individual COLUMN_B values is not known to
468 --        be error. But need to ignore any errors
469 --        which have been raised by other combination
470 --        style checks such as COLUMN_A-COLUMN_C.
471 --        Details:
472 --        Returns 'T' for TRUE when each of the
473 --        p_check_column1 to 5 parameter values are NOT
474 --        exclusively associated with an existing error
475 --        message in the either the Multiple Message List
476 --        or the internal Dependency Chain List.
477 --        Returns 'F' for FALSE when at least one of the
478 --        p_check_column1 to 5 parameter values is
479 --        exclusively associated with an existing error
480 --        message in either list. If any of the
481 --        p_assoicated_column% parameters have also
482 --        been set then an entry will be added to the
483 --        Dependency Chain List and will be associated
484 --        with the p_assoicated_column1 to 5 values.
485 --
486 --     Example: say the message list contains two entries:
487 --       Message_1  associated with TABLE_A.COLUMN_1
488 --       Message_2  associated with TABLE_A.COLUMN_2 and TABLE_A.COLUMN_3
489 --
490 --       Calls to this function and results:
491 --       a) p_check_column1 parameter set to 'TABLE_A.COLUMN_4'
492 --          TRUE will be returned.
496 --          TRUE will be returned.
493 --       b) p_check_column1 parameter set to 'TABLE_A.COLUMN_1'
494 --          FALSE will be returned.
495 --       c) p_check_column1 parameter set to 'TABLE_A.COLUMN_2'
497 --       d) p_check_column1 parameter set to 'TABLE_A.COLUMN_1' and
498 --          p_check_column2 parameter set to 'TABLE_A.COLUMN_2'
499 --          FALSE will be returned.
500 --       e) p_check_column1 parameter set to 'TABLE_A.COLUMN_2' and
501 --          p_check_column2 parameter set to 'TABLE_A.COLUMN_3'
502 --          TRUE will be returned.
503 --       f) p_check_column1 parameter set to 'TABLE_A.COLUMN_2' and
504 --          p_check_column2 parameter set to 'TABLE_A.COLUMN_4'
505 --          TRUE will be returned.
506 --
507 -- In Parameters:
508 --   Name                           Reqd Type     Description
509 --   p_check_column1                Yes  varchar2 Column or API control
510 --                                                parameter name to
511 --                                                verify in the message
512 --                                                list.
513 --   p_check_column2                No   varchar2 Column or API control
514 --                                                parameter name to
515 --                                                verify in the message
516 --                                                list.
517 --   p_check_column3                No   varchar2 Column or API control
518 --                                                parameter name to
519 --                                                verify in the message
520 --                                                list.
521 --   p_check_column4                No   varchar2 Column or API control
522 --                                                parameter name to
523 --                                                verify in the message
524 --                                                list.
525 --   p_check_column5                No   varchar2 Column or API control
526 --                                                parameter name to
527 --                                                verify in the message
528 --                                                list.
529 --   p_associated_column1           No   varchar2 Dependent database
530 --                                                column or API
531 --                                                control parameter
532 --                                                name. Only used if
533 --                                                an existing message
534 --                                                is found.
535 --   p_associated_column2           No   varchar2 Dependent database
536 --                                                column or API
537 --                                                control parameter
538 --                                                name. Only used if
539 --                                                an existing message
540 --                                                is found.
541 --   p_associated_column3           No   varchar2 Dependent database
542 --                                                column or API
543 --                                                control parameter
544 --                                                name. Only used if
545 --                                                an existing message
546 --                                                is found.
547 --   p_associated_column4           No   varchar2 Dependent database
548 --                                                column or API
549 --                                                control parameter
550 --                                                name. Only used if
551 --                                                an existing message
552 --                                                is found.
553 --   p_associated_column5           No   varchar2 Dependent database
554 --                                                column or API
555 --                                                control parameter
556 --                                                name. Only used if
557 --                                                an existing message
558 --                                                is found.
562 FUNCTION    No_Exclusive_Error
563 (   p_check_column1 IN VARCHAR2
564    ,p_check_column2 IN VARCHAR2 default null
565    ,p_check_column3 IN VARCHAR2 default null
566    ,p_check_column4 IN VARCHAR2 default null
567    ,p_check_column5 IN VARCHAR2 default null
568    ,p_associated_column1 IN VARCHAR2 default null
569    ,p_associated_column2 IN VARCHAR2 default null
570    ,p_associated_column3 IN VARCHAR2 default null
571    ,p_associated_column4 IN VARCHAR2 default null
572    ,p_associated_column5 IN VARCHAR2 default null
573 ) return varchar2;
575 --  FUNCTION   No_Error_Message
576 --      Usage: Returns 'T' for TRUE when none of the
577 --             p_check_message_name1 to 5 parameter message
578 --             name values do not exist in the Multiple
579 --             Message List.
580 --             Returns 'F' for FALSE when at least one of the
581 --             p_check_message_name1 to 5 parameter message
582 --             names is found to exist in the list. If the
583 --             p_associated_column% parameter has also been set
584 --             then a message will be added to the Dependency
585 --             Chain List and will be associated with the
586 --             p_associated_column% values.
587 --
588 --     For example, say the message list contains two entries:
589 --       Message_1  associated with TABLE_A.COLUMN_1
593 --       a) p_check_message_name1 parameter set to 'Message_3'
590 --       Message_2  associated with TABLE_A.COLUMN_2 and TABLE_A.COLUMN_3
591 --
592 --       Calls to this function and results:
594 --          TRUE will be returned.
595 --       b) p_check_message_name1 parameter set to 'Message_1'
596 --          FALSE will be returned.
597 --       c) p_check_message_name1 parameter set to 'Message_1' and
598 --          p_check_message_name2 parameter set to 'Message_2'
599 --          FALSE will be returned.
600 --       d) p_check_message_name1 parameter set to 'Message_2' and
601 --          p_check_message_name2 parameter set to 'Message_3'
602 --          FALSE will be returned.
603 --
604 -- In Parameters:
605 --   Name                           Reqd Type     Description
606 --   p_check_message_name1          Yes  varchar2 Application Error
607 --                                                Message Name to
608 --                                                verify in the list.
609 --   p_check_message_name2          No   varchar2 Application Error
610 --                                                Message Name to
611 --                                                verify in the list.
612 --   p_check_message_name3          No   varchar2 Application Error
613 --                                                Message Name to
614 --                                                verify in the list.
615 --   p_check_message_name4          No   varchar2 Application Error
616 --                                                Message Name to
617 --                                                verify in the list.
618 --   p_check_message_name5          No   varchar2 Application Error
619 --                                                Message Name to
620 --                                                verify in the list.
621 --   p_associated_column1           No   varchar2 Dependent database
622 --                                                column or API
623 --                                                control parameter
624 --                                                name. Only used if
625 --                                                an existing error
626 --                                                is found.
627 --   p_associated_column2           No   varchar2 Dependent database
628 --                                                column or API
629 --                                                control parameter
630 --                                                name. Only used if
631 --                                                an existing error
632 --                                                is found.
633 --   p_associated_column3           No   varchar2 Dependent database
634 --                                                column or API
635 --                                                control parameter
636 --                                                name. Only used if
637 --                                                an existing error
638 --                                                is found.
639 --   p_associated_column4           No   varchar2 Dependent database
640 --                                                column or API
641 --                                                control parameter
642 --                                                name. Only used if
643 --                                                an existing error
644 --                                                is found.
645 --   p_associated_column5           No   varchar2 Dependent database
646 --                                                column or API
647 --                                                control parameter
648 --                                                name. Only used if
649 --                                                an existing error
650 --                                                is found.
651 --
653 FUNCTION    No_Error_Message
654 (   p_check_message_name1 IN VARCHAR2
655    ,p_check_message_name2 IN VARCHAR2 default null
656    ,p_check_message_name3 IN VARCHAR2 default null
657    ,p_check_message_name4 IN VARCHAR2 default null
658    ,p_check_message_name5 IN VARCHAR2 default null
659    ,p_associated_column1 IN VARCHAR2 default null
660    ,p_associated_column2 IN VARCHAR2 default null
661    ,p_associated_column3 IN VARCHAR2 default null
662    ,p_associated_column4 IN VARCHAR2 default null
663    ,p_associated_column5 IN VARCHAR2 default null
664 ) return varchar2;
666 --  PROCEDURE  Set_Search_Name
667 --
668 --      Usage: To register the message name search criteria
669 --             to be used when the Delete_Msg or Change_Msg
670 --             functions are called. Refer to those two
671 --             function specifications for example calls.
672 --             Values will not be used by the existing
673 --             Delete_Msg(p_msg_index) procedure.
675 PROCEDURE    Set_Search_Name
676 (   p_application  IN VARCHAR2
677    ,p_message_name IN VARCHAR2
678 );
680 --  PROCEDURE  Set_Search_Token
681 --      Usage: To register a message token name and value
682 --             search criteria, to be used when the Delete_Msg
683 --             or Change_Msg functions are called. Refer to the
684 --             those two function specifications for example
685 --             calls. Values will not be used by the existing
686 --             Delete_Msg procedure. It is optional to call
687 --             this procedure. When used must be called after
691 --
688 --             Set_Search_Name. Can be called multiple times
689 --             when more than one token needs to be set in the
690 --             search criteria.
693 PROCEDURE    Set_Search_Token
694 (   p_token     in varchar2
695    ,p_value     in varchar2
696    ,p_translate in boolean default false
697 );
699 --  FUNCTION    Delete_Msg
700 --
701 --        Usage: Provide similar functionality to the existing
702 --               Delete_Msg procedure, except allows removal of
703 --               a message when the caller knows the name of the
704 --               message but not the position in the list.
705 --               Details of the message to search for must first
706 --               be set by calling Set_Search_Message and
707 --               optionally calling Set_Search_Token. This
708 --               function will return 'T' for TRUE or 'F' for
709 --               FALSE to indicate if the specified message had
710 --               actually been found and removed.
711 --
712 --              Example: To remove the 'MESSAGE1' message or the
713 --                       'MESSAGE2' message with
714 --                       certain token values from anywhere in the list.
715 --
716 --                         fnd_msg_pub.set_search_name
717 --                           ('FND' ,'MESSAGE1');
718 --                         l_found := fnd_msg_pub.delete_msg;
719 --                         fnd_msg_pub.set_search_name
720 --                           ('FND', 'MESSAGE2');
721 --                         fnd_msg_pub.set_search_token
722 --                           ('TOKEN1', 'VALUE1');
723 --                         fnd_msg_pub.set_search_token
724 --                           ('TOKEN2', 'VALUE2');
725 --                         fnd_msg_pub.Delete_Msg;
726 --
727 --
728 --
729 --
731 FUNCTION Delete_Msg return varchar2;
733 --  FUNCTION    Change_Msg
734 --
735 --               Usage: Allows an existing message in the Multiple
736 --                       Message list to be changed for a different
737 --                       message name. Provides a useful utility,
738 --                       so the caller does have to explicitly delete a
739 --                       message and create a new entry. Details of the
740 --                       message to search for must first be set by
741 --                       calling Set_Search_Message and optionally
742 --                       Set_Search_Token. Details of the replacement
743 --                       message must first be set by calling
744 --                       fnd_message.set_message and optionally
745 --                       fnd_message.set_token. This function will return
746 --                       'T' for TRUE or 'F' for FALSE to indicate if the
747 --                       specified message had actually been found and
748 --                       changed. Any associated_column and error type
749 --                       details will not be altered. If the message to
750 --                       be replaced is not found in the list no error is
751 --                       raised and fnd_message.clear is called
752 --
753 --              Example: If the 'MESSAGE1' message exists change it to
754 --                       'MESSAGE2'.
755 --
756 --                         fnd_msg_pub.set_search_name
757 --                           ('FND', 'MESSAGE1');
758 --                         fnd_message.set_name
759 --                           ('FND','MESSAGE2');
760 --                         fnd_msg_pub.change_msg;
761 --
762 --
764 FUNCTION Change_Msg return varchar2;
766 --  FUNCTION    Get_Detail
767 --      Usage: Used by the OAFramework Java Helper classes
768 --             to retrieve the message details from the
769 --             DataServer tier to the Middle tier.
770 --             This functionreturns all the details
771 --             for each entry in the Multiple Error Message
772 --             List. Where provided Associated column and
773 --             message type information will be incorporated as
774 --             token values in the encoded message. Using token
775 --             names G_ASSOCIATED_COLS_TOKEN_NAME and
776 --             G_MESSAGE_TYPE_TOKEN_NAME. Entries in the Dependency
777 --             Chain List are not returned.
778 --
779 -- Parameters: p_msg_index IN  NUMBER   default G_NEXT
780 --             p_encoded   IN  VARCHAR2 default 'T'
781 --
782 --
784 FUNCTION    Get_Detail
785 (   p_msg_index     IN  NUMBER      := G_NEXT
786    ,p_encoded       IN  VARCHAR2    := 'T'
787 ) return varchar2;