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Line 1: package body cs_ea_autogen_tasks_pvt as

1: package body cs_ea_autogen_tasks_pvt as
2: /* $Header: cseatskb.pls 120.10 2009/06/29 05:34:19 sshilpam ship $ */
3: --------------------------------------------
4: /* this procedure get the task type present in new task table but not
5: present in old task table

Line 710: l_api_name VARCHAR2(100) := 'cs_ea_autogen_tasks_pvt.create_extnd_attr_tasks';

706: -- local variable and exception declarations for Simplex Enhancement
707: l_prof_val VARCHAR(1);
708: l_date_selected VARCHAR2(1) := null;
709: l_temp NUMBER(20,4);
710: l_api_name VARCHAR2(100) := 'cs_ea_autogen_tasks_pvt.create_extnd_attr_tasks';
711: l_conv_rate NUMBER(30,6);
712: l_planned_effort NUMBER(30,6):= 0;
713: l_task_type_name VARCHAR2(100) := null;
714: l_planned_uom_value varchar2(30); -- 12.1.2 SHACHOUD

Line 1456: end cs_ea_autogen_tasks_pvt;

1452: p_count => x_msg_count,
1453: p_data => x_msg_data);
1454: end ;
1455: ***** 9/30/2003 *******/
1456: end cs_ea_autogen_tasks_pvt;