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Line 1211: ff_contexts fc

1207: SELECT fai1.context1,fdi1.user_entity_id,fai1.value
1209: ff_database_items fdi1,
1210: ff_archive_item_contexts faic,
1211: ff_contexts fc
1212: WHERE FAI1.USER_ENTITY_ID = fdi1.user_entity_id
1213: and fai1.archive_item_id = faic.archive_item_id
1214: and fc.context_id = faic.context_id
1215: and fc.context_name = 'JURISDICTION_CODE'

Line 1821: from ff_contexts

1817: end;
1819: select context_id
1820: into l_taxunit_context_id
1821: from ff_contexts
1822: where context_name = 'TAX_UNIT_ID';
1824: l_counter := 0;
1825: l_arch_gre_step := 40;

Line 2142: l_jursd_context_id ff_contexts.context_id%type;

2138: l_cty_sd_name pay_us_city_school_dsts.school_dst_name%type;
2139: l_step number := 0;
2140: l_county_code varchar2(3);
2141: l_city_code varchar2(4);
2142: l_jursd_context_id ff_contexts.context_id%type;
2143: l_taxunit_context_id ff_contexts.context_id%type;
2144: l_seq_tab pay_ca_eoy_archive.number_data_type_table;
2145: l_context_id_tab pay_ca_eoy_archive.number_data_type_table;
2146: l_context_val_tab pay_ca_eoy_archive.char240_data_type_table;

Line 2143: l_taxunit_context_id ff_contexts.context_id%type;

2139: l_step number := 0;
2140: l_county_code varchar2(3);
2141: l_city_code varchar2(4);
2142: l_jursd_context_id ff_contexts.context_id%type;
2143: l_taxunit_context_id ff_contexts.context_id%type;
2144: l_seq_tab pay_ca_eoy_archive.number_data_type_table;
2145: l_context_id_tab pay_ca_eoy_archive.number_data_type_table;
2146: l_context_val_tab pay_ca_eoy_archive.char240_data_type_table;
2147: l_chunk number;

Line 2474: ff_contexts fc

2470: pay_assignment_actions paa,
2471: pay_payroll_actions ppa,
2472: pay_action_classifications pac,
2473: pay_action_contexts pac1,
2474: ff_contexts fc
2475: where paf.person_id = p_person_id
2476: and paa.assignment_id = paf.assignment_id
2477: and paa.tax_unit_id = l_tax_unit_id
2478: and paa.payroll_action_id = ppa.payroll_action_id

Line 2511: ff_contexts fc

2507: per_all_people_f ppf,
2508: pay_payroll_actions ppa,
2509: pay_action_classifications pac,
2510: pay_action_contexts pac1,
2511: ff_contexts fc
2512: where ppf.person_id = cp_person_id
2513: and paf.person_id = ppf.person_id
2514: and paf.assignment_id = paa.assignment_id
2515: and paa.tax_unit_id = cp_tax_unit_id