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Line 121: from ben_age_fctr a

117: l_exists varchar2(1);
118: --
119: cursor c1 is
120: select null
121: from ben_age_fctr a
122: where a.age_fctr_id = p_age_fctr_id
123: and a.business_group_id + 0 = p_business_group_id;
124: --
125: --

Line 151: -- check if age_fctr_id value exists in ben_age_fctr table

147: and nvl(p_age_fctr_id,hr_api.g_number)
148: <> nvl(ben_eap_shd.g_old_rec.age_fctr_id,hr_api.g_number)
149: or not l_api_updating) then
150: --
151: -- check if age_fctr_id value exists in ben_age_fctr table
152: --
153: open c1;
154: --
155: fetch c1 into l_dummy;

Line 160: -- raise error as FK does not relate to PK in ben_age_fctr

156: if c1%notfound then
157: --
158: close c1;
159: --
160: -- raise error as FK does not relate to PK in ben_age_fctr
161: -- table.
162: --
163: ben_eap_shd.constraint_error('BEN_ELIG_AGE_PRTE_FK1');
164: --