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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 43

      SELECT 'x'
        FROM wms_xdock_source_assignments  wxsa
       WHERE wxsa.criterion_id = p_crt_id
         AND wxsa.source_code  = p_src_cd
         AND wxsa.source_type  = p_src_tp;
Line: 114

      SELECT 'x'
        FROM oe_order_lines_all  oola
       WHERE oola.line_id     = p_line_id
         AND oola.booked_flag = 'Y'
         AND oola.open_flag   = 'Y';
Line: 292

      SELECT wdd.delivery_detail_id
           , wdd.released_status
           , wdd.requested_quantity
           , wdd.requested_quantity_uom
           , wdd.requested_quantity2
           , wdd.requested_quantity_uom2
        FROM wsh_delivery_details  wdd
       WHERE wdd.delivery_detail_id = p_delivery_detail_id
Line: 369

    IF p_action_code = 'UPDATE'
    -- {
       -- Calculate the WDD quantity to split off
       l_new_wdd_qty := l_wdd_rec.requested_quantity
                        * (p_orig_rsv_rec.primary_reservation_quantity
                           - p_new_rsv_rec.primary_reservation_quantity)
                        / p_orig_rsv_rec.primary_reservation_quantity;
Line: 495

    END IF; -- end IF action is UPDATE
Line: 504

    IF p_action_code IN ('UPDATE','DELETE')
    -- {
       -- Update the released_status to 'R' for the new WDD record
       l_detail_info_tab(1).delivery_detail_id := l_delivery_detail_id;
Line: 513

       l_in_rec.action_code := 'UPDATE';
Line: 516

       ( p_api_version_number => 1.0
       , p_init_msg_list      => fnd_api.g_false
       , p_commit             => fnd_api.g_false
       , x_return_status      => l_api_return_status
       , x_msg_count          => l_msg_count
       , x_msg_data           => l_msg_data
       , p_detail_info_tab    => l_detail_info_tab
       , p_in_rec             => l_in_rec
       , x_out_rec            => l_out_rec
Line: 533

             ( 'Error status from WSH_INTERFACE_GRP.Create_Update_Delivery_Detail: '
               || l_api_return_status
             , l_api_name
Line: 549

             print_debug('Successfully updated the WDD record to status ''R''', l_api_name);
Line: 553

    END IF; -- end IF ok to update WDD status to 'R'
Line: 630

  PROCEDURE update_crossdock_reservation
  ( x_return_status   OUT NOCOPY   VARCHAR2
  , p_orig_rsv_rec    IN  inv_reservation_global.mtl_reservation_rec_type
  , p_new_rsv_rec     IN  inv_reservation_global.mtl_reservation_rec_type
  ) IS

    l_api_name             VARCHAR2(30);
Line: 644

    l_api_name      := 'update_crossdock_reservation';
Line: 681

    SAVEPOINT wmsxdutb_update_sp;
Line: 687

       ( x_return_status => l_api_return_status
       , p_rsv_rec       => p_orig_rsv_rec
Line: 697

             ( 'Error status from delete_crossdock_reservation: '
               || l_api_return_status
             , l_api_name
Line: 712

             print_debug('Successfully processed delete rsv', l_api_name);
Line: 743

       , p_action_code   => 'UPDATE'
Line: 778

      ROLLBACK TO wmsxdutb_update_sp;
Line: 793

      ROLLBACK TO wmsxdutb_update_sp;
Line: 800

  END update_crossdock_reservation;
Line: 850

  PROCEDURE delete_crossdock_reservation
  ( x_return_status   OUT NOCOPY   VARCHAR2
  , p_rsv_rec         IN  inv_reservation_global.mtl_reservation_rec_type
  ) IS

    l_api_name            VARCHAR2(30);
Line: 865

    l_api_name      := 'delete_crossdock_reservation';
Line: 896

    SAVEPOINT wmsxdutb_delete_sp;
Line: 910

       , p_action_code   => 'DELETE'
Line: 943

      ROLLBACK TO wmsxdutb_delete_sp;
Line: 958

      ROLLBACK TO wmsxdutb_delete_sp;
Line: 965

  END delete_crossdock_reservation;