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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 39

|			     wf_update_after_inv_reserv                       |
|			     wf_update_after_inv_unreserv                     |
|               09-20-2001   RaviKumar V Addepalli                            |
|                            Changed the following procedures                 |
|	                       1. display_wf_status()                         |
|                              2. wf_update_after_inv_reserv                  |
|		               3. wf_update_after_inv_unreserv                |
|                            For the the AutoCreate Purchase requisitions, For|
|                            a ATO Buy item the procedure will have to update |
|                            the line status and the workflow differently.    |
|               13-NOV-2001  Modified by Renga Kannan                         |
|                                                                             |
|                            Ato buy item workflow is modified                |
|                            Wait for PO RECEIPT activity is                  |
|                            removed and hence the corresponding code         |
|                            is modified in wf_update_inv_unreserve           |
|                            and wf_update_inv_reserve                        |
|                                                                             |
|                03/22/2002  bugfix#2234858                                   |
|                            added new functionality to support DROP SHIP     |
|                04/18/2002  bugfix#2312701
|                            added exception to disallow reservation for      |
|                            dropshipped orders before po approval            |
|                                                                             |
|                05/06/2002  bugfix#2358576                                   |
|                            restrict reservation for dropshippped orders     |
|                            only to config items and ato items               |
|                07/23/2002  bugfix#2466429
|                            Modified by Kiran Konada
|                            primary_reservation_quantity will have qty as per
|                            primary UoM
|                12/12/2002   KIran Konadad
|			      added a parametr in call to populate_req_interface
|			      for MLSUPPLY feture
|		08/13/ 2003  Kiran Konada
|			 for bug# 3063156
                           propagte bugfix 3042904 to main
|                              passed new paremeters project_id and task_id to
|                             populate_req_interface
|                              these are passed as NULL values as populate_req_interface
|                              calculates them for top_most buy items
                            Kiran Konada
|			    Muiple sources for DMF-J  enahncement in
|			    wf_update_after_inv_unresv
|			    added a call to procedure check_cto_can _create_supply
|			    If cto cannot create supply(planning supply), worlflow will
|			    remain at shipping
|			    If cto can create supply, workflow would be moved appropriately
|			    depending on amount of qty unreserved
|               08/28/2003  Kiran Konada
|			    chnaging the procedure wf_update_after_inv_unresv
|			    getting inventory_item_id and oship from org_id
|			    from oe_order_lines_all This is added during Unit test
|			    for support to handle mutiple sources situations during supply
|			    creation
|               09/25/2003   Shashi Bhaskaran
|                             Bugfix : 3077912
|                             Offset need_by_date with postprocessing lead time.
|                             Bugfix : 3076061
|                             When reservations are removed, CTO need to move the
| 			      order line status to 'Production Eligible' and WF status
| 			      to 'Create Supply Eligible' if the flow schedules are all
| 			      completed or no flow schedules exists.
| 			      Bugfix : 2972186
| 			      Split line status is showing "Production Complete" instead
| 			      of "Shipped".
|               10/23/2003   Kiran Konada
|                            changed dsiplay_wf-status for patchset J
|                            introduced a prpcedure  Get_Resv_Qty_and_Code
|               10/25/2003   Kiran Konada
|                            removed t_rsv_code.count and added
|                            t_rsv_code IS NOT NULL
|               11/03/2003  Kiran Konada
|                             Main propagation bug#3140641
|                             reverted changes made on   08/13/ 2003
|                             removed project_id and task_id as parameters to populate_req_interface
|                             revrting bufix 3042904 ude  to bug#3129117
|               11/04/2003  Kiran Konada
|                           Made a call to CTOUTILB.check_cto_can_create_supply
|                           from display_wf_status
|               11/19/2003  Kiran Konada
|                           There was a full table scan on fnd_concurrent_programs
|                           hece, added where clause
|                           and     application_id          = 702;BOM , bugfix 2885568
Line: 144

|                               select  concurrent_program_id
				 into    p_program_id
				 from    fnd_concurrent_programs a
				 where   concurrent_program_name = 'CTOACREQ'
|                           new query
|                               select  concurrent_program_id
|				 into    p_program_id
|				 from    fnd_concurrent_programs a
|				 where   concurrent_program_name = 'CTOACREQ'
|				 and     application_id          = 702
|               01/23/2004  Sushant Sawant
|                           Added condition config_orgs <> 3 to avoid warehouse change for items
|                           not based on  'Based on Model'.
|               02/06/2004  Sushant Sawant fixed bug 3424802
|                           split line should be allowed irrespective of CIB attribute.
|               02/23/2004  Sushant Sawant fixed Bug 3419221
|                           New LINE_FLOW_STATUS code 'SUPPLY_ELIGIBLE' was introduced.
|                           Config Lines with Internal and External source types will be assigned this status.
|               Modified   :    13-APR-2004     Sushant Sawant
|                                               Added check for booked orders to provide SUPPLY_ELIGIBLE/ENTERED
|                                               as status of config line.
|               Modified   :    14-APR-2004     Sushant Sawant
|                                               Fixed bug 3419221. following status for config item/ato item are available
|                                               as replacement for BOM_AND_RTG_CREATED
|                                               New Status: ENTERED/BOOKED/SUPPLY_ELIGIBLE
|               Modified  :  17-Nov-2004 Kiran Konada
|                            bugfix 3875420, as flow rsv is not visible in
		                   mtl_reservations, we check for rsv_code FO
|               Modified : 06-Jun-2005  Renga Kannan
|                          Bug Fix 4380768
|               16-Jun-2005	Kiran Konada
|			changes for OPM and Ireq project
|			comment string : OPM
|			get_resv_qty_and_code API
|				-cursor c-resv chnaged to include secondary
|				reservation qty
|				-sec rsv qty has been assigned to record
|				structure x_rsv_rec(l_index) and debug messages
|				-qyery on wip_flow_schedules has been removed
|				and existing FLM api get_flow_qty is used to
|				get flow qty in both cases of fresh order line
|				and split order line
|				-new query to get external and internal
|				req data from iface table and assigned to x_rsv_rec(l_index
|                24-Jun-2005    Renga Kannan
|                               Get_resv_qty_and_code API is not handling uom
|                               Added code to pass the qty in primary uom
|                05-Jun-2005    Renga Kannan
|                               Modified function complete_activity for MOAC
|                09-Aug-2005	Kiran Konada
|                               4545070
|				 Replaced call to OE_ORDER_WF_UTIL.update_flow_status_code with
|				call to CTO_WORKFLOW_API_PK.display_wf_status
|                25-Sep-2005    Kiran Konada
|                               bugfix4637281
|			  	changing IF..ELSIF into multiple IF..ENDIF's
|               12-OCT-2005	Kiran Koanda
|                               r12 bugfix 4666778, changed query to look at models CIB attribute
|               15-NOV-2005	Kiran Konada
|                               bug#4739807,when rsv is only bcos of receiving
|		16-NOV-2005	Kiran Konada
|				bug# 4743430
|				For homogenous supply with receiving as one of
|				reservations types. L_toekn2 is null, So the status
|				would be just IN_RECEIVING
|		01-Dec-2005	Kiran Konada
|				FP of bugfix 4051282
|                               Main line bug#4350569

Line: 289

    select activity_status
    into   p_activity_status
    from   wf_item_activity_statuses was
    where  was.item_type      = p_itemtype
    and    was.item_key       = p_itemkey
    and    was.process_activity in
	(SELECT wpa.instance_id
	FROM  wf_process_activities wpa
	 WHERE wpa.activity_name = p_activity_name);
Line: 422

  Select org_id
  into   l_line_org_id
  from   oe_order_lines_all
  where  line_id = p_itemkey;
Line: 466

			function to update the line status, we set the org
			context to the org_id on oe_order_lines_all. After
			returning from the OM function, we reset the org
			context to the WIP operating unit (profile MO:op unit)

	fix for bug 1895563 :
			Removed the top most if statement which was
	            	checking if order was booked and (scheduled or reserved)

FUNCTION display_wf_status(
		 p_order_line_id  IN      NUMBER
return INTEGER is

  v_ordered_quantity         NUMBER;
Line: 520

  select oel.header_id,
	 INV_CONVERT.inv_um_convert(	--bug 2317701
		5,		-- pass precision of 5
         oel.ship_from_org_id ,
	 oel.ato_line_id,            --added for patchset J
	 oel.top_model_line_id,       --added for patchset J
  into   v_header_id,
  from   oe_order_lines_all oel,
	 mtl_system_items msi
  where  line_id = p_order_line_id
  and 	 oel.inventory_item_id = msi.inventory_item_id
  and    oel.ship_from_org_id = msi.organization_id;
Line: 601

        select 'Y'
	INTO  l_req_created
	from  oe_drop_ship_sources
	where line_id = p_order_line_id;
Line: 647

    INTO   l_original_org_id
Line: 767

    select upper(item_type_code)
         , ato_line_id
         , source_type_code
         , header_id
    into  v_item_type_code
        , v_ato_line_id
        , v_source_type_code
        , v_header_id
    from oe_order_lines_all
    where line_id = p_order_line_id;
Line: 825

	select poh.authorization_status
	into   v_authorization_status
	from   po_headers_all poh,
               po_lines_all pol,
	       oe_drop_ship_sources ods
         where    ods.header_id = v_header_id
         and      ods.line_id = p_order_line_id
         and      ods.po_header_id = poh.po_header_id
         and      pol.po_line_id = ods.po_line_id
         and      nvl(pol.cancel_flag, 'N') <> 'Y';
Line: 957

   Procedure:   wf_update_after_inv_reserv
   Parameters:  p_order_line_id
                x_return_status         - standard API output parameter
                x_msg_count             -           "
                x_msg_data              -           "

   Description: update an order line status after inventory reservation

PROCEDURE wf_update_after_inv_reserv(
        p_order_line_id   IN      NUMBER,
        x_return_status OUT NOCOPY    VARCHAR2,
        x_msg_count     OUT NOCOPY    NUMBER,
        x_msg_data      OUT NOCOPY    VARCHAR2

   l_api_name                CONSTANT varchar2(40)   := 'wf_update_after_inv_reserv';
Line: 996

       cto_wip_workflow_api_pk.cto_debug('WF_UPDATE_AFTER_INV_RESERV','Entering wf_update_after_inv_reserv');
Line: 1000

    	oe_debug_pub.add('wf_update_after_inv_reserv: ' || 'Entering wf_update_after_inv_reserv', 2);
Line: 1006

       cto_wip_workflow_api_pk.cto_debug('WF_UPDATE_AFTER_INV_RESERV', 'Before selecting info from oe_order_lines_all');
Line: 1010

    select item_type_code,
    into   v_item_type_code,
    from   oe_order_lines_all
    where  line_id = p_order_line_id;
Line: 1017

       cto_wip_workflow_api_pk.cto_debug('WF_UPDATE_AFTER_INV_RESERV', 'ato_line_id = '||v_ato_line_id);
Line: 1018

       cto_wip_workflow_api_pk.cto_debug('WF_UPDATE_AFTER_INV_RESERV', 'v_item_type_code = '||v_item_type_code);
Line: 1019

       oe_debug_pub.add('wf_update_after_inv_reserv: ato_line_id:' || v_ato_line_id);
Line: 1020

       oe_debug_pub.add('wf_update_after_inv_reserv: v_item_type_code:' || v_item_type_code);
Line: 1021

       oe_debug_pub.add('wf_update_after_inv_reserv: p_order_line_id:' || p_order_line_id);
Line: 1040

	oe_debug_pub.add('wf_update_after_inv_reserv: ' || 'item_type_code is STANDARD/OPTION/INCLUDED => an ato item', 4);
Line: 1043

          cto_wip_workflow_api_pk.cto_debug('WF_UPDATE_AFTER_INV_RESERV','Before querying wf_activity_status..');
Line: 1055

          cto_wip_workflow_api_pk.cto_debug('WF_UPDATE_AFTER_INV_RESERV','v_activity_status_code = '||
Line: 1064

         cto_wip_workflow_api_pk.cto_debug('WF_UPDATE_AFTER_INV_RESERV','Complete the workflow
                                                   stmt no : 30');
Line: 1077

              oe_debug_pub.add('WF_UPDATE_AFTER_INV_RESERV: Complete_activity is successful',5);
Line: 1082

              oe_debug_pub.add('WF_UPDATE_AFTER_INV_RESERV: Complete_activity function returned error..',5);
Line: 1091

         cto_wip_workflow_api_pk.cto_debug('WF_UPDATE_AFTER_INV_RESERV','Before calling display_wf_status..'||
		                                   'from l_stmt_num=>'||l_stmt_num);
Line: 1093

         	oe_debug_pub.add('wf_update_after_inv_reserv: ' || 'Before calling display_wf_status.. from l_stmt_num=>'||l_stmt_num,2);
Line: 1099

         cto_wip_workflow_api_pk.cto_debug('WF_UPDATE_AFTER_INV_RESERV','Return value after display_wf_status'
Line: 1101

	 	oe_debug_pub.add('wf_update_after_inv_reserv: ' || 'Return value after display_wf_status at l_stmt_num=>'||l_stmt_num||'is'
Line: 1115

            cto_wip_workflow_api_pk.cto_debug('WF_UPDATE_AFTER_INV_RESERV','Stmt no : 40, query
                                                   wf_activity status..');
Line: 1126

            cto_wip_workflow_api_pk.cto_debug('WF_UPDATE_AFTER_INV_RESERV','v_activity_status_code = '||
Line: 1135

               cto_wip_workflow_api_pk.cto_debug('WF_UPDATE_AFTER_INV_RESERV','Stmt no : 50
                                                           querying wf_activity_status');
Line: 1145

               cto_wip_workflow_api_pk.cto_debug('WF_UPDATE_AFTER_INV_RESERV', 'v_actitivity_status_code ='||
Line: 1152

                                                    'Before calling display_wf_status..'||
			                            'from l_stmt_num=>'||l_stmt_num);
Line: 1155

                  	oe_debug_pub.add('wf_update_after_inv_reserv: ' || 'Before calling display_wf_status.. from l_stmt_num=>'||l_stmt_num,2);
Line: 1162

                                                    'Return value after display_wf_status'
Line: 1165

	          	oe_debug_pub.add('wf_update_after_inv_reserv: ' || 'Return value after display_wf_status at l_stmt_num=>'||l_stmt_num||'is'
Line: 1173

                cto_wip_workflow_api_pk.cto_debug('WF_UPDATE_AFTER_INV_RESERV','Before calling display_wf_status..'||
                                                           'from l_stmt_num=>'||l_stmt_num);
Line: 1175

                	oe_debug_pub.add('wf_update_after_inv_reserv: ' || 'Before calling display_wf_status.. from l_stmt_num=>'||l_stmt_num,2);
Line: 1182

                cto_wip_workflow_api_pk.cto_debug('WF_UPDATE_AFTER_INV_RESERV','Return value after display_wf_status'
Line: 1184

	        	oe_debug_pub.add('wf_update_after_inv_reserv: ' || 'Return value after display_wf_status at l_stmt_num=>'||l_stmt_num||'is'
Line: 1193

                   cto_wip_workflow_api_pk.cto_debug('WF_UPDATE_AFTER_INV_RESERV','Raising CTO_ERROR_FROM_DISPLAY_STATUS');
Line: 1210

                                          ' Stmt no : 60 , querying activity_status');
Line: 1221

          cto_wip_workflow_api_pk.cto_debug('WF_UPDATE_AFTER_INV_RESERV',' v_actitivity_status_code = '||
Line: 1230

          cto_wip_workflow_api_pk.cto_debug('WF_UPDATE_AFTER_INV_RESERV','Stmt no : 70, Completing
                                                   workflow activity..');
Line: 1243

              oe_debug_pub.add('WF_UPDATE_AFTER_INV_RESERV: complete_activity is sucessful ',5);
Line: 1247

              oe_debug_pub.add('WF_UPDATE_AFTER_INV_RESERV: Complete_activity function returned error..',5);
Line: 1259

          cto_wip_workflow_api_pk.cto_debug('WF_UPDATE_AFTER_INV_RESERV',' Stmt no : 80 querying
Line: 1269

          cto_wip_workflow_api_pk.cto_debug('WF_UPDATE_AFTER_INV_RESERV','v_activity_status_code = '||
Line: 1278

             cto_wip_workflow_api_pk.cto_debug('WF_UPDATE_AFTER_INV_RESERV',' Stmt no : 90,
                                                          querying wf_activity_status');
Line: 1288

             cto_wip_workflow_api_pk.cto_debug('WF_UPDATE_AFTER_INV_RESERV', ' v_activity_status_code = '||
Line: 1295

                cto_wip_workflow_api_pk.cto_debug('wf_update_after_inv_reserv', 'v_activity_status_code <> NOTIFIED');
Line: 1296

                cto_wip_workflow_api_pk.cto_debug('wf_update_after_inv_reserv', 'Raising CTO_INVALID_ACTIVITY_STATUS');
Line: 1312

      cto_wip_workflow_api_pk.cto_debug('WF_UPDATE_AFTER_INV_RESERV',' Before calling display_wf_status');
Line: 1318

      cto_wip_workflow_api_pk.cto_debug('WF_UPDATE_AFTER_INV_RESERV',' Return_value from display_wf_status = '||
Line: 1324

                cto_wip_workflow_api_pk.cto_debug('WF_UPDATE_AFTER_INV_RESERV','Raising CTO_ERROR_FROM_DISPLAY_STATUS');
Line: 1332

   cto_wip_workflow_api_pk.cto_debug('WF_UPDATE_AFTER_INV_RESERV',' Exiting wf_update_after_inv_reserv');
Line: 1335

   	oe_debug_pub.add('wf_update_after_inv_reserv: ' || 'Exiting wf_update_after_inv_reserv', 2);
Line: 1341

		oe_debug_pub.add('wf_update_after_inv_reserv: ' || 'exp error in CTO_WORKFLOW_API_PK.wf_update_after_inv_reserv::stmt number '||to_char(l_stmt_num), 1);
Line: 1345

                                          'Exp error in CTO_WORKFLOW_API_PK.wf_update_inv_reserv::
                                                stmt no : '||to_char(l_stmt_num)||'::'||sqlerrm);
Line: 1358

    		oe_debug_pub.add('wf_update_after_inv_reserv: ' || 'unexp error in CTO_WORKFLOW_API_PK.wf_update_after_inv_reserv::stmt number '||to_char(l_stmt_num), 1);
Line: 1359

                                          'UNExp error in CTO_WORKFLOW_API_PK.wf_update_inv_reserv::
                                                stmt no : '||to_char(l_stmt_num)||'::'||sqlerrm);
Line: 1372

    		oe_debug_pub.add('wf_update_after_inv_reserv: ' || 'unexp error in CTO_WORKFLOW_API_PK.wf_update_after_inv_reserv::stmt number '||to_char(l_stmt_num), 1);
Line: 1374

		oe_debug_pub.add('wf_update_after_inv_reserv: ' || sqlerrm, 1);
Line: 1377

        cto_wip_workflow_api_pk.cto_debug('WF_UPDATE_AFTER_INV_RESERV', 'OTHERS excpn: stmt no : '||to_char(l_stmt_num));
Line: 1378

        cto_wip_workflow_api_pk.cto_debug('WF_UPDATE_AFTER_INV_RESERV', sqlerrm);
Line: 1391

END wf_update_after_inv_reserv;
Line: 1430

    select item_type_code, ato_line_id
    into  v_item_type_code, v_ato_line_id
    from oe_order_lines_all
    where line_id = p_order_line_id;
Line: 1553

   Procedure:   wf_update_after_inv_unreserv
   Parameters:  p_order_line_id
                x_return_status         - standard API output parameter
                x_msg_count             -           "
                x_msg_data              -           "

   Description: update an order line status after inventory unreservation

   The logic for this procedure is as follows:

  1. IF the Workflow is in Ship Notified  then check for the reservation (All kinds)
     for this line. If there is no reservation found, Move the workflow to Create
     Supply order eligible.

  2. IF the line is not in Ship notified  then, Check if it is a config line. If it is
     a config line error out.

  3. Call display_wf_status for all the scenarios.

  4. In the case ATO item, No action is taken if the line is not in Ship notified.

  5. This API is called for all types if items.


PROCEDURE wf_update_after_inv_unreserv(
        p_order_line_id   IN      NUMBER,
        x_return_status OUT  NOCOPY   VARCHAR2,
        x_msg_count     OUT  NOCOPY   NUMBER,
        x_msg_data      OUT  NOCOPY   VARCHAR2

    l_api_name          CONSTANT varchar2(40)   := 'wf_update_after_inv_unreserv';
Line: 1624

	SELECT interface_source_line_id
        FROM   po_requisitions_interface_alL
        WHERE  interface_source_line_id = l_split_from_line_id
        AND    process_flag  is NULL
	and    item_id   = l_inventory_item_id
        FOR UPDATE of interface_source_line_id NOWAIT;
Line: 1655

        cto_wip_workflow_api_pk.cto_debug('wf_update_after_inv_unreserv', 'In wf_update_after_inv_unreserv');
Line: 1656

    	oe_debug_pub.add('wf_update_after_inv_unreserv: ' || 'Entering wf_update_after_inv_unreserv', 2);
Line: 1666

    select item_type_code,
	   inventory_item_id, --added by kiran
	   ship_from_org_id,   --added by kiran
	   nvl(shipping_interfaced_flag,'N'),   -- Bug fix 4863275
           open_flag                            -- Bugfix 7214005

           l_ship_xfaced_flag,            -- Bug fix 4863275
           v_open_flag                    -- Bugfix 7214005
    from   oe_order_lines_all
    where  line_id = p_order_line_id;
Line: 1686

        cto_wip_workflow_api_pk.cto_debug('wf_update_after_inv_unreserv', 'ATO Line Id    = '||v_ato_line_id);
Line: 1687

        cto_wip_workflow_api_pk.cto_debug('wf_update_after_inv_unreserv', 'Item Type Code = '||v_item_type_code);
Line: 1688

        cto_wip_workflow_api_pk.cto_debug('wf_update_after_inv_unreserv', 'Open Flag = '||v_open_flag);
Line: 1689

        oe_debug_pub.add('wf_update_after_inv_unreserv ' || 'ATO Line Id    ='||v_ato_line_id, 1);
Line: 1690

        oe_debug_pub.add('wf_update_after_inv_unreserv ' || 'Item Type Code ='||v_item_type_code, 1);
Line: 1691

        oe_debug_pub.add('wf_update_after_inv_unreserv ' || 'Open Flag ='||v_open_flag, 1);
Line: 1729

           	oe_debug_pub.add('wf_update_after_inv_unreserv: ' || 'Ship Line Notified...',1);
Line: 1747

	        oe_debug_pub.add('wf_update_after_inv_unreserv: ' ||'check_cto_can_create_supply'
		                 ||'x_return_status=> ' || x_return_status);
Line: 1750

           	oe_debug_pub.add('wf_update_after_inv_unreserv: ' ||
		                    'l_can_create_supply is=>'||l_can_create_supply,1);
Line: 1773

           select count(*)
           into   v_counter
	   from   mtl_reservations
  	   where  demand_source_type_id = decode (l_source_document_type_id, 10,
					 	  inv_reservation_global.g_source_type_oe )	-- bugfix 1799874
           and    demand_source_line_id = p_order_line_id
	   and    primary_reservation_quantity > 0;
Line: 1783

           cto_wip_workflow_api_pk.cto_debug('wf_update_after_inv_unreserv', 'v_counter =  '||v_counter);
Line: 1793

	   select count(*)
           into   v_counter2
	   from   wip_flow_schedules
	   where  demand_source_type = 2
	   and    demand_source_line = to_char(p_order_line_id)
	   and    status <> 2;		-- 3076061  Flow Schedule status : 1 = Open  2 = Closed/Completed
Line: 1802

	   -- Since flow does not update the schedule with new line_id when the order line is split, we need
	   -- to call the following function which will determine the open quantity.
	   -- If open_qty exists, we should keep the workflow in SHIP_LINE.

	   if v_counter2 = 0 then
		v_counter2 :=
		MRP_FLOW_SCHEDULE_UTIL.GET_FLOW_QUANTITY( p_demand_source_line => to_char(p_order_line_id),
							  p_demand_source_type => inv_reservation_global.g_source_type_oe,
							  p_demand_source_delivery => NULL,
							  p_use_open_quantity => 'Y');
Line: 1816

           cto_wip_workflow_api_pk.cto_debug('wf_update_after_inv_unreserv', 'v_counter2 =  '||v_counter2);
Line: 1837

                   SET interface_source_line_id = p_order_line_id
                   WHERE CURRENT OF INT_REQ;
Line: 1855

           SELECT Nvl(Sum(quantity),0)
           INTO   l_po_req_qty
           FROM   po_requisitions_interface_all
           WHERE  interface_source_line_id = p_order_line_id
	       and    item_id    = l_inventory_item_id
           AND    process_flag is null;
Line: 1863

           cto_wip_workflow_api_pk.cto_debug('wf_update_after_inv_unreserv', 'l_po_req_qty =  '||l_po_req_qty);
Line: 1873

	   -- We need to check from OM if its okay to update the workflow back to create supply order
	   -- eligible. We will call Get_Min_max_Tolerance_Quantity to see whether OM will fulfil this line.
	   -- If so, we will not update the w/f
	   -- Eg, OQ=10, ship tolerance belo=20%; WO Qty=10; Complete=8; Ship=8; Inv i/f;
Line: 1879

	   -- OM/Shipping will call Inv to delete any reservations existing and inv will unreserve qty=2
	   -- after validating against CTO. Now, wf_update_after_inv_unreserv will make the line back to
	   -- create supply order eligible !! and OM i/f will fail since it expect it to be in ship
	   -- notified.
	   -- Get_Min_Max_Tolerance_Quantity will return x_min_remaining_quantity=0 if fulfilled.
	   -- If this value is 0, then, we do not update the w/f status back to create supply eligible.

	   If l_ship_xfaced_flag = 'Y' Then
	   	oe_debug_pub.add ('wf_update_after_inv_unreserv: ' || 'CTO: Calling OE_Shipping_Integration_Pub.Get_Min_Max_Tolerance_Quantity..', 4);
Line: 1910

							'Failed in WSH_Integration_Pub.Get Tolerance');
Line: 1912

                   	oe_debug_pub.add('wf_update_after_inv_unreserv: ' || 'CTO:Failed in WSH_Integration_Pub.Get Tolerance :' || v_x_return_status, 1);
Line: 1918

		   	oe_debug_pub.add ('wf_update_after_inv_unreserv: ' || 'CTO: Returned from WSH_Integration_Pub.Get_Min_Max_Tolerance_Quantity.', 4);
Line: 1920

                   	oe_debug_pub.add('wf_update_after_inv_unreserv: ' || 'v_counter = '|| v_counter, 4);
Line: 1922

                   	oe_debug_pub.add('wf_update_after_inv_unreserv: ' || 'v_counter2 = '|| v_counter2, 4);
Line: 1924

                   	oe_debug_pub.add('wf_update_after_inv_unreserv: ' || 'x_min_remaining_quantity = '|| l_out_attributes.min_remaining_quantity, 4);
Line: 1926

                   	oe_debug_pub.add('wf_update_after_inv_unreserv: ' || 'x_max_remaining_quantity = '|| l_out_attributes.max_remaining_quantity, 4);
Line: 1928

                   	oe_debug_pub.add('wf_update_after_inv_unreserv: ' || 'x_min_remaining_quantity2 = '|| l_out_attributes.min_remaining_quantity2, 4);
Line: 1930

                   	oe_debug_pub.add('wf_update_after_inv_unreserv: ' || 'x_max_remaining_quantity2 = '|| l_out_attributes.max_remaining_quantity2, 4);
Line: 1940

           cto_wip_workflow_api_pk.cto_debug('wf_update_after_inv_unreserv', 'v_x_min_remaining_quantity =  '|| l_out_attributes.min_remaining_quantity);
Line: 1941

	   cto_wip_workflow_api_pk.cto_debug('Wf_update_after_inv_unreserve',' Shipping interfaced flag = '||l_ship_xfaced_flag);
Line: 1942

  	   oe_debug_pub.add('Wf_update_after_inv_unreserve: Shipping interfaced flag = '||l_ship_xfaced_flag);
Line: 1957

                cto_wip_workflow_api_pk.cto_debug('wf_update_after_inv_unreserv', 'No Reservations exists... Updating workflow.');
Line: 1958

              	oe_debug_pub.add('wf_update_after_inv_unreserv: ' || 'No Reservation Exists...',1);
Line: 1982

              	    oe_debug_pub.add('wf_update_after_inv_unreserv: ' || 'Renga: Updating the shipping attributes..',1);
Line: 1983

                                                        'Renga : CAlling Shipping update attribute api');
Line: 1986

                 (       p_source_code                   =>      'OE'
                 ,       p_changed_attributes            =>      l_changed_attributes
                 ,       x_return_status                 =>      v_x_return_status
Line: 1996

Line: 1998

                   	oe_debug_pub.add('wf_update_after_inv_unreserv: ' || 'CTO:Failed in WSH_INTERFACE.update_shipping_attributes :', 1);
Line: 2004

                   	oe_debug_pub.add('wf_update_after_inv_unreserv: ' || ' Renga: Success in update_shipping attributes..', 2);
Line: 2005

						     ' Renga: Success in update_shipping attributes..');
Line: 2022

                 oe_debug_pub.add('WF_UPDATE_AFTER_INV_RESERV: Complete_activity is successful',5);
Line: 2027

                 oe_debug_pub.add('WF_UPDATE_AFTER_INV_RESERV: Complete_activity function returned error..',5);
Line: 2034

              	oe_debug_pub.add('wf_update_after_inv_unreserv: ' || 'Reservation Exists. Will not update workflow status.',1);
Line: 2049

              cto_wip_workflow_api_pk.cto_debug('wf_update_after_inv_unreserv', 'Raising CTO_ERROR_FROM_DISPLAY_STATUS');
Line: 2070

        cto_wip_workflow_api_pk.cto_debug('wf_update_after_inv_unreserv', 'Exiting wf_update_after_inv_unreserv');
Line: 2071

     	oe_debug_pub.add('wf_update_after_inv_unreserv: ' || 'Exiting wf_update_after_inv_unreserv', 2);
Line: 2078

		oe_debug_pub.add('wf_update_after_inv_unreserv: ' || 'exp error in CTO_WORKFLOW_API_PK.wf_update_after_inv_unreserv::stmt number '||to_char(l_stmt_num), 1);
Line: 2079

        cto_wip_workflow_api_pk.cto_debug('WF_UPDATE_AFTER_INV_UNRESERVE','exp erro  stmt no :'|| to_char(l_stmt_num));
Line: 2091

		oe_debug_pub.add('wf_update_after_inv_unreserv: ' || 'unexp error in CTO_WORKFLOW_API_PK.wf_update_after_inv_unreserv::stmt number '||to_char(l_stmt_num));
Line: 2092

        cto_wip_workflow_api_pk.cto_debug('WF_UPDATE_AFTER_INV_UNRESERVE','Unexp err stmt no:'|| to_char(l_stmt_num));
Line: 2104

		oe_debug_pub.add('wf_update_after_inv_unreserv: ' || 'unexp error in CTO_WORKFLOW_API_PK.wf_update_after_inv_unreserv::stmt number '||to_char(l_stmt_num), 1);
Line: 2105

		oe_debug_pub.add('wf_update_after_inv_unreserv: ' || sqlerrm, 1);
Line: 2106

        cto_wip_workflow_api_pk.cto_debug('WF_UPDATE_AFTER_INV_UNRESERVE','Unexp errr stmt no :'|| to_char(l_stmt_num));
Line: 2107

Line: 2120

END wf_update_after_inv_unreserv;
Line: 2183

  	select count(*) into v_count
  	from oe_order_lines_all
  	where header_id = v_header_id
  	and   ato_line_id = v_model_id
  	and   item_type_code = 'CONFIG';
Line: 2265

   select ato_line_id, header_id
   into   l_ato_line_id, l_header_id
   from   oe_order_lines_all
   where  line_id = oe_line_security.g_record.line_id
   and    item_type_code <> 'STANDARD'
   and    ato_line_id is not null;
Line: 2275

   select 1
   into   l_config_exists
   from oe_order_lines_all
   where header_id = l_header_id
   and   ato_line_id = l_ato_line_id
   and   item_type_code = 'CONFIG';
Line: 2408

   Procedure:   Update_Config_Line
   Parameters:  p_application_id              (standard signature format)
   Description: This API with standard signature format is called from
                the security constraints to validate whether a change is
                allowed on an order line.
                This API gets called for every item type. It returns
                x_result = 0 if the item is a config item and the line is
		being updated by a system action (like scheduling or
                Otherwise, it returns x_result = 1.

PROCEDURE Update_Config_Line(
	p_application_id	IN	NUMBER,
	p_entity_short_name	IN	VARCHAR2,
	p_validation_entity_short_name	IN	VARCHAR2,
	p_validation_tmplt_short_name	IN	VARCHAR2,
	p_record_set_short_name	IN VARCHAR2,
	p_scope			IN VARCHAR2,
	x_result		OUT NOCOPY NUMBER )

  l_config_item       NUMBER;
Line: 2442

   	oe_debug_pub.add('configuration_created: ' || 'Entering Update_Config_Line', 5);
Line: 2447

   select 1
   into   l_config_item
   from oe_order_lines_all
   where line_id = oe_line_security.g_record.line_id
   and   item_type_code = 'CONFIG';
Line: 2454

   	oe_debug_pub.add('configuration_created: ' || 'This is a config item. Check if update is user or system', 5);
Line: 2461

		oe_debug_pub.add('configuration_created: ' || 'Cascading or scheduling change, allow update', 5);
Line: 2467

		oe_debug_pub.add('configuration_created: ' || 'User change, update not allowed', 5);
Line: 2472

   	oe_debug_pub.add('configuration_created: ' || 'Exiting Update_Config_Line', 5);
Line: 2479

		oe_debug_pub.add('configuration_created: ' || 'CTO_WORKFLOW_API_PK.Update_Config_Line::stmt number '||to_char(l_stmt_num)||'not config item',1);
Line: 2485

		oe_debug_pub.add('configuration_created: ' || 'CTO_WORKFLOW_API_PK.Update_Config_Line::stmt number '||to_char(l_stmt_num)||'others',1);
Line: 2491

END Update_Config_Line;
Line: 2529

  select ato_line_id
  from oe_order_lines_all
  where top_model_line_id = oe_line_security.g_record.top_model_line_id
  and   item_type_code = 'CONFIG';
Line: 2561

   select 1
   into l_config_exists
   from oe_order_lines_all
   where top_model_line_id = oe_line_security.g_record.top_model_line_id
   and   item_type_code = 'CONFIG'
   and rownum = 1;
Line: 2589

		select link_to_line_id
		into l_current_model_line
		from oe_order_lines_all
		where line_id = l_current_model_line;
Line: 2679

   select 1
   into   l_top_ato_model
   from oe_order_lines_all
   where line_id = oe_line_security.g_record.line_id
   and   ato_line_id = line_id;
Line: 2724

		being updated by a system action (like scheduling or
                Otherwise, it returns x_result = 1.

PROCEDURE Config_Line(
	p_application_id	IN	NUMBER,
	p_entity_short_name	IN	VARCHAR2,
	p_validation_entity_short_name	IN	VARCHAR2,
	p_validation_tmplt_short_name	IN	VARCHAR2,
	p_record_set_short_name	IN VARCHAR2,
	p_scope			IN VARCHAR2,
	x_result		OUT NOCOPY NUMBER )

  l_config_item       NUMBER;
Line: 2750

   select 1
   into   l_config_item
   from oe_order_lines_all
   where line_id = oe_line_security.g_record.line_id
   and   item_type_code = 'CONFIG';
Line: 2789

   Description: This API updates the line status to the in parameter (p_change_status)
                based on the line_id provided(p_line_id).
PROCEDURE change_status_batch (
    p_header_id             NUMBER,
    p_line_id               NUMBER,
    p_change_status         VARCHAR2,
    p_oe_org_id             NUMBER,
    x_return_status OUT NOCOPY    VARCHAR2) is

    -- local parameters
    l_message        VARCHAR2(100);
Line: 2819

    select nvl(flow_status_code,'N'), cancelled_flag   --Bugfix 7292113
    into   lFlowStatusCode, l_cancelled_flag
    from   oe_order_lines_all
    where  header_id = p_header_id
    and    line_id = p_line_id;
Line: 2842

	   l_message := 'calling OE_ORDER_WF_UTIL.update_flow_status_code to update flow_status to '||p_change_status;
Line: 2862

				p_header_id		=> p_header_id,
				p_line_id		=> p_line_id,
				p_flow_status_code	=> p_change_status,
				x_return_status		=> x_return_status);
Line: 3013

      select  concurrent_program_id
      into    p_program_id
      from    fnd_concurrent_programs a
      where   concurrent_program_name = 'CTOACREQ'
      and     application_id          = 702; --BOM , bugfix 2885568 for
Line: 3027

      SELECT  *
      INTO    so_line
      FROM    oe_order_lines_all
      WHERE   line_id = to_number(p_itemkey);
Line: 3032

      SELECT  order_number
      INTO    p_order_number
      FROM    oe_order_lines_all a, oe_order_headers_all b
      WHERE   a.header_id = b.header_id
      AND     a.line_id = to_number(p_itemkey);
Line: 3045

            	oe_debug_pub.add('auto_create_pur_req: ' || 'This line has already been selected to be processed by the concurrent request :'||to_char(so_line.request_id),1);
Line: 3168

                       	oe_debug_pub.add('auto_create_pur_req: ' || 'Insert successful.',5);
Line: 3182

                              	oe_debug_pub.add('auto_create_pur_req: ' ||  'Order updated to REQ_REQUESTED.', 5);
Line: 3188

          End; -- Insert record into the interface table.
Line: 3262

   SELECT item_type_code,
   INTO   l_item_type_code,
   WHERE  line_id = oe_line_security.g_record.line_id;
Line: 3387

        select ato_line_id, header_id , inventory_item_id
         into   l_ato_line_id, l_header_id , l_cfg_item_id
          from   oe_order_lines_all
         where  line_id = oe_line_security.g_record.line_id
           and    item_type_code <> 'STANDARD'
           and    ato_line_id is not null;
Line: 3399

         select line_id
           into l_config_line_id
           from oe_order_lines_all
          where header_id = l_header_id
          and   ato_line_id = l_ato_line_id
          and   item_type_code = 'CONFIG';
Line: 3415

              oe_debug_pub.add( 'need to check for CIB attribute as update warehouse is enabled only for CIB = 3 ' , 1) ;
Line: 3427

	     select nvl(msi.config_orgs,1)
	     into   l_config_orgs
	     from   oe_order_lines_all oel,
	            mtl_system_items msi
	     where  oel.line_id = l_ato_line_id
	     and    msi.inventory_item_id = oel.inventory_item_id
	     and    msi.organization_id  = oel.ship_from_org_id;
Line: 3450

         end if ;  /* check CIB attribute for warehouse update */
Line: 3689

        select decode(l_make_flag,'Y',1,0)+decode(l_buy_fg,'Y',1,0)+decode(l_xfer_fg,'Y',1,0)
        into   l_hetro
        from   dual;