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Line 569: hz_locations lc,

565: pa_project_requests r,
566: hz_parties p,
567: hz_party_sites s,
568: --hz_cust_accounts a,--bug#9132476
569: hz_locations lc,
570: fnd_territories_vl ft
571: WHERE r.cust_party_id = p.party_id(+)
572: AND r.cust_party_site_id = s.party_site_id(+)
573: --AND r.cust_account_id = a.cust_account_id(+)--bug#9132476

Line 1100: hz_locations l

1096: FROM
1097: pa_project_requests r,
1098: hz_parties p,
1099: hz_party_sites s,
1100: hz_locations l
1101: WHERE
1102: r.cust_party_id = p.party_id(+)
1103: AND r.cust_party_site_id = s.party_site_id(+)
1104: AND s.location_id =l.location_id(+)

Line 1112: l_country hz_locations.country%TYPE;

1108: -- FOR UPDATE
1109: -- End of 2910113
1111: l_request_customer hz_parties.party_name%TYPE;
1112: l_country hz_locations.country%TYPE;
1113: l_state hz_locations.state%TYPE;
1114: l_city hz_locations.city%TYPE;
1115: l_account_id NUMBER;
1116: l_number_of_accounts NUMBER;

Line 1113: l_state hz_locations.state%TYPE;

1109: -- End of 2910113
1111: l_request_customer hz_parties.party_name%TYPE;
1112: l_country hz_locations.country%TYPE;
1113: l_state hz_locations.state%TYPE;
1114: l_city hz_locations.city%TYPE;
1115: l_account_id NUMBER;
1116: l_number_of_accounts NUMBER;
1117: l_cust_party_id NUMBER;

Line 1114: l_city hz_locations.city%TYPE;

1111: l_request_customer hz_parties.party_name%TYPE;
1112: l_country hz_locations.country%TYPE;
1113: l_state hz_locations.state%TYPE;
1114: l_city hz_locations.city%TYPE;
1115: l_account_id NUMBER;
1116: l_number_of_accounts NUMBER;
1117: l_cust_party_id NUMBER;
1118: l_msg_data VARCHAR2(2000);