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2 /* $Header: pybudcal.pkb 115.1 99/07/17 05:46:32 porting sh $ */
3 --
4  /*===========================================================================+
5  |               Copyright (c) 1993 Oracle Corporation                        |
6  |                  Redwood Shores, California, USA                           |
7  |                       All rights reserved.                                 |
8  +============================================================================+
9   Name
10     hr_budget_calendar
11   Purpose
12     Maintains budgetary calendars ie. creates and removes time periods
13     representing years of calendar.
14   Notes
15     Used by the PAYWSDCL (Define Budgetary Calendar) form.
16   History
17     11-Mar-94  J.S.Hobbs   40.0         Date created.
18  ============================================================================*/
19 --
20  -- Constants to represent the basic period types.
21  WEEKLY      constant varchar2(1) := 'W';
22  MONTHLY     constant varchar2(1) := 'M';
23  SEMIMONTHLY constant varchar2(1) := 'S';
24 --
25   -- A record structure to hold information on a calendar.
26  type t_cal_details is record
27  (
28   period_set_name        varchar2(80),
29   start_date             date,
30   number_of_years        number,
31   actual_period_type     varchar2(30),
32   proc_period_type       varchar2(30),
33   number_per_fiscal_year number,
34   midpoint_offset        number,
35   base_period_type       varchar2(30),
36   multiplier             number,
37   start_year_number      number
38  );
39 --
40  -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
41  -- Name                                                                    --
42  --   midpoint_offset                                                       --
43  -- Purpose                                                                 --
44  --   Returns the midpoint offset used by a semi-monthly calendar.          --
45  -- Arguments                                                               --
46  --   See Below.                                                            --
47  -- Notes                                                                   --
48  --   Used in the PAYWSDCL (Define Budgetary Calendar) form on post query   --
49  --   to display the midpoint offset used in semi-monthly calendars.        --
50  -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
51 --
52  function midpoint_offset
53  (
54   p_period_set_name        varchar2,
55   p_start_date             date
56  ) return number is
57 --
58    v_midpoint_offset number;
59 --
60  begin
61 --
62    -- Find the first time period for the calendar and find how many days are
63    -- between the start and end of the period.
64    begin
65      select tpe.end_date - tpe.start_date + 1
66      into   v_midpoint_offset
67      from   per_time_periods tpe
68      where  tpe.period_set_name = p_period_set_name
69        and  tpe.start_date = p_start_date;
70    exception
71      when no_data_found then
72        hr_utility.set_message(801, 'ALL_PROCEDURE_FAIL');
73        hr_utility.set_message_token('PROCEDURE',
74 				    'hr_budget_calendar.midpoint_offset');
75        hr_utility.set_message_token('STEP', '1');
76        hr_utility.raise_error;
77    end;
81  end midpoint_offset;
78 --
79    return v_midpoint_offset;
80 --
82 --
83  -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
84  -- Name                                                                    --
85  --   num_of_cal_yrs                                                        --
86  -- Purpose                                                                 --
87  --   Counts the number of calendar years that have already been created    --
88  --   for a calendar.                                                       --
89  -- Arguments                                                               --
90  --   See below.                                                            --
91  -- Notes                                                                   --
92  --   Used in the PAYWSDCL (Define Budgetary Calendar) form on post query   --
93  --   to display the current number of calendar years created.              --
94  -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
95 --
96  function num_of_cal_yrs
97  (
98   p_period_set_name varchar2
99  ) return number is
100 --
101    cursor csr_lock_calendar is
102      select cal.period_set_name
103      from   pay_calendars cal
104      where  cal.period_set_name = p_period_set_name
105      for    update;
106 --
107    v_yr_count number := 0;
108 --
109  begin
110 --
111    -- Lock the calendar to stop other users changing the number of calendar
112    -- years.
113    open csr_lock_calendar;
114    close csr_lock_calendar;
115 --
116    -- Count the number of existing periods for the calendar.
117    begin
118      select count(*)
119      into   v_yr_count
120      from   per_time_period_sets tps
121      where  tps.period_set_name = p_period_set_name;
122    exception
123      when no_data_found then null;
124    end;
125 --
126    return (v_yr_count);
127 --
128  end num_of_cal_yrs;
129 --
130  -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
131  -- Name                                                                    --
132  --   Ins_time_period                                                       --
133  -- Purpose                                                                 --
134  --   Create a time period for a calendar.                                  --
135  -- Arguments                                                               --
136  --   See Below.                                                            --
137  -- Notes                                                                   --
138  --   None.                                                                 --
139  -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
140 --
141  procedure Ins_time_period
142  (
143   p_period_set_name varchar2,
144   p_prd_type        varchar2,
145   p_yr_num          number,
146   p_qtr_num         number,
147   p_prd_num         number,
148   p_prd_start_date  date,
149   p_prd_end_date    date
150  ) is
151 --
152  begin
153 --
154    -- Creates a single time period for a calendar if the time period to be
155    -- created does not overlap with an existing time period for the calendar.
156    insert into per_time_periods
157    (time_period_id,
158     period_set_name,
159     period_name,
160     period_type,
161     year_number,
162     period_year,
163     quarter_num,
164     period_num,
165     start_date,
166     end_date,
167     last_update_date,
168     last_updated_by,
169     last_update_login,
170     created_by,
171     creation_date)
172    select
173     per_time_periods_s.nextval,
174     p_period_set_name,
175     to_char(p_prd_num) || ' ' || to_char(p_prd_end_date, 'YYYY') || ' ' ||
176       p_prd_type,
177     p_prd_type,
178     fnd_number.canonical_to_number(to_char(p_prd_end_date, 'YYYY')),
179     p_yr_num,
180     p_qtr_num,
181     p_prd_num,
182     p_prd_start_date,
183     p_prd_end_date,
184     trunc(sysdate),
185     0,
186     0,
187     0,
188     trunc(sysdate)
189    from  sys.dual;
190 --
191  end ins_time_period;
192 --
193  -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
194  -- Name                                                                    --
195  --   time_period_end_date                                                  --
196  -- Purpose                                                                 --
197  --   Calculates the end date of a period.                                  --
198  -- Arguments                                                               --
199  --   See Notes.                                                            --
200  -- Notes                                                                   --
201  --   All period types except Semi-Monthly are defined in terms of a base   --
202  --   period type ie. week or month and a multiplier that determines how    --
203  --   many of the base period type make up a period.                        --
204  --   eg. Semi-Year  ==  6 x month, Fortnight  ==  2 x week etc ...         --
205  --   Given the base period type and the multiplier it is possible to       --
206  --   calculate the end date of a period given its start date.              --
207  -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
208 --
209  function time_period_end_date
210  (
211   p_period_start_date date,
212   p_base_period_type  varchar2,
213   p_multiplier        number,
214   p_midpoint_offset   number,
215   p_saved_end_date    in out date
216  ) return date is
217 --
218    v_prd_end_date date;
219 --
220  begin
221 --
225 --
222    -- Period type is defined in terms of multiples of weeks eg. fortnight etc...
223    if p_base_period_type = WEEKLY then
224      return (p_period_start_date + (7 * p_multiplier) - 1);
226    -- Period type is defined in terms of multiples of months eg. bi-month etc...
227    elsif p_base_period_type = MONTHLY then
228      return (add_months(p_period_start_date, p_multiplier) - 1);
229 --
230    -- Period type is semi-month ie. each month is split into 2 halves divided
231    -- by the midpoint offset eg. 01-jan-1990 - 15-jan-1990, 16-jan-1990 -
232    -- 31-jan-1990 etc ... where the midpoint offset would be 15. The midpoint
233    -- offset is added to the start date of the fist half and is not absolote
234    -- ie. a midpoint offset of 15 does not mean that the first half will
235    -- always end on the 15th of the month.
236    else
237 --
238      -- To simplify processing of semi-monthly calendars both halves of the
239      -- period are calculated together. The first half end date is returned
240      -- and the second half is saved. When the function is called again the
241      -- second half end date is returned.
242      if p_saved_end_date is not null then
243 --
244        v_prd_end_date   := p_saved_end_date;
245        p_saved_end_date := null;
246        return v_prd_end_date;
247 --
248      else
249 --
250        p_saved_end_date := add_months(p_period_start_date,1) - 1;
251        return (p_period_start_date + p_midpoint_offset - 1);
252 --
253      end if;
254 --
255    end if;
256 --
257  end time_period_end_date;
258 --
259  -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
260  -- Name                                                                    --
261  --   get_cal_details                                                       --
262  -- Purpose                                                                 --
263  --   Builds up a record containing information on the calendar. This is    --
264  --   required to be able to generate the calendar.                         --
265  -- Arguments                                                               --
266  --   See Below.                                                            --
267  -- Notes                                                                   --
268  --   None.                                                                 --
269  -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
270 --
271  function get_cal_details
272  (
273   p_period_set_name varchar2,
274   p_midpoint_offset number,
275   p_number_of_years number
276  ) return t_cal_details is
277 --
278    v_cal_details t_cal_details;
279    v_num_yrs     number;
280 --
281  begin
282 --
283    v_cal_details.period_set_name := p_period_set_name;
284    v_cal_details.midpoint_offset := p_midpoint_offset;
285 --
286    begin
287      select cal.start_date,
288 	    cal.actual_period_type,
289             cal.proc_period_type,
290 	    tpt.number_per_fiscal_year
291      into   v_cal_details.start_date,
292 	    v_cal_details.actual_period_type,
293 	    v_cal_details.proc_period_type,
294 	    v_cal_details.number_per_fiscal_year
295      from   pay_calendars cal,
296 	    per_time_period_types tpt
297      where  cal.period_set_name = p_period_set_name
298        and  tpt.period_type = cal.actual_period_type;
299    exception
300      when no_data_found then
301        hr_utility.set_message(801, 'ALL_PROCEDURE_FAIL');
302        hr_utility.set_message_token('PROCEDURE',
303 				    'hr_budget_calendar.get_cal_details');
304        hr_utility.set_message_token('STEP', '1');
305        hr_utility.raise_error;
306    end;
307 --
308    -- Find the base period type and multiplier for the period type.
309    hr_payrolls.get_period_details
310      (v_cal_details.actual_period_type,
311       v_cal_details.base_period_type,
312       v_cal_details.multiplier);
313 --
314    -- See how many years of the calendar have already been defined.
315    v_num_yrs := num_of_cal_yrs(v_cal_details.period_set_name);
317    -- If there have not been any calendar years created yet then it is not
318    -- necessary to change the definition of the calendar ie. the calendar
319    -- start date and number of years can be used.
320    -- If a number of years have already been created then the definition of the
321    -- calendar has to be changed so that only the new calendar years are
322    -- created ie. if 5 years of calendar exist and the number of years is now
323    -- 7 years then it is only necessary to create 2 years of calendar starting
324    -- from when the 5 years of calendar finished.
325    -- If the number of years is actually less than or the same as the number
326    -- of existing years then no action needs to be taken.
327    if v_num_yrs = 0 then
328 --
329      v_cal_details.number_of_years   := p_number_of_years;
330      v_cal_details.start_year_number := 1;
331 --
332    elsif v_num_yrs < p_number_of_years then
333 --
334      -- Find how many years of time periods need to be created.
335      v_cal_details.number_of_years := p_number_of_years - v_num_yrs;
336 --
337      -- Set the start date of the calendar to be the day after the last time
338      -- period.
339      select max(tpe.end_date) + 1
340      into   v_cal_details.start_date
341      from   per_time_periods tpe
342      where  tpe.period_set_name = v_cal_details.period_set_name;
343 --
344      v_cal_details.start_year_number := v_num_yrs + 1;
345 --
346    else
347 --
348      v_cal_details.number_of_years := 0;
349 --
350    end if;
351 --
352    return v_cal_details;
353 --
354  end get_cal_details;
355 --
356  -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
360  --   Generates a number of years of time periods for a calendar.           --
357  -- Name                                                                    --
358  --   generate                                                              --
359  -- Purpose                                                                 --
361  -- Arguments                                                               --
362  --   p_number_of_years should be the number of calendar years that exist   --
363  --   after the code has completed.                                         --
364  -- Notes                                                                   --
365  --   None.                                                                 --
366  -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
367 --
368  procedure generate
369  (
370   p_period_set_name varchar2,
371   p_midpoint_offset number,
372   p_number_of_years number
373  ) is
374 --
375    v_cal_details        t_cal_details;
376    v_yr_created         boolean := FALSE;
377    v_yr_num             number := 0;
378    v_qtr_num            number;
379    v_prd_num            number := 0;
380    v_prd_start_date     date;
381    v_prd_end_date       date;
382    v_yr_start_date      date;
383    v_yr_end_date        date;
384    v_1st_qtr_end_date   date;
385    v_2nd_qtr_end_date   date;
386    v_3rd_qtr_end_date   date;
387    v_4th_qtr_end_date   date;
388    v_saved_prd_end_date date;
389 --
390  begin
391 --
392    -- Fetch calendar information required to generate the calendar years ie.
393    -- basic period type, number per fiscal year etc ...
394    v_cal_details := get_cal_details(p_period_set_name,
395 		                    p_midpoint_offset,
396 		                    p_number_of_years);
397 --
398    -- No calendar years need to be created so exit procedure.
399    if v_cal_details.number_of_years = 0 then
400      return;
401    end if;
402 --
403    v_yr_num           := v_cal_details.start_year_number;
404    v_yr_start_date    := v_cal_details.start_date;
405 --
406    -- Create v_num_yrs years of time periods for the calendar.
407    for v_yr_count in 1..v_cal_details.number_of_years loop
408 --
409      v_yr_created     := FALSE;
410      v_yr_end_date    := add_months(v_yr_start_date, 12) - 1;
411      v_prd_num        := 1;
412      v_prd_start_date := v_yr_start_date;
413 --
414      -- Calculate the quarter end dates for later use in calculating which
415      -- quarter a period lies in.
416      v_1st_qtr_end_date := add_months(v_yr_start_date,3) - 1;
417      v_2nd_qtr_end_date := add_months(v_yr_start_date,6) - 1;
418      v_3rd_qtr_end_date := add_months(v_yr_start_date,9) - 1;
419      v_4th_qtr_end_date := add_months(v_yr_start_date,12) - 1;
420 --
421      -- Create a calendar year. This is to allow the 2.3 form to query back
422      -- calendars created by the 4.0 form and vice versa.
423      insert into per_time_period_sets
424      (start_date,
425       period_set_name,
426       period_type,
427       end_date_q1,
428       end_date_q2,
429       end_date_q3,
430       end_date_q4,
431       month_mid_day,
432       year_number)
433      values
434      (v_yr_start_date,
435       v_cal_details.period_set_name,
436       v_cal_details.actual_period_type,
437       v_1st_qtr_end_date,
438       v_2nd_qtr_end_date,
439       v_3rd_qtr_end_date,
440       v_4th_qtr_end_date,
441       v_cal_details.midpoint_offset,
442       v_yr_num);
443 --
444      -- Keep looping until a calendars year of time periods have been created.
445      loop
446 --
447        -- Get the end date of the period about to be created.
448        v_prd_end_date := time_period_end_date
449                            (v_prd_start_date,
450                             v_cal_details.base_period_type,
451                             v_cal_details.multiplier,
452                             v_cal_details.midpoint_offset,
453 			    v_saved_prd_end_date);
454 --
455        -- If the period ends on or overlaps with the end of the calendar year
456        -- then adjust its end date so it falls within the calendar year and
457        -- also flag that a calendar year of time periods has been created.
458        if v_prd_end_date >= v_yr_end_date then
459          v_prd_end_date := v_yr_end_date;
460          v_yr_created   := TRUE;
461        end if;
462 --
463        -- Set the quarter number to the quarter in which the end of the
464        -- period falls NB. for period types with a number per fiscal year < 4
465        -- then there will not be enough periods to divide between the quarters.
466        if v_cal_details.number_per_fiscal_year >= 4 then
467          if v_prd_end_date between v_yr_start_date and
468 				   v_1st_qtr_end_date then
469 	   v_qtr_num := 1;
470          elsif v_prd_end_date between v_1st_qtr_end_date + 1 and
471 				      v_2nd_qtr_end_date then
472 	   v_qtr_num := 2;
473          elsif v_prd_end_date between v_2nd_qtr_end_date + 1 and
474 				      v_3rd_qtr_end_date then
475 	   v_qtr_num := 3;
476          else
477 	   v_qtr_num := 4;
478          end if;
479        end if;
480 --
481        -- Create time period.
482        ins_time_period
483 	 (v_cal_details.period_set_name,
484           v_cal_details.actual_period_type,
485 	  v_yr_num,
486 	  v_qtr_num,
487           v_prd_num,
488           v_prd_start_date,
489           v_prd_end_date);
490 --
491        exit when v_yr_created;
492 --
493        -- Increment the period number for the next period and also calculate
494        -- the start date of the next period.
495        v_prd_num        := v_prd_num + 1;
496        v_prd_start_date := v_prd_end_date + 1;
497 --
498      end loop;
499 --
500      v_yr_num        := v_yr_num + 1;
501      v_yr_start_date := v_prd_end_date + 1;
502 --
503    end loop;
504 --
505  end generate;
506 --
507  -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
508  -- Name                                                                    --
509  --   remove                                                                --
510  -- Purpose                                                                 --
511  --   Removes a number of years of time periods for a calendar.             --
512  -- Arguments                                                               --
513  --   p_number_of_years should be the number of calendar years that exist   --
514  --   after the code has completed.                                         --
515  -- Notes                                                                   --
516  --   None.                                                                 --
517  -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
518 --
519  procedure remove
520  (
521   p_period_set_name   varchar2,
522   p_number_of_years   number,
523   p_at_least_one_year boolean
524  ) is
525 --
526    cursor csr_budget_values is
527      select tpe.time_period_id
528      from   per_time_periods tpe
529      where  tpe.period_set_name = p_period_set_name
530        and  tpe.period_year     > p_number_of_years
531        and  exists
532 	    (select null
533 	     from   per_budget_values bv
534 	     where  bv.time_period_id = tpe.time_period_id);
535 --
536    v_time_period_id number;
537 --
538  begin
539 --
540    -- At least one year of time periods must exist for the calendar unless the
541    -- calendar is being removed where all time period need to be removed.
542    if p_at_least_one_year and p_number_of_years < 1 then
543        hr_utility.set_message(801, 'HR_7087_TIME_ONE_YR_AT_LEAST');
544        hr_utility.raise_error;
545    else
546 --
547      -- See if any of the time periods to be removed are used by a budget.
548      open csr_budget_values;
549      fetch csr_budget_values into v_time_period_id;
550      if csr_budget_values%found then
551        close csr_budget_values;
552        hr_utility.set_message(801, 'HR_7088_TIME_USED_IN_BUDGET');
553        hr_utility.raise_error;
554      else
555        close csr_budget_values;
556      end if;
557 --
558      -- Remove all time periods that exist in years greater than the new
559      -- number of years.
560      delete from per_time_periods tpe
561      where  tpe.period_set_name = p_period_set_name
562        and  tpe.period_year     > p_number_of_years;
563 --
564      -- Remove calendar years.
565      delete from per_time_period_sets tps
566      where  tps.period_set_name = p_period_set_name
567        and  tps.year_number > p_number_of_years;
568 --
569    end if;
570 --
571  end remove;
572 --