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APPS.POR_UTIL_PKG dependencies on FND_LOBS

Line 5869: from fnd_lobs fl, fnd_documents fd, fnd_attached_documents fad

5865: 'Progress: ' || l_progress || ' Start');
5866: END IF;
5868: select count(1) into l_pdf_exists
5869: from fnd_lobs fl, fnd_documents fd, fnd_attached_documents fad
5870: where fad.document_id = fd.document_id and fd.media_id = fl.file_id
5871: and fad.entity_name = 'REQ_HEADS' and fad.pk1_value = p_document_id;
5873: l_progress := '020';

Line 6079: l_filename fnd_lobs.file_name%type;

6075: PROCEDURE pdf_attach_mipr(document_id in varchar2,
6076: content_type in varchar2,
6077: document in out nocopy blob,
6078: document_type in out nocopy varchar2) IS
6079: l_filename fnd_lobs.file_name%type;
6080: l_document_id number;
6081: l_document blob;
6082: l_document_length number;
6083: l_itemkey varchar2(60);

Line 6104: FROM fnd_lobs fl, fnd_documents fd, fnd_attached_documents fad

6100: itemkey => l_itemkey,
6101: aname => 'DOCUMENT_ID');
6103: SELECT fl.file_data, fl.file_name into l_document, l_filename
6104: FROM fnd_lobs fl, fnd_documents fd, fnd_attached_documents fad
6105: WHERE fad.document_id = fd.document_id AND fd.media_id = fl.file_id
6106: AND fad.entity_name = 'REQ_HEADS' AND fad.pk1_value = l_document_id;
6108: l_document_length := dbms_lob.GetLength(l_document);