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1 PACKAGE BODY Pji_Rep_Prf_Dflt_Params AS
2 /* $Header: PJIRX08B.pls 120.9 2006/10/20 13:19:33 ajdas noship $ */
4 --
5 -- This api will derive default values for the listed parameters
6 --
7 PROCEDURE derive_dflt_params(
8   p_project_id                   NUMBER
9 , x_WBS_Version_ID               OUT NOCOPY NUMBER
10 , x_WBS_Element_Id               OUT NOCOPY NUMBER
11 , x_RBS_Version_ID               OUT NOCOPY NUMBER
12 , x_RBS_Element_Id               OUT NOCOPY NUMBER
13 , x_calendar_id                  OUT NOCOPY NUMBER
14 , x_calendar_type                OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
15 , x_report_date_julian           OUT NOCOPY NUMBER
16 , x_period_name                  OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
17 , x_actual_version_id            OUT NOCOPY NUMBER
18 , x_cstforecast_version_id       OUT NOCOPY NUMBER
19 , x_cstbudget_version_id         OUT NOCOPY NUMBER
20 , x_cstbudget2_version_id        OUT NOCOPY NUMBER
21 , x_revforecast_version_id       OUT NOCOPY NUMBER
22 , x_revbudget_version_id         OUT NOCOPY NUMBER
23 , x_revbudget2_version_id        OUT NOCOPY NUMBER
24 , x_orig_cstbudget_version_id    OUT NOCOPY NUMBER
25 , x_orig_cstbudget2_version_id   OUT NOCOPY NUMBER
26 , x_orig_revbudget_version_id    OUT NOCOPY NUMBER
27 , x_orig_revbudget2_version_id   OUT NOCOPY NUMBER
28 , x_prior_cstforecast_version_id OUT NOCOPY NUMBER
29 , x_prior_revforecast_version_id OUT NOCOPY NUMBER
30 , x_cstforecast_plan_type_id	 OUT NOCOPY NUMBER
31 , x_cstbudget_plan_type_id		 OUT NOCOPY NUMBER
32 , x_cstbudget2_plan_type_id		 OUT NOCOPY NUMBER
33 , x_revforecast_plan_type_id	 OUT NOCOPY NUMBER
34 , x_revbudget_plan_type_id		 OUT NOCOPY NUMBER
35 , x_revbudget2_plan_type_id		 OUT NOCOPY NUMBER
39 , x_Factor_By                    OUT NOCOPY NUMBER
36 , x_currency_record_type         OUT NOCOPY NUMBER
37 , x_Currency_Code                OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
38 , x_currency_type                OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
40 , x_prg_display                   OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
41 , x_Effort_UOM                   OUT NOCOPY NUMBER
42 , x_slice_name                   OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
43 , x_task_ref_flag                OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
44 , x_time_slice                   OUT NOCOPY INTEGER
45 , x_page_links_selection         OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
46 , x_from_period                  OUT NOCOPY NUMBER
47 , x_to_period                    OUT NOCOPY NUMBER
48 , x_project_type				 OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
49 , x_ptc_flag					 OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
50 , p_prg_rollup					 IN OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
51 , x_Return_Status                OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
52 , x_Msg_Count                    OUT NOCOPY NUMBER
53 , x_Msg_Data                     OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
54 , p_currency_record_type				 VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL
55 , p_period_type					 VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL
56 , p_as_of_date					 NUMBER DEFAULT NULL
57 , p_cstbudget_plan_type_id		 NUMBER DEFAULT NULL
58 , p_cstforecast_plan_type_id	 NUMBER DEFAULT NULL
59 , p_revbudget_plan_type_id		 NUMBER DEFAULT NULL
60 , p_revforecast_plan_type_id	 NUMBER DEFAULT NULL
61 , p_calling_type				 VARCHAR DEFAULT NULL
62 , x_fbs_expansion_lvl                    OUT NOCOPY NUMBER
63 ) IS
65 l_context_plan_version NUMBER;
66 l_plan_version_ids	     SYSTEM.PA_NUM_TBL_TYPE;
67 l_i						 NUMBER;
71 	/* This call has to appear as the first one because we do a fnd_initialize
72 	 * at the end to avoid error from PA api
73 	 */
75 	Pji_Rep_Util.Derive_Default_Plan_Type_Ids(p_project_id
76 		, x_cstforecast_plan_type_id
77 		, x_cstbudget_plan_type_id
78 		, x_cstbudget2_plan_type_id
79 		, x_revforecast_plan_type_id
80 		, x_revbudget_plan_type_id
81 		, x_revbudget2_plan_type_id
82 		, x_return_status, x_msg_count, x_msg_data);
84 	IF  p_calling_type = 'PJI' THEN
85 		Pji_Rep_Util.Validate_Plan_Type(p_project_id
86 		, p_cstbudget_plan_type_id
87 		, x_cstbudget_plan_type_id
88 		, x_return_status, x_msg_count, x_msg_data);
89 		Pji_Rep_Util.Validate_Plan_Type(p_project_id
90 		, p_revbudget_plan_type_id
91 		, x_revbudget_plan_type_id
92 		, x_return_status, x_msg_count, x_msg_data);
93 		Pji_Rep_Util.Validate_Plan_Type(p_project_id
94 		, p_cstforecast_plan_type_id
95 		, x_cstforecast_plan_type_id
96 		, x_return_status, x_msg_count, x_msg_data);
97 		Pji_Rep_Util.Validate_Plan_Type(p_project_id
98 		, p_revforecast_plan_type_id
99 		, x_revforecast_plan_type_id
100 		, x_return_status, x_msg_count, x_msg_data);
101 	END IF;
103     Pji_Rep_Util.Derive_Plan_Version_Ids(p_project_id
104 		, x_cstforecast_plan_type_id
105 		, x_cstbudget_plan_type_id
106 		, x_cstbudget2_plan_type_id
107 		, x_revforecast_plan_type_id
108 		, x_revbudget_plan_type_id
109 		, x_revbudget2_plan_type_id
110 		, x_cstforecast_version_id
111 		, x_cstbudget_version_id
112 		, x_cstbudget2_version_id
113 		, x_revforecast_version_id
114 		, x_revbudget_version_id
115 		, x_revbudget2_version_id
116 		, x_orig_cstbudget_version_id
117 		, x_orig_cstbudget2_version_id
118 		, x_orig_revbudget_version_id
119 		, x_orig_revbudget2_version_id
120 		, x_prior_cstforecast_version_id
121 		, x_prior_revforecast_version_id
122 		, x_return_status, x_msg_count, x_msg_data);
124 	x_actual_version_id := Pji_Rep_Util.Get_Fin_Plan_Actual_Version(p_project_id);
127 	IF p_calling_type = 'PJI' THEN
128 --Bug 5593229
130 	   x_calendar_type := NVL(Fnd_Profile.value('PJI_DEF_RPT_CAL_TYPE'), 'E');
132 	    Pji_Rep_Util.Derive_Pji_Calendar_Info(p_project_id
133 		  , p_period_type
134 		  , p_as_of_date
135 	      , x_calendar_type
136 	      , x_calendar_id
137 	      , x_period_name
138 	      , x_report_date_julian
139 		  , x_slice_name
140 	      , x_return_status
141 	      , x_msg_count
142 	      , x_msg_data);
144 	ELSE
145     Pji_Rep_Util.Derive_Default_Calendar_Info(p_project_id
146       , x_calendar_type
147       , x_calendar_id
148       , x_period_name
149       , x_report_date_julian
150 	  , x_slice_name
151       , x_return_status
152       , x_msg_count
153       , x_msg_data);
154     END IF;
156 	IF p_calling_type = 'PJI' THEN
157 	    Pji_Rep_Util.Derive_Pji_Currency_Info(p_project_id
158 		  , p_currency_record_type
159 	      , x_currency_record_type, x_currency_code, x_currency_type
160 	      , x_return_status, x_msg_count, x_msg_data);
161 	ELSE
162 	    Pji_Rep_Util.Derive_Perf_Currency_Info(p_project_id
163 	      , x_currency_record_type, x_currency_code, x_currency_type
164 	      , x_return_status, x_msg_count, x_msg_data);
165 	END IF;
167     x_prg_display := Pji_Rep_Util.Derive_Prg_rollup_flag(p_project_id);
169 	IF (x_prg_display = 'N') OR (p_prg_rollup = 'N') THEN
170 		p_prg_rollup := 'N';
171 	ELSE
172 		p_prg_rollup := 'Y';
173 	END IF;
175     Pji_Rep_Util.Derive_Perf_RBS_Parameters(p_project_id
176       , x_cstbudget_version_id
177 	  , p_prg_rollup
178       , x_RBS_Version_ID, x_RBS_Element_Id
179       , x_return_status, x_msg_count, x_msg_data);
181     IF x_cstbudget_version_id IS NOT NULL THEN
182       l_context_plan_version := x_cstbudget_version_id;
183     ELSIF x_cstforecast_version_id IS NOT NULL THEN
184       l_context_plan_version := x_cstforecast_version_id;
185     ELSIF x_revbudget_version_id IS NOT NULL THEN
186       l_context_plan_version := x_revbudget_version_id;
187     ELSIF x_revforecast_version_id IS NOT NULL THEN
188       l_context_plan_version := x_revforecast_version_id;
189     ELSIF x_cstbudget2_version_id IS NOT NULL THEN
190       l_context_plan_version := x_cstbudget2_version_id;
191     ELSIF x_revbudget2_version_id IS NOT NULL THEN
192       l_context_plan_version := x_revbudget2_version_id;
193     ELSE
194       l_context_plan_version := x_actual_version_id;
195     END IF;
197     x_Factor_By := Pji_Rep_Util.Derive_Factorby(p_project_id
198       , NULL -- bug 3793041
199 	  , x_return_status, x_msg_count, x_Msg_Data);
201     x_Effort_UOM := Pji_Rep_Util.get_effort_uom(p_project_id);
202     x_task_ref_flag := 'TS';
203     x_time_slice  := 1376;
204     x_page_links_selection := 'PROJ_OVERVIEW';
206 	l_plan_version_ids := SYSTEM.PA_NUM_TBL_TYPE(
207        x_actual_version_id
208       , x_cstforecast_version_id
209       , x_cstbudget_version_id
210       , x_cstbudget2_version_id
211       , x_revforecast_version_id
212       , x_revbudget_version_id
213       , x_revbudget2_version_id
214       , x_orig_cstbudget_version_id
215       , x_orig_cstbudget2_version_id
216       , x_orig_revbudget_version_id
217       , x_orig_revbudget2_version_id
218       , x_prior_cstforecast_version_id
219       , x_prior_revforecast_version_id);
221 	IF p_prg_rollup = 'Y' THEN
222 		l_plan_version_ids.extend(2);
223 		l_plan_version_ids(14) := -3;
224 		l_plan_version_ids(15) := -4;
225 	END IF;
227     Pji_Rep_Util.Derive_Perf_Period(p_project_id, l_plan_version_ids
228         , x_from_period, x_to_period, x_return_status, x_msg_count, x_Msg_Data);
230 	BEGIN
231 		x_wbs_version_id := PA_PROJECT_STRUCTURE_UTILS.GET_LATEST_FIN_STRUC_VER_ID(p_project_id);
233 		SELECT elm.proj_element_id
234 		INTO x_wbs_element_id
235 		FROM pa_proj_element_versions elm
236 		WHERE elm.element_version_id = x_wbs_version_id;
239 		IF (x_wbs_version_id IS NOT NULL) THEN
240 			x_msg_count := x_msg_count + 1;
241 			x_return_status := Pji_Rep_Util.G_RET_STS_WARNING;
242 			Pji_Rep_Util.Add_Message(p_app_short_name=> 'PJI',p_msg_name=> 'PJI_REP_SYSTEM_ERROR', p_msg_type=>Pji_Rep_Util.G_RET_STS_ERROR,p_token1=>'TOKEN_NAME',p_token1_value=>'WBS ELEMENT');
243 		END IF;
244 	END;
246 	-- in case there is valid version retrieved and there is no actual.
247 	IF x_wbs_version_id IS NULL THEN
248 	   Pji_Rep_Util.Derive_WP_WBS_Parameters(p_project_id
249 		      , x_WBS_Version_ID, x_WBS_Element_Id
250 		      , x_return_status, x_msg_count, x_msg_data);
251 	END IF;
253 	Pji_Rep_Util.Derive_Project_Type(p_project_id
254 	, x_project_type
255 	, x_return_status
256 	, x_msg_count
257 	, x_msg_data);
259 	Pji_Rep_Util.Check_Proj_Type_Consistency(p_project_id
260 	, x_wbs_version_id
261 	, 'FINANCIAL'
262 	, x_ptc_flag
263 	, x_return_status
264 	, x_msg_count
265 	, x_msg_data);
267 	--Bug 5469672 Derive the default FBS expansion level
268 	x_fbs_expansion_lvl := pji_rep_util.GET_DEFAULT_EXPANSION_LEVEL(p_project_id, 'FT');
270 END derive_dflt_params;
272 END Pji_Rep_Prf_Dflt_Params;