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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 61

    select event_id
        from xla_transaction_entities xlee
            ,xla_events xle
      where xle.application_id = 206
        and xle.entity_id = xlee.entity_id
        and xlee.source_id_int_1 = p_loan_id
        and xle.budgetary_control_flag = 'Y'
        and xle.event_type_code = 'FUTURE_DISBURSEMENT_CANCELLED'
        and xle.process_status_code <> 'P';
Line: 72

    select nvl(p.BDGT_REQ_FOR_APPR_FLAG, 'N')
          ,nvl(h.funds_reserved_flag, 'N')
          ,nvl(h.gl_date, sysdate)
      from lns_loan_headers h,
           lns_loan_products p
      where p.loan_product_id = h.product_id
        and h.loan_id = p_loan_id;
Line: 81

    select object_version_number
      from lns_loan_headers
     where loan_id = p_loan_id;
Line: 86

    select disb_header_id
      from lns_disb_headers
     where loan_id = p_loan_id
       and disbursement_number = 1;
Line: 181

            update lns_distributions
            set event_id = l_event_id
            ,last_update_date = sysdate
	          ,object_Version_number = object_version_number + 1
            where distribution_type = 'ORIGINATION'
            and loan_id           = p_loan_id
	    and activity = 	'LNS_REMAIN_DISB_CANCEL';
Line: 189

            logMessage(FND_LOG.LEVEL_STATEMENT, G_PKG_NAME, 'Updated event_id '||l_event_id||' succesfully for '||SQL%ROWCOUNT||' rows');
Line: 193

                logMessage(FND_LOG.LEVEL_STATEMENT, G_PKG_NAME, 'inserting into PSA_BC_XLA_EVENTS_GT - event => ' || l_event_id);
Line: 194

                insert into PSA_BC_XLA_EVENTS_GT (event_id, result_code)
                values (l_event_id, 'FAIL');
Line: 313

    select xle.event_id, xll.source_distribution_id_num_1, ledger_id
    from xla_transaction_entities xlee
        ,xla_events xle
        ,xla_distribution_links   xll
    where xle.application_id = 206
        and xle.entity_id = xlee.entity_id
        and xlee.source_id_int_1 = c_loan_id
    --    and nvl(xlee.source_id_int_3, -1) = nvl(c_loan_amount_adj_id, -1)
        and xle.budgetary_control_flag = 'Y'
        and xll.event_id =xle.event_id
	order by event_id desc;
Line: 326

   select max(ladj.loan_amount_adj_id)
    from lns_loan_amount_adjs ladj
         ,xla_transaction_entities xlee
         ,xla_events xle
    where ladj.loan_id = c_loan_id
      and xlee.entity_id = xle.entity_id
      and xle.event_type_code in ('DIRECT_LOAN_ADJ_APPROVED', 'DIRECT_LOAN_ADJ_REVERSED')
      and xlee.source_id_int_1 = ladj.loan_id
      and xlee.source_id_int_3 = ladj.loan_amount_adj_id
      and ladj.status in ('PENDING', 'APPROVED')
    order by ladj.loan_amount_adj_id desc;
Line: 355

Line: 430

		logMessage(FND_LOG.LEVEL_STATEMENT, G_PKG_NAME, 'inserting into psa table...');
Line: 431

Line: 442

    select PSA_BC_XML_REPORT_S.nextval
    into l_sequence_id
    from dual;
Line: 446

    SELECT count(*) INTO l_count
Line: 520

    select nvl(p.BDGT_REQ_FOR_APPR_FLAG, 'N')
          ,nvl(h.funds_reserved_flag, 'N')
          ,h.loan_start_date    -- fix for bug 16068385
        from lns_loan_headers h,
                lns_loan_products p
        where p.loan_product_id = h.product_id
        and h.loan_id = p_loan_id;
Line: 530

    select event_id
            from xla_transaction_entities xlee
                ,xla_events xle
        where xle.application_id = 206
        and xle.entity_id = xlee.entity_id
            and xlee.source_id_int_1 = p_loan_id
            and xle.budgetary_control_flag = 'Y'
            and xle.event_type_code = 'DIRECT_LOAN_APPROVED'
            and xle.process_status_code <> 'P'
        order by event_id desc;
Line: 542

    select disb_header_id
      from lns_disb_headers
     where loan_id = p_loan_id
       and disbursement_number = 1;
Line: 548

		select object_version_number
			from lns_loan_headers
		 where loan_id = p_loan_id;
Line: 553

    select count(1)
      from xla_transaction_entities xlee
          ,xla_events xle
      where xle.application_id = 206
        and xle.entity_id = xlee.entity_id
        and xlee.source_id_int_1 = p_loan_id
       -- and xlee.source_id_int_2 = p_disb_header_id
        and xle.budgetary_control_flag = 'Y';
Line: 639

            update lns_distributions
            set event_id = x_event_id
                ,last_update_date = sysdate
            where distribution_type = 'ORIGINATION'
            and loan_id           = p_loan_id
          --  and loan_amount_adj_id IS NULL;
Line: 647

            logMessage(FND_LOG.LEVEL_STATEMENT, G_PKG_NAME, 'Updated event_id succesfully for '||SQL%ROWCOUNT||' rows');
Line: 664

		-- Bug#9328437, First time, when we do fundsCheck, the event_id creates and updates in lns_distributions table.
		-- However if we do fundsCheck/fundsReserver later, existed distribtuions are deleted and again
		-- defaulted, which has event_id as NULL. So, update the event_id if it is already created whose event_id is NULL
		        logMessage(FND_LOG.LEVEL_STATEMENT, G_PKG_NAME, 'stamping eventID on lns_distributions whose eventID is NULL');
Line: 668

            	update lns_distributions
            	set event_id = l_event_id
                	,last_update_date = sysdate
                where distribution_type = 'ORIGINATION'
                and event_id IS NULL
                and loan_id  = p_loan_id;
Line: 675

		        logMessage(FND_LOG.LEVEL_STATEMENT, G_PKG_NAME, 'Updated event_id succesfully for '||SQL%ROWCOUNT||' rows');
Line: 676

                logMessage(FND_LOG.LEVEL_STATEMENT, G_PKG_NAME, 'inserting into  PSA_BC_XLA_EVENTS_GT ');
Line: 677

                into PSA_BC_XLA_EVENTS_GT (event_id, result_code)
                values (l_event_id, 'FAIL');
Line: 767

                                            ,P_LOAN_HEADER_REC       => l_loan_header_rec
                                            ,P_INIT_MSG_LIST         => FND_API.G_FALSE
                                            ,X_RETURN_STATUS         => l_return_status
                                            ,X_MSG_COUNT             => l_msg_count
                                            ,X_MSG_DATA              => l_msg_data);
Line: 773

                logMessage(FND_LOG.LEVEL_STATEMENT, G_PKG_NAME, 'update loan status = ' || l_return_status);
Line: 821

|| PRIVATE PROCEDURE do_insert_distributions
||         this procedure insert records into lns_distributions table
|| PARAMETERS   p_distributions_tbl => table -f distribution records
|| Return value:  NA
|| Source Tables:
|| Date                  Author            Description of Changes
|| 04-20-2005            raverma             Created
procedure do_insert_distributions(p_distributions_tbl in lns_distributions_pub.distribution_tbl
                                 ,p_loan_id           in number)

   l_total_distributions  number;
Line: 849

    l_api_name  := 'do_insert_distributions';
Line: 860

            logMessage(FND_LOG.LEVEL_STATEMENT, G_PKG_NAME, 'Inserting row : ' || k);
Line: 882

            Insert into lns_distributions
Line: 952

end do_insert_distributions;
Line: 1047

    select h.loan_class_code
        --  ,h.funded_amount
	  ,h.requested_amount   -- Bug#9755933
      from lns_loan_headers_all h
					,lns_loan_types t
     where h.loan_id = p_loan_id
		   and h.loan_type_id = t.loan_type_id;
Line: 1058

    select h.loan_class_code
      from lns_loan_headers_all h
					,lns_loan_types t
					,lns_disb_headers d
     where h.loan_id = p_loan_id
		   and h.loan_type_id = t.loan_type_id
			 and h.loan_id = d.loan_id
			 and d.disb_header_id = p_disb_header_id;
Line: 1071

    select h.loan_class_code
      from lns_loan_headers_all h
		,lns_loan_types t
     where h.loan_id = p_loan_id
	and h.loan_type_id = t.loan_type_id
	and h.loan_id = ladj.loan_id
        and ladj.status = 'PENDING'
	and ladj.loan_amount_adj_id = c_loan_amount_adj_id;
Line: 1086

    select count(1)
      from lns_default_distribs
     where loan_class = p_loan_class
       AND loan_type_id  = p_loan_type_id
       and account_name = 'LOAN_RECEIVABLE'
       and distribution_type = 'ORIGINATION'
       and account_type      = 'DR';
Line: 1096

    select count(1)
      from lns_default_distribs
     where loan_class = p_loan_class
       AND loan_type_id  = p_loan_type_id
       and account_name = 'LOAN_PAYABLE'
       and distribution_type = 'FUNDING'
       and account_type      = 'DR';
Line: 1178

         vPLSQL := 'SELECT d.line_type                 ' ||
                   '      ,d.account_name              ' ||
                   '      ,d.code_combination_id       ' ||
                   '      ,d.account_type              ' ||
                   '      ,d.distribution_percent      ' ||
                   '      ,d.distribution_type         ' ||
                   '      ,d.project_id                ' ||
                   '      ,d.award_id                  ' ||
                   '      ,d.task_id                   ' ||
                   '      ,d.expenditure_type          ' ||
                   '      ,d.expenditure_item_date     ' ||
                   'FROM lns_default_distribs  d       ' ||
                   'WHERE ((d.loan_class = :p_loan_class_code AND d.loan_type_id  = :p_loan_type_id) ) ' ||
                   '  AND account_name IN (''PRINCIPAL_RECEIVABLE'', ''INTEREST_RECEIVABLE'', ''INTEREST_INCOME'' ';
Line: 1380

|| Overview: will write to xla_events table and update lns_distributions
||           this can handle a set of accounting event records
|| Parameter: p_acc_event_tbl => table of accounting records
||           ,p_event_type_code    => seeded code for loans "APPROVED", "DISBURSEMENT_FUNDED",
||           ,p_event_date         => most likely GL_DATE
||           ,p_event_status       => event Status
||             CONSTANT  = 'U';   -- event status:unprocessed
Line: 1427

    select h.loan_class_code
        from lns_loan_headers_all h
    where h.loan_id = p_loan_id;
Line: 1506

            update lns_distributions
  	    set event_id = l_event_id
		,last_update_date = sysdate
		,object_version_number = object_version_number + 1
            where loan_id = p_acc_event_tbl(k).loan_id
		and activity = l_activity
		and nvl(disb_header_id, -1) = nvl(p_acc_event_tbl(k).disb_header_id,-1)
	   	and nvl(loan_amount_adj_id, -1) = nvl(p_acc_event_tbl(k).loan_amount_adj_id, -1);
Line: 1586

    from lns_default_distribs_all d
        ,lns_loan_headers_all h
    where account_name = 'MFAR_FUND_ACCOUNT_CHANGE'
      and h.loan_id = p_loan_id
      and h.loan_class_code = d.loan_class
      and h.loan_type_id  = d.loan_type_id
      and h.org_id = d.org_id;
Line: 1772

    from lns_default_distribs d
        ,lns_loan_headers h
    where account_name = 'MFAR_FUND_ACCOUNT_CHANGE'
      and h.loan_id = p_loan_id
      and h.loan_class_code = d.loan_class
      and h.loan_type_id  = d.loan_type_id;
Line: 1904

       select loan_class
       from lns_default_distribs
       where loan_class = p_loan_class
         and loan_type_id  = p_loan_type_id
         and account_type = p_acct_type
         and account_name = p_acct_name
         and line_type = p_line_type
         and distribution_type = p_distribution_type
         and distribution_percent > 0
    order by code_combination_id;
Line: 2090

       select d.distribution_id
       from lns_distributions d
       where d.loan_id = x_loan_id
         and d.account_type = x_acct_type
         and d.account_name = x_acct_name
         and d.line_type = x_line_type
         and d.distribution_type = x_distribution_type
         and d.distribution_percent >= 0
        order by d.code_combination_id;
Line: 2124

Line: 2215

       select distribution_id
       from lns_distributions
       where distribution_id = x_distribution_id
         and distribution_percent >= 0;
Line: 2350

       select d.distribution_id
       from lns_distributions d
       where d.loan_id = x_loan_id
         and d.loan_line_id = x_loan_line_id
         and d.account_type = x_acct_type
         and d.account_name = x_acct_name
         and d.line_type = x_line_type
         and d.distribution_type = x_distribution_type
         and d.distribution_percent > 0
        order by d.code_combination_id;
Line: 2387

Line: 2515

    SELECT  so.set_of_books_id
      FROM lns_system_options so,
           gl_ledgers sb,
           fnd_currencies fndc
     WHERE sb.ledger_id = so.set_of_books_id
       and sb.currency_code = fndc.currency_code;
Line: 2606

    select round(lnh.funded_amount * lnd.distribution_percent / 100, curr.precision)
      from lns_distributions lnd
          ,lns_loan_headers lnh
          ,fnd_currencies  curr
     where lnh.loan_id = lnd.loan_id
       and curr.currency_code = lnh.loan_currency
       and lnd.distribution_id = p_distribution_id;
Line: 2618

         select max(distribution_id)
           from lns_distributions lnd
               ,lns_loan_headers lnh
          where lnh.loan_id = lnd.loan_id
            and lnd.distribution_type = p_distribution_type
            and lnd.account_type = p_account_type
            and lnh.loan_id = p_loan_id;
Line: 2630

    lnh.funded_amount -
    (round(lnh.funded_amount *
    (select sum(distribution_percent) / 100
       from lns_distributions
      where distribution_id <> p_distribution_id
        and distribution_type = p_distribution_type
        and account_type = p_account_type
        and loan_id = p_loan_id), curr.precision))
      from lns_distributions lnd
          ,lns_loan_headers lnh
          ,fnd_currencies  curr
     where lnh.loan_id = lnd.loan_id
       and lnh.loan_id = p_loan_id
       and curr.currency_code = lnh.loan_currency;
Line: 2749

    select lnh.exchange_rate_type
      from lns_loan_headers lnh
     where loan_id = p_loan_id;
Line: 2757

    select round(lnh.funded_amount * lnd.distribution_percent / 100, curr.precision)
      from lns_distributions lnd
          ,lns_loan_headers lnh
          ,fnd_currencies  curr
     where lnh.loan_id = lnd.loan_id
       and curr.currency_code = lnh.loan_currency
       and lnd.distribution_id = p_distribution_id;
Line: 2769

    lnh.funded_amount -
    (round(lnh.funded_amount *
    (select sum(distribution_percent) / 100
       from lns_distributions
      where distribution_id <> p_distribution_id
        and distribution_type = p_distribution_type
        and account_type = p_account_type
        and loan_id = p_loan_id), curr.precision))
      from lns_distributions lnd
          ,lns_loan_headers lnh
          ,fnd_currencies  curr
     where lnh.loan_id = lnd.loan_id
       and lnh.loan_id = p_loan_id
       and curr.currency_code = lnh.loan_currency;
Line: 2846

    select lnh.loan_currency
      from lns_loan_headers lnh
           ,lns_distributions lnd
     where lnh.loan_id = lnd.loan_id
       and lnd.distribution_id = p_distribution_id;
Line: 2853

    SELECT sb.currency_code
      FROM lns_system_options so,
           gl_sets_of_books sb
     WHERE sb.set_of_books_id = so.set_of_books_id;
Line: 2921

		SELECT s.segment_num
		  FROM fnd_id_flex_segments s
			   , fnd_segment_attribute_values sav
				 , fnd_segment_attribute_types sat
			   , lns_system_options lso
				 , gl_ledgers gl
		  WHERE s.application_id = p_application_id
		  and lso.set_of_books_id = gl.ledger_id
		  AND s.id_flex_code = p_flex_code
		  AND s.id_flex_num = gl.chart_of_accounts_id
		  AND s.enabled_flag = 'Y'
		  AND s.application_column_name = sav.application_column_name
		  AND sav.application_id = p_application_id
		  AND sav.id_flex_code = p_flex_code
		  AND sav.id_flex_num = gl.chart_of_accounts_id
		  AND sav.attribute_value = 'Y'
		  AND sav.segment_attribute_type = sat.segment_attribute_type
		  AND sat.application_id = p_application_id
		  AND sat.id_flex_code = p_flex_code
		  AND sat.unique_flag = 'Y'
      and sat.segment_attribute_type = p_segment_attribute_type;
Line: 2990

		 SELECT s.flex_value_set_id
      FROM fnd_id_flex_segments s
      ,fnd_segment_attribute_values sav
      ,fnd_segment_attribute_types sat
		  ,lns_system_options lso
		  ,gl_ledgers gl
		  WHERE s.application_id = 101
		  and lso.set_of_books_id = gl.ledger_id
		  AND s.id_flex_code = 'GL#'
		  AND s.id_flex_num = gl.chart_of_accounts_id
		  AND s.enabled_flag = 'Y'
		  AND s.application_column_name = sav.application_column_name
		  AND sav.application_id = 101
		  AND sav.id_flex_code = 'GL#'
		  AND sav.id_flex_num = gl.chart_of_accounts_id
		  AND sav.attribute_value = 'Y'
		  AND sav.segment_attribute_type = sat.segment_attribute_type
		  AND sat.application_id = 101
		  AND sat.id_flex_code = 'GL#'
		  AND sat.unique_flag = 'Y'
		  AND sat.segment_attribute_type = p_segment_attribute_type;
Line: 3091

    select loan_class_code, loan_status
        from lns_loan_headers_all
    where loan_id = p_loan_id;
Line: 3096

      SELECT dist.distribution_id
       from lns_distributions dist
       where dist.loan_id = C_LOAN_ID
         and dist.account_type = 'CR'
         and dist.account_name = 'LOAN_RECEIVABLE'
         and dist.line_type = 'PRIN'
         and dist.distribution_type = 'BILLING'
         and dist.distribution_percent > 0
         and nvl(dist.loan_line_id, -1) =
                nvl((select max(loan_line_id)
                from lns_loan_lines
                where status = 'APPROVED'
                and LOAN_ID = C_LOAN_ID
                and original_flag = 'N'
                and trunc(adjustment_date) <= trunc(sysdate)), -1)
        order by dist.distribution_id;
Line: 3586

    select count(1)
     from lns_loan_lines
    where loan_id = p_loan_id
      and reference_type = 'RECEIVABLE'
      and end_date is null;
Line: 3594

    select ra.cust_trx_type_id, nvl(psa.psa_trx_type_id,-1)
      from lns_loan_lines  lines
          ,ra_customer_trx ra
          ,psa_trx_types_all psa
     where ra.customer_trx_id = lines.reference_id
       and psa.psa_trx_type_id (+)= ra.cust_trx_type_id
       and lines.reference_type = 'RECEIVABLE'
       and lines.end_date is null
       and lines.loan_id = p_loan_id
       group by ra.cust_trx_type_id, psa.psa_trx_type_id;
Line: 3609

        select nvl(1,0)
          from ra_customer_trx ra
              ,psa_trx_types_all psa
              ,lns_loan_lines lines
         where ra.CUST_TRX_TYPE_ID = psa.psa_trx_type_id
           and ra.customer_trx_id = lines.reference_id
           and lines.end_date is null
           and lines.reference_type = 'RECEIVABLE'
           and lines.loan_id = p_loan_id
      group by lines.loan_id;
Line: 3788

      SELECT count(1)
      FROM   lns_distributions
      WHERE loan_id = c_loan_id
        AND nvl(disb_header_id, -1) = nvl(c_disb_header_id, -1)
	      AND nvl(loan_amount_adj_id, -1) = nvl(c_loan_amount_adj_id, -1)
	      AND activity  = c_activity
	      AND distribution_type = 'ORIGINATION';
Line: 3797

    select disb_header_id
      from lns_disb_headers
      where loan_id = p_loan_id;
Line: 3802

    select count(1)
      from lns_distributions
     where loan_id = p_loan_id
       and line_type = 'SUBSIDY'
       and distribution_type = 'ORIGINATION'
       --and event_id is not null;
Line: 3813

	(nvl(subsidy_rate, 0)/100)
	loan_id = p_loan_id;
Line: 3821

      WHERE loan_id = c_loan_id
        AND status = 'PENDING';
Line: 3904

		-- insert into the distributions table
		logMessage(FND_LOG.LEVEL_STATEMENT, G_PKG_NAME, 'Calling defaultDistributionsCatch...');
Line: 3998

        logMessage(FND_LOG.LEVEL_STATEMENT, G_PKG_NAME, 'Calling do_insert_distributions...');
Line: 3999

        do_insert_distributions(l_distributions, p_loan_id);
Line: 4064

|| 07-26-2004            raverma             delete rows before each call to accounting
|| 12-18-2004            raverma             look at lns_loan_lines
|| 12-18-2004            raverma             need to get loan class code
|| 04-19-2005            raverma             establish loan clearing as per bug #4313925
procedure defaultDistributions(p_api_version           IN NUMBER
                              ,p_init_msg_list         IN VARCHAR2
                              ,p_commit                IN VARCHAR2
                              ,p_loan_id               IN NUMBER
                              ,p_loan_class_code       IN VARCHAR2
                              ,x_return_status         OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
                              ,x_msg_count             OUT NOCOPY NUMBER
                              ,x_msg_data              OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2)

 | Local Variable Declarations and initializations                        |
    l_api_name                 varchar2(30);
Line: 4161

      select sum(lline.requested_amount)
  	 	  from ra_customer_trx_all inv
            ,xla_transaction_entities ent
            ,xla_ae_headers aeh
            ,xla_ae_lines ael
	    ,lns_loan_lines lline
			 where ent.application_id = 222
			   and lline.reference_id = ent.source_id_int_1
			   and lline.loan_id = p_loan_id
			  -- and lline.status = 'APPROVED'
			   and (lline.end_date is null or trunc(lline.end_date) > trunc(sysdate))
			   and inv.customer_trx_id = ent.source_id_int_1
			   and ent.entity_code = 'TRANSACTIONS'
			   and ent.entity_id = aeh.entity_id
         and ent.ledger_id = aeh.ledger_id
			   and aeh.ae_header_id = ael.ae_header_id
			   and aeh.accounting_entry_status_code = 'F'
         and ael.accounting_class_code IN
         (select xaa.accounting_class_code
            from XLA_ACCT_CLASS_ASSGNS xaa
                ,XLA_ASSIGNMENT_DEFNS_B xad
                ,XLA_POST_ACCT_PROGS_B xpa
           where xaa.program_code = 'GET_RECEIVABLE_CCID'
             and xpa.program_code = xaa.program_code
             and xaa.program_code = xad.program_code
             and xad.assignment_code = xaa.assignment_code
             and xad.enabled_flag = 'Y')
			   and inv.customer_trx_id in
				 (select reference_id
		        from lns_loan_lines lines
					 where reference_type = 'RECEIVABLE'
     		     and end_date is null
		         and loan_id = p_loan_id)
			group by ael.code_combination_id;
Line: 4201

			select sum(ael.entered_dr)
			  from ar_adjustments_all adj
            ,xla_transaction_entities ent
				    ,xla_ae_headers aeh
				    ,xla_ae_lines ael
			where ent.application_id = 222
				and adj.adjustment_id = ent.source_id_int_1
				and ent.entity_code = 'ADJUSTMENTS'
				and ent.entity_id = aeh.entity_id
				and ent.ledger_id = aeh.ledger_id
				and aeh.ae_header_id = ael.ae_header_id
				and aeh.accounting_entry_status_code = 'F'
        and ael.accounting_class_code in
         (select xaa.accounting_class_code
            from XLA_ACCT_CLASS_ASSGNS xaa
                ,XLA_ASSIGNMENT_DEFNS_B xad
                ,XLA_POST_ACCT_PROGS_B xpa
           where xaa.program_code = 'LNS_ADJUSTMENT_DEBIT'     -- Bug#8231149
             and xpa.program_code = xaa.program_code
             and xaa.program_code = xad.program_code
             and xad.assignment_code = xaa.assignment_code
             and xad.enabled_flag = 'Y')
				and adj.adjustment_id in
      (select rec_adjustment_id
			   from lns_loan_lines lines
				where reference_type = 'RECEIVABLE'
			    and end_date is null
			    and loan_id = p_loan_id)
			group by ael.code_combination_id;
Line: 4234

    select h.loan_class_code
          ,decode(h.loan_status,'INCOMPLETE', h.requested_amount
	  		       ,'PENDING', h.requested_amount
      from lns_loan_headers_all h
					,lns_loan_types t
     where h.loan_id = p_loan_id
 		   and h.loan_type_id = t.loan_type_id;
Line: 4248

		select adj.adjustment_id
			from ar_adjustments adj
					,lns_loan_lines lines
		 where lines.rec_adjustment_number = adj.adjustment_number
			 and lines.end_date is null
			 and lines.reference_type = 'RECEIVABLE'
			 and lines.loan_id = p_loan_id;
Line: 4259

    select lines.reference_id
      from lns_loan_lines lines
     where lines.end_date is null
       and lines.reference_type = 'RECEIVABLE'
       and lines.loan_id = p_loan_id;
Line: 4268

    select object_version_number
      from lns_loan_headers
     where loan_id = p_loan_id;
Line: 4274

    select lines.reference_id, trx.trx_number
      from lns_loan_lines lines
          ,ra_customer_trx trx
     where lines.reference_type = 'RECEIVABLE'
       and lines.end_date is null
       and lines.loan_id = p_loan_id
       and lines.reference_id = trx.customer_trx_id;
Line: 4284

    select xlt.transaction_number, xlt.entity_code, err.encoded_msg
      from xla_accounting_errors err
          ,xla_transaction_entities xlt
     where xlt.application_id = 222
       --and err.accounting_batch_id = nvl(p_accounting_batch_id, null)
       and xlt.entity_id = err.entity_id
       and xlt.entity_id in (select entity_id from xla_transaction_entities
                              where application_id = 222
                                and entity_code IN ('TRANSACTIONS', 'ADJUSTMENTS')
                                and ((source_id_int_1 in (select reference_id from lns_loan_lines where end_date is null and reference_type = 'RECEIVABLE' and loan_id = p_loan_id))
                                  OR (source_id_int_1 in (select rec_adjustment_id from lns_loan_lines where end_date is null and reference_type = 'RECEIVABLE' and loan_id = p_loan_id))));
Line: 4297

          select entity_id, entity_code, source_id_int_1, transaction_number
            from xla_transaction_entities
           where application_id = 222
             and entity_code IN ('TRANSACTIONS', 'ADJUSTMENTS')
             and ((source_id_int_1 in (select reference_id from lns_loan_lines where end_date is null and reference_type = 'RECEIVABLE' and loan_id = p_loan_id)
             OR   (source_id_int_1 in (select rec_adjustment_id from lns_loan_lines where end_date is null and reference_type = 'RECEIVABLE' and loan_id = p_loan_id))));
Line: 4305

	  SELECT  count(1)
	  FROM lns_distributions
	  WHERE loan_id = p_loan_id
Line: 4311

	  FROM  lns_loan_headers lhdr,
	  	lns_system_options sysop,
	        ar_receivables_trx rec
	  WHERE lhdr.loan_id = c_loan_id
	    AND sysop.org_id = lhdr.org_id
	    AND sysop.receivables_trx_id = rec.receivables_trx_id;
Line: 4397

      /* delete any rows for this loan before inheritance do not delete FEE_RECEIVABLE or FEE_INCOME rows*/
      /* Commented Bug#7406404 - Defaulting the laon distributions happens only at Loan Creation time and later only updation at loan level is changed.
      logMessage(FND_LOG.level_statement, G_PKG_NAME, 'Deleting any existing accounting rows except FEE_RECEIVABLE or FEE_INCOME...');
Line: 4400

      delete from lns_distributions
      where loan_id = p_loan_id
Line: 4438

                                         ,P_LOAN_HEADER_REC       => l_loan_header_rec
                                         ,P_INIT_MSG_LIST         => p_init_msg_list
                                         ,X_RETURN_STATUS         => l_return_status
                                         ,X_MSG_COUNT             => l_msg_count
                                         ,X_MSG_DATA              => l_msg_data);
Line: 4444

          logMessage(FND_LOG.LEVEL_PROCEDURE, G_PKG_NAME, l_api_name || ' update loan status = ' || l_return_status);
Line: 4497

      delete from lns_distributions
      where loan_id = p_loan_id
        and account_name in ('LOAN_RECEIVABLE', 'LOAN_CLEARING');
Line: 4501

      logMessage(FND_LOG.level_statement, G_PKG_NAME, 'Deleted '||SQL%ROWCOUNT||' rows');
Line: 4562

                insert into XLA_ACCT_PROG_DOCS_GT (entity_id) VALUES (l_entity_id);
Line: 4563

                logMessage(FND_LOG.level_statement, G_PKG_NAME, 'Inserted into XLA_ACCT_PROG_DOCS_GT');
Line: 4568

            select count(1) into l_transactions_count
            from XLA_ACCT_PROG_DOCS_GT;
Line: 4570

            logMessage(FND_LOG.level_statement, G_PKG_NAME, 'Inserted transaction_entities  = ' || l_transactions_count);
Line: 4925

	       delete from lns_distributions
	        where loan_id = p_loan_id
Line: 4929

		logMessage(FND_LOG.level_statement, G_PKG_NAME, 'Billing rows - deleted ||'||SQL%ROWCOUNT||' rows');
Line: 4987

      logMessage(FND_LOG.level_statement, G_PKG_NAME, 'Calling do_insert_distributions...');
Line: 4988

      do_insert_distributions(p_distributions_tbl => l_distributionsALL
                             ,p_loan_id           => p_loan_id);
Line: 5087

    select h.legal_entity_id
      from lns_loan_headers h
     where h.loan_id = p_loan_id;
Line: 5094

    select xlt.transaction_number, xlt.entity_code, err.encoded_msg
      from xla_accounting_errors err
          ,xla_Transaction_entities xlt
     where xlt.application_id = 206
       and err.accounting_batch_id = p_accounting_batch_id
       and err.entity_id = xlt.entity_id
       and xlt.entity_id in (select entity_id from xla_transaction_entities
                          where application_id = 206
                            and entity_code = 'LOANS'
                            and source_id_int_1 = p_loan_id
                            and source_id_int_2 IN
                             (select disb.disb_header_id
                                         from lns_disb_headers dh
                                             ,lns_distributions disb
                                        where disb.loan_id = p_loan_id
                                          and disb.disb_header_id = dh.disb_header_id
                                          and disb.account_name = 'LOAN_RECEIVABLE'
                                          and dh.status = 'FULLY_FUNDED'
                                          and not exists
                                            (select 'X'
                                               from xla_events xle
                                                    ,XLA_TRANSACTION_ENTITIES XLEE
                                                    ,xla_ae_headers aeh
                                              where XLE.application_id = 206
                                                and XLE.event_id = disb.event_id
                                                and XLE.entity_id = xlee.entity_id
                                                and XLEE.source_id_int_1 = dh.loan_id
                                                and XLEE.source_id_int_2 = dh.disb_header_id
                                                and xlee.entity_id = aeh.entity_id
                                                and xlee.ledger_id = aeh.ledger_id
                                                and aeh.accounting_entry_status_code = 'F'
                                                and xlee.entity_code = 'LOANS')
                                          or source_id_int_2 = -1)

                            and source_id_int_3 IN
                             (select disb.loan_amount_adj_id
                                         from lns_loan_amount_adjs ladj
                                             ,lns_distributions disb
                                        where disb.loan_id = p_loan_id
                                          and disb.loan_amount_adj_id = ladj.loan_amount_adj_id
                                          and disb.account_name = 'LOAN_RECEIVABLE'
                                          and ladj.status = 'APPROVED'
                                          and not exists
                                          (select 'X'
                                             from xla_events xle
                                                  ,XLA_TRANSACTION_ENTITIES XLEE
                                                  ,xla_ae_headers aeh
                                            where XLE.application_id = 206
                                              and XLE.event_id = disb.event_id
                                              and XLE.entity_id = xlee.entity_id
                                              and XLEE.source_id_int_1 = ladj.loan_id
                                              and XLEE.source_id_int_3 = ladj.loan_amount_adj_id
                                              and xlee.entity_id = aeh.entity_id
                                              and xlee.ledger_id = aeh.ledger_id
                                              and aeh.accounting_entry_status_code = 'F'
                                              and xlee.entity_code = 'LOANS')
                                          or source_id_int_3 = -1
                                          or source_id_int_3 IS NULL)
Line: 5181

        insert into XLA_ACCT_PROG_DOCS_GT
            select entity_id from xla_transaction_entities
            where application_id = 206
            and entity_code = 'LOANS'
            and source_id_int_1 = p_loan_id
            and source_id_int_2 = -1
            and nvl(source_id_int_3, -1) = -1;
Line: 5195

        insert into XLA_ACCT_PROG_DOCS_GT
            select entity_id from xla_transaction_entities
            where application_id = 206
            and entity_code = 'LOANS'
            and source_id_int_1 = p_loan_id
            and (source_id_int_2 = -1
                 OR source_id_int_2 in (select disb.disb_header_id
                                        from lns_disb_headers dh
                                            ,lns_distributions disb
                                        where disb.loan_id = p_loan_id
                                        and disb.disb_header_id = dh.disb_header_id
                                        and disb.account_name = 'LOAN_RECEIVABLE'
                                        and ((disb.activity = 'LNS_SUBMIT_DISBURSEMENT') OR (disb.activity = 'DISBURSEMENT' AND dh.status = 'FULLY_FUNDED'))
            and (source_id_int_3 IS NULL  -- Before introducing MD loanAdjustment, source_id_int_3 values are NULL
                 OR source_id_int_3 = -1
                 OR source_id_int_3 in (select disb.loan_amount_adj_id
                                        from lns_loan_amount_adjs ladj
                                            ,lns_distributions disb
                                        where disb.loan_id = p_loan_id
                                        and disb.loan_amount_adj_id = ladj.loan_amount_adj_id
                                        and disb.account_name = 'LOAN_RECEIVABLE'
                                        and ladj.status = 'APPROVED')
Line: 5223

    select count(1) into l_transactions_count
Line: 5225

    logMessage(FND_LOG.LEVEL_STATEMENT, G_PKG_NAME, 'inserted transaction_entities ' || l_transactions_count);
Line: 5363

   select loan_class_code
     from lns_loan_headers
    where loan_id = c_loan_id;
Line: 5371

    select nvl(count(1),0)
      from lns_fee_assignments
     where begin_installment_number = 0
       and end_installment_number = 0
       and end_date_active is null
       and billing_option = 'ORIGINATION'
       and loan_id = C_LOAN_ID;
Line: 5458

            update lns_distributions
                set event_id = x_event_id
            where loan_id = P_LOAN_ID
                and account_name in ('LOAN_RECEIVABLE', 'LOAN_CLEARING')
                and distribution_type = 'ORIGINATION'
		and activity = 'LNS_APPROVAL'
		and loan_line_id IS NULL;
Line: 5472

        logMessage(FND_LOG.LEVEL_STATEMENT, G_PKG_NAME, 'Before call to LNS_LOAN_HEADER_PUB.update_loan');
Line: 5473

        LNS_LOAN_HEADER_PUB.update_loan(p_init_msg_list         => FND_API.G_FALSE
                                        ,p_loan_header_rec       => l_loan_header_rec
                                        ,p_object_version_number => l_object_version_number
                                        ,x_return_status         => l_return_status
                                        ,x_msg_count             => l_msg_count
                                        ,x_msg_data              => l_msg_data);
Line: 5501

            language_code = USERENV('LANG');
Line: 5589

        select gl_date
        from lns_loan_headers
        where loan_id = c_loan_id;
Line: 5609

    delete from lns_distributions
    where loan_id = p_loan_id;
Line: 5612

    do_insert_distributions(p_distributions_tbl => x_distribution_tbl
                            ,p_loan_id           => p_loan_id);
Line: 5665

        update lns_distributions
            set event_id = l_event_id
        where loan_id = P_LOAN_ID
            and account_name in ('LOAN_RECEIVABLE', 'LOAN_CLEARING')
            and distribution_type = 'ORIGINATION'
	    and activity = 'LNS_APPROVAL'
	    and loan_line_id IS NULL;
Line: 5747

      WHERE loan_amount_adj_id = c_loan_amount_adj_id;
Line: 5753

      WHERE loan_id = c_loan_id
        AND status = 'PENDING';
Line: 5853

    IF l_adj_status in ('APPROVED', 'REJECTED', 'DELETED') THEN
      logMessage(FND_LOG.level_statement, G_PKG_NAME, 'The distributions of adjustment with status '||l_adj_status||' cant be deleted');
Line: 5863

      /* delete any rows for this loan before inheritance do not delete FEE_RECEIVABLE or FEE_INCOME rows*/
      logMessage(FND_LOG.level_statement, G_PKG_NAME, 'Deleting any existing adjustment accounting rows for '||l_loan_id||'-'||l_loan_amount_adj_id);
Line: 5866

      delete from lns_distributions
      where loan_id = l_loan_id
        and loan_amount_adj_id = l_loan_amount_adj_id
        and account_name in ('LOAN_RECEIVABLE', 'LOAN_PAYABLE');
Line: 5871

      logMessage(FND_LOG.level_statement, G_PKG_NAME, 'Deleted '||SQL%ROWCOUNT||' rows succesfully');
Line: 5974

    select nvl(p.BDGT_REQ_FOR_APPR_FLAG, 'N')
               ,nvl(ladj.funds_reserved_flag, 'N')
               ,ladj.EFFECTIVE_DATE    -- fix for bug 16068385
        from lns_loan_headers h,
                lns_loan_products p,
                lns_loan_amount_adjs ladj
        where p.loan_product_id = h.product_id
          and ladj.loan_id = h.loan_id
          and ladj.loan_amount_adj_id = c_loan_amount_adj_id;
Line: 5986

    select event_id
            from xla_transaction_entities xlee
                ,xla_events xle
        where xle.application_id = 206
        and xle.entity_id = xlee.entity_id
            and xlee.source_id_int_3 = c_loan_amount_adj_id
            and xle.event_type_code = c_event_type
            and xle.budgetary_control_flag = 'Y'
            and xle.process_status_code <> 'P'
        order by event_id desc;
Line: 5999

      WHERE loan_amount_adj_id = c_loan_amount_adj_id;
Line: 6005

      WHERE loan_id = c_loan_id
        AND status = 'PENDING';
Line: 6011

	  	select object_version_number
		from lns_loan_headers
		where loan_id = p_loan_id;
Line: 6016

	  	select object_version_number
		from lns_loan_amount_adjs
		where loan_amount_adj_id = c_loan_amount_adj_id;
Line: 6022

    select count(1)
      from xla_transaction_entities xlee
          ,xla_events xle
      where xle.application_id = 206
        and xle.entity_id = xlee.entity_id
        and xlee.source_id_int_3 = c_loan_adj_id
        and xle.event_type_code = c_event_type
        and xle.budgetary_control_flag = 'Y'
        and xle.process_status_code <> 'P';
Line: 6188

        update lns_distributions
        set event_id = l_event_id
              ,last_update_date = sysdate
        where distribution_type = 'ORIGINATION'
           and loan_id             = p_loan_id
           and loan_amount_adj_id  =  l_loan_amount_adj_id
	       and activity = 'LOAN_AMOUNT_ADJUSTMENT';
Line: 6196

        logMessage(FND_LOG.LEVEL_STATEMENT, G_PKG_NAME, 'Updated event_id succesfully for '||SQL%ROWCOUNT||' rows');
Line: 6207

                logMessage(FND_LOG.LEVEL_STATEMENT, G_PKG_NAME, 'inserting into  PSA_BC_XLA_EVENTS_GT ');
Line: 6208

                INSERT  INTO  PSA_BC_XLA_EVENTS_GT (event_id, result_code)
                			values (l_event_id, 'FAIL');
Line: 6281

                                ,P_LOAN_HEADER_REC       => l_loan_header_rec
                                ,P_INIT_MSG_LIST         => FND_API.G_FALSE
                                ,X_RETURN_STATUS         => l_return_status
                                ,X_MSG_COUNT             => l_msg_count
                                ,X_MSG_DATA              => l_msg_data);
Line: 6287

                    logMessage(FND_LOG.LEVEL_STATEMENT, G_PKG_NAME, 'update loan status = ' || l_return_status);
Line: 6559

    select lines.reference_id, trx.trx_number
      from lns_loan_lines lines
          ,ra_customer_trx trx
     where lines.reference_type = 'RECEIVABLE'
       and lines.end_date is null
       and lines.loan_line_id = p_loan_line_id
       and lines.reference_id = trx.customer_trx_id;
Line: 6568

        select entity_id, entity_code, source_id_int_1, transaction_number
            from xla_transaction_entities
        where application_id = 222
            and entity_code IN ('TRANSACTIONS', 'ADJUSTMENTS')
            and ((source_id_int_1 in (select reference_id from lns_loan_lines where end_date is null and reference_type = 'RECEIVABLE' and loan_line_id = p_loan_line_id)
            OR   (source_id_int_1 in (select rec_adjustment_id from lns_loan_lines where end_date is null and reference_type = 'RECEIVABLE' and loan_line_id = p_loan_line_id))));
Line: 6577

    select xlt.transaction_number, xlt.entity_code, err.encoded_msg
      from xla_accounting_errors err
          ,xla_transaction_entities xlt
     where xlt.application_id = 222
       --and err.accounting_batch_id = nvl(p_accounting_batch_id, null)
       and xlt.entity_id = err.entity_id
       and xlt.entity_id in (select entity_id from xla_transaction_entities
                              where application_id = 222
                                and entity_code IN ('TRANSACTIONS', 'ADJUSTMENTS')
                                and ((source_id_int_1 in (select reference_id from lns_loan_lines where end_date is null and reference_type = 'RECEIVABLE' and loan_line_id = p_loan_line_id))
                                  OR (source_id_int_1 in (select rec_adjustment_id from lns_loan_lines where end_date is null and reference_type = 'RECEIVABLE' and loan_line_id = p_loan_line_id))));
Line: 6591

        select sum(ael.entered_dr)
        from ar_adjustments_all adj
            ,xla_transaction_entities ent
            ,xla_ae_headers aeh
            ,xla_ae_lines ael
        where ent.application_id = 222
            and adj.adjustment_id = ent.source_id_int_1
            and ent.entity_code = 'ADJUSTMENTS'
            and ent.entity_id = aeh.entity_id
            and ent.ledger_id = aeh.ledger_id
            and aeh.ae_header_id = ael.ae_header_id
            and aeh.accounting_entry_status_code = 'F'
            and ael.accounting_class_code in
            (select xaa.accounting_class_code
                from XLA_ACCT_CLASS_ASSGNS xaa
                    ,XLA_ASSIGNMENT_DEFNS_B xad
                    ,XLA_POST_ACCT_PROGS_B xpa
            where xaa.program_code = 'LNS_ADJUSTMENT_DEBIT'     -- Bug#8231149
                and xpa.program_code = xaa.program_code
                and xaa.program_code = xad.program_code
                and xad.assignment_code = xaa.assignment_code
                and xad.enabled_flag = 'Y')
                and adj.adjustment_id in
                (select rec_adjustment_id
                 from lns_loan_lines
                 where reference_type = 'RECEIVABLE'
                 and end_date is null
                 and loan_line_id = p_loan_line_id)
            group by ael.code_combination_id;
Line: 6623

        select sum(ael.entered_dr)
        from ra_customer_trx_all inv
            ,xla_transaction_entities ent
            ,xla_ae_headers aeh
            ,xla_ae_lines ael
        where ent.application_id = 222
            and inv.customer_trx_id = ent.source_id_int_1
            and ent.entity_code = 'TRANSACTIONS'
            and ent.entity_id = aeh.entity_id
            and ent.ledger_id = aeh.ledger_id
            and aeh.ae_header_id = ael.ae_header_id
            and aeh.accounting_entry_status_code = 'F'
            and ael.accounting_class_code IN
            (select xaa.accounting_class_code
            from XLA_ACCT_CLASS_ASSGNS xaa
                ,XLA_ASSIGNMENT_DEFNS_B xad
                ,XLA_POST_ACCT_PROGS_B xpa
            where xaa.program_code = 'GET_RECEIVABLE_CCID'
                and xpa.program_code = xaa.program_code
                and xaa.program_code = xad.program_code
                and xad.assignment_code = xaa.assignment_code
                and xad.enabled_flag = 'Y')
                and inv.customer_trx_id in
				 (select reference_id
		          from lns_loan_lines
				  where reference_type = 'RECEIVABLE'
     		      and end_date is null
		          and loan_line_id = p_loan_line_id)
			group by ael.code_combination_id;
Line: 6655

        select nvl(sum(dist.distribution_amount), 0)
        from lns_distributions dist,
            lns_loan_lines lines
        where dist.distribution_type = 'ORIGINATION'
            and dist.line_type = 'ORIG'
            and dist.account_name = 'LOAN_RECEIVABLE'
            and dist.account_type = 'DR'
            and dist.loan_id = p_loan_id
            and dist.code_combination_id = p_code_combination_id
            and dist.LOAN_LINE_ID = lines.LOAN_LINE_ID(+)
            and lines.loan_id(+) = dist.loan_id
            and trunc(lines.ADJUSTMENT_DATE(+)) <= trunc(p_adj_date)
            and lines.status(+) = 'APPROVED';
Line: 6670

        select nvl(sum(dist.amount), 0)
        from lns_amortization_lines lines,
            lns_amortization_scheds am,
            RA_CUST_TRX_LINE_GL_DIST_ALL dist
        where am.loan_id = p_loan_id
            and (am.REVERSED_FLAG is null or am.REVERSED_FLAG = 'N')
            and am.REAMORTIZATION_AMOUNT is null
            and am.loan_id = lines.loan_id
            and am.amortization_schedule_id = lines.amortization_schedule_id
            and dist.CUSTOMER_TRX_ID = lines.cust_trx_id
            and dist.CUSTOMER_TRX_LINE_ID = lines.cust_trx_line_id
            and dist.code_combination_id = p_code_combination_id
            and trunc(am.due_date) <= trunc(p_adj_date);
Line: 6685

        select ADJUSTMENT_DATE, adj.gl_date
        from lns_loan_lines lines, ar_adjustments_all adj
        where lines.LOAN_LINE_ID = p_loan_line_id
            and lines.REC_ADJUSTMENT_ID = adj.ADJUSTMENT_ID;
Line: 6691

       select dist.distribution_id
       from lns_distributions dist
       where dist.loan_id = C_LOAN_ID
         and dist.account_type = 'CR'
         and dist.account_name = 'LOAN_RECEIVABLE'
         and dist.line_type = 'PRIN'
         and dist.distribution_type = 'BILLING'
         and dist.distribution_percent > 0
         and nvl(dist.loan_line_id, -1) =
                nvl((select max(loan_line_id)
                from lns_loan_lines
                where status = 'APPROVED'
                and LOAN_ID = C_LOAN_ID
		-- Added below one line condition b'coz we want the last loan_line_id distributions
		-- but here this code executes after the current loan_line_id is approved so it returns
		-- the current loan_line_id , which is incorrect.
		and loan_line_id NOT IN (C_LOAN_LINE_ID)
                and original_flag = 'N'
                and trunc(adjustment_date) <= trunc(C_ADJ_DATE)), -1)
        order by dist.distribution_id;
Line: 6814

        insert into XLA_ACCT_PROG_DOCS_GT (entity_id) VALUES (l_entity_id);
Line: 6815

        logMessage(FND_LOG.level_statement, G_PKG_NAME, 'Inserted into XLA_ACCT_PROG_DOCS_GT');
Line: 6820

    select count(1) into l_transactions_count
Line: 6822

    logMessage(FND_LOG.level_statement, G_PKG_NAME, 'Inserted transaction_entities  = ' || l_transactions_count);
Line: 7181

    logMessage(FND_LOG.level_statement, G_PKG_NAME, 'Calling do_insert_distributions...');
Line: 7182

    do_insert_distributions(p_distributions_tbl => l_distributionsALL
                            ,p_loan_id           => p_loan_id);
Line: 7229

        update lns_distributions
            set event_id = l_event_id
        where loan_id = P_LOAN_ID
            and loan_line_id = p_loan_line_id
            and account_name in ('LOAN_RECEIVABLE', 'LOAN_CLEARING')
            and distribution_type = 'ORIGINATION'
	    and activity = 'ERS_ADD_REC';
Line: 7353

       select d.line_type
       from lns_distributions d
       where d.loan_id = c_loan_id
         and d.distribution_type = 'ORIGINATION'
         and d.distribution_percent > 0
         and d.disb_header_id IS NULL
         and d.loan_amount_adj_id IS NULL
         and d.loan_line_id IS NULL
        order by d.code_combination_id;
Line: 7370

    select h.loan_class_code, h.requested_amount, h.funded_amount, (nvl(subsidy_rate, 0)/100)
        from lns_loan_headers_all h
        where h.loan_id = c_loan_id;
Line: 7377

    select count(1)
      from lns_distributions
     where loan_id  = c_loan_id
       and account_name = 'LOAN_RECEIVABLE'
       and distribution_type = 'ORIGINATION'
       and account_type      = 'DR'
       and line_type  <> 'SUBSIDY';
Line: 7387

    select count(1)
      from lns_distributions
     where loan_id  = c_loan_id
       and account_name in ('LOAN_PAYABLE', 'LOAN_CLEARING')
       and distribution_type = 'ORIGINATION'
       and account_type      = 'CR'
       and line_type  <> 'SUBSIDY';
Line: 7507

	-- 1b. Calculate and update the amount

	open c_num_receivables(p_loan_id);
Line: 7580

      logMessage(FND_LOG.LEVEL_STATEMENT, G_PKG_NAME, 'Calling do_insert_distributions...');
Line: 7581

      do_insert_distributions(l_distributions, p_loan_id);
Line: 7644

    select event_id
        from xla_transaction_entities xlee
            ,xla_events xle
      where xle.application_id = 206
        and xle.entity_id = xlee.entity_id
        and xlee.source_id_int_1 = p_loan_id
        and xle.budgetary_control_flag = 'Y'
        and xle.event_type_code = 'FUTURE_DISBURSEMENT_CANCELLED'
        and xle.process_status_code <> 'P';
Line: 7655

    select nvl(p.BDGT_REQ_FOR_APPR_FLAG, 'N')
          ,nvl(h.funds_reserved_flag, 'N')
          ,nvl(h.gl_date, sysdate)
      from lns_loan_headers h,
           lns_loan_products p
      where p.loan_product_id = h.product_id
        and h.loan_id = p_loan_id;
Line: 7664

    select object_version_number
      from lns_loan_headers
     where loan_id = p_loan_id;
Line: 7669

    select disb_header_id
      from lns_disb_headers
     where loan_id = p_loan_id
       and disbursement_number = 1;
Line: 7675

      from lns_disb_headers
     where disb_header_id = p_disb_header_id;
Line: 7790

            update lns_distributions
            set event_id = l_event_id
                ,last_update_date = sysdate
                ,object_Version_number = object_version_number + 1
            where distribution_type = 'ORIGINATION'
              and loan_id           = p_loan_id
              and disb_header_id    = p_disb_header_id
	            and activity = 	p_activity;
Line: 7800

            logMessage(FND_LOG.LEVEL_STATEMENT, G_PKG_NAME, 'Updated event_id '||l_event_id||' succesfully for '||SQL%ROWCOUNT||' rows');
Line: 7804

                logMessage(FND_LOG.LEVEL_STATEMENT, G_PKG_NAME, 'inserting into PSA_BC_XLA_EVENTS_GT - event => ' || l_event_id);
Line: 7805

                insert into PSA_BC_XLA_EVENTS_GT (event_id, result_code)
                values (l_event_id, 'FAIL');
Line: 7945

    select party_name from hz_parties party where party_id = P_BORROWER_ID;
Line: 7949

    select loan_number from lns_loan_headers where loan_id = P_LOAN_ID;
Line: 7953

    select name
    from hr_all_organization_units_tl
    where ORGANIZATION_ID = C_ORG_ID and
    language(+) = userenv('LANG');
Line: 7960

    select name
    from gl_ledgers
    where ledger_id = C_LEDGER_ID;
Line: 8159

		,decode(loan.current_phase, 'OPEN', to_char(loan.open_loan_start_date,'YYYY-MM-DD'), to_char(loan.loan_start_date,'YYYY-MM-DD'))
		lns_loan_headers loan,
		hz_parties party
        WHERE party.party_id = loan.PRIMARY_BORROWER_ID
	     AND loan.loan_id = C_LOAN_ID;
Line: 8175

    		lns_distributions ldist
    	WHERE ldist.loan_id = c_loan_id
	     AND ldist.distribution_type = 'ACCRUAL'
  	     AND ldist. activity = 'INTEREST_ACCRUAL';
Line: 8185

    	WHERE amort.loan_id = c_loan_id
	     AND amort.reversed_flag = 'N';
Line: 8451

		lns_loan_headers loan
		 loan.loan_id = C_LOAN_ID;
Line: 8459

      SELECT count(1)
      FROM   lns_distributions ldist
      WHERE ldist.loan_id = c_loan_id
	   AND ldist.accrual_date >= c_accrual_date
           AND ldist.distribution_type = 'ACCRUAL'
	   AND ldist.accrual_completed_flag = 'Y';
Line: 8467

       select ldist.line_type
       from lns_distributions ldist
       where ldist.loan_id = c_loan_id
         and ldist.line_type = 'INT'
         and ldist.distribution_type = 'BILLING'
         and ldist.distribution_percent >= 0
        order by ldist.account_type, ldist.code_combination_id;
Line: 8481

    select count(1)
      from lns_distributions ldist
     where  ldist.loan_id = c_loan_id
         and ldist.line_type = 'INT'
         and ldist.distribution_type = 'BILLING'
         and ldist.distribution_percent >= 0
	 and ldist.account_type = 'DR'
	 and ldist.account_name = 'INTEREST_RECEIVABLE';
Line: 8491

    select count(1)
      from lns_distributions ldist
     where  ldist.loan_id = c_loan_id
         and ldist.line_type = 'INT'
         and ldist.distribution_type = 'BILLING'
         and ldist.distribution_percent >= 0
	 and ldist.account_type = 'CR'
	 and ldist.account_name = 'INTEREST_INCOME';
Line: 8648

        logMessage(FND_LOG.LEVEL_STATEMENT, G_PKG_NAME, 'Calling do_insert_distributions...');
Line: 8649

        do_insert_distributions(l_distributions, p_loan_id);
Line: 8766

    SELECT trunc(decode(c_last_inst_no,
          decode(lnh.current_phase, 'TERM', lnh.loan_start_date, 'OPEN', lnh.open_loan_start_date),
	  decode(lnh.current_phase, 'TERM', lnh.loan_start_date, 'OPEN', lnh.open_loan_start_date),
          (select max(due_date)
            from lns_amortization_scheds
            where reversed_flag = 'N'
              and loan_id = lnh.loan_id
              and phase = lnh.current_phase)))
    FROM lns_loan_headers lnh
    WHERE lnh.loan_id = c_loan_id;
Line: 8781

     SELECT nvl(h.current_phase, 'TERM')
     FROM lns_loan_headers h
     WHERE h.loan_id = c_loan_id;
Line: 9039

		loan.loan_number, nvl(loan.disable_int_accrual_flag, 'N'), ou.name, gl.name
		lns_loan_headers_all loan, lns_system_options_all lsysopt, hr_operating_units ou, gl_ledgers gl
        WHERE loan.loan_id = C_LOAN_ID
          AND loan.org_id = lsysopt.org_id
          AND lsysopt.set_of_books_id = gl.ledger_id
          AND loan.org_id = ou.organization_id;
Line: 9051

    		lns_distributions ldist
    	WHERE ldist.loan_id = c_loan_id
	     AND ldist.distribution_type = 'ACCRUAL'
  	     AND ldist. activity = 'INTEREST_ACCRUAL'
	     AND ldist.accrual_completed_flag = 'Y';
Line: 9062

    	lns_distributions ldist
    WHERE ldist.loan_id = c_loan_id
         AND ldist.accrual_date = c_accrual_date
	 AND ldist.distribution_type = 'ACCRUAL'
  	 AND ldist. activity = 'INTEREST_ACCRUAL'
    ORDER BY ldist.account_type;
Line: 9079

    SELECT xlt.transaction_number, xlt.entity_code, err.encoded_msg
    FROM xla_accounting_errors err
          ,xla_transaction_entities xlt
    WHERE xlt.application_id = 206
      AND xlt.entity_id = err.entity_id
      AND err.event_id = C_EVENT_ID;
Line: 9087

    SELECT sb.chart_of_accounts_id
	FROM lns_loan_headers lhdr,
	  lns_system_options so,
	  gl_ledgers sb,
	  fnd_currencies fndc
	WHERE lhdr.loan_id = c_loan_id
	     AND lhdr.org_id = so.org_id
	     AND sb.ledger_id   = so.set_of_books_id
	     AND sb.currency_code = fndc.currency_code;
Line: 9100

    WHERE lhdr.loan_id = C_LOAN_ID
      AND lhdr.org_id =  sysopt.org_id
      AND sysopt.set_of_books_id = glps.ledger_id
      AND glps.application_id = 101
      AND glps.period_name = C_PERIOD_NAME;
Line: 9112

	SELECT distinct ldist.event_id, evnt.event_status_code
	FROM lns_distributions ldist, xla_events evnt
	WHERE ldist.event_id = evnt.event_id
	AND ldist.loan_id = C_LOAN_ID
	AND ldist.activity = 'INTEREST_ACCRUAL'
	AND ldist.distribution_type = 'ACCRUAL'
	AND ldist.accrual_completed_flag <> 'Y';
Line: 9232

	logMessage(FND_LOG.level_statement, G_PKG_NAME, 'Delete existed accrual rows on this accrual date if they are not Final accrued ');
Line: 9254

	  	LNS_XLA_EVENTS.delete_event(p_loan_id => P_loan_id
		              ,p_disb_header_id => -1
                      ,p_loan_amount_adj_id => -1
		              ,p_loan_line_id  => -1
                      ,p_event_id =>  l_exist_event_id
                      ,p_init_msg_list => 'F'
                      ,p_commit  =>  'F'
                      ,x_return_status => l_return_status
                      ,x_msg_count   => l_msg_count
                      ,x_msg_data   =>  l_msg_data);
Line: 9278

	-- So delete all the above distributions above that date
	DELETE FROM lns_distributions ldist
	WHERE ldist.loan_id = P_LOAN_ID
	     AND ldist.activity = 'INTEREST_ACCRUAL'
	     AND ldist.distribution_type = 'ACCRUAL'
	     AND ldist.accrual_completed_flag <> 'Y'
	     	(SELECT 'X' FROM xla_events evnt
			WHERE evnt.event_id = ldist.event_id
			     AND evnt.event_status_code in  ('P', 'R'));
Line: 9290

        logMessage(FND_LOG.level_statement, G_PKG_NAME, 'Deleted '||SQL%ROWCOUNT||' accrual rows succesfully');
Line: 9351

		update lns_distributions
		set event_id = l_event_id
		,last_update_date = sysdate
		where distribution_type = 'ACCRUAL'
		and loan_id             = p_loan_id
		and accrual_date        = p_accrual_date
		--and accrual_period     = NVL(p_period_name, accrual_period)
		and activity = 'INTEREST_ACCRUAL';
Line: 9360

		logMessage(FND_LOG.LEVEL_STATEMENT, G_PKG_NAME, 'Updated event_id succesfully for '||SQL%ROWCOUNT||' rows');
Line: 9612

                LNS_LOAN_HEADERS head, LNS_SYSTEM_OPTIONS sysopt
		          head.org_id = sysopt.org_id
		  AND sysopt.set_of_books_id = nvl(C_LEDGER_ID, sysopt.set_of_books_id)
                  AND c_accrual_date >= NVL((select max(due_date) from LNS_AMORTIZATION_SCHEDS aschd
		   						where aschd.loan_id = head.loan_id and aschd.reversed_flag = 'N')
							 ,decode(head.current_phase, 'OPEN',head.open_loan_start_date, head.loan_start_date))
                   AND  head.loan_status in ('ACTIVE', 'DEFAULT', 'DELINQUENT')
                   AND  head.loan_id = NVL(C_LOAN_ID, head.loan_id)
		   AND  head.org_id = nvl(C_ORG_ID, head.org_id)
		   AND  NVL(head.current_phase, 'TERM') = 'TERM'
              ORDER BY head.LOAN_ID;
Line: 9631

  	glps.period_name, glps.closing_status
    WHERE glps.start_date <= C_ACCRUAL_DATE
         AND glps.end_date >= C_ACCRUAL_DATE
         AND glps.ledger_id = C_LEDGER_ID
         AND glps.application_id = 101;
Line: 9641

	gl_period_statuses glpstat
    	glpstat.application_id =  101
        AND glpstat.set_of_books_id = c_ledger_id
        AND glpstat.period_name = c_period_name
        AND glpstat.adjustment_period_flag = 'N';
Line: 9846

	/* Accrue all the selected loans */
        FOR l_Count1 IN 1..l_loans_to_accrue_tbl.COUNT LOOP

            LogMessage(FND_LOG.LEVEL_PROCEDURE, G_PKG_NAME, 'Processing loan #' || l_Count1||' - '||l_loans_to_accrue_tbl(l_Count1));
Line: 10023

    select FND_PROFILE.VALUE('ICX_DATE_FORMAT_MASK') into l_date_format from dual;
Line: 10025

    select TO_DATE(ACCRUAL_DATE, l_date_format) into l_accrual_date from dual;
Line: 10155

    select d.header_amount
      from lns_disb_headers d
      where d.loan_id = p_loan_id
	and d.disb_header_id = p_disb_header_id;
Line: 10162

    select ladj.adjustment_amount
      from LNS_LOAN_AMOUNT_ADJS ladj
     where ladj.loan_id = p_loan_id
        and ladj.status = 'PENDING'
	and ladj.loan_amount_adj_id = c_loan_amount_adj_id;
Line: 10171

    select count(1)
      from lns_distributions
     where loan_id = c_loan_id
       and activity = c_activity
       and account_type = 'DR';
Line: 10179

    select count(1)
      from lns_distributions
     where loan_id = c_loan_id
       and activity = c_activity
       and account_type = 'CR';
Line: 10187

       select d.distribution_id
       from lns_distributions d
       where d.loan_id = c_loan_id
         and d.activity = 'LNS_APPROVAL'
        order by d.account_type, d.code_combination_id;
Line: 10393

||   p_project_id = Project ID corresponding to the Project selected
||   p_task_id = Task ID corresponding to the Task selected
||   p_award_id = Award ID corresponding to the Award selected
||   p_expenditure_type = expenditure Type
||   p_expenditure_date = expenditure date
|| Return value:  CCID corresponding to the Project, Task, Award, Expenditure Type combination
||                Concatenated Segment value
|| Source Tables: lns_distributions
|| Target Tables:
|| Date                  Author            Description of Changes
|| 02-12-2011            gparuchu             Created

procedure GENERATE_CCID_FOR_PROJECTS(p_loan_id in number
                                   ,p_distribution_id in number
                                   ,p_project_id in number
                                   ,p_task_id in number
                                   ,p_award_id in number
                                   ,p_expenditure_type in varchar2
                                   ,p_expenditure_date date
                                   ,x_ccid                       OUT NOCOPY NUMBER
                                   ,x_conc_segment_values        OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
                                   ,x_return_status              OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
                                   ,x_msg_count                  OUT NOCOPY NUMBER
                                   ,x_msg_data                   OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2)

 | Local Variable Declarations and initializations                        |
   l_api_name              varchar2(50);
Line: 10469

   select chart_of_accounts_id
    from gl_sets_of_books gl_books
    where gl_books.set_of_books_id = (select set_of_books_id from lns_system_options);
Line: 10474

   select org_id
   from lns_loan_headers lh
   where lh.loan_id = p_loan_id;