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Line 2871: okc_k_party_roles_b cplb,

2867: from okl_subsidies_b subb,
2868: okc_k_lines_b sub_cleb,
2869: okc_k_lines_tl sub_clet,
2870: okl_k_lines sub_kle,
2871: okc_k_party_roles_b cplb,
2872: po_vendors pov,
2873: okl_party_payment_dtls ppyd
2874: where ppyd.cpl_id(+) = cplb.id --payment details may not be mandatory
2875: and ppyd.vendor_id(+) = cplb.object1_id1

Line 3844: okc_k_party_roles_b sub_vend,

3840: okl_k_lines sub_kle,
3841: okc_k_lines_b sub_cle,
3842: okc_line_styles_b sub_lse,
3843: okl_subsidies_b subb,
3844: okc_k_party_roles_b sub_vend,
3845: okc_k_party_roles_b asst_vend,
3846: okc_k_lines_b model_cle,
3847: okc_line_styles_b model_lse,
3848: okc_k_lines_b asst_cle,

Line 3845: okc_k_party_roles_b asst_vend,

3841: okc_k_lines_b sub_cle,
3842: okc_line_styles_b sub_lse,
3843: okl_subsidies_b subb,
3844: okc_k_party_roles_b sub_vend,
3845: okc_k_party_roles_b asst_vend,
3846: okc_k_lines_b model_cle,
3847: okc_line_styles_b model_lse,
3848: okc_k_lines_b asst_cle,
3849: okc_statuses_b asst_sts

Line 4066: okc_k_party_roles_b sub_vend,

4062: from okl_k_lines sub_kle,
4063: okc_k_lines_b sub_cle,
4064: okc_line_styles_b sub_lse,
4065: okl_subsidies_b subb,
4066: okc_k_party_roles_b sub_vend,
4067: okc_k_party_roles_b asst_vend,
4068: okc_k_lines_b model_cle,
4069: okc_line_styles_b model_lse,
4070: okc_k_lines_b asst_cle,

Line 4067: okc_k_party_roles_b asst_vend,

4063: okc_k_lines_b sub_cle,
4064: okc_line_styles_b sub_lse,
4065: okl_subsidies_b subb,
4066: okc_k_party_roles_b sub_vend,
4067: okc_k_party_roles_b asst_vend,
4068: okc_k_lines_b model_cle,
4069: okc_line_styles_b model_lse,
4070: okc_k_lines_b asst_cle,
4071: okc_statuses_b asst_sts

Line 4277: l_cust_acct_id OKC_K_PARTY_ROLES_B.cust_acct_id%TYPE;

4273: l_rgd_id NUMBER;
4274: l_party_name VARCHAR2(1000);
4276: l_bill_to_site_use_id OKC_K_HEADERS_B.bill_to_site_use_id%TYPE;
4277: l_cust_acct_id OKC_K_PARTY_ROLES_B.cust_acct_id%TYPE;
4278: l_party_role FND_LOOKUPS.meaning%TYPE;
4280: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
4281: -- Get bill to site of OKL_VENDOR party on the contract

Line 4316: Okc_k_Party_Roles_b cPl

4312: cPl.cUst_acct_Id cUst_acct_Id
4313: FROM Okl_k_Headers khr,
4314: Okc_k_Headers_b Par,
4315: Okc_Rule_Groups_v rgd,
4316: Okc_k_Party_Roles_b cPl
4317: WHERE khr.Id = cp_khr_Id
4318: AND Par.Id = khr.khr_Id
4319: AND Par.scs_Code = 'PROGRAM'
4320: AND rgd.chr_Id = Par.Id

Line 4891: From okc_k_party_roles_b cplb,

4887: cursor l_samevend_csr(p_vendor_id in number,
4888: p_asset_cle_id in number,
4889: p_chr_id in number) is
4890: Select 'Y'
4891: From okc_k_party_roles_b cplb,
4892: okc_k_lines_b cleb,
4893: okc_line_styles_b lseb
4894: where cplb.cle_id = cleb.id
4895: and cleb.cle_id = p_asset_cle_id

Line 4930: l_cust_acct_id OKC_K_PARTY_ROLES_B.cust_acct_id%TYPE;

4926: lx_tldv_tbl okl_tld_pvt.tldv_tbl_type;
4928: --Varangan - Billing Enhancement changes - Bug#5874824 - End
4929: l_bill_to_site_use_id OKC_K_HEADERS_B.bill_to_site_use_id%TYPE;
4930: l_cust_acct_id OKC_K_PARTY_ROLES_B.cust_acct_id%TYPE;
4931: l_payment_method_id Number;
4932: l_bank_account_id Number;
4933: l_inv_reason_for_review Varchar2(450);
4934: l_inv_review_until_date Date;

Line 4946: from okc_k_party_roles_b cplb

4942: --cursor to get vendor cpl_id at header level
4943: cursor l_chrcpl_csr (p_vendor_id in number,
4944: p_chr_id in number) is
4945: select cplb.id
4946: from okc_k_party_roles_b cplb
4947: where cplb.chr_id = p_chr_id
4948: and cplb.dnz_chr_id = p_chr_id
4949: and cplb.cle_id is null
4950: and cplb.object1_id1 = to_char(p_vendor_id)

Line 5300: okc_k_party_roles_b cplb

5296: okc_k_lines_tl clet,
5297: okc_k_lines_b cleb,
5298: okc_statuses_b stsb,
5299: okc_line_styles_b lseb,
5300: okc_k_party_roles_b cplb
5301: where kle.id = cleb.id
5302: and clet.id = cleb.id
5303: and clet.language = userenv('LANG')
5304: and cleb.dnz_chr_id = p_chr_id

Line 5334: okc_k_party_roles_b cplb

5330: okc_k_lines_tl clet,
5331: okc_k_lines_b cleb,
5332: okc_statuses_b stsb,
5333: okc_line_styles_b lseb,
5334: okc_k_party_roles_b cplb
5335: where kle.id = cleb.id
5336: and clet.id = cleb.id
5337: and clet.language = userenv('LANG')
5338: and cleb.id = p_cle_id

Line 5388: okc_k_party_roles_b cplb

5384: select cleb.id cle_id,
5385: cplb.id cpl_id
5386: from okc_k_lines_b cleb,
5387: okc_line_styles_b lseb,
5388: okc_k_party_roles_b cplb
5389: where cleb.dnz_chr_id = p_orig_chr_id
5390: and lseb.id = cleb.lse_id
5391: and lseb.lty_code = 'SUBSIDY'
5392: and cplb.cle_id = cleb.id

Line 5440: okc_k_party_roles_b cplb,

5436: kle.orig_contract_line_id orig_contract_line_id
5437: from
5438: okc_k_lines_b asst_cleb,
5439: okc_statuses_b asst_sts,
5440: okc_k_party_roles_b cplb,
5441: okc_k_lines_tl clet,
5442: okl_k_lines kle,
5443: okc_line_styles_b lseb,
5444: okc_k_lines_b cleb

Line 6069: -- okc_k_party_roles_b and okl_k_party_roles

6067: --Bug# 4558486: Changed call to okl_k_party_roles_pvt api
6068: -- to create records in tables
6069: -- okc_k_party_roles_b and okl_k_party_roles
6070: /*
6071: okl_okc_migration_pvt.create_k_party_role
6072: (p_api_version => p_api_version,
6073: p_init_msg_list => p_init_msg_list,

Line 6481: FROM okc_k_party_roles_b chr_cplb,

6477: --Bug# 11717252
6478: CURSOR l_chr_subsidy_vendor_csr(p_subsidy_cpl_id IN NUMBER
6479: ,p_chr_id IN NUMBER) is
6480: SELECT chr_cplb.id
6481: FROM okc_k_party_roles_b chr_cplb,
6482: okc_k_party_roles_b cle_cplb
6483: WHERE cle_cplb.id = p_subsidy_cpl_id
6484: AND chr_cplb.chr_id = p_chr_id
6485: AND chr_cplb.dnz_chr_id = p_chr_id

Line 6482: okc_k_party_roles_b cle_cplb

6478: CURSOR l_chr_subsidy_vendor_csr(p_subsidy_cpl_id IN NUMBER
6479: ,p_chr_id IN NUMBER) is
6480: SELECT chr_cplb.id
6481: FROM okc_k_party_roles_b chr_cplb,
6482: okc_k_party_roles_b cle_cplb
6483: WHERE cle_cplb.id = p_subsidy_cpl_id
6484: AND chr_cplb.chr_id = p_chr_id
6485: AND chr_cplb.dnz_chr_id = p_chr_id
6486: AND chr_cplb.object1_id1 = cle_cplb.object1_id1

Line 6491: l_chr_cpl_id OKC_K_PARTY_ROLES_B.id%TYPE;

6487: AND chr_cplb.object1_id2 = '#'
6488: AND chr_cplb.jtot_object1_code = 'OKX_VENDOR'
6489: AND chr_cplb.rle_code = 'OKL_VENDOR';
6491: l_chr_cpl_id OKC_K_PARTY_ROLES_B.id%TYPE;
6493: --------------------------------------
6494: -- Cursor Block - End
6495: --------------------------------------

Line 7270: From okc_k_party_roles_b cplb,

7266: cursor l_samevend_csr(p_vendor_id in number,
7267: p_asset_cle_id in number,
7268: p_chr_id in number) is
7269: Select 'Y'
7270: From okc_k_party_roles_b cplb,
7271: okc_k_lines_b cleb,
7272: okc_line_styles_b lseb
7273: where cplb.cle_id = cleb.id
7274: and cleb.cle_id = p_asset_cle_id

Line 7294: l_cust_acct_id OKC_K_PARTY_ROLES_B.cust_acct_id%TYPE;

7290: lx_tilv_rec okl_txl_ar_inv_lns_pub.tilv_rec_type;
7291: lx_bpd_acc_rec okl_acc_call_pub.bpd_acc_rec_type;
7293: l_bill_to_site_use_id OKC_K_HEADERS_B.bill_to_site_use_id%TYPE;
7294: l_cust_acct_id OKC_K_PARTY_ROLES_B.cust_acct_id%TYPE;
7295: l_payment_method_id Number;
7296: l_bank_account_id Number;
7297: l_inv_reason_for_review Varchar2(450);
7298: l_inv_review_until_date Date;

Line 7310: from okc_k_party_roles_b cplb

7306: --cursor to get vendor cpl_id at header level
7307: cursor l_chrcpl_csr (p_vendor_id in number,
7308: p_chr_id in number) is
7309: select cplb.id
7310: from okc_k_party_roles_b cplb
7311: where cplb.chr_id = p_chr_id
7312: and cplb.dnz_chr_id = p_chr_id
7313: and cplb.cle_id is null
7314: and cplb.object1_id1 = to_char(p_vendor_id)