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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 107

  SELECT ah.action_code
  ,      ac.action_name
  ,      ah.action_date
  ,      ah.approver_role_id
  ,      pr.meaning approver_role
  ,      ah.performer
  ,      ah.note
  FROM   oke_approval_history ah
  ,    ( select lookup_code action_code
         ,      meaning     action_name
         from   fnd_lookup_values
         where  view_application_id = 777
         and    lookup_type = 'APPROVAL_ACTION'
         and    language = userenv('LANG') ) ac
  ,      pa_project_role_types pr
  WHERE  ah.k_header_id = C_Header_ID
  AND    ah.chg_request_id IS NULL
  AND    ac.action_code = ah.action_code
  AND    pr.project_role_id (+) = ah.approver_role_id
  ORDER BY action_sequence DESC;
Line: 130

  SELECT nvl(p.full_name , u.user_name)
  ,      u.email_address
  FROM   fnd_user u
  ,      per_all_people_f p
  WHERE  u.user_name = C_role_name
  AND    p.person_id = u.employee_id
  AND    trunc(sysdate) BETWEEN p.effective_start_date AND p.effective_end_date;
Line: 194

    select fnd_global.user_id into l_user_id from dual;