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APPS.FND_GLOBAL dependencies on FND_USER

Line 1978: l_tab_user_name fnd_user.user_name%TYPE; --- added for bug 13654980

1974: as
1975: n varchar2(2000);
1976: v varchar2(2000);
1977: prd_init_pkg_called boolean := false;
1978: l_tab_user_name fnd_user.user_name%TYPE; --- added for bug 13654980
1979: l_user_id fnd_user.user_id%TYPE := user_id; --- added for bug 13654980
1980: begin
1982: check_logging;

Line 1979: l_user_id fnd_user.user_id%TYPE := user_id; --- added for bug 13654980

1975: n varchar2(2000);
1976: v varchar2(2000);
1977: prd_init_pkg_called boolean := false;
1978: l_tab_user_name fnd_user.user_name%TYPE; --- added for bug 13654980
1979: l_user_id fnd_user.user_id%TYPE := user_id; --- added for bug 13654980
1980: begin
1982: check_logging;

Line 2061: from fnd_user_resp_groups u

2057: begin
2059: select count(*)
2060: into v_count
2061: from fnd_user_resp_groups u
2062: where sysdate between u.start_date and nvl(u.end_date, sysdate)
2063: and u.security_group_id in (0, v_sgid)
2064: and u.user_id = v_uid
2065: and u.responsibility_id = v_rid

Line 2100: v_user fnd_user%rowtype;

2096: -- (Only untranslated ones are set here - translated names
2097: -- are re-selected every time in case of language change.)
2098: --
2099: declare
2100: v_user fnd_user%rowtype;
2101: begin
2102: v_user.user_id := user_id;
2104: select u.user_name,

Line 2114: from fnd_user u

2110: v_user.employee_id,
2111: v_user.customer_id,
2112: v_user.supplier_id,
2113: v_user.person_party_id
2114: from fnd_user u
2115: where u.user_id = v_user.user_id;
2117: put(FND_CONST.USER_NAME,v_user.user_name);
2118: put(FND_CONST.EMPLOYEE_ID,v_user.employee_id);

Line 2141: --- in the cache after it has been succesfully changed in fnd_user table.

2137: -- to tag_db_session call as part of Connection Tagging project. Whenever, this
2138: -- api will be called, the client identifier attribute will be set.
2139: else
2140: --- Else has been added for bug 13654980 - user_name not getting updated
2141: --- in the cache after it has been succesfully changed in fnd_user table.
2142: begin
2143: select fu.user_name
2144: into l_tab_user_name
2145: from fnd_user fu

Line 2145: from fnd_user fu

2141: --- in the cache after it has been succesfully changed in fnd_user table.
2142: begin
2143: select fu.user_name
2144: into l_tab_user_name
2145: from fnd_user fu
2146: where fu.user_id = l_user_id;
2147: exception when others then
2148: l_tab_user_name := null;
2149: end;