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2 /* $Header: wfhtms.pls 120.2.12010000.1 2008/07/25 14:42:07 appldev ship $ */
4 --
5 -- GetUrl (PRIVATE)
6 --   Produce URL link in response portion
7 -- IN
8 --   nid -
9 --   description - instructions
10 --   value - & || attr name
11 --   the value gets past off as a string which is then translated.
12 --   because the string only contains the URL attr, it will be correctly
13 --   substituted including and argument.
14 procedure GetUrl(
15     nid          in number,
16     description  in varchar2,
17     value        in varchar2);
19 --
20 -- GetField (PRIVATE)
21 --   Produce a varchar2/number/date response field
22 -- IN
23 --   name - field name
24 --   type - field type (VARCHAR2, NUMBER, DATE)
25 --   format - format mask
26 --   dvalue - default value
27 --   index - the attribute element number in the attribute list
28 --
29 procedure GetField(
30   name         in varchar2,
31   type        in varchar2,
32   format       in varchar2,
33   dvalue       in varchar2,
34   index_num    in number,
35   nid          in number default null,
36   nkey         in varchar2 default null);
38 --
39 -- GetLookup (PRIVATE)
40 --   Produce a lookup response field
41 -- IN
42 --   name - field name
43 --   value - default value (lookup code)
44 --   format - lookup type
45 --   submit - flag include a submit button for result field
46 --
47 procedure GetLookup(
48   name in varchar2,
49   value in varchar2,
50   format in varchar2,
51   submit in boolean);
53 --
54 -- GetButtons (PRIVATE)
55 --   Produce a response field as submit buttons
56 -- IN
57 --   value - default value
58 --   format - lookup type
59 --
60 procedure GetButtons(
61   value   in varchar2,
62   format  in varchar2,
63   otherattr in number);
65 -- SetAttribute (PRIVATE)
66 --   Set response attributes when processing a response.
67 -- IN
68 --   nid - notification id
69 --   attr_name_type - attribute name#type#format
70 --   attr_value - attribute value
71 --   doc_name -
72 --
73 procedure SetAttribute(
74   nid            in number,
75   attr_name_type in varchar2,
76   attr_value     in varchar2,
77   doc_name       in varchar2);
79 --
80 -- GetLookupMeaning (PRIVATE)
81 --   Retrieve displayed value of lookup
82 -- IN
83 --   ltype - lookup type
84 --   lcode - lookup code
86 --   Displayed meaning of lookup code
87 --
88 function GetLookupMeaning(
89   ltype in varchar2,
90   lcode in varchar2)
91 return varchar2;
93 --
94 -- GetUrlCount (PRIVATE)
95 -- IN
96 --   nid - notification id
97 -- OUT
98 --   urlcnt  - number of urls as reponse attributes
99 --   urlstrg - one of the urls if it exist
100 --             this is generally discarded unless there is only one
101 procedure GetUrlCount(
102   nid in number,
103   urlcnt out nocopy number,
104   urlstrg out nocopy varchar2);
107 --
108 -- GetResponseUrl (PRIVATE)
109 --   Return single response url.
110 --   NOTE: this assumes there is exactly one response url attribute.
111 -- IN
112 --   nid - notification id
113 -- RETURNS
114 --   Response url
115 --
116 function GetResponseUrl(
117   nid in number)
118 return varchar2;
120 --
121 -- GetDisplayValue (PRIVATE)
122 --   Get displayed value of a response field
123 -- IN
124 --   type - field type (VARCHAR2, NUMBER, DATE, LOOKUP, URL)
125 --   format - field format (depends on type)
126 --   tvalue - text value
127 --   nvalue - number value
128 --   dvalue - date value
129 -- RETURNS
130 --   Displayed value
131 --
132 function GetDisplayValue(
133   type in varchar2,
134   format in varchar2,
135   tvalue in varchar2,
136   nvalue in number,
137   dvalue in date)
138 return varchar2;
140 --
141 -- GetDenormalizedValues
142 --   Populate WF_NOTIFICATIONS with the needed values with supplied langcode.
143 --   Then returns those values via the out variables.
144 -- IN:
145 --   nid - notification id
146 --   langcode - language code
147 -- OUT:
148 --   from_user - display name of from role
149 --   to_user - display name of recipient_role
150 --   subject - subject of the notification
151 --
152 procedure GetDenormalizedValues(nid       in  number,
153                                langcode  in  varchar2,
154                                from_user out nocopy varchar2,
155                                to_user   out nocopy varchar2,
156                                subject   out nocopy varchar2);
158 end WFA_HTML_UTIL;