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Line 72: approvalStatusDesc fnd_lookups.meaning%type;

68: return actionTypeName;
69: end getApproverGroupName;
70: --+
71: function getApprovalStatusDesc(statusIn in varchar2) return varchar2 as
72: approvalStatusDesc fnd_lookups.meaning%type;
73: begin
74: return statusIn;
75: exception
76: when others then

Line 86: approvalCategoryDesc fnd_lookups.meaning%type;

82: return statusIn;
83: end getApprovalStatusDesc;
84: --+
85: function getApprovalCategoryDesc(categoryIn in varchar2) return varchar2 as
86: approvalCategoryDesc fnd_lookups.meaning%type;
87: begin
88: select meaning
89: into approvalCategoryDesc
90: from fnd_lookups fl

Line 90: from fnd_lookups fl

86: approvalCategoryDesc fnd_lookups.meaning%type;
87: begin
88: select meaning
89: into approvalCategoryDesc
90: from fnd_lookups fl
91: where fl.lookup_type = 'AME_APPROVER_CATEGORY'
92: and fl.enabled_flag = 'Y'
93: and fl.lookup_code = categoryIn
94: and trunc(sysdate) between start_date_active

Line 110: authorityDesc fnd_lookups.meaning%type;

106: return approvalCategoryDesc;
107: end getApprovalCategoryDesc;
108: --+
109: function getAuthorityDesc(authorityIn in varchar2) return varchar2 as
110: authorityDesc fnd_lookups.meaning%type;
111: begin
112: select meaning
113: into authorityDesc
114: from fnd_lookups fl

Line 114: from fnd_lookups fl

110: authorityDesc fnd_lookups.meaning%type;
111: begin
112: select meaning
113: into authorityDesc
114: from fnd_lookups fl
115: where fl.lookup_type = 'AME_SUBLIST_TYPES'
116: and fl.enabled_flag = 'Y'
117: and fl.lookup_code = authorityIn
118: and trunc(sysdate) between start_date_active

Line 132: apiInsertionDesc fnd_lookups.meaning%type;

128: return 'Not a valid';
129: end getAuthorityDesc;
130: --+
131: function getApiInsertionDesc(apiInsertionIn in varchar2) return varchar2 as
132: apiInsertionDesc fnd_lookups.meaning%type;
133: begin
134: return apiInsertionIn;
135: exception
136: when others then

Line 146: origSystemDesc fnd_lookups.meaning%type;

142: return apiInsertionIn;
143: end getApiInsertionDesc;
144: --+
145: function getOrigSystemDesc(origSystemIn in varchar2) return varchar2 as
146: origSystemDesc fnd_lookups.meaning%type;
147: begin
148: select meaning
149: into origSystemDesc
150: from fnd_lookups fl

Line 150: from fnd_lookups fl

146: origSystemDesc fnd_lookups.meaning%type;
147: begin
148: select meaning
149: into origSystemDesc
150: from fnd_lookups fl
151: where fl.lookup_type = 'FND_WF_ORIG_SYSTEMS'
152: and fl.lookup_code = origSystemIn
153: and trunc(sysdate) between start_date_active
154: and nvl(end_date_active, trunc(sysdate));

Line 167: ruleTypeDesc fnd_lookups.meaning%type;

163: return origSystemDesc;
164: end getOrigSystemDesc;
165: --+
166: function getRuleTypeDesc(ruleTypeIn in varchar2) return varchar2 as
167: ruleTypeDesc fnd_lookups.meaning%type;
168: begin
169: select meaning
170: into ruleTypeDesc
171: from fnd_lookups fl

Line 171: from fnd_lookups fl

167: ruleTypeDesc fnd_lookups.meaning%type;
168: begin
169: select meaning
170: into ruleTypeDesc
171: from fnd_lookups fl
172: where fl.lookup_type = 'AME_RULE_TYPE'
173: and fl.enabled_flag = 'Y'
174: and fl.lookup_code = ruleTypeIn
175: and trunc(sysdate) between start_date_active

Line 191: ruleTypeDesc fnd_lookups.meaning%type;

187: --+
188: function getRuleType(ruleIdIn in integer
189: ,effectiveDateIn in date) return varchar2 as
190: ruleTypeCode varchar2(1);
191: ruleTypeDesc fnd_lookups.meaning%type;
192: begin
193: select rule_type
194: into ruleTypeCode
195: from ame_rules

Line 214: cagegoryDesc fnd_lookups.meaning%type;

210: function getRuleCategory(ruleIdIn in integer
211: ,applicationIdIn in integer
212: ,effectiveDateIn in date) return varchar2 as
213: categoryCode varchar2(1);
214: cagegoryDesc fnd_lookups.meaning%type;
215: begin
216: begin
217: select approver_category
218: into categoryCode