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Line 34: -- using okx_customer_products_v

30: -- 11-Completed global cusrsors with additional columns (currency_code...)
31: -- 12-Reviewed quote line price calculation
32: -- 13-Added exchange information for quote
33: -- 14-Added conditions on org_id AND organization_id when
34: -- using okx_customer_products_v
35: -- 15-Added the organization context initialization
36: -- 16-Ensure that the source of the covered products is OKX_CUSTOMER_PRODUCTS_V
37: -- instead of testing the JTF Object code
38: -- 17-Reviewed quote line creation by disregarding the top lines for which

Line 36: -- 16-Ensure that the source of the covered products is OKX_CUSTOMER_PRODUCTS_V

32: -- 13-Added exchange information for quote
33: -- 14-Added conditions on org_id AND organization_id when
34: -- using okx_customer_products_v
35: -- 15-Added the organization context initialization
36: -- 16-Ensure that the source of the covered products is OKX_CUSTOMER_PRODUCTS_V
37: -- instead of testing the JTF Object code
38: -- 17-Reviewed quote line creation by disregarding the top lines for which
39: -- an error occurs when calculating the price, AND by printing
40: -- an appropriate message

Line 175: g_okx_customer_products_v CONSTANT VARCHAR2(50) := 'OKX_CUSTOMER_PRODUCTS_V';

172: -- other constants
173: g_okx_system_items_v CONSTANT VARCHAR2(30) := 'OKX_SYSTEM_ITEMS_V';
174: g_okx_product_lines_v CONSTANT VARCHAR2(50) := 'OKX_PRODUCT_LINES_V';
175: g_okx_customer_products_v CONSTANT VARCHAR2(50) := 'OKX_CUSTOMER_PRODUCTS_V';
176: g_okx_operunit CONSTANT VARCHAR2(30) := 'OKX_OPERUNIT';
177: g_okx_legentity CONSTANT VARCHAR2(30) := 'OKX_LEGAL_ENTITY';
178: g_okx_service CONSTANT VARCHAR2(30) := 'OKX_SERVICE';

Line 300: ,okx_customer_products_v cpt

296: ,okc_k_lines_b cle
297: ,okc_k_items cim
298: ,okc_line_styles_b lse
299: ,okc_line_style_sources lss
300: ,okx_customer_products_v cpt
301: ,okc_statuses_b sts
302: WHERE
303: cim.cle_id = cle.id
304: AND cpt.id1 = cim.object1_id1

Line 309: AND rtrim(ltrim(jot.from_table)) like g_okx_customer_products_v||'%'||cim.jtot_object1_code

305: AND cpt.id2 = cim.object1_id2
306: AND cpt.org_id = b_org_id
307: AND cpt.organization_id = b_inv_org_id
308: AND jot.object_code = cim.jtot_object1_code
309: AND rtrim(ltrim(jot.from_table)) like g_okx_customer_products_v||'%'||cim.jtot_object1_code
310: --
311: AND lse.id = cle.lse_id
312: AND lse.lty_code = g_lt_coverprod -- must be a covered product
313: AND lss.lse_id = lse.id