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Line 342: ,name cz_config_items.name%TYPE

338: TYPE cfg_msg_tbl_type IS TABLE of v2k_tbl_type INDEX BY VARCHAR2(15);-- Bug 6892148;
340: TYPE conn_rec_type IS RECORD
341: (id NUMBER
342: ,name cz_config_items.name%TYPE
343: ,ref cz_config_items.name%TYPE
344: ,fromCompID NUMBER
345: ,fromCompName cz_config_items.name%TYPE
346: ,fromCompType cz_config_items.name%TYPE

Line 343: ,ref cz_config_items.name%TYPE

340: TYPE conn_rec_type IS RECORD
341: (id NUMBER
342: ,name cz_config_items.name%TYPE
343: ,ref cz_config_items.name%TYPE
344: ,fromCompID NUMBER
345: ,fromCompName cz_config_items.name%TYPE
346: ,fromCompType cz_config_items.name%TYPE
347: ,toCompID NUMBER

Line 345: ,fromCompName cz_config_items.name%TYPE

341: (id NUMBER
342: ,name cz_config_items.name%TYPE
343: ,ref cz_config_items.name%TYPE
344: ,fromCompID NUMBER
345: ,fromCompName cz_config_items.name%TYPE
346: ,fromCompType cz_config_items.name%TYPE
347: ,toCompID NUMBER
348: ,toCompName cz_config_items.name%TYPE
349: ,toCompType cz_config_items.name%TYPE

Line 346: ,fromCompType cz_config_items.name%TYPE

342: ,name cz_config_items.name%TYPE
343: ,ref cz_config_items.name%TYPE
344: ,fromCompID NUMBER
345: ,fromCompName cz_config_items.name%TYPE
346: ,fromCompType cz_config_items.name%TYPE
347: ,toCompID NUMBER
348: ,toCompName cz_config_items.name%TYPE
349: ,toCompType cz_config_items.name%TYPE
350: );

Line 348: ,toCompName cz_config_items.name%TYPE

344: ,fromCompID NUMBER
345: ,fromCompName cz_config_items.name%TYPE
346: ,fromCompType cz_config_items.name%TYPE
347: ,toCompID NUMBER
348: ,toCompName cz_config_items.name%TYPE
349: ,toCompType cz_config_items.name%TYPE
350: );
351: TYPE conn_tbl_type IS TABLE OF conn_rec_type INDEX BY VARCHAR2(15);-- Bug 6892148;

Line 349: ,toCompType cz_config_items.name%TYPE

345: ,fromCompName cz_config_items.name%TYPE
346: ,fromCompType cz_config_items.name%TYPE
347: ,toCompID NUMBER
348: ,toCompName cz_config_items.name%TYPE
349: ,toCompType cz_config_items.name%TYPE
350: );
351: TYPE conn_tbl_type IS TABLE OF conn_rec_type INDEX BY VARCHAR2(15);-- Bug 6892148;
353: TYPE chg_rec_type IS RECORD (old_val cz_config_items.item_val%TYPE, new_val cz_config_items.item_val%TYPE);

Line 353: TYPE chg_rec_type IS RECORD (old_val cz_config_items.item_val%TYPE, new_val cz_config_items.item_val%TYPE);

349: ,toCompType cz_config_items.name%TYPE
350: );
351: TYPE conn_tbl_type IS TABLE OF conn_rec_type INDEX BY VARCHAR2(15);-- Bug 6892148;
353: TYPE chg_rec_type IS RECORD (old_val cz_config_items.item_val%TYPE, new_val cz_config_items.item_val%TYPE);
354: TYPE chg_tbl_type IS TABLE OF chg_rec_type INDEX BY BINARY_INTEGER;
356: TYPE domnode_tbl_type IS TABLE OF XMLDOM.DOMNode INDEX BY VARCHAR2(15);-- Bug 6892148;

Line 383: l_parent_name cz_config_items.ps_node_name%TYPE;

379: l_exists_in_baseline BOOLEAN;
380: l_psn_type INTEGER;
381: l_comp_name VARCHAR2(1000);
382: l_parent_item NUMBER;
383: l_parent_name cz_config_items.ps_node_name%TYPE;
385: l_ref_node_map num_tbl_type_idx_vc2;
386: l_prj_psn_type_map prj_psn_tbl_type;
387: l_prj_psn_osr_map pkg_osr_tbl_type;

Line 454: parent_config_item_id CZ_CONFIG_ITEMS.parent_config_item_id%TYPE,

450: /* *** delta_info part *** */
452: TYPE cfg_item_rec_type IS RECORD
453: (
454: parent_config_item_id CZ_CONFIG_ITEMS.parent_config_item_id%TYPE,
455: ps_node_id CZ_CONFIG_ITEMS.ps_node_id%TYPE,
456: name CZ_CONFIG_ITEMS.name%TYPE,
457: ps_node_name CZ_CONFIG_ITEMS.ps_node_name%TYPE,
458: comp_name CZ_CONFIG_ITEMS.ps_node_name%TYPE,

Line 455: ps_node_id CZ_CONFIG_ITEMS.ps_node_id%TYPE,

452: TYPE cfg_item_rec_type IS RECORD
453: (
454: parent_config_item_id CZ_CONFIG_ITEMS.parent_config_item_id%TYPE,
455: ps_node_id CZ_CONFIG_ITEMS.ps_node_id%TYPE,
456: name CZ_CONFIG_ITEMS.name%TYPE,
457: ps_node_name CZ_CONFIG_ITEMS.ps_node_name%TYPE,
458: comp_name CZ_CONFIG_ITEMS.ps_node_name%TYPE,
459: item_val CZ_CONFIG_ITEMS.item_val%TYPE,

Line 456: name CZ_CONFIG_ITEMS.name%TYPE,

452: TYPE cfg_item_rec_type IS RECORD
453: (
454: parent_config_item_id CZ_CONFIG_ITEMS.parent_config_item_id%TYPE,
455: ps_node_id CZ_CONFIG_ITEMS.ps_node_id%TYPE,
456: name CZ_CONFIG_ITEMS.name%TYPE,
457: ps_node_name CZ_CONFIG_ITEMS.ps_node_name%TYPE,
458: comp_name CZ_CONFIG_ITEMS.ps_node_name%TYPE,
459: item_val CZ_CONFIG_ITEMS.item_val%TYPE,
460: item_num_val CZ_CONFIG_ITEMS.item_num_val%TYPE

Line 457: ps_node_name CZ_CONFIG_ITEMS.ps_node_name%TYPE,

453: (
454: parent_config_item_id CZ_CONFIG_ITEMS.parent_config_item_id%TYPE,
455: ps_node_id CZ_CONFIG_ITEMS.ps_node_id%TYPE,
456: name CZ_CONFIG_ITEMS.name%TYPE,
457: ps_node_name CZ_CONFIG_ITEMS.ps_node_name%TYPE,
458: comp_name CZ_CONFIG_ITEMS.ps_node_name%TYPE,
459: item_val CZ_CONFIG_ITEMS.item_val%TYPE,
460: item_num_val CZ_CONFIG_ITEMS.item_num_val%TYPE
461: );

Line 458: comp_name CZ_CONFIG_ITEMS.ps_node_name%TYPE,

454: parent_config_item_id CZ_CONFIG_ITEMS.parent_config_item_id%TYPE,
455: ps_node_id CZ_CONFIG_ITEMS.ps_node_id%TYPE,
456: name CZ_CONFIG_ITEMS.name%TYPE,
457: ps_node_name CZ_CONFIG_ITEMS.ps_node_name%TYPE,
458: comp_name CZ_CONFIG_ITEMS.ps_node_name%TYPE,
459: item_val CZ_CONFIG_ITEMS.item_val%TYPE,
460: item_num_val CZ_CONFIG_ITEMS.item_num_val%TYPE
461: );

Line 459: item_val CZ_CONFIG_ITEMS.item_val%TYPE,

455: ps_node_id CZ_CONFIG_ITEMS.ps_node_id%TYPE,
456: name CZ_CONFIG_ITEMS.name%TYPE,
457: ps_node_name CZ_CONFIG_ITEMS.ps_node_name%TYPE,
458: comp_name CZ_CONFIG_ITEMS.ps_node_name%TYPE,
459: item_val CZ_CONFIG_ITEMS.item_val%TYPE,
460: item_num_val CZ_CONFIG_ITEMS.item_num_val%TYPE
461: );
463: TYPE cfg_item_tbl_type IS TABLE OF cfg_item_rec_type INDEX BY VARCHAR2(15);-- Bug 6892148;

Line 460: item_num_val CZ_CONFIG_ITEMS.item_num_val%TYPE

456: name CZ_CONFIG_ITEMS.name%TYPE,
457: ps_node_name CZ_CONFIG_ITEMS.ps_node_name%TYPE,
458: comp_name CZ_CONFIG_ITEMS.ps_node_name%TYPE,
459: item_val CZ_CONFIG_ITEMS.item_val%TYPE,
460: item_num_val CZ_CONFIG_ITEMS.item_num_val%TYPE
461: );
463: TYPE cfg_item_tbl_type IS TABLE OF cfg_item_rec_type INDEX BY VARCHAR2(15);-- Bug 6892148;
464: TYPE vrchr_tbl_type IS TABLE OF VARCHAR2(255) INDEX BY VARCHAR2(255);

Line 508: FROM cz_config_items

505: FOR i IN
506: (SELECT config_item_id, instance_nbr, ps_node_id, name, value_type_code,
507: ps_node_name, parent_config_item_id, item_val, item_num_val
508: FROM cz_config_items
509: START WITH config_hdr_id = p_cfg_hdr_id AND config_rev_nbr = p_cfg_rev_nbr
510: AND component_instance_type = ROOT AND deleted_flag='0'
511: CONNECT BY config_hdr_id = p_cfg_hdr_id AND config_rev_nbr = p_cfg_rev_nbr
512: AND deleted_flag = '0' AND PRIOR config_item_id = parent_config_item_id)

Line 676: FOR fitm IN (SELECT ps_node_name,item_num_val FROM CZ_CONFIG_ITEMS

672: PROCEDURE attachPrevChoices(p_parent_config_item_id IN NUMBER, p_parent_name IN VARCHAR2, p_choice_Node xmldom.DOMNode) IS
673: l_tmp_changes_chNode xmldom.DOMNode;
674: l_tmp_xml_Node xmldom.DOMNode;
675: BEGIN
676: FOR fitm IN (SELECT ps_node_name,item_num_val FROM CZ_CONFIG_ITEMS
677: WHERE config_hdr_id=p_baseline_config_hdr_id AND
678: config_rev_nbr=p_baseline_config_rev_nbr AND
679: deleted_flag='0' AND parent_config_item_id=p_parent_config_item_id AND
680: config_item_id NOT IN

Line 681: (SELECT b.config_item_id FROM CZ_CONFIG_ITEMS b

677: WHERE config_hdr_id=p_baseline_config_hdr_id AND
678: config_rev_nbr=p_baseline_config_rev_nbr AND
679: deleted_flag='0' AND parent_config_item_id=p_parent_config_item_id AND
680: config_item_id NOT IN
681: (SELECT b.config_item_id FROM CZ_CONFIG_ITEMS b
682: WHERE b.config_hdr_id=p_config_hdr_id AND
683: b.config_rev_nbr=p_config_rev_nbr AND
684: b.deleted_flag='0' AND b.parent_config_item_id=p_parent_config_item_id))
685: LOOP

Line 837: FROM cz_config_items con, cz_config_items tgt

833: l_conn_rec conn_rec_type;
834: BEGIN
835: FOR i IN (SELECT con.config_item_id conid, con.name conname, con.ps_node_name conpsname,
836: tgt.config_item_id tgtid, tgt.name tgtname, tgt.ps_node_name tgtpsname, tgt.instance_nbr tgtinsnbr
837: FROM cz_config_items con, cz_config_items tgt
838: WHERE con.config_hdr_id = p_hdr_id AND con.config_rev_nbr = p_rev_nbr AND con.deleted_flag = '0'
839: AND tgt.config_hdr_id = p_hdr_id and tgt.config_rev_nbr = p_rev_nbr AND tgt.deleted_flag = '0'
840: AND con.target_config_item_id = tgt.config_item_id
841: AND con.value_type_code = CONNECTOR)

Line 1246: FOR itm IN(SELECT parent_config_item_id,name,ps_node_name,instance_nbr FROM CZ_CONFIG_ITEMS

1242: l_tmp_Node := XMLDOM.appendChild(xmldom.makeNode(l_docelm), l_delta_info_Node);
1244: get_config_item_data(p_baseline_config_hdr_id, p_baseline_config_rev_nbr, l_baseline_cfg_tbl);
1246: FOR itm IN(SELECT parent_config_item_id,name,ps_node_name,instance_nbr FROM CZ_CONFIG_ITEMS
1247: WHERE config_hdr_id=p_baseline_config_hdr_id AND
1248: config_rev_nbr=p_baseline_config_rev_nbr AND
1249: value_type_code = COMPONENT AND
1250: deleted_flag='0' AND

Line 1252: (SELECT a.config_item_id,a.item_num_val FROM CZ_CONFIG_ITEMS a

1248: config_rev_nbr=p_baseline_config_rev_nbr AND
1249: value_type_code = COMPONENT AND
1250: deleted_flag='0' AND
1251: (config_item_id,item_num_val) NOT IN
1252: (SELECT a.config_item_id,a.item_num_val FROM CZ_CONFIG_ITEMS a
1253: WHERE a.config_hdr_id=p_config_hdr_id AND
1254: a.config_rev_nbr=p_config_rev_nbr AND
1255: a.value_type_code = COMPONENT AND
1256: a.deleted_flag='0')

Line 1276: FROM cz_config_items

1272: l_ndebug:=100;
1273: -- Todo: may be we can use a single query for both i and j
1274: FOR i IN
1275: (SELECT config_item_id, instance_nbr, ps_node_id, name, ps_node_name, parent_config_item_id
1276: FROM cz_config_items
1277: WHERE deleted_flag = '0' AND value_type_code = COMPONENT
1278: START WITH config_hdr_id = p_config_hdr_id AND config_rev_nbr = p_config_rev_nbr
1279: AND component_instance_type = ROOT
1280: CONNECT BY config_hdr_id = p_config_hdr_id AND config_rev_nbr = p_config_rev_nbr

Line 1350: FROM cz_config_items

1346: l_handled_nodes_tbl.DELETE;
1348: FOR j IN
1349: (SELECT config_item_id, parent_config_item_id, ps_node_id, ps_node_name, item_num_val, item_val
1350: FROM cz_config_items
1351: WHERE deleted_flag = '0'
1352: START WITH config_hdr_id = p_config_hdr_id AND config_rev_nbr = p_config_rev_nbr
1353: AND parent_config_item_id = i.config_item_id AND value_type_code <> COMPONENT
1354: -- AND config_item_id = i.config_item_id