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Line 376: jai_om_tax_processing_pkg.default_tax (

372: -- for order creation
373: lv_action := JAI_CONSTANTS.inserting;
374: FOR rec_ool in c_order_lines_entry (p_event_class_rec.trx_id)
375: LOOP
376: jai_om_tax_processing_pkg.default_tax (
377: pr_old => null ,
378: pr_new => rec_ool ,
379: pv_action => lv_action ,
380: pv_return_code => lv_return_code ,

Line 386: jai_om_tax_processing_pkg.populate_tax (

382: );
383: if lv_return_code <> JAI_CONSTANTS.successful then
384: RAISE le_error;
385: end if;
386: jai_om_tax_processing_pkg.populate_tax (
387: pr_old => null ,
388: pr_new => rec_ool ,
389: pv_action => lv_action ,
390: pv_return_code => lv_return_code ,

Line 399: jai_om_tax_processing_pkg.order_line_validation(p_rec_old => null,

395: end if;
397: -- added by zhiwei.xin for Trigger Replacement bug #15968958 on 20-Dec-2012 begin
399: jai_om_tax_processing_pkg.order_line_validation(p_rec_old => null,
400: p_rec_new => rec_ool,
401: p_action => lv_action,
402: px_return_code => lv_return_code,
403: px_return_message => lv_return_message);

Line 444: jai_om_tax_processing_pkg.default_tax (

440: rec_old_ool.UNIT_SELLING_PRICE := rec_jrl.SELLING_PRICE;
442: end if;
444: jai_om_tax_processing_pkg.default_tax (
445: pr_old => rec_old_ool ,
446: pr_new => rec_ool ,
447: pv_action => lv_action ,
448: pv_return_code => lv_return_code ,

Line 466: jai_om_tax_processing_pkg.update_tax (

462: )
463: )
464: THEN
466: jai_om_tax_processing_pkg.update_tax (
467: pr_old => rec_old_ool ,
468: pr_new => rec_ool ,
469: pv_action => lv_action ,
470: pv_return_code => lv_return_code ,

Line 505: jai_om_tax_processing_pkg.populate_tax (

501: possible due to this fix.
502: 3. When ever a copied line is split then the line number and shipment line
503: number were not getting updated in the Localised Sales Order Line.
504: */
505: jai_om_tax_processing_pkg.populate_tax (
506: pr_old => rec_old_ool ,
507: pr_new => rec_ool ,
508: pv_action => lv_action ,
509: pv_return_code => lv_return_code ,

Line 519: jai_om_tax_processing_pkg.order_line_validation(p_rec_old => rec_old_ool,

515: end if;
517: -- added by zhiwei.xin for Trigger Replacement bug #15968958 on 20-Dec-2012 begin
519: jai_om_tax_processing_pkg.order_line_validation(p_rec_old => rec_old_ool,
520: p_rec_new => rec_ool,
521: p_action => lv_action,
522: px_return_code => lv_return_code,
523: px_return_message => lv_return_message);