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APPS.PO_COPYDOC_S1 dependencies on PO_CORE_S

Line 508: l_clm_default_dist := PO_CORE_S.get_create_default_dist(

504: -- End : PO AME Approval workflow
506: --
507: -- Fetch the value for CLM_DEFAULT_DIST_FLAG
508: l_clm_default_dist := PO_CORE_S.get_create_default_dist(
509: p_org_id => x_po_header_record.org_id,
510: p_style_id => x_po_header_record.style_id,
511: p_doc_sub_type => x_po_header_record.type_lookup_code);
512: --

Line 3722: x_document_num := po_core_sv1.default_po_unique_identifier

3718: IF l_doc_number IS NOT NULL THEN
3719: x_document_num := REPLACE(l_doc_number,'-','');
3721: IF Length(x_document_num) > 20 THEN
3722: x_document_num := po_core_sv1.default_po_unique_identifier
3723: ('PO_HEADERS');
3724: END IF;
3726: UPDATE po_headers_all

Line 4485: IF(NOT PO_CORE_S.Check_Doc_Number_Unique(x_new_segment1,

4481: d_pos := 20;
4482: --Check if the PO Number Provided by the user is unique
4483: IF (x_new_segment1 IS NOT NULL) THEN
4484: d_pos := 25;
4485: IF(NOT PO_CORE_S.Check_Doc_Number_Unique(x_new_segment1,
4486: l_doc_org_id,
4487: l_type_lookup_code)) THEN
4488: x_errmsg_code := 'PO_ALL_ENTER_UNIQUE_VAL';
4489: IF PO_LOG.d_exc THEN

Line 4525: x_copy_attachments => PO_CORE_S.flag_to_boolean(p_copy_attachment),

4521: copy_document (
4522: x_action_code => 'PO',
4523: x_to_doc_subtype => l_type_lookup_code,
4524: x_to_global_flag => l_global_agreement_flag,
4525: x_copy_attachments => PO_CORE_S.flag_to_boolean(p_copy_attachment),
4526: x_copy_price => PO_CORE_S.flag_to_boolean('N'),
4527: x_from_po_header_id => p_po_header_id,
4528: x_to_po_header_id => x_new_po_header_id,
4529: x_online_report_id => l_online_report_id,

Line 4526: x_copy_price => PO_CORE_S.flag_to_boolean('N'),

4522: x_action_code => 'PO',
4523: x_to_doc_subtype => l_type_lookup_code,
4524: x_to_global_flag => l_global_agreement_flag,
4525: x_copy_attachments => PO_CORE_S.flag_to_boolean(p_copy_attachment),
4526: x_copy_price => PO_CORE_S.flag_to_boolean('N'),
4527: x_from_po_header_id => p_po_header_id,
4528: x_to_po_header_id => x_new_po_header_id,
4529: x_online_report_id => l_online_report_id,
4530: x_to_segment1 => x_new_segment1,

Line 4534: x_wip_install_status => PO_CORE_S.get_product_install_status('WIP'),

4530: x_to_segment1 => x_new_segment1,
4531: x_agent_id => fnd_global.employee_id,
4532: x_sob_id => l_sob_id,
4533: x_inv_org_id => l_inv_org_id,
4534: x_wip_install_status => PO_CORE_S.get_product_install_status('WIP'),
4535: x_return_code => l_return_code,
4536: x_copy_terms => p_copy_terms,
4537: p_api_commit => FALSE); --Do not Commit