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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 37

                                              Calling update_shadow_element.
    12-DEC-2004  vpandya     115.2            Removed legislation rule check.
                                              And calling pre and post process
                                              package without checking leg rule.
    22-DEC-2004  vpandya     115.3            Added SYSTEM to Type Object in
                                              declaration section.
    05-JAN-2005  vpandya     115.4            Calling procedure
                                              That is being called after
                                              User Structure generation (Shadow
                                              Schema ) and before creating Core
                                              Schema. Also calling
                                              fnd_request.submit_request to
                                              compile formula.
    27-JAN-2005   vmehta      115.5           Removed reference to SYSTEM schema
                                              from objects.
    18-FEB-2005   ssattini    115.6           Added code to create
                                              and Frequency Rules records.
    07-MAR-2005   ssattini    115.7           Added code to initialise
                                              Frequency Rule PL/SQL table
                                              used in Summary Page of Element
                                              Template Wizard.
    14-Apr-2005   vpandya     115.8,9 4300619 Setting default processing
                                              priority only when
                                              is null or it not in its range.
    28-APR-2005   pganguly    115.10          Added the delete_element
    04-MAY-2005   pganguly    115.11          Changed the procedure in
                                              delete_ element.
    01-AUG-2005   rdhingra    115.12  4518218 Removing code from the call of
                                              Cursor Name: get_proc_priority
                                              As decided, if the user is allowed
                                              to give his own priority then
                                              thats what should be carried
    31-AUG-2005   vpandya     115.13  4585922 Added a cursor get_shd_formula_id
                                              and compiling formulas.
    14-Sep-2005   vpandya     115.14          Changed code for exception so that
                                              it raises error if inlined pkg
                                              returns any error.
    15-Nov-2006   vpandya     115.15  5609242 Added a function
                                              get_base_classification to get
                                              classification name in base (US)
                                              language if it entered in
                                              translated/pseudo language. Also
                                              used for sub classifications.
    12-Dec-2011   vvijayku   115.16  13362720 Added new code to update the element
                                              information category for an element
					      being created through an Element Design
    12-Dec-2011   vvijayku   115.17  13362720 Corrected the code added.
    21-Dec-2011   vvijayku   115.18  13362720 Added new code to automatically update
                                              the Primary Balance id and the Hourly
                                              balance id in the columns Element_Information10
                                              and Element_Information12 respectively.
    05-Mar-2012   vvijayku   120.4.12010000.4
                                     13772336 Adding new code to insert the Arrears and
                                              Accruals Balance Id in Element_InformationXX
                                              when a Deduction type element is created for
                                              International Payroll product.

  g_package  varchar2(50);
Line: 114

      SELECT pec.classification_id
        FROM pay_element_classifications_tl pect
            ,pay_element_classifications pec
       WHERE pect.classification_name = cp_classification_name
         AND pec.classification_id    = pect.classification_id
         AND ( pec.legislation_code   = cp_legislation_code OR
               pec.business_group_id  = cp_business_group_id )
        ORDER BY pec.classification_id DESC;
Line: 155

      SELECT template_id
      FROM   pay_element_templates
      WHERE  legislation_code = cp_legislation_code
      AND    template_name    = cp_template_name;
Line: 161

      SELECT business_group_id
      FROM   per_business_groups
      WHERE  name = cp_business_group_name;
Line: 169

     SELECT element_type_id
     FROM   pay_shadow_element_types
     WHERE  template_id  = cp_template_id
     AND    element_name = cp_element_name;
Line: 178

     SELECT default_priority
     FROM   pay_element_classifications
     WHERE  legislation_code    = cp_legislation_code
     AND    classification_name = cp_classification_name;
Line: 186

     SELECT rule_mode
     FROM   pay_legislation_rules
     WHERE  legislation_code    = cp_legislation_code
     AND    rule_type           = 'SEP_CHEQUE_IV';
Line: 192

     SELECT payroll_formula_id
     FROM   pay_shadow_element_types
     WHERE  template_id  = cp_template_id
     AND    payroll_formula_id IS NOT NULL;
Line: 198

     SELECT ff.formula_name
     FROM   pay_shadow_formulas psf
           ,ff_formulas_f ff
           ,ff_formula_types ft
     WHERE psf.formula_id     = cp_formula_id
     AND   psf.formula_name   = ff.formula_name
     AND   ff.formula_type_id = ft.formula_type_id;
Line: 213

    SELECT core_object_id
    FROM  pay_template_core_objects
    WHERE template_id = cp_template_id
    AND   core_object_type = cp_object_type;
Line: 224

    SELECT payroll_id
    FROM   pay_payrolls_f
    WHERE  business_group_id + 0 = cp_bg_id
    AND    payroll_name = cp_payroll_name
    AND    cp_eff_date between effective_start_date and effective_end_date;
Line: 234

     SELECT pet.element_type_id,
       FROM pay_element_types_f pet,
            pay_element_classifications pec
      WHERE pet.element_name = cp_element_name
        AND pet.business_group_id = cp_business_grp_id
        AND pec.classification_id = pet.classification_id;
Line: 245

     SELECT fnd_number.number_to_canonical(pbt.balance_type_id)
       FROM pay_balance_types pbt,
            pay_element_types_f pet
      WHERE pet.element_type_id = cp_element_id
        AND pbt.balance_name = pet.element_name
        AND pbt.business_group_id = pet.business_group_id;
Line: 255

     SELECT fnd_number.number_to_canonical(pbt.balance_type_id)
       FROM pay_balance_types pbt,
            pay_element_types_f pet
      WHERE pet.element_type_id = cp_element_id
        AND pbt.balance_name = pet.element_name||' Hours'
        AND pbt.business_group_id = pet.business_group_id;
Line: 265

     SELECT fnd_number.number_to_canonical(pbt.balance_type_id)
       FROM pay_balance_types pbt,
            pay_element_types_f pet
      WHERE pet.element_type_id = cp_element_id
        AND pbt.balance_name = pet.element_name||' Arrears'
        AND pbt.business_group_id = pet.business_group_id;
Line: 275

     SELECT fnd_number.number_to_canonical(pbt.balance_type_id)
       FROM pay_balance_types pbt,
            pay_element_types_f pet
      WHERE pet.element_type_id = cp_element_id
        AND pbt.balance_name = pet.element_name||' Accrued'
        AND pbt.business_group_id = pet.business_group_id;
Line: 404

          SELECT COUNT(*)
          INTO   ln_iv_exists
          FROM   pay_shadow_element_types pset
                ,pay_shadow_input_values psiv
          WHERE  pset.template_id      = l_source_template_id
          AND    psiv.element_type_id  = pset.element_type_id
          AND    psiv.name             = lv_rule_mode;
Line: 628

         (p_validate                     =>   p_validate
         ,p_effective_date               =>   l_rec.effective_date
         ,p_element_type_id              =>   ln_shd_ele_type_id
         ,p_reporting_name               =>   l_rec.reporting_name
         ,p_description                  =>   l_rec.element_description
         ,p_classification_name          =>   l_rec.element_classification
         ,p_post_termination_rule        =>   l_rec.termination_rule
         ,p_standard_link_flag           =>   l_rec.standard_link
         ,p_processing_type              =>   l_rec.processing_type
	 ,p_element_information_category =>   lv_information_category
         ,p_once_each_period_flag        =>   l_rec.proc_once_pay_period
         ,p_process_mode                 =>   l_rec.process_mode
         ,p_input_currency_code          =>   l_rec.input_currency_code
         ,p_output_currency_code         =>   lv_currency_code
         ,p_multiple_entries_allowed_fla =>   l_rec.multiple_entries_allowed
         ,p_object_version_number        =>   l_ele_obj_ver_number);
Line: 713

UPDATE pay_element_types_f set ELEMENT_INFORMATION10 = lv_primary_bal_id , ELEMENT_INFORMATION12 = lv_hourly_bal_id, ELEMENT_INFORMATION11 = lv_arrears_bal_id, ELEMENT_INFORMATION13 = lv_accruals_bal_id
WHERE element_type_id = ln_element_type_id
  AND element_information_category = upper(l_rec.legislation_code)||'_'||lv_classification_name;
Line: 802

                     (p_context       => 'ON-UPDATE',
                      p_eletype_id    => ln_core_object_id,
                      p_payroll_id    => ln_payroll_id,
                      p_period_type   => lr_freq_rule_rec.period_type,
                      p_bg_id         => ln_business_group_id,
                      p_period_1      => lr_freq_rule_rec.period_1,
                      p_period_2      => lr_freq_rule_rec.period_2,
                      p_period_3      => lr_freq_rule_rec.period_3,
                      p_period_4      => lr_freq_rule_rec.period_4,
                      p_period_5      => lr_freq_rule_rec.period_5,
                      p_period_6      => lv_period_6,
                      p_eff_date      => l_rec.effective_date,
                      p_rule_date_code => lr_freq_rule_rec.date_option,
                      p_leg_code      => null);
Line: 839

  PROCEDURE delete_element
  ( p_validate             IN       BOOLEAN,
    p_template_id          IN       NUMBER
  ) IS

  l_proc     VARCHAR2(240);
Line: 848

    per_business_groups pbg,
    pay_element_templates pet
    pet.template_id = p_template_id AND
    pet.business_group_id = pbg.business_group_id;
Line: 859

     l_proc := 'delete_element';
Line: 872

                            '_RULES.DELETE_PRE_PROCESS(:c); END;'
Line: 885

        (p_validate => p_validate,
         p_drop_formula_packages => TRUE,
         p_template_id => p_template_id);
Line: 893

                            '_RULES.DELETE_POST_PROCESS(:c); END;'
Line: 906

  END delete_element;