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Line 131: FROM ar_payment_schedules ps, hz_cust_accounts ca

127: IEX_COLL_IND.GET_ADJ_TOTAL(ps.payment_schedule_id, TRUNC(sysdate)) +
128: nvl(ps.acctd_amount_due_remaining, 0)
129: )
130: INTO l_wtd_days_terms
131: FROM ar_payment_schedules ps, hz_cust_accounts ca
132: WHERE ps.gl_date between TRUNC(add_months(sysdate, -12)) and TRUNC(sysdate)
133: AND ps.class in ('INV','DEP','DM','CB')
134: AND ps.payment_schedule_id <> -1
135: AND ps.customer_id = ca.cust_account_id

Line 225: FROM ar_payment_schedules ps, hz_cust_accounts ca

221: IEX_COLL_IND.GET_ADJ_TOTAL(ps.payment_schedule_id, TRUNC(sysdate)) +
222: nvl(ps.acctd_amount_due_remaining, 0)
223: )
224: INTO l_wtd_days_late
225: FROM ar_payment_schedules ps, hz_cust_accounts ca
226: WHERE ps.gl_date between TRUNC(add_months(sysdate, -12)) and TRUNC(sysdate)
227: AND ps.class in ('INV','DEP','DM','CB')
228: AND ps.status = 'OP'
229: AND ps.payment_schedule_id <> -1

Line 381: hz_cust_accounts ca

377: g_base_min_acc_unit) +
378: IEX_COLL_IND.GET_ADJ_FOR_TOT_REC(ps.payment_schedule_id,p_end_date))
379: INTO l_tot_rec
380: FROM ar_payment_schedules ps,
381: hz_cust_accounts ca
382: WHERE ps.class in ('INV', 'DM', 'CB', 'DEP' )
383: AND ps.payment_schedule_id <> -1
384: AND ps.gl_date BETWEEN l_temp_start AND p_end_date
385: AND ps.customer_id = ca.cust_account_id