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Line 2654: hr_utility.set_location('Grade doesnot have a standard rate'||p_grade_id,100);

2650: and p_effective_date between effective_start_date and effective_end_date
2651: and rate_type ='G';
2652: exception
2653: when no_data_found then
2654: hr_utility.set_location('Grade doesnot have a standard rate'||p_grade_id,100);
2655: null;
2656: when others then
2657: hr_utility.set_location('some issues in rate pull',120);
2658: raise;

Line 2701: hr_utility.set_location('Grade doesnot have a standard rate'||p_grade_id,100);

2697: and p_effective_date between effective_start_date and effective_end_date
2698: and rate_type ='G';
2699: exception
2700: when no_data_found then
2701: hr_utility.set_location('Grade doesnot have a standard rate'||p_grade_id,100);
2702: null;
2703: when others then
2704: hr_utility.set_location('some issues in rate pull',120);
2705: raise;

Line 2750: hr_utility.set_location('Point doesnot have a standard rate'||p_point_id,100);

2746: and p_effective_date between effective_start_date and effective_end_date
2747: and rate_type ='SP';
2748: exception
2749: when no_data_found then
2750: hr_utility.set_location('Point doesnot have a standard rate'||p_point_id,100);
2751: null;
2752: when others then
2753: hr_utility.set_location('some issues in rate pull',120);
2754: raise;

Line 2812: hr_utility.set_location('Point doesnot have a standard rate'||p_point_id,100);

2808: and p_effective_date between effective_start_date and effective_end_date
2809: and rate_type ='SP';
2810: exception
2811: when no_data_found then
2812: hr_utility.set_location('Point doesnot have a standard rate'||p_point_id,100);
2813: null;
2814: when others then
2815: hr_utility.set_location('some issues in rate pull',120);
2816: raise;

Line 3138: hr_utility.set_location('inside standard rate ',10);

3134: l_point_id number;
3135: l_pl_cer_id number;
3136: l_opt_cer_id number;
3137: begin
3138: hr_utility.set_location('inside standard rate ',10);
3139: get_co_for_abr(p_abr_id => p_abr_id,
3140: p_effective_date => p_effective_date,
3141: p_plan_id => l_plan_id,
3142: p_option_id => l_option_id,

Line 3310: -- for a standard rate hrate_to_stage

3306: -- for plan call grade_to_stage
3307: -- for a option point_to_stage
3308: -- for a oipl step_to_stage
3309: -- for a plip scale_to_stage
3310: -- for a standard rate hrate_to_stage
3311: -- for a variable rate vrate_to_stage
3312: -- we also have to update gs_parent_entity_result_id so that hierarchy can be used
3313: -- except eligibility, rest of the hierarchy is same
3314: l_proc varchar2(61) := 'hr_to_stage' ;

Line 5681: -- if new rates are created then plip and oipl rows should be updated to show standard rate

5677: End If;
5678: -- get the child rows corresponding to the pay rate.
5679: -- if the pay rate is Grade then we may have to create rows for ABR/ HRRATE for plan
5680: -- in case of scale, it will be for the point associated.
5681: -- if new rates are created then plip and oipl rows should be updated to show standard rate
5682: for grd_rt in csr_grd_rt loop
5683: l_sot := pqh_gsp_utility.get_gsp_plntyp_str_date(grd_rt.business_group_id,p_copy_entity_txn_id);
5684: if grd_rt.rate_type = 'G' then
5685: l_grade_id := grd_rt.grade_or_spinal_point_id;