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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 120

         SELECT (pay_se_income_statement.get_parameter
                ) income_statement_provider
               , (pay_se_income_statement.get_parameter
                 ) request_for
               , (pay_se_income_statement.get_parameter
                 ) legal_employer
               , (pay_se_income_statement.get_parameter
                 ) income_year
               , (pay_se_income_statement.get_parameter
                 ) person_for
               , (pay_se_income_statement.get_parameter
                 ) person_number
               , (pay_se_income_statement.get_parameter
                 ) test_production
               , (pay_se_income_statement.get_parameter
                 ) sort_order
               ,business_group_id bg_id
           FROM pay_payroll_actions
          WHERE payroll_action_id = p_payroll_action_id;
Line: 243

         SELECT   '1'
             FROM pay_payroll_actions appa
                 ,pay_assignment_actions act
                 ,per_all_assignments_f as1
                 ,pay_payroll_actions ppa
            WHERE ppa.payroll_action_id = p_payroll_action_id
              AND appa.effective_date BETWEEN csr_v_canonical_start_date
                                          AND csr_v_canonical_end_date
              AND appa.action_type IN ('R', 'Q')
              -- Payroll Run or Quickpay Run
              AND act.payroll_action_id = appa.payroll_action_id
              AND act.source_action_id IS NULL                -- Master Action
              AND as1.assignment_id = act.assignment_id
              AND as1.business_group_id = g_business_group_id
              AND act.action_status IN ('C','S')                         -- 10229507
              AND act.tax_unit_id = csr_v_legal_employer_id
              AND appa.effective_date BETWEEN as1.effective_start_date
                                          AND as1.effective_end_date
              AND ppa.effective_date BETWEEN as1.effective_start_date
                                         AND as1.effective_end_date
         ORDER BY as1.person_id
Line: 305

         SELECT o.NAME "MP_NAME",o.location_id
               ,hoi1.org_information1 "MP_ORG_NUMBER"
               ,hoi1.org_information2 "MP_DEPARTMENT"
,hoi1.org_information3 "MEDIUM_IDENTITY"
,hoi1.org_information4 "PROGRAM"
           FROM hr_all_organization_units o
               ,hr_organization_information hoi
               ,hr_organization_information hoi1
          WHERE o.business_group_id = g_business_group_id
            AND o.organization_id = hoi.organization_id
            AND hoi.org_information_context = 'CLASS'
            AND hoi.org_information1 = 'SE_INC_STMT_PROVIDER'
            AND o.organization_id = hoi1.organization_id
            AND hoi1.org_information_context = 'SE_INC_STMT_PROVIDER_DETAILS'
            AND o.organization_id = csr_v_media_provider_id;
Line: 328

         SELECT   hoi22.org_information1
             FROM hr_organization_information hoi11
                 ,hr_organization_information hoi22
            WHERE hoi11.organization_id = csr_v_media_provider_id
              AND hoi11.org_information_context = 'CLASS'
              AND hoi11.org_information1 = 'SE_INC_STMT_PROVIDER'
              AND hoi22.organization_id = hoi11.organization_id
              AND hoi22.org_information_context = 'SE_ORG_CONTACT_DETAILS'
              AND hoi22.org_information1 = csr_v_type
              AND ROWNUM < 2
         ORDER BY hoi22.org_information_id ASC;
Line: 350

         /* select o1.NAME legal_employer_name
                  , hoi2.org_information2 org_number
                  , hoi1.organization_id legal_id
             FROM hr_organization_units o1
                  , hr_organization_information hoi1
                  , hr_organization_information hoi2
                  , hr_organization_units o2
                  , hr_organization_information hoi3
              WHERE o1.business_group_id = g_business_group_id
                AND hoi1.organization_id = o1.organization_id
                AND hoi1.organization_id = NVL(csr_v_legal_employer_id,hoi1.organization_id)
                AND hoi1.org_information1 = 'HR_LEGAL_EMPLOYER'
                AND hoi1.org_information_context = 'CLASS'
                AND o1.organization_id = hoi2.organization_id
                AND hoi2.org_information_context = 'SE_LEGAL_EMPLOYER_DETAILS'
                AND o2.organization_id = csr_v_media_provider_id
                AND hoi3.org_information_context = 'SE_LEGAL_EMPLOYERS'
                and hoi3.org_information1 = o1.organization_id;*/
Line: 368

         SELECT o1.NAME legal_employer_name
               ,hoi2.org_information2 org_number
               ,hoi1.organization_id legal_id
           FROM hr_organization_units o1
               ,hr_organization_information hoi1
               ,hr_organization_information hoi2
               ,hr_organization_information hoi3
          WHERE o1.business_group_id = g_business_group_id
            AND hoi1.organization_id = o1.organization_id
            AND hoi1.organization_id =
                           NVL (csr_v_legal_employer_id, hoi1.organization_id)
            AND hoi1.org_information1 = 'HR_LEGAL_EMPLOYER'
            AND hoi1.org_information_context = 'CLASS'
            AND o1.organization_id = hoi2.organization_id
            AND hoi2.org_information_context = 'SE_LEGAL_EMPLOYER_DETAILS'
            AND o1.organization_id = hoi3.organization_id
            AND hoi3.org_information_context = 'SE_INC_STMT_PROVIDERS'
            AND hoi3.org_information1 = csr_v_media_provider_id;
Line: 394

         SELECT hl.location_code
           FROM hr_organization_units hou
               ,hr_locations hl
               ,fnd_territories_vl ft
          WHERE hl.location_id = csr_v_location_id
            AND hl.country = ft.territory_code;
Line: 414

 FROM   hr_organization_information
 WHERE  organization_id = g_business_group_id
 AND    org_information_context = 'SE_POST_HEADER_INFO';
Line: 430

         'SELECT DISTINCT person_id
         	FROM  per_people_f ppf
         	     ,pay_payroll_actions ppa
         	WHERE ppa.payroll_action_id = :payroll_action_id
         	AND   ppa.business_group_id = ppf.business_group_id
         	ORDER BY ppf.person_id';
Line: 816

               'select 1 from dual where to_char(:payroll_action_id) = dummy';
Line: 836

         SELECT   as1.person_id person_id
                 ,act.assignment_id assignment_id
                 ,act.assignment_action_id run_action_id
                 ,act.tax_unit_id legal_employer_id
             FROM pay_payroll_actions appa
                 ,pay_assignment_actions act
                 ,per_all_assignments_f as1
                 ,pay_payroll_actions ppa
            WHERE ppa.payroll_action_id = p_payroll_action_id
              AND appa.effective_date BETWEEN l_canonical_start_date
                                          AND l_canonical_end_date
              AND as1.person_id BETWEEN p_start_person AND p_end_person
              AND appa.action_type IN ('R', 'Q')
              -- Payroll Run or Quickpay Run
              AND act.payroll_action_id = appa.payroll_action_id
              AND act.source_action_id IS NULL                -- Master Action
              AND as1.assignment_id = act.assignment_id
              AND as1.business_group_id = g_business_group_id
              AND act.action_status IN ('C','S')                         -- 10229507
              AND appa.effective_date BETWEEN as1.effective_start_date
                                          AND as1.effective_end_date
--              AND ppa.effective_date BETWEEN as1.effective_start_date
--                                         AND as1.effective_end_date
              AND act.tax_unit_id IN (
                     SELECT o.organization_id
                       FROM hr_all_organization_units o
                           ,hr_organization_information hoi1
                           ,hr_organization_information hoi2
                      WHERE o.business_group_id = g_business_group_id
                        AND hoi1.organization_id = o.organization_id
                        AND hoi1.org_information1 = 'HR_LEGAL_EMPLOYER'
                        AND hoi1.org_information_context = 'CLASS'
                        AND o.organization_id = hoi2.organization_id
                        AND hoi2.org_information_context =
                        AND hoi2.org_information1 =
         ORDER BY as1.person_id
Line: 880

         SELECT ue.creator_id
           FROM ff_user_entities ue
               ,ff_database_items di
          WHERE di.user_name = csr_v_balance_name
            AND ue.user_entity_id = di.user_entity_id
            AND ue.legislation_code = 'SE'
            AND ue.business_group_id IS NULL
            AND ue.creator_type = 'B';
Line: 926

            SELECT count('1') "VALID" from per_all_people_f pap
            where pap.person_id=val_person_id
            AND pap.EMPLOYEE_NUMBER=val_person_number
            AND pap.EFFECTIVE_START_DATE  <= g_income_end_date
            AND pap.EFFECTIVE_END_DATE > = g_income_start_date
Line: 957

            SELECT paa.assignment_id
              FROM per_all_assignments_f paa
                  ,hr_soft_coding_keyflex scl
             WHERE person_id = csr_v_person_id
               AND paa.effective_start_date <= g_income_end_date
               AND paa.effective_end_date > = g_income_start_date
               AND paa.primary_flag = 'Y'
               AND paa.assignment_status_type_id IN (
                      SELECT assignment_status_type_id
                        FROM per_assignment_status_types
                       WHERE per_system_status = 'ACTIVE_ASSIGN'
                         AND active_flag = 'Y'
                         AND (   (    legislation_code IS NULL
                                  AND business_group_id IS NULL
                              OR (business_group_id = g_business_group_id)
               AND scl.soft_coding_keyflex_id = paa.soft_coding_keyflex_id;
Line: 983

            SELECT pet.element_type_id
              FROM pay_element_types_f pet
                  ,pay_input_values_f piv
                  ,pay_element_links_f pel
             WHERE pet.element_name = 'Tax Card'
               AND pet.legislation_code = 'SE'
               AND piv.element_type_id = pet.element_type_id
               AND piv.NAME = 'Tax Card Type'
               AND pel.element_type_id = pet.element_type_id
               AND pel.business_group_id = g_business_group_id
               AND pet.effective_start_date <= g_income_end_date
               AND pet.effective_end_date > = g_income_start_date
               AND piv.effective_start_date <= g_income_end_date
               AND piv.effective_end_date > = g_income_start_date
               AND pel.effective_start_date <= g_income_end_date
               AND pel.effective_end_date > = g_income_start_date;
Line: 1011

            SELECT COUNT ('Y') valid
              FROM pay_element_entries_f pee
                  ,pay_element_entry_values_f peev
             WHERE peev.screen_entry_value = 'A'
               AND peev.element_entry_id = pee.element_entry_id
               AND peev.effective_start_date = pee.effective_start_date
               AND peev.effective_end_date = pee.effective_end_date
               AND peev.input_value_id = csr_v_input_value_id
               --AND pee.element_link_id = csr_v_link_id
               AND pee.element_type_id = csr_v_type_id
               AND pee.assignment_id = csr_v_prim_assignment_id
               AND pee.effective_start_date <= g_income_end_date
               AND pee.effective_end_date > = g_income_start_date;
Line: 1034

            SELECT pei_information1
              FROM per_people_extra_info
             WHERE person_id = csr_v_person_id
               AND information_type = csr_v_information_type;
Line: 1182

                  SELECT pay_assignment_actions_s.NEXTVAL
                    INTO l_actid
                    FROM DUAL;
Line: 1236

                  SELECT pay_assignment_actions_s.NEXTVAL
                    INTO l_actid
                    FROM DUAL;
Line: 1294

                  SELECT pay_assignment_actions_s.NEXTVAL
                    INTO l_actid
                    FROM DUAL;
Line: 1349

                  SELECT pay_assignment_actions_s.NEXTVAL
                    INTO l_actid
                    FROM DUAL;
Line: 1419

         SELECT o.organization_id
           FROM hr_all_organization_units o
               ,hr_organization_information hoi1
               ,hr_organization_information hoi2
          WHERE o.business_group_id = g_business_group_id
            AND hoi1.organization_id = o.organization_id
            AND hoi1.org_information1 = 'HR_LEGAL_EMPLOYER'
            AND hoi1.org_information_context = 'CLASS'
            AND o.organization_id = hoi2.organization_id
            AND hoi2.org_information_context = 'SE_INC_STMT_PROVIDERS'
            AND hoi2.org_information1 = g_income_statement_provider_id
            AND o.organization_id =
                   DECODE (g_request_for
                          ,'ALL_ORG', o.organization_id
Line: 1438

      select o.organization_id,hoi3.ORG_INFORMATION1,hoi3.ORG_INFORMATION2
         FROM hr_all_organization_units o
              , hr_organization_information hoi1
              , hr_organization_information hoi2
              , hr_organization_information hoi3
          WHERE o.business_group_id = g_business_group_id
            AND hoi1.organization_id = o.organization_id
            AND hoi1.org_information1 = 'HR_LEGAL_EMPLOYER'
            AND hoi1.org_information_context = 'CLASS'
            AND o.organization_id = hoi2.organization_id
            AND hoi2.org_information_context = 'SE_INC_STMT_PROVIDERS'
            and hoi2.org_information1 = g_income_statement_provider_id
            and o.organization_id = decode(g_request_for,'ALL_ORG',o.organization_id,g_legal_employer_id)
            AND o.organization_id = hoi3.organization_id
            AND hoi3.org_information_context = 'SE_INC_STMT_KU10_INFORMATION';
Line: 1457

      select o.organization_id,hoi3.ORG_INFORMATION1,hoi3.ORG_INFORMATION2
         FROM hr_all_organization_units o
              , hr_organization_information hoi1
              , hr_organization_information hoi3
          WHERE o.business_group_id = g_business_group_id
            AND hoi1.organization_id = o.organization_id
            AND hoi1.org_information1 = 'HR_LEGAL_EMPLOYER'
            AND hoi1.org_information_context = 'CLASS'
            and o.organization_id = csr_v_LE_id
            AND o.organization_id = hoi3.organization_id
            AND hoi3.org_information_context = 'SE_INC_STMT_KU10_INFORMATION';
Line: 1472

         SELECT o.organization_id
           FROM hr_all_organization_units o
               ,hr_organization_information hoi1
               ,hr_organization_information hoi3
          WHERE o.business_group_id = g_business_group_id
            AND hoi1.organization_id = o.organization_id
            AND hoi1.org_information1 = 'HR_LEGAL_EMPLOYER'
            AND hoi1.org_information_context = 'CLASS'
            AND o.organization_id = csr_v_le_id
            AND o.organization_id = hoi3.organization_id
--            AND hoi3.org_information_context = 'SE_INC_STMT_KU10_INFORMATION'
            AND hoi3.org_information_context IN
            AND hoi3.org_information1 = csr_v_code;
Line: 1496

         SELECT   h.lookup_code
             FROM hr_lookups h
            WHERE h.lookup_type = 'SE_INCOME_STATEMENT_FIELDS'
              AND h.lookup_code LIKE 'KU%'
              AND h.enabled_flag = 'Y'
         ORDER BY h.meaning;
Line: 1630

         SELECT u.creator_id
           FROM ff_user_entities u
               ,ff_database_items d
          WHERE d.user_name = p_user_name
            AND u.user_entity_id = d.user_entity_id
            AND (u.legislation_code = 'SE')
            AND (u.business_group_id IS NULL)
            AND u.creator_type = 'B';
Line: 1678

         SELECT u.creator_id
           FROM ff_user_entities u
               ,ff_database_items d
          WHERE d.user_name = p_user_name
            AND u.user_entity_id = d.user_entity_id
            AND (u.legislation_code = 'SE')
            AND (u.business_group_id IS NULL)
            AND u.creator_type = 'B';
Line: 1739

         SELECT pd.defined_balance_id
           FROM pay_defined_balances pd
               ,pay_balance_dimensions pbd
          WHERE pd.balance_type_id = csr_v_balance_type_id
            AND pbd.balance_dimension_id = pd.balance_dimension_id
            AND pbd.legislation_code = 'SE'
            AND pbd.database_item_suffix = '_PER_LE_YTD';
Line: 1790

         SELECT ue.creator_id
           FROM ff_user_entities ue
               ,ff_database_items di
          WHERE di.user_name = csr_v_balance_name
            AND ue.user_entity_id = di.user_entity_id
            AND ue.legislation_code = 'SE'
            AND ue.business_group_id IS NULL
            AND ue.creator_type = 'B';
Line: 1922

         SELECT *
           FROM (SELECT   paa.effective_start_date,paa.effective_end_date
                     FROM per_all_assignments_f paa
                         ,pay_assignment_actions pac
                    WHERE pac.assignment_action_id = p_asg_act_id
                      AND paa.assignment_id = pac.assignment_id
                      AND paa.effective_start_date <= g_income_end_date
                      AND paa.effective_end_date > = g_income_start_date
                      AND assignment_status_type_id IN (
                             SELECT assignment_status_type_id
                               FROM per_assignment_status_types
                              WHERE per_system_status = 'ACTIVE_ASSIGN'
                                AND active_flag = 'Y'
                                AND (   (    legislation_code IS NULL
                                         AND business_group_id IS NULL
                                     OR (business_group_id =
                 ORDER BY paa.effective_start_date DESC)
          WHERE ROWNUM < 2;
Line: 1955

         SELECT pap.last_name
	       ,pap.date_of_birth  -- EOY 2008/2009
           FROM per_all_people_f pap
               ,fnd_territories_vl ft
          WHERE pap.person_id = csr_v_person_id
            AND pap.per_information_category = 'SE'
            AND ft.obsolete_flag = 'N'
            AND ft.territory_code = pap.per_information1
            AND csr_v_effective_date BETWEEN pap.effective_start_date
                                         AND pap.effective_end_date;
Line: 1975

/*         SELECT pap.last_name, pap.pre_name_adjunct, pap.first_name
              , pap.national_identifier, pap.person_id
              per_all_people_f pap
          WHERE pap.person_id = csr_v_person_id
            AND pap.per_information_category = 'SE'
            AND csr_v_effective_date BETWEEN pap.effective_start_date
                                     AND pap.effective_end_date;
Line: 1991

         SELECT address_line1
           FROM per_addresses
               ,fnd_territories_vl ft
          WHERE business_group_id = g_business_group_id
            AND person_id = csr_v_person_id
            AND country = ft.territory_code
            AND csr_v_effective_date BETWEEN date_from
                                         AND NVL (date_to
                                                 ,TO_DATE ('31-12-4712'
Line: 2016

         SELECT MIN (paa.effective_start_date) effective_start_date
               ,MAX (paa.effective_end_date) effective_end_date
           FROM per_all_assignments_f paa
               ,hr_soft_coding_keyflex scl
          WHERE person_id = csr_v_person_id
            AND paa.effective_start_date <= g_income_end_date
            AND paa.effective_end_date > = g_income_start_date
            AND assignment_status_type_id IN (
                   SELECT assignment_status_type_id
                     FROM per_assignment_status_types
                    WHERE per_system_status = 'ACTIVE_ASSIGN'
                      AND active_flag = 'Y'
                      AND (   (    legislation_code IS NULL
                               AND business_group_id IS NULL
                           OR (business_group_id = g_business_group_id)
            AND scl.soft_coding_keyflex_id = paa.soft_coding_keyflex_id
            AND scl.segment2 IN (
                   SELECT o1.organization_id
                     FROM hr_organization_units o1
                         ,hr_organization_information hoi1
                         ,hr_organization_information hoi2
                         ,hr_organization_information hoi3
                    WHERE o1.business_group_id = g_business_group_id
                      AND hoi1.organization_id = o1.organization_id
                      AND hoi1.org_information1 = 'SE_LOCAL_UNIT'
                      AND hoi1.org_information_context = 'CLASS'
                      AND NVL (hoi1.org_information2, 'N') = 'Y'
                      AND o1.organization_id = hoi2.org_information1
                      AND hoi2.org_information_context = 'SE_LOCAL_UNITS'
                      AND hoi2.organization_id = hoi3.organization_id
                      AND hoi3.org_information_context = 'CLASS'
                      AND hoi3.org_information1 = 'HR_LEGAL_EMPLOYER'
                      AND hoi3.organization_id = csr_v_legal_employer
                      AND NVL (hoi3.org_information2, 'N') = 'Y');
Line: 2057

         SELECT pei_information1
           FROM per_people_extra_info
          WHERE person_id = csr_v_person_id
            AND information_type = 'SE_INC_STMT_DATA_CORRECTION';
Line: 2067

         SELECT scl.segment2
           FROM per_all_assignments_f paa
               ,hr_soft_coding_keyflex scl
               ,pay_assignment_actions pasa
          WHERE pasa.assignment_action_id = p_assignment_action_id
            AND pasa.assignment_id = paa.assignment_id
            AND scl.soft_coding_keyflex_id = paa.soft_coding_keyflex_id
            AND csr_v_effective_date BETWEEN paa.effective_start_date
                                         AND paa.effective_end_date;
Line: 2085

         SELECT hoi3.organization_id legal_id
           FROM hr_all_organization_units o1
               ,hr_organization_information hoi1
               ,hr_organization_information hoi2
               ,hr_organization_information hoi3
          WHERE o1.business_group_id = g_business_group_id
            AND hoi1.organization_id = o1.organization_id
            AND hoi1.organization_id = csr_v_organization_id
            AND hoi1.org_information1 = 'SE_LOCAL_UNIT'
            AND hoi1.org_information_context = 'CLASS'
            AND o1.organization_id = hoi2.org_information1
            AND hoi2.org_information_context = 'SE_LOCAL_UNITS'
            AND hoi2.organization_id = hoi3.organization_id
            AND hoi3.org_information_context = 'CLASS'
            AND hoi3.org_information1 = 'HR_LEGAL_EMPLOYER';
Line: 2108

         SELECT o1.NAME
           FROM hr_organization_units o1
               ,hr_organization_information hoi1
               ,hr_organization_information hoi2
          WHERE o1.business_group_id = g_business_group_id
            AND hoi1.organization_id = o1.organization_id
            AND hoi1.organization_id = csr_v_local_unit_id
            AND hoi1.org_information1 = 'SE_LOCAL_UNIT'
            AND hoi1.org_information_context = 'CLASS'
            AND o1.organization_id = hoi2.organization_id
            AND hoi2.org_information_context = 'SE_LOCAL_UNIT_DETAILS';
Line: 2125

         SELECT paa.assignment_id
           FROM per_all_assignments_f paa
               ,hr_soft_coding_keyflex scl
          WHERE paa.person_id = csr_v_person_id
            AND paa.effective_start_date <= g_income_end_date
            AND paa.effective_end_date > = g_income_start_date
            AND paa.assignment_status_type_id IN (
                   SELECT assignment_status_type_id
                     FROM per_assignment_status_types
                    WHERE per_system_status = 'ACTIVE_ASSIGN'
                      AND active_flag = 'Y'
                      AND (   (    legislation_code IS NULL
                               AND business_group_id IS NULL
                           OR (business_group_id = g_business_group_id)
            AND scl.soft_coding_keyflex_id = paa.soft_coding_keyflex_id;
Line: 2150

         SELECT paa.assignment_id
           FROM per_all_assignments_f paa
               ,hr_soft_coding_keyflex scl
          WHERE person_id = csr_v_person_id
            AND paa.effective_start_date <= g_income_end_date
            AND paa.effective_end_date > = g_income_start_date
            AND paa.primary_flag = 'Y'
            AND paa.assignment_status_type_id IN (
                   SELECT assignment_status_type_id
                     FROM per_assignment_status_types
                    WHERE per_system_status = 'ACTIVE_ASSIGN'
                      AND active_flag = 'Y'
                      AND (   (    legislation_code IS NULL
                               AND business_group_id IS NULL
                           OR (business_group_id = g_business_group_id)
            AND scl.soft_coding_keyflex_id = paa.soft_coding_keyflex_id;
Line: 2179

         SELECT 'Y' "VALID"
           FROM hr_organization_units o1
               ,hr_organization_information hoi1
               ,hr_organization_information hoi2
               ,hr_organization_information hoi3
          WHERE o1.business_group_id = g_business_group_id
            AND hoi1.organization_id = o1.organization_id
            AND hoi1.org_information1 = 'SE_LOCAL_UNIT'
            AND hoi1.org_information_context = 'CLASS'
            AND NVL (hoi1.org_information2, 'N') = 'Y'
            AND o1.organization_id = hoi2.org_information1
            AND hoi2.org_information_context = 'SE_LOCAL_UNITS'
            AND hoi2.organization_id = hoi3.organization_id
            AND hoi3.org_information_context = 'CLASS'
            AND hoi3.org_information1 = 'HR_LEGAL_EMPLOYER'
            AND hoi3.organization_id = csr_v_legal_employer_id
            AND NVL (hoi3.org_information2, 'N') = 'Y'
            AND o1.organization_id = csr_v_local_unit_id;
Line: 2202

         SELECT pet.element_type_id
           FROM pay_element_types_f pet
               ,pay_input_values_f piv
               ,pay_element_links_f pel
          WHERE pet.element_name = 'Tax Card'
            AND pet.legislation_code = 'SE'
            AND piv.element_type_id = pet.element_type_id
            AND piv.NAME = 'Tax Card Type'
            AND pel.element_type_id = pet.element_type_id
            AND pel.business_group_id = g_business_group_id
            AND pet.effective_start_date <= g_income_end_date
            AND pet.effective_end_date > = g_income_start_date
            AND piv.effective_start_date <= g_income_end_date
            AND piv.effective_end_date > = g_income_start_date
            AND pel.effective_start_date <= g_income_end_date
            AND pel.effective_end_date > = g_income_start_date;
Line: 2225

         SELECT pet.element_type_id
           FROM pay_element_types_f pet
               ,pay_element_links_f pel
          WHERE pet.element_name = csr_v_element_name
            AND pet.legislation_code = 'SE'
            AND pel.element_type_id = pet.element_type_id
            AND pel.business_group_id = g_business_group_id
            AND pet.effective_start_date <= g_income_end_date
            AND pet.effective_end_date > = g_income_start_date
            AND pel.effective_start_date <= g_income_end_date
            AND pel.effective_end_date > = g_income_start_date;
Line: 2247

   from pay_element_entries_f pee
   , per_all_assignments_f paa
    , pay_element_entry_values_f peev
   where peev.screen_entry_value ='A'
     AND peev.element_entry_id = pee.element_entry_id
    AND  peev.input_value_id   = csr_v_input_value_id
   and pee.ELEMENT_LINK_ID = csr_v_link_id
   and pee.ELEMENT_TYPE_ID = csr_v_type_id
   and pee.ASSIGNMENT_ID = paa.assignment_id
   AND PAA.PERSON_ID = csr_v_person_id
   AND PAA.BUSINESS_GROUP_ID      = g_business_group_id
    AND pee.EFFECTIVE_START_DATE  <= g_income_end_date    AND pee.EFFECTIVE_END_DATE > = g_income_start_date
    AND paa.EFFECTIVE_START_DATE  <= g_income_end_date    AND paa.EFFECTIVE_END_DATE > = g_income_start_date
    AND paa.assignment_status_type_id IN
                            (select assignment_status_type_id
                                    from per_assignment_status_types
                                    where per_system_status = 'ACTIVE_ASSIGN'
                                    and active_flag = 'Y'
                                    and (
                                          (     legislation_code is null
                                            and business_group_id is null
                                        (   BUSINESS_GROUP_ID = g_business_group_id )
Line: 2286

         SELECT COUNT ('Y') valid
           FROM pay_element_entries_f pee
               ,pay_element_entry_values_f peev
          WHERE peev.screen_entry_value = 'A'
            AND peev.element_entry_id = pee.element_entry_id
            AND peev.effective_start_date = pee.effective_start_date
            AND peev.effective_end_date = pee.effective_end_date
            AND peev.input_value_id = csr_v_input_value_id
            AND pee.element_link_id = csr_v_link_id
            AND pee.element_type_id = csr_v_type_id
            AND pee.assignment_id = csr_v_prim_assignment_id
            AND pee.effective_start_date <= g_income_end_date
            AND pee.effective_end_date > = g_income_start_date;
Line: 2309

         SELECT pei_information1
           FROM per_people_extra_info
          WHERE person_id = csr_v_person_id
            AND information_type = csr_v_information_type;
Line: 2331

         SELECT pet.element_type_id
           FROM pay_element_types_f pet
               ,pay_element_links_f pel
               ,pay_element_entries_f pee
          WHERE pel.element_type_id = pet.element_type_id
            AND (pet.legislation_code = 'SE' OR pet.legislation_code IS NULL
            AND pel.business_group_id = g_business_group_id
            AND pet.effective_start_date <= g_income_end_date
            AND pet.effective_end_date > = g_income_start_date
            AND pel.effective_start_date <= g_income_end_date
            AND pel.effective_end_date > = g_income_start_date
            AND pee.effective_start_date <= g_income_end_date
            AND pee.effective_end_date > = g_income_start_date
            AND pet.element_information1 = csr_v_elem_code
            AND pet.element_information_category = csr_v_category
            AND pee.element_link_id = pel.element_link_id
            AND pee.assignment_id = csr_v_assignment_id;
Line: 2354

           FROM pay_run_results prr
               ,pay_element_entries_f pee
          WHERE pee.element_entry_id =
            /*and     p_effective_date*  between pee.effective_start_date
                                         and pee.effective_end_date*/
            AND pee.effective_start_date BETWEEN g_income_start_date
                                             AND g_income_end_date
            AND pee.effective_end_date BETWEEN g_income_start_date
                                           AND g_income_end_date
            AND prr.source_id = pee.element_entry_id
            AND prr.entry_type = pee.entry_type
            AND prr.source_type = 'E'
            AND prr.status <> 'U'
            AND NOT EXISTS (
                   SELECT 1
                     FROM pay_run_results sub_rr
                    WHERE sub_rr.source_id = prr.run_result_id
                      AND sub_rr.source_type IN ('R', 'V'));
Line: 2378

         SELECT   pee.element_entry_id
             FROM pay_element_entries_f pee
                 ,pay_element_types_f pet
            WHERE pet.element_name = 'Car Benefit'
              AND pet.legislation_code = 'SE'
              AND pee.assignment_id = csr_v_assignment_id
              AND pee.element_type_id = pet.element_type_id
              AND pee.effective_start_date <= g_income_end_date
              AND pee.effective_end_date >= g_income_start_date
              AND pet.effective_start_date <= g_income_end_date
              AND pet.effective_end_date >= g_income_start_date
         ORDER BY pee.effective_end_date DESC;
Line: 2400

         SELECT pee.element_entry_id
           FROM pay_element_entries_f pee
               ,pay_input_values_f piv
               ,pay_element_entry_values_f peev
          WHERE pee.element_entry_id = csr_v_ee_id
            AND piv.element_type_id = piv.element_type_id
            AND piv.NAME = 'RSV Code'
            AND peev.element_entry_id = pee.element_entry_id
            AND peev.input_value_id = piv.input_value_id
-- AND pee.ASSIGNMENT_ID = csr_v_assignment_id Not Needed now.
            AND pee.effective_start_date <= g_income_end_date
            AND pee.effective_end_date > = g_income_start_date
            AND piv.effective_start_date <= g_income_end_date
            AND piv.effective_end_date > = g_income_start_date;
Line: 3939

         SELECT 1
           INTO l_flag
           FROM pay_action_information
          WHERE action_information_category = 'EMEA REPORT INFORMATION'
            AND action_information1 = 'PYSEINSA'
            AND action_context_id = p_assignment_action_id;
Line: 4329

         SELECT *
           FROM pay_action_information
          WHERE action_context_type = 'PA'
            AND action_context_id = csr_v_pa_id
            AND action_information_category = 'EMEA REPORT INFORMATION'
            AND action_information1 = 'PYSEINSA'
            AND action_information2 = 'LE';
Line: 4341

         SELECT *
           FROM pay_action_information
          WHERE action_context_type = 'PA'
            AND action_context_id = csr_v_pa_id
            AND action_information_category = 'EMEA REPORT INFORMATION'
            AND action_information1 = 'PYSEINSA'
            AND action_information2 = 'MP';
Line: 4355

         SELECT *
           FROM pay_action_information
          WHERE action_context_type = 'PA'
            AND action_context_id = csr_v_pa_id
            AND action_information_category = 'EMEA REPORT DETAILS'
            AND action_information1 = 'PYSEINSA';
Line: 4371

         SELECT   *
             FROM pay_action_information
            WHERE action_context_type = 'AAP'
              AND action_information_category = 'EMEA REPORT INFORMATION'
              AND action_information1 = 'PYSEINSA'
              AND action_information2 = 'PERSON'
              AND action_information3 = csr_v_pa_id
              AND action_information4 = csr_v_stmt_type
              AND action_information29 = csr_v_le_id
         ORDER BY decode(csr_v_sort_order
Line: 4392

         SELECT   *
             FROM pay_action_information
            WHERE action_context_type = 'AAP'
              AND action_information_category = 'EMEA REPORT INFORMATION'
              AND action_information1 = 'PYSEINSA'
              AND action_information2 = csr_v_record
              AND action_information3 = csr_v_pa_id
              AND action_information30 = csr_v_person_id
         ORDER BY action_information30;
Line: 4419

            SELECT payroll_action_id
              INTO l_payroll_action_id
              FROM pay_payroll_actions ppa
                  ,fnd_conc_req_summary_v fcrs
                  ,fnd_conc_req_summary_v fcrs1
             WHERE fcrs.request_id = fnd_global.conc_request_id
               AND fcrs.priority_request_id = fcrs1.priority_request_id
               AND ppa.request_id BETWEEN fcrs1.request_id AND fcrs.request_id
               AND ppa.request_id = fcrs1.request_id;
Line: 5403

         SELECT ft.territory_short_name
           FROM fnd_territories_vl ft
          WHERE ft.territory_code = p_code;