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Line 732: select party_id from hz_cust_accounts where cust_account_id = P_CUST_ACCOUNT_ID;

728: order by Display_Order;
730: -- get party_id from cust_account_id
731: cursor get_party_crs(P_CUST_ACCOUNT_ID number) is
732: select party_id from hz_cust_accounts where cust_account_id = P_CUST_ACCOUNT_ID;
734: -- get LOCATION_ID for specified cust_account_id
735: cursor get_data_crs2(P_CUST_ACCOUNT_ID number) is
736: select

Line 1288: from hz_cust_accounts

1284: l_party_id number;
1286: cursor c_get_party_from_acc(p_cust_account_id number) is
1287: select party_id
1288: from hz_cust_accounts
1289: where cust_account_id = p_cust_account_id;
1291: cursor c_get_party_from_site(p_site_use_id number) is
1292: select cust.party_id

Line 1293: from hz_cust_accounts cust,

1289: where cust_account_id = p_cust_account_id;
1291: cursor c_get_party_from_site(p_site_use_id number) is
1292: select cust.party_id
1293: from hz_cust_accounts cust,
1294: hz_cust_acct_sites_all acc_site,
1295: hz_cust_site_uses_all site_use
1296: where site_use.site_use_id = p_site_use_id and
1297: site_use.cust_acct_site_id = acc_site.cust_acct_site_id and

Line 1515: from hz_cust_accounts

1511: where delinquency_id = p_delinquency_id;
1513: cursor c_get_acct_info(p_cust_account_id number) is
1514: select party_id
1515: from hz_cust_accounts
1516: where cust_account_id = p_cust_account_id;
1518: cursor c_get_site_info(p_site_use_id number) is
1519: select cust.party_id, cust.cust_account_id

Line 1520: from hz_cust_accounts cust,

1516: where cust_account_id = p_cust_account_id;
1518: cursor c_get_site_info(p_site_use_id number) is
1519: select cust.party_id, cust.cust_account_id
1520: from hz_cust_accounts cust,
1521: hz_cust_acct_sites_all acc_site,
1522: hz_cust_site_uses_all site_use
1523: where site_use.site_use_id = p_site_use_id and
1524: site_use.cust_acct_site_id = acc_site.cust_acct_site_id and

Line 3198: ' hz_cust_accounts hca ' ||

3194: if (p_running_level = 'CUSTOMER') then
3195: vPLSQL2 := 'select arp.customer_trx_id, ' ||
3196: ' arp.payment_schedule_id ' ||
3197: ' from ar_payment_schedules arp, ' ||
3198: ' hz_cust_accounts hca ' ||
3199: ' where arp.customer_id = hca.cust_account_id ' ||
3200: ' and hca.party_id = :p_party_id ' ||
3201: ' and trunc(arp.due_date) > trunc(:p_corr_date) ' ||
3202: ' and arp.status = ''OP'' ' ||

Line 3395: ' hz_cust_accounts hca ' ||

3392: if (p_running_level = 'CUSTOMER') then
3393: vPLSQL2 := 'select arp.payment_schedule_id ' ||
3394: ' from ar_payment_schedules arp, ' ||
3395: ' hz_cust_accounts hca ' ||
3396: ' where arp.customer_id = hca.cust_account_id ' ||
3397: ' and hca.party_id = :p_party_id ' ||
3398: ' and arp.status = ''OP'' ' ||
3399: ' and arp.amount_due_remaining <> 0 ' ||

Line 3466: ' hz_cust_accounts hca ' ||

3462: if (p_running_level = 'CUSTOMER') then
3463: vPLSQL2 := 'select arp.customer_trx_id customer_trx_id, ' ||
3464: ' arp.payment_schedule_id ' ||
3465: ' from ar_payment_schedules arp, ' ||
3466: ' hz_cust_accounts hca ' ||
3467: ' where arp.customer_id = hca.cust_account_id ' ||
3468: ' and hca.party_id = :p_party_id ' ||
3469: ' and arp.amount_due_remaining <> 0 ' ||
3470: ' and arp.class =''CM'' ' ||

Line 4243: from ar_payment_schedules_all aps,iex_delinquencies_all dd,hz_cust_accounts hzca

4239: where dunning_plan_id = p_dunn_plan_id;
4241: cursor c_cust_acct_amt_due_rem(p_party_id number,p_org_id number, p_corr_date date, p_grace_days number, p_include_dis_items varchar) is
4242: select nvl(sum(aps.acctd_amount_due_remaining),0)
4243: from ar_payment_schedules_all aps,iex_delinquencies_all dd,hz_cust_accounts hzca
4244: where dd.payment_schedule_id = aps.payment_schedule_id
4245: and aps.class IN ('INV', 'GUAR', 'CB', 'DM', 'DEP', 'BR') -- Bills Receivables change
4246: and aps.status='OP'
4247: and (trunc(aps.due_date) + p_grace_days) <= p_corr_date

Line 4256: from ar_payment_schedules_all aps,hz_cust_accounts hzca

4252: and hzca.party_id = p_party_id;
4254: cursor c_cust_acct_cm_tot_amt_rem (p_party_id number,p_org_id number) is
4255: select nvl(sum(acctd_amount_due_remaining),0)
4256: from ar_payment_schedules_all aps,hz_cust_accounts hzca
4257: where aps.class IN ('CM','PMT')
4258: and aps.status = 'OP'
4259: and aps.customer_id = hzca.cust_account_id
4260: and aps.org_id= p_org_id

Line 4702: ', hz_cust_accounts hca ' || -- Bills Receivables

4698: vPLSQL2 := ' union all ' ||
4699: 'select null, arp.customer_trx_id, ' ||
4700: 'arp.payment_schedule_id ' ||
4701: 'from ar_payment_schedules arp ' ||
4702: ', hz_cust_accounts hca ' || -- Bills Receivables
4703: 'where arp.customer_id = hca.cust_account_id ' || -- Bills Receivables
4704: 'and arp.status = ''OP'' ' || -- Bills Receivables
4705: -- 'where arp.status = ''OP'' ' || -- Bills Receivables
4706: 'and arp.amount_due_remaining <> 0 ' ||

Line 6023: 'hz_cust_accounts hca ' ||

6019: /*vPLSQL2 := ' union all ' || --Added for Bug 10401991 07-Feb-2011 barathsr
6020: 'select null, arp.customer_trx_id, ' ||
6021: 'arp.payment_schedule_id ' ||
6022: 'from ar_payment_schedules arp, ' ||
6023: 'hz_cust_accounts hca ' ||
6024: 'where arp.customer_id = hca.cust_account_id ' ||
6025: 'and arp.status = ''OP'' ' ||
6026: 'and arp.amount_due_remaining <> 0 ' ||--' and arp.amount_due_remaining > 0 ' || Changed to fix 12552027 by snuthala 5/19/2011
6027: 'and arp.class = ''INV'' ' ||

Line 6133: 'hz_cust_accounts hca ' ||

6129: /*vPLSQL2 := ' union all ' || --Added for Bug 10401991 07-Feb-2011 barathsr
6130: 'select null, arp.customer_trx_id, ' ||
6131: 'arp.payment_schedule_id ' ||
6132: 'from ar_payment_schedules arp, ' ||
6133: 'hz_cust_accounts hca ' ||
6134: 'where arp.customer_id = hca.cust_account_id ' ||
6135: 'and arp.status = ''OP'' ' ||
6136: 'and arp.amount_due_remaining <> 0 ' ||--' and arp.amount_due_remaining > 0 ' || Changed to fix 12552027 by snuthala 5/19/2011
6137: 'and arp.class = ''INV'' ' ||

Line 9204: from ar_payment_schedules_all aps,iex_delinquencies_all dd,hz_cust_accounts hzca

9200: where dunning_id = p_dunning_id;
9202: cursor c_cust_acct_amt_due_rem(p_party_id number,p_org_id number, p_corr_date date, p_grace_days number, p_include_dis_items varchar) is
9203: select nvl(sum(aps.acctd_amount_due_remaining),0)
9204: from ar_payment_schedules_all aps,iex_delinquencies_all dd,hz_cust_accounts hzca
9205: where dd.payment_schedule_id = aps.payment_schedule_id
9206: and aps.class IN ('INV', 'GUAR', 'CB', 'DM', 'DEP')
9207: and aps.status='OP'
9208: and (trunc(aps.due_date) + p_grace_days) <= p_corr_date

Line 9217: from ar_payment_schedules_all aps,hz_cust_accounts hzca

9213: and hzca.party_id = p_party_id;
9215: cursor c_cust_acct_cm_tot_amt_rem (p_party_id number,p_org_id number) is
9216: select nvl(sum(acctd_amount_due_remaining),0)
9217: from ar_payment_schedules_all aps,hz_cust_accounts hzca
9218: where aps.class IN ('CM','PMT')
9219: and aps.status = 'OP'
9220: and aps.customer_id = hzca.cust_account_id
9221: and aps.org_id= p_org_id

Line 9716: 'hz_cust_accounts hca ' ||

9712: vPLSQL2 := ' union all ' || --Added for Bug 10401991 07-Feb-2011 barathsr
9713: 'select null, arp.customer_trx_id, ' ||
9714: 'arp.payment_schedule_id ' ||
9715: 'from ar_payment_schedules arp, ' ||
9716: 'hz_cust_accounts hca ' ||
9717: 'where arp.customer_id = hca.cust_account_id ' ||
9718: 'and hca.party_id = :p_party_id ' ||
9719: 'and arp.status = ''OP'' ' ||
9720: 'and arp.amount_due_remaining <> 0 ' ||--' and arp.amount_due_remaining > 0 ' || Changed to fix 12552027 by snuthala 5/19/2011

Line 16697: HZ_CUST_ACCOUNTS a,

16693: ar.payment_schedule_id,
16694: h.party_name
16696: HZ_PARTIES h,
16699: WHERE d.delinquency_ID = in_del_ID
16700: AND h.party_id = d.party_cust_id
16701: AND d.cust_account_id = a.cust_account_id

Line 16714: HZ_CUST_ACCOUNTS a,

16710: h.party_name,
16711: u.location -- added for bug 14738490
16713: HZ_PARTIES h,
16715: HZ_CUST_SITE_USES u -- -- added for bug 14738490
16716: WHERE d.customer_site_use_id = in_SITE_ID
16717: AND u.site_use_id = d.customer_site_use_id
16718: AND h.party_id = d.party_cust_id

Line 16728: HZ_CUST_ACCOUNTS a

16724: a.account_number,
16725: h.party_name
16727: HZ_PARTIES h,
16729: WHERE d.cust_account_ID = in_ACCT_ID
16730: AND h.party_id = d.party_cust_id
16731: AND d.cust_account_id = a.cust_account_id;
16732: --

Line 17907: 'hz_cust_accounts hcu, ' ||

17903: --'ixr.xml_request_id REQUEST_ID ' ||
17904: --' ''http://techcm.us.oracle.com:8000/OA_HTML/IEXDUNCPRRedirect.jsp?RequestId='' || ixr.xml_request_id DOWNLOAD_URL ' ||
17905: 'from iex_xml_request_histories ixr, ' ||
17906: 'hz_parties p, ' ||
17907: 'hz_cust_accounts hcu, ' ||
17908: 'iex_dunnings id, ' ||
17909: 'XDO_TEMPLATES_B xtb, ' ||
17910: 'XDO_TEMPLATES_TL xtvl ' ||
17911: 'where id.dunning_object_id = hcu.cust_account_id ' ||

Line 17942: 'hz_cust_accounts hcu,' ||

17938: --'ixr.xml_request_id REQUEST_ID ' ||
17939: --' ''http://techcm.us.oracle.com:8000/OA_HTML/IEXDUNCPRRedirect.jsp?RequestId='' || ixr.xml_request_id DOWNLOAD_URL ' ||
17940: 'from iex_xml_request_histories ixr, ' ||
17941: 'hz_parties p, ' ||
17942: 'hz_cust_accounts hcu,' ||
17943: 'hz_cust_acct_sites_all acct_sites, ' ||
17944: 'hz_cust_site_uses_all site_uses, ' ||
17945: 'iex_dunnings id, ' ||
17946: 'XDO_TEMPLATES_B xtb, ' ||

Line 18240: hz_cust_accounts ca

18236: l_source_id := l_object_id;
18237: SELECT ca.party_id into l_party_id
18238: FROM hz_cust_site_uses site_uses,
18239: hz_cust_acct_sites acct_sites,
18240: hz_cust_accounts ca
18241: WHERE site_uses.site_use_id = l_object_id
18242: AND acct_sites.cust_acct_site_id = site_uses.cust_acct_site_id
18243: AND ca.cust_account_id = acct_sites.cust_account_id;

Line 18254: FROM hz_cust_accounts ca

18251: Elsif l_object_type = 'IEX_ACCOUNT' then
18252: l_source_id := l_object_id;
18253: SELECT ca.party_id into l_party_id
18254: FROM hz_cust_accounts ca
18255: WHERE ca.cust_account_id = l_object_id;
18257: Elsif l_object_type = 'PARTY' then
18258: l_party_id := l_object_id;

Line 18777: ' from ar_payment_schedules arp, hz_cust_accounts hca ' ||

18774: if (p_running_level = 'CUSTOMER') then
18775: vPLSQL2 := 'select arp.customer_trx_id, ' ||
18776: ' arp.payment_schedule_id ' ||
18777: ' from ar_payment_schedules arp, hz_cust_accounts hca ' ||
18778: ' where arp.customer_id = hca.cust_account_id ' ||
18779: ' and hca.party_id = :p_party_id ' ||
18780: -- ' and trunc(arp.due_date) > trunc(:p_corr_date) ' ||
18781: ' and arp.status = ''OP'' ' ||

Line 18878: ' hz_cust_accounts hca ' ||

18875: if (p_running_level = 'CUSTOMER') then
18876: vPLSQL2 := 'select arp.payment_schedule_id ' ||
18877: ' from ar_payment_schedules arp, ' ||
18878: ' hz_cust_accounts hca ' ||
18879: ' where arp.customer_id = hca.cust_account_id ' ||
18880: ' and hca.party_id = :p_party_id ' ||
18881: ' and arp.status = ''OP'' ' ||
18882: ' and arp.amount_due_remaining <> 0 ' ||

Line 18950: ' hz_cust_accounts hca ' ||

18946: if (p_running_level = 'CUSTOMER') then
18947: vPLSQL2 := 'select arp.customer_trx_id customer_trx_id, ' ||
18948: ' arp.payment_schedule_id ' ||
18949: ' from ar_payment_schedules arp, ' ||
18950: ' hz_cust_accounts hca ' ||
18951: ' where arp.customer_id = hca.cust_account_id ' ||
18952: ' and hca.party_id = :p_party_id ' ||
18953: ' and arp.amount_due_remaining <> 0 ' ||
18954: ' and arp.class =''CM'' ' ||