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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 45

                                               model updates, this is to detect
                                               and record old and new supervisors
                                               in the list of refresh records
    Ed Jones       27-Mar-2003 115.9   2870801 Changes to support date track
                                               updates to supervisor as well as
    Ed Jones       10-Apr-2003 115.10          Changes to pick up correct start date
                                               for updated supervisor correctly
    Ed Jones       02-Jun-2003 115.11  2984406 Moved pay_interpreter_pkg.event_group_tables
                                               call and reset of g_DATED_TABLE_EXTRAS
					       cache to a separate procedure (from
					       get_event_details) so that it's only
					       called once per run.
					       Don't pass around event group name
					       parameter, use the global ID populated in
					       the one-off init_event_group_cache
					       Major changes to the way in which affected
					       assignments are detected, see specific
					       sections for details (search for this bug).
    Ed Jones       07-Jul-2003 115.13          Moved various cursors to be visible at package
                                               level for ease of access by diagnostics
					       Made dt update SQL building function accessible
					       for this reason too.
					       Change csr_inserts_deletes cursor to decode
					       various event types to match update types.
					       Corrections cursor looks for C type updates
					       as well as U (database updates may be stored
					       in the incident register as corrections)
				       3033981 Changed incident register accessing cursors
				               to get surrogate key and pass that on to
					       the event interpreter, if the table in use
					       is element entries.
    Ed Jones       07-Jul-2003 115.14          Remove 'show errors' for gscc
    Andy Logue     23-DEC-2003 115.15  3329824 Performance fix
    Andy Logue     05-JAN-2004 115.16          Performance fix
    N Bristow      26-JAN-2004 115.17          get_assignments_affected changed to drive
                                               off pay_process_events and to only use
                                               salary entries.
    N Bristow      10-MAR-2004 115.18          Performance changes, the PL/SQL
                                               tables were being over
                                               referenced. Change these tables
                                               to use a hash cache.
    Andy Logue     13-FEB-2006 115.19          Schema clone for all_tab_columns.
    nvankadh       28-NOV-2012 115.20 15882261 Modified few cursor definitions to refer to
                                               dba_tab_columns instead of all_tab_columns
    nvankadh	   13-DEC-2012 115.21 15983018 Modified due to regression because of
	                                           the changes made for 15882261
    -- < PRIVATE TYPES > -----------------------------------------------------
    TYPE t_dated_table_extras_rec IS RECORD(
        has_supervisor_id         VARCHAR2(1),
        has_location_id           VARCHAR2(1),
        has_assignment_id         VARCHAR2(1),
        sql_statement             VARCHAR2(32767)
Line: 159

                    MIN(ppe.effective_date)   effective_start_date,
                    MAX(ppe.effective_date)   effective_end_date
        FROM        pay_process_events      ppe,
                    pay_event_updates       peu
        WHERE       ppe.creation_date BETWEEN p_st AND p_en
        AND         ppe.event_update_id = peu.event_update_id
        GROUP BY    ppe.assignment_id,ppe.surrogate_key, peu.dated_table_id
        ORDER BY    ppe.assignment_id, ppe.surrogate_key;
Line: 173

    CURSOR csr_inserts_deletes(p_evt IN NUMBER,p_st IN DATE,p_en IN DATE) RETURN csr_return IS
                    MIN(ppe.effective_date)   start_date,
                    MAX(ppe.effective_date)   end_date
        FROM        pay_process_events      ppe,
                    pay_event_updates       peu
        WHERE       ppe.creation_date BETWEEN p_st AND p_en
        AND         ppe.event_update_id = peu.event_update_id
        AND         substr(peu.event_type,1,1) in ('D','I','Z')
        AND EXISTS (
                    SELECT  'X'
                    FROM    pay_datetracked_events pde
                    WHERE   pde.event_group_id = p_evt
                    AND     pde.dated_table_id = peu.dated_table_id
                    AND     pde.update_type = SUBSTR(DECODE(peu.event_type,'ZAP','D',peu.event_type),1,1)
        GROUP BY    ppe.assignment_id,peu.dated_table_id,ppe.surrogate_key;
Line: 196

                    MIN(ppe.effective_date)   start_date,
                    MAX(ppe.effective_date)   end_date
        FROM        pay_process_events      ppe,
                    pay_event_updates       peu
        WHERE       ppe.creation_date BETWEEN p_st AND p_en
        AND         ppe.event_update_id = peu.event_update_id
        AND         substr(peu.event_type,1,1) IN ('U','C')
        AND EXISTS (
                    SELECT  'X'
                    FROM    pay_datetracked_events  pde,
                            pay_dated_tables        pdt
      	            WHERE   pde.event_group_id = p_evt
      	            AND     pde.dated_table_id = peu.dated_table_id
                    AND     pdt.dated_table_id = pde.dated_table_id
	            AND     pde.column_name = peu.column_name
                    AND     NOT (pdt.table_name = 'PER_ALL_ASSIGNMENTS_F' AND pde.column_name = 'SUPERVISOR_ID')
	            AND     pde.update_type = 'C'
        GROUP BY    ppe.assignment_id,peu.dated_table_id,ppe.surrogate_key;
Line: 233

            SELECT  TO_NUMBER(DECODE(sic.column_name,'SUPERVISOR_ID',sic.id,NULL))  supervisor_id,
                    DECODE(cp_str,'Y',paaf.location_id,c_BLANK_LOCATION_ID)         location_id,
		    NULL                                                            dummy,
                    MIN(sic.effective_date)                                         effective_start_date,
                    MAX(sic.effective_date)                                         effective_end_date
            FROM    (
                        -- Get the 'before' information, i.e. the ID before the '->' character sequence
                        SELECT  /*+ ordered index(ppe pay_process_events_n3) */
	                        DECODE(SUBSTR(ppe.description,1,INSTR(ppe.description,' -> ')-1),'',NULL,SUBSTR(ppe.description,1,INSTR(ppe.description,' -> ')-1)) id,
                        FROM    pay_process_events  ppe,
                                pay_event_updates   peu,
                                pay_dated_tables    pdt,
				pay_datetracked_events pde
                        WHERE   INSTR(ppe.description,' -> ') > 0
                        AND     SUBSTR(ppe.description,1,6) <> ''
                        AND     peu.event_update_id = ppe.event_update_id
                        AND     peu.dated_table_id = pdt.dated_table_id
                        AND     pdt.table_name = 'PER_ALL_ASSIGNMENTS_F'
                        AND     peu.column_name = 'SUPERVISOR_ID'
			AND     pde.update_type = 'C'
			AND     pde.column_name = peu.column_name
			AND     ppe.creation_date BETWEEN cp_st AND cp_en
			AND     cp_evt = pde.event_group_id
			AND     pde.dated_table_id = peu.dated_table_id
                        -- Add the 'after' information, i.e. the ID after the '->' character sequence, don't UNION ALL 'cos that would give us duplicates
                        SELECT  /*+ ordered index(ppe pay_process_events_n3) */
	                        DECODE(SUBSTR(ppe.description,INSTR(ppe.description,' -> ')+4),'',NULL,SUBSTR(ppe.description,INSTR(ppe.description,' -> ')+4)) id,
                        FROM    pay_process_events  ppe,
                                pay_event_updates   peu,
                                pay_dated_tables    pdt,
				pay_datetracked_events pde
                        WHERE   INSTR(ppe.description,' -> ') > 0
                        AND     SUBSTR(ppe.description,length(ppe.description)-5) <> ''
                        AND     peu.event_update_id = ppe.event_update_id
                        AND     peu.dated_table_id = pdt.dated_table_id
                        AND     pdt.table_name = 'PER_ALL_ASSIGNMENTS_F'
                        AND     peu.column_name = 'SUPERVISOR_ID'
			AND     pde.update_type = 'C'
			AND     pde.column_name = peu.column_name
			AND     ppe.creation_date BETWEEN cp_st AND cp_en
	                AND     cp_evt = pde.event_group_id
			AND     pde.dated_table_id = pdt.dated_table_id
                    )                       sic,
                    per_all_assignments_f   paaf
            -- Join to the assignment at the effective date of the change to get the location
            WHERE   sic.effective_date BETWEEN paaf.effective_start_date AND paaf.effective_end_date
            AND     paaf.assignment_id      = sic.assignment_id
            GROUP BY
Line: 295

            SELECT DISTINCT pdt.dated_table_id,NULL,pdt.table_name,NULL,NULL
            FROM   pay_dated_tables pdt,
                   pay_datetracked_events pde
            WHERE  pde.dated_table_id = pdt.dated_table_id
            AND    pde.event_group_id = p_evt
            AND    pde.update_type = 'U';
Line: 405

            SELECT  business_group_id
            FROM    per_assignments_f
            WHERE   assignment_id = cp_ass_id;
Line: 533

            SELECT  'Y'
            FROM    dba_tab_columns tab, user_synonyms syn
            WHERE   tab.table_name  = syn.table_name
			AND	    tab.owner = syn.table_owner
			AND	    syn.synonym_name = cp_name
            AND     tab.column_name = cp_column
            AND     tab.owner = cp_owner;
Line: 608

    PROCEDURE get_additional_select(
        p_tab_id        IN      NUMBER,
        p_want_location IN      BOOLEAN,
        p_sql           IN OUT  NOCOPY VARCHAR2
    ) IS
        l_tab_info              pay_interpreter_pkg.t_distinct_table_rec;
Line: 646

        p_sql := 'SELECT ';
Line: 784

    END get_additional_select;
Line: 804

            SELECT          event_group_id
            FROM            pay_event_groups
            WHERE           event_group_name = p_grp;
Line: 957

Line: 1006

    FUNCTION build_csr_dt_updates(p_dtid IN NUMBER,p_dtname IN VARCHAR2,p_eeid IN NUMBER) RETURN VARCHAR2 IS
	-- Get a list of the columns that are in the event group and table
        CURSOR get_columns(p_evt IN NUMBER,p_tab IN NUMBER) IS
            SELECT column_name
            FROM   pay_datetracked_events pde
            WHERE  event_group_id = p_evt
            AND    dated_table_id = p_tab
            AND    update_type = 'U';
Line: 1018

        l_qry := 'SELECT n.assignment_id, ';
Line: 1045

		     'SELECT '||
		     '    ppe.assignment_id '||
		     '    FROM pay_process_events ppe,pay_event_updates peu '||
		     '    WHERE ppe.creation_date BETWEEN :1 AND :2 '||
		     '    AND peu.event_update_id = ppe.event_update_id '||
		     '    AND peu.dated_table_id = '||p_dtid||
		    ') '||
                    'GROUP BY n.assignment_id';
Line: 1058

    END build_csr_dt_updates;
Line: 1066

	    SELECT  dated_table_id
	    INTO    l_element_entries_dt_id
	    FROM    pay_dated_tables
	    WHERE   table_name = 'PAY_ELEMENT_ENTRIES_F';
Line: 1084

       select /*+ ordered */ distinct pee.element_entry_id
         into l_dummy
         from pay_element_entries_f    pee,
              per_all_assignments_f    paf,
              per_pay_bases            ppb,
              pay_element_entry_values_f peev
        where pee.element_entry_id = p_ee_id
          and pee.assignment_id = paf.assignment_id
          and paf.pay_basis_id = ppb.pay_basis_id
          and pee.element_entry_id = peev.element_entry_id
          and ppb.input_value_id = peev.input_value_id;
Line: 1131

	-- Get those affected by inserts and deletes
	msg('Getting inserts and deletes');
Line: 1248

Line: 1249

Line: 1414

        p_update_mode        IN     BOOLEAN
    ) IS
        l_found     NUMBER := -1;
Line: 1476

                p_update_mode => FALSE
Line: 1540

Line: 1541