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Line 20: INSERT INTO ozf_aging_bucket_dates (

16: IS
18: x_return_status := FND_API.g_ret_sts_success;
19: -- insert data
20: INSERT INTO ozf_aging_bucket_dates (
21: aging_bucket_id,
22: aging_bucket_line_id,
23: bucket_sequence_num,
24: bucket_type,

Line 192: , ozf_aging_bucket_dates b

188: , b.bucket_sequence_num bucket_sequence_num
189: , c.org_id
190: , SUM(c.acctd_amount) amount
191: FROM ozf_claims c
192: , ozf_aging_bucket_dates b
193: WHERE TRUNC(c.claim_date, 'DD') = TRUNC(b.bucket_date, 'DD')
194: AND b.condition_type = 'EQ'
195: AND b.bucket_type = 'CURRENT'
196: --AND c.status_code IN ('NEW', 'OPEN', 'PENDING_APPROVAL', 'COMPLETE', 'APPROVED')

Line 211: , ozf_aging_bucket_dates b

207: , b.bucket_sequence_num bucket_sequence_num
208: , c.org_id
209: , SUM(c.acctd_amount) amount
210: FROM ozf_claims c
211: , ozf_aging_bucket_dates b
212: WHERE TRUNC(c.claim_date, 'DD') <= TRUNC(b.bucket_date, 'DD')
213: AND b.condition_type = 'LT'
214: AND b.bucket_type = 'CURRENT'
215: --AND c.status_code IN ('NEW', 'OPEN', 'PENDING_APPROVAL', 'COMPLETE', 'APPROVED')

Line 230: , ozf_aging_bucket_dates b

226: , b.bucket_sequence_num bucket_sequence_num
227: , c.org_id
228: , SUM(c.acctd_amount) amount
229: FROM ozf_claims c
230: , ozf_aging_bucket_dates b
231: WHERE TRUNC(c.claim_date, 'DD') >= TRUNC(b.bucket_date , 'DD')
232: AND b.condition_type = 'GT'
233: AND b.bucket_type = 'CURRENT'
234: --AND c.status_code IN ('NEW', 'OPEN', 'PENDING_APPROVAL', 'COMPLETE', 'APPROVED')

Line 249: , ozf_aging_bucket_dates b

245: , b.bucket_sequence_num bucket_sequence_num
246: , c.org_id
247: , SUM(c.acctd_amount) amount
248: FROM ozf_claims c
249: , ozf_aging_bucket_dates b
250: WHERE TRUNC(c.due_date, 'DD') = TRUNC(b.bucket_date, 'DD')
251: AND b.condition_type = 'EQ'
252: AND b.bucket_type = 'PAST'
253: --AND c.status_code IN ('NEW', 'OPEN', 'PENDING_APPROVAL', 'COMPLETE', 'APPROVED')

Line 268: , ozf_aging_bucket_dates b

264: , b.bucket_sequence_num bucket_sequence_num
265: , c.org_id
266: , SUM(c.acctd_amount) amount
267: FROM ozf_claims c
268: , ozf_aging_bucket_dates b
269: WHERE TRUNC(c.due_date, 'DD') <= TRUNC(b.bucket_date , 'DD')
270: AND b.condition_type = 'LT'
271: AND b.bucket_type = 'PAST'
272: --AND c.status_code IN ('NEW', 'OPEN', 'PENDING_APPROVAL', 'COMPLETE', 'APPROVED')

Line 287: , ozf_aging_bucket_dates b

283: , b.bucket_sequence_num bucket_sequence_num
284: , c.org_id
285: , SUM(c.acctd_amount) amount
286: FROM ozf_claims c
287: , ozf_aging_bucket_dates b
288: WHERE TRUNC(c.due_date, 'DD') >= TRUNC(b.bucket_date , 'DD')
289: AND b.condition_type = 'GT'
290: AND b.bucket_type = 'PAST'
291: --AND c.status_code IN ('NEW', 'OPEN', 'PENDING_APPROVAL', 'COMPLETE', 'APPROVED')

Line 306: , ozf_aging_bucket_dates b

302: , b.bucket_sequence_num bucket_sequence_num
303: , c.org_id
304: , SUM(c.acctd_amount) amount
305: FROM ozf_claims c
306: , ozf_aging_bucket_dates b
307: WHERE TRUNC(c.due_date, 'DD') = TRUNC(b.bucket_date, 'DD')
308: AND b.condition_type = 'EQ'
309: AND b.bucket_type = 'FUTURE'
310: --AND c.status_code IN ('NEW', 'OPEN', 'PENDING_APPROVAL', 'COMPLETE', 'APPROVED')

Line 325: , ozf_aging_bucket_dates b

321: , b.bucket_sequence_num bucket_sequence_num
322: , c.org_id
323: , SUM(c.acctd_amount) amount
324: FROM ozf_claims c
325: , ozf_aging_bucket_dates b
326: WHERE TRUNC(c.due_date, 'DD') <= TRUNC(b.bucket_date, 'DD')
327: AND b.condition_type = 'LT'
328: AND b.bucket_type = 'FUTURE'
329: --AND c.status_code IN ('NEW', 'OPEN', 'PENDING_APPROVAL', 'COMPLETE', 'APPROVED')

Line 344: , ozf_aging_bucket_dates b

340: , b.bucket_sequence_num bucket_sequence_num
341: , c.org_id
342: , SUM(c.acctd_amount) amount
343: FROM ozf_claims c
344: , ozf_aging_bucket_dates b
345: WHERE TRUNC(c.due_date, 'DD') >= TRUNC(b.bucket_date, 'DD')
346: AND b.condition_type = 'GT'
347: AND b.bucket_type = 'FUTURE'
348: --AND c.status_code IN ('NEW', 'OPEN', 'PENDING_APPROVAL', 'COMPLETE', 'APPROVED')

Line 536: /* TRUNCATE table ozf.ozf_aging_bucket_dates; */

532: -- Truncate existing data
533: /* TRUNCATE TABLE ozf.ozf_aging_summary_all; */
534: -- DELETE FROM ozf_aging_summary_all; --Hbandi Commented this statement and added in the above code snippet
536: /* TRUNCATE table ozf.ozf_aging_bucket_dates; */
537: DELETE FROM ozf_aging_bucket_dates;
539: FOR i IN 1..l_bucket_lines_tbl.count LOOP
540: IF i = 1 THEN

Line 537: DELETE FROM ozf_aging_bucket_dates;

533: /* TRUNCATE TABLE ozf.ozf_aging_summary_all; */
534: -- DELETE FROM ozf_aging_summary_all; --Hbandi Commented this statement and added in the above code snippet
536: /* TRUNCATE table ozf.ozf_aging_bucket_dates; */
537: DELETE FROM ozf_aging_bucket_dates;
539: FOR i IN 1..l_bucket_lines_tbl.count LOOP
540: IF i = 1 THEN
541: l_seq_type := 'F';