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1 package body BEN_EXT_RUNRSLT as
2 /* $Header: benxrunr.pkb 120.1.12000000.2 2007/02/15 17:13:18 tjesumic noship $
3 +==============================================================================+
4 |           Copyright (c) 1997 Oracle Corporation                  |
5 |              Redwood Shores, California, USA                     |
6 |                   All rights reserved.                             |
7 +==============================================================================+
8 Name:      Extract Run Result Process
9 Purpose :  This process handles fields that are related to Element Entries and
10        Input Values.
11 History:
12         Date          Who           Version    What?
13         ----          ---           -------    -----
14         26 Apr 99     Anusree Sen   115.0      Created
15         14 May 99     Anusree Sen   115.1      Added Header
16         14 May 99     Anusree Sen   115.2      Deleted DBMS_OUTPUT
17         17 May 99     Isen          115.3      Removed null others exception handler
18                                                - bug 2422
19         25 May 99     Isen          115.4      Added procedure to initialize globals
20         01 Jul 99     Asen          115.5      Added code for decode fields.
21         14 jub 91    tilak          115.6      pay_payroll_actions.effective_Date
22                                                extracted for payroll end date criteria
23         30 nov 01    tjesumic       115.7      for performance cursor changed bug 2129704
24         14 dec 01    tjesumic       115.8      for performance cursor changed bug 2129704
25         06 feb 02    tjesumic       115.9      comment added ,why the global assignment id is not
26                                                used to control the assignment table
27         18 nov 02    lakrish        115.10     Bug 2669594,Added assignment for input value name
28         24-Dec-05    tjesumic       115.11      formula added for payroll
29         15-Feb-07    tjesumic       115.12     Hint added for c_asg cursor
30 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
31 */
32 --
33 g_package  varchar2(33) := '  ben_ext_runrslt.';  -- Global package name
34 --
35 -- procedure to initialize the globals - May, 99
36 -- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
37 -- |----------------------< initialize_globals >-------------------------------------|
38 -- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
39 PROCEDURE initialize_globals IS
40   --
41   l_proc             varchar2(72) := g_package||'initialize_globals';
42   --
43 Begin
44 --
45   --
46   hr_utility.set_location('Entering'||l_proc, 5);
47   --
48     --
49     ben_ext_person.g_runrslt_element_name         := null;
50     ben_ext_person.g_runrslt_element_id           := null;
51     ben_ext_person.g_runrslt_reporting_name       := null;
52     ben_ext_person.g_runrslt_element_description  := null;
53     ben_ext_person.g_runrslt_classification       := null;
54     ben_ext_person.g_runrslt_classification_id    := null;
55     ben_ext_person.g_runrslt_processing_type      := null;
56     ben_ext_person.g_runrslt_input_currency       := null;
57     ben_ext_person.g_runrslt_output_currency      := null;
58     ben_ext_person.g_runrslt_skip_rule            := null;
59     ben_ext_person.g_runrslt_skip_rule_id         := null;
60     ben_ext_person.g_runrslt_input_value_name     := null;
61     ben_ext_person.g_runrslt_input_value_id       := null;
62     ben_ext_person.g_runrslt_input_value_units    := null;
63     ben_ext_person.g_runrslt_input_value_sequence := null;
64     ben_ext_person.g_runrslt_identifier           := null;
65     ben_ext_person.g_runrslt_jurisdiction_code    := null;
66     ben_ext_person.g_runrslt_status           := null;
67     ben_ext_person.g_runrslt_source_type      := null;
68     ben_ext_person.g_runrslt_entry_type       := null;
69     ben_ext_person.g_runrslt_value        := null;
70     ben_ext_person.g_runrslt_last_pay_date        := null;
71     --
72   --
73   hr_utility.set_location('Exiting'||l_proc, 15);
74   --
75 --
76 End initialize_globals;
77 --
78 --
80     (                        p_person_id          in number,
81                              p_ext_rslt_id        in number,
82                              p_ext_file_id        in number,
83                              p_data_typ_cd        in varchar2,
84                              p_ext_typ_cd         in varchar2,
85                              p_chg_evt_cd         in varchar2,
86                              p_business_group_id  in number,
87                              p_effective_date     in date) is
88    --
89    l_proc             varchar2(72) := g_package||'main';
90    --
91    l_include          varchar2(1) := 'Y';
92    l_dummy_no         number ;
93    --
94    ---when the criteris is exclude theen use this cursor
95    --- global assignment id is not validated intentionally
96    --- if needed this can be added latter
97    -- if a person hired in jan , terminated in mar and rehired in
98    -- sep .
99    -- if the assg_id control allded then it is not possible for the person
100    -- to extract the salary of the whole year. inorder have the history
101    -- of the person runresult  the global assg id is not controlled here
103    cursor c_runrslt_excl is
104    select
105        et.element_name          element_name,
106        et.element_type_id       element_id,
107        et.reporting_name        reporting_name,
108        et.description           description,
109        et.classification_id     class_id,
110        ec.classification_name       class_name,
111        et.processing_type       process_type,
112        et.input_currency_code       input_currency,
113        et.output_currency_code      output_currency,
114        et.formula_id            skip_rule_id,  -- skip rule
115        ff.formula_name          skip_rule_name,
116        iv.name              value_name,
117        iv.uom               value_unit,
118        iv.display_sequence      value_seq,
119        iv.input_value_id        value_id,
120        rr.run_result_id         result_id,
121        rr.jurisdiction_code     juris_code,
122        rr.status            status,
123        rr.source_type           source_type,
124        rr.source_id             source_id,
125        rr.entry_type            entry_type,
126        rv.result_value          result_value,
127        ppa.effective_Date               effective_Date
128        from
129        per_all_assignments_f asg,
130        pay_assignment_actions aac,
131        pay_input_values_f iv,
132        pay_element_types_f et,
133        pay_element_classifications ec,
134        ff_formulas_f ff,
135        pay_run_results rr,
136        pay_run_result_values rv,
137        pay_payroll_actions ppa
138      where
139        asg.person_id = p_person_id
140        --and asg.assignment_id = ben_ext_person.g_assignment_id  --1969853
141        and asg.assignment_id = aac.assignment_id
142        and aac.assignment_action_id = rr.assignment_action_id
143        and iv.input_value_id  = nvl(ben_ext_person.g_chg_input_value_id,iv.input_value_id)
144        and iv.element_type_id = et.element_type_id
145        and aac.payroll_action_id = ppa.payroll_action_id
146        and rr.element_type_id = et.element_type_id
147        and rr.run_result_id = rv.run_result_id
148        and rv.input_value_id = iv.input_value_id
149        and et.classification_id  = ec.classification_id (+)
150        and et.formula_id = ff.formula_id (+)
151        and p_effective_date between nvl(iv.effective_start_date,p_effective_date)
152             and nvl(iv.effective_end_date ,p_effective_date)
153        and p_effective_date between nvl(et.effective_start_date,p_effective_date)
154             and nvl(et.effective_end_date ,p_effective_date)
155        and p_effective_date between nvl(asg.effective_start_date,p_effective_date)
156             and nvl(asg.effective_end_date ,p_effective_date)
157        and p_effective_date between nvl(ff.effective_start_date,p_effective_date)
158             and nvl(ff.effective_end_date,p_effective_date)
159        and rv.result_value is not null;
161     cursor c_asg
162            (p_start_date date , p_end_date date) is
163     select /*+ ordered */ aac.assignment_action_id       ,
164            ppa.effective_Date    effective_Date
165       from per_all_assignments_f asg,
166            pay_assignment_actions aac,
167            pay_payroll_actions ppa
168       where asg.person_id = p_person_id
169         --and asg.assignment_id = ben_ext_person.g_assignment_id  --1969853
170         and asg.assignment_id = aac.assignment_id
171         and aac.payroll_action_id = ppa.payroll_action_id
172         and p_effective_date between asg.effective_start_date and asg.effective_end_date
173         and (p_start_date is null or (ppa.effective_date  between
174                                      p_start_date and p_end_date ) )  ;
176    cursor c_rslt
177           (c_assignment_action_id number)  is
178    select iv.name                       value_name,
179        iv.uom                           value_unit,
180        iv.display_sequence              value_seq,
181        iv.input_value_id                value_id,
182        rr.run_result_id                 result_id,
183        rr.jurisdiction_code             juris_code,
184        rr.status                        status,
185        rr.source_type                   source_type,
186        rr.source_id                    source_id,
187        rr.entry_type                    entry_type,
188        rv.result_value                  result_value,
189        iv.element_type_id
190    from pay_run_results rr,
191         pay_input_values_f iv,
192         pay_run_result_values rv
193    where rr.assignment_action_id = c_assignment_action_id
194      and rr.element_type_id = iv.element_type_id
195      and (ben_ext_person.g_chg_input_value_id is null
196           or (iv.input_value_id  = ben_ext_person.g_chg_input_value_id))
197      and rr.run_result_id = rv.run_result_id
198      and rv.input_value_id = iv.input_value_id
199      and rv.result_value is not null
200      and p_effective_date between iv.effective_start_date
201          and  iv.effective_end_date ;
204     cursor c_rslt_p
205           (c_assignment_action_id number,
206            c_input_value_id   number ,
207            c_element_type_id  number)  is
208    select iv.name                       value_name,
209        iv.uom                           value_unit,
210        iv.display_sequence              value_seq,
211        iv.input_value_id                value_id,
212        rr.run_result_id                 result_id,
213        rr.jurisdiction_code             juris_code,
214        rr.status                        status,
215        rr.source_type                   source_type,
216        rr.source_id                    source_id,
217        rr.entry_type                    entry_type,
218        rv.result_value                  result_value,
219        iv.element_type_id
220    from pay_run_results rr,
221         pay_input_values_f iv,
222         pay_run_result_values rv
223    where rr.assignment_action_id = c_assignment_action_id
224      and rr.element_type_id = iv.element_type_id
225      and (ben_ext_person.g_chg_input_value_id is null
226           or (iv.input_value_id  = ben_ext_person.g_chg_input_value_id))
227      and iv.input_value_id       = c_input_value_id
228      and iv.element_type_id      = c_element_type_id
229      and rr.run_result_id = rv.run_result_id
230      and rv.input_value_id = iv.input_value_id
231      and rv.result_value is not null
232      and p_effective_date between iv.effective_start_date
233          and  iv.effective_end_date ;
235    cursor c_ele  ( c_element_type_id number )  is
236    select et.element_name               element_name,
237        et.element_type_id               element_id,
238        et.reporting_name                reporting_name,
239        et.description                   description,
240        et.classification_id             class_id,
241        ec.classification_name           class_name,
242        et.processing_type               process_type,
243        et.input_currency_code           input_currency,
244        et.output_currency_code          output_currency,
245        et.formula_id                    skip_rule_id  -- skip rule
246     from pay_element_types_f et,
247          pay_element_classifications ec
248     where  et.element_type_id = c_element_type_id
249        and et.classification_id  = ec.classification_id
250        and p_effective_date between nvl(et.effective_start_date,p_effective_date)
251        and nvl(et.effective_end_date ,p_effective_date);
254     cursor c_ff  (c_formula_id number)  is
255     select ff.formula_name  skip_rule_name
256     from ff_formulas_f ff
257     where  ff.formula_id = c_formula_id
258       and p_effective_date between ff.effective_start_date
259           and ff.effective_end_date ;
262    BEGIN
263    --
264    hr_utility.set_location('Entering'||l_proc, 5);
265    hr_utility.set_location('input_excld_flag ' || ben_ext_evaluate_inclusion.g_ele_input_excld_flag , 199 );
266    hr_utility.set_location('lastDate_excldflag'||ben_ext_evaluate_inclusion.g_payroll_last_Date_excld_flag, 199) ;
268    -- when the criteris is exclded
270    if ben_ext_evaluate_inclusion.g_ele_input_excld_flag = 'Y'
271       or ben_ext_evaluate_inclusion.g_payroll_last_Date_excld_flag = 'Y'
272       then
273       FOR runrslt IN c_runrslt_excl LOOP
274       --
275         -- initialize the globals - May, 99
276         initialize_globals;
277         --
279         ben_ext_evaluate_inclusion.Evaluate_Elm_Entry_Incl
280                     (p_processing_type  => runrslt.process_type ,
281                      p_input_value_id   => runrslt.value_id    ,
282                      p_business_group_id   => p_business_group_id   ,
283                      p_pay_period_date  => runrslt.effective_date ,
284                      p_effective_date   => p_effective_date  ,
285                      p_person_id        => p_person_id   ,
286                      p_element_type_id  => runrslt.element_id ,
287                      p_source_id        => runrslt.source_id,
288                      p_source_Type      => runrslt.source_type,
289                      p_include          => l_include
290                 ) ;
293         IF l_include = 'Y' THEN
294           --
295           -- assign run result elemts info to global variables
296           --
297           ben_ext_person.g_runrslt_element_name         := runrslt.element_name;
298           ben_ext_person.g_runrslt_element_id           := runrslt.element_id;
299           ben_ext_person.g_runrslt_reporting_name       := runrslt.reporting_name;
300           ben_ext_person.g_runrslt_element_description  := runrslt.description;
301           ben_ext_person.g_runrslt_classification       := runrslt.class_name;
302           ben_ext_person.g_runrslt_classification_id    := runrslt.class_id;
303           ben_ext_person.g_runrslt_processing_type      := runrslt.process_type;
304           ben_ext_person.g_runrslt_input_currency       := runrslt.input_currency;
305           ben_ext_person.g_runrslt_output_currency      := runrslt.output_currency;
306           ben_ext_person.g_runrslt_skip_rule            := runrslt.skip_rule_name;
307           ben_ext_person.g_runrslt_skip_rule_id         := runrslt.skip_rule_id;
308           ben_ext_person.g_runrslt_input_value_name     := runrslt.value_name;
309           ben_ext_person.g_runrslt_input_value_id       := runrslt.value_id;
310           ben_ext_person.g_runrslt_input_value_units    := runrslt.value_unit;
311           ben_ext_person.g_runrslt_input_value_sequence := runrslt.value_seq;
312           ben_ext_person.g_runrslt_identifier           := runrslt.result_id;
313           ben_ext_person.g_runrslt_jurisdiction_code    := runrslt.juris_code;
314           ben_ext_person.g_runrslt_status           := runrslt.status;
315           ben_ext_person.g_runrslt_source_type          := runrslt.source_type;
316           ben_ext_person.g_runrslt_entry_type           := runrslt.entry_type;
317           ben_ext_person.g_runrslt_value            := runrslt.result_value;
318           ben_ext_person.g_runrslt_last_pay_date        := runrslt.effective_date;
320           --
321           -- format and write
322           --
323           ben_ext_fmt.process_ext_recs(p_ext_rslt_id       => p_ext_rslt_id,
324                                     p_ext_file_id       => p_ext_file_id,
325                                     p_data_typ_cd       => p_data_typ_cd,
326                                     p_ext_typ_cd        => p_ext_typ_cd,
327                                     p_rcd_typ_cd        => 'D',  --detail
328                                     p_low_lvl_cd        => 'R',  --payroll
329                                     p_person_id         => p_person_id,
330                                     p_chg_evt_cd        => p_chg_evt_cd,
331                                     p_business_group_id => p_business_group_id,
332                                     p_effective_date    => p_effective_date
333                                     );
334         --
335         end if;
336         --
337       END LOOP;
338       --
339   else
340        initialize_globals;
341        ---intialise after writing rec
342       for r_asg in  c_asg(ben_ext_person.g_pay_last_start_date
343                           ,ben_ext_person.g_pay_last_end_date )
344           loop
346           --- the loop will be bracned in to two
347           --- 1 with the input_valu_id from criteria
348           --- 2 no criteria for input_value_id
349           if  ben_ext_evaluate_inclusion.g_ele_input_list.count >  0 then
350               l_dummy_no := ben_ext_evaluate_inclusion.g_ele_input_list.count ;
351               for i  in 1 .. l_dummy_no
352                   loop
353                   for r_rslt  in c_rslt_p (r_asg.assignment_action_id,
354                                      ben_ext_evaluate_inclusion.g_ele_input_list(i),
355                                      ben_ext_evaluate_inclusion.g_ele_type_list(i))
356                       Loop
360                        for r_ele in c_ele  ( r_rslt.element_type_id )
361                            Loop
363                            --  if  rule define call for evaluation
364                            l_include :=  'Y' ;
365                            if  ben_ext_evaluate_inclusion.g_payroll_rl_incl_rqd = 'Y'  then
367                                ben_ext_evaluate_inclusion.Evaluate_Elm_Entry_Incl
368                                    (p_processing_type  =>   r_ele.process_type ,
369                                     p_input_value_id   =>   r_rslt.value_id    ,
370                                     p_business_group_id   => p_business_group_id   ,
371                                     p_pay_period_date  =>   r_asg.effective_date ,
372                                     p_effective_date   =>   p_effective_date  ,
373                                     p_person_id        =>   p_person_id   ,
374                                     p_element_type_id  =>   r_ele.element_id ,
375                                     p_source_id        =>   r_rslt.source_id,
376                                     p_source_Type      =>   r_rslt.source_type,
377                                     p_include          => l_include
378                                     ) ;
379                            end if ;
381                            IF l_include = 'Y' THEN
383                               ben_ext_person.g_runrslt_last_pay_date        := r_asg.effective_date;
384                               ben_ext_person.g_runrslt_input_value_units    := r_rslt.value_unit;
385                               ben_ext_person.g_runrslt_input_value_sequence := r_rslt.value_seq;
386                               ben_ext_person.g_runrslt_identifier           := r_rslt.result_id;
387                               ben_ext_person.g_runrslt_input_value_id       := r_rslt.value_id;
388                               ben_ext_person.g_runrslt_input_value_name     := r_rslt.value_name; --Bug 2669594
389                               ben_ext_person.g_runrslt_jurisdiction_code    := r_rslt.juris_code;
390                               ben_ext_person.g_runrslt_status               := r_rslt.status;
391                               ben_ext_person.g_runrslt_source_type          := r_rslt.source_type;
392                               ben_ext_person.g_runrslt_entry_type           := r_rslt.entry_type;
393                               ben_ext_person.g_runrslt_value                := r_rslt.result_value;
394                               ben_ext_person.g_runrslt_element_name         := r_ele.element_name;
395                               ben_ext_person.g_runrslt_element_id           := r_ele.element_id;
396                               ben_ext_person.g_runrslt_reporting_name       := r_ele.reporting_name;
397                               ben_ext_person.g_runrslt_element_description  := r_ele.description;
398                               ben_ext_person.g_runrslt_classification       := r_ele.class_name;
399                               ben_ext_person.g_runrslt_classification_id    := r_ele.class_id;
400                               ben_ext_person.g_runrslt_processing_type      := r_ele.process_type;
401                               ben_ext_person.g_runrslt_input_currency       := r_ele.input_currency;
402                               ben_ext_person.g_runrslt_output_currency      := r_ele.output_currency;
403                               ben_ext_person.g_runrslt_skip_rule_id         := r_ele.skip_rule_id;
404                               if r_ele.skip_rule_id is not null then
405                                  open c_ff  (r_ele.skip_rule_id ) ;
406                                  fetch c_ff into ben_ext_person.g_runrslt_skip_rule ;
407                                  if c_ff%notfound then
408                                     ben_ext_person.g_runrslt_skip_rule := null ;
409                                  end if ;
410                                  close c_ff ;
411                               end if;
412                               -- format and write
413                               --
414                               ben_ext_fmt.process_ext_recs(p_ext_rslt_id => p_ext_rslt_id,
415                                        p_ext_file_id       => p_ext_file_id,
416                                        p_data_typ_cd       => p_data_typ_cd,
417                                        p_ext_typ_cd        => p_ext_typ_cd,
418                                        p_rcd_typ_cd        => 'D',  --detail
419                                        p_low_lvl_cd        => 'R',  --payroll
420                                        p_person_id         => p_person_id,
421                                        p_chg_evt_cd        => p_chg_evt_cd,
422                                        p_business_group_id => p_business_group_id,
423                                        p_effective_date    => p_effective_date
424                                        );
425                            end if ;
426                            initialize_globals;
428                        end loop ;
429                   end loop ;
431               end loop  ;
433           Else  -- nor input value criteria
435               for r_rslt  in c_rslt (r_asg.assignment_action_id)
436                   Loop
437                   for r_ele in c_ele  ( r_rslt.element_type_id )
438                       Loop
439                       --  if  rule define call for evaluation
440                       l_include :=  'Y' ;
441                       if  ben_ext_evaluate_inclusion.g_payroll_rl_incl_rqd = 'Y'  then
443                                ben_ext_evaluate_inclusion.Evaluate_Elm_Entry_Incl
444                                    (p_processing_type  =>   r_ele.process_type ,
445                                     p_input_value_id   =>   r_rslt.value_id    ,
446                                     p_business_group_id   => p_business_group_id   ,
447                                     p_pay_period_date  =>   r_asg.effective_date ,
448                                     p_effective_date   =>   p_effective_date  ,
449                                     p_person_id        =>   p_person_id   ,
450                                     p_element_type_id  =>   r_ele.element_id ,
451                                     p_source_id        =>   r_rslt.source_id,
452                                     p_source_Type      =>   r_rslt.source_type,
453                                     p_include          => l_include
454                                     );
455                        end if ;
457                        IF l_include = 'Y' THEN
460                           ben_ext_person.g_runrslt_last_pay_date        := r_asg.effective_date;
461                           ben_ext_person.g_runrslt_input_value_units    := r_rslt.value_unit;
462                           ben_ext_person.g_runrslt_input_value_sequence := r_rslt.value_seq;
463                           ben_ext_person.g_runrslt_identifier           := r_rslt.result_id;
464                           ben_ext_person.g_runrslt_input_value_id       := r_rslt.value_id;
465                           ben_ext_person.g_runrslt_input_value_name     := r_rslt.value_name; -- Bug 2669594
466                           ben_ext_person.g_runrslt_jurisdiction_code    := r_rslt.juris_code;
467                           ben_ext_person.g_runrslt_status               := r_rslt.status;
468                           ben_ext_person.g_runrslt_source_type          := r_rslt.source_type;
469                           ben_ext_person.g_runrslt_entry_type           := r_rslt.entry_type;
470                           ben_ext_person.g_runrslt_value                := r_rslt.result_value;
471                           ben_ext_person.g_runrslt_element_name         := r_ele.element_name;
472                           ben_ext_person.g_runrslt_element_id           := r_ele.element_id;
473                           ben_ext_person.g_runrslt_reporting_name       := r_ele.reporting_name;
474                           ben_ext_person.g_runrslt_element_description  := r_ele.description;
475                           ben_ext_person.g_runrslt_classification       := r_ele.class_name;
476                           ben_ext_person.g_runrslt_classification_id    := r_ele.class_id;
477                           ben_ext_person.g_runrslt_processing_type      := r_ele.process_type;
478                           ben_ext_person.g_runrslt_input_currency       := r_ele.input_currency;
479                           ben_ext_person.g_runrslt_output_currency      := r_ele.output_currency;
480                           ben_ext_person.g_runrslt_skip_rule_id         := r_ele.skip_rule_id;
481                           if r_ele.skip_rule_id is not null then
482                               open c_ff  (r_ele.skip_rule_id ) ;
483                               fetch c_ff into ben_ext_person.g_runrslt_skip_rule ;
484                                if c_ff%notfound then
485                                   ben_ext_person.g_runrslt_skip_rule := null ;
486                                end if ;
487                                close c_ff ;
488                           end if;
489                            -- format and write
490                           ben_ext_fmt.process_ext_recs(p_ext_rslt_id => p_ext_rslt_id,
491                                      p_ext_file_id       => p_ext_file_id,
492                                      p_data_typ_cd       => p_data_typ_cd,
493                                      p_ext_typ_cd        => p_ext_typ_cd,
494                                      p_rcd_typ_cd        => 'D',  --detail
495                                      p_low_lvl_cd        => 'R',  --payroll
496                                      p_person_id         => p_person_id,
497                                      p_chg_evt_cd        => p_chg_evt_cd,
498                                      p_business_group_id => p_business_group_id,
499                                      p_effective_date    => p_effective_date
500                                      );
501                       end if ;
502                       initialize_globals;
504                   end loop ;
506               end loop ;
508           end if;  -- eof input value criteria
509       end loop ; ---- asg loop
510   end if  ; -- exclide flag
511   hr_utility.set_location('Exiting'||l_proc, 15);
512    --
513   END main;
515 END;