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Line 1059: l_business_group_id hr_all_positions_f.business_group_id%type;

1055: p_period_end_dt in date,
1056: p_unit_of_measure in varchar2)
1057: RETURN number is
1058: --
1059: l_business_group_id hr_all_positions_f.business_group_id%type;
1060: l_position_name hr_all_positions_f.name%type := NULL;
1061: l_pbv number(27,2);
1062: --
1063: Cursor csr_pos is

Line 1060: l_position_name hr_all_positions_f.name%type := NULL;

1056: p_unit_of_measure in varchar2)
1057: RETURN number is
1058: --
1059: l_business_group_id hr_all_positions_f.business_group_id%type;
1060: l_position_name hr_all_positions_f.name%type := NULL;
1061: l_pbv number(27,2);
1062: --
1063: Cursor csr_pos is
1064: Select name,business_group_id

Line 1065: From hr_all_positions_f_vl

1061: l_pbv number(27,2);
1062: --
1063: Cursor csr_pos is
1064: Select name,business_group_id
1065: From hr_all_positions_f_vl
1066: Where position_id = p_position_id;
1067: --
1068: l_proc varchar2(72) := g_package||'get_pos_budget_values';
1069: --

Line 1262: from hr_all_positions_f

1258: function position_exists(p_position_id number, p_effective_date date) return varchar2 is
1259: l_dummy varchar2(10);
1260: cursor c_position is
1261: select 'x'
1262: from hr_all_positions_f
1263: where position_id = p_position_id
1264: and p_effective_date between effective_start_date and effective_end_date;
1265: begin
1266: open c_position;

Line 1282: from hr_all_positions_f

1278: function position_start_date(p_position_id number) return date is
1279: l_date date;
1280: cursor c_position is
1281: select min(effective_start_date)
1282: from hr_all_positions_f
1283: where position_id = p_position_id;
1284: begin
1285: open c_position;
1286: fetch c_position into l_date;

Line 1859: from hr_all_positions_f

1855: cursor c_pos_rec_eed(p_position_id number, p_start_date date) is
1856: SELECT min(effective_start_date)-1 effective_end_date
1857: FROM
1858: (select effective_start_date
1859: from hr_all_positions_f
1860: where position_id = p_position_id
1861: and effective_start_date > p_start_date
1862: union
1863: select action_date effective_start_date