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Line 3040: -- : SECHAWLA 14-APR-03 2902588 Changed the standard REQUIRED message to OKL_AM_NO_VENDOR_PROGRAM

3036: -- : SECHAWLA 18-FEB-03 2807201 Moved the check_quote_type procedure call from
3037: -- validate quote to the beginning if this procedure.
3038: -- : SECHAWLA 28-FEB-03 2757175 Modified the Manual Quote notification message to
3039: -- display the profile value and not the underlying ID.
3040: -- : SECHAWLA 14-APR-03 2902588 Changed the standard REQUIRED message to OKL_AM_NO_VENDOR_PROGRAM
3041: -- in the not null validation of l_rule_chr_id
3042: -- : SECHAWLA 15-APR-03 2902588 Changed the fetch order of columns in cur_k_end_date cursor.
3043: -- : SECHAWLA 03-OCT-03 ER 2777984 Calculate Quote Payments for a partial termination quote
3044: -- : RMUNJULU 3241502 Added code to set split_asset_number with UPPER CASE

Line 3343: -- SECHAWLA 14-APR-03 2902588 : Use the following message instead of the standard REQUIRED message

3340: -- SECHAWLA 28-FEB-03 Bug # 2757175 : Added a not null validation for l_rule_chr_id
3341: IF l_rule_chr_id IS NULL THEN
3342: x_return_status := OKL_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR;
3343: -- SECHAWLA 14-APR-03 2902588 : Use the following message instead of the standard REQUIRED message
3345: --Unable to create quote because the contract CONTRACT_NUMBER does not have an associated vendor program.
3346: OKC_API.set_message( p_app_name => 'OKL',
3347: p_msg_name => 'OKL_AM_NO_VENDOR_PROGRAM',