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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 59

    select fnd_global.conc_request_id into v_conc_req_id from dual;
Line: 75

        select fnd_global.conc_request_id into v_conc_req_id from dual;
Line: 77

          select fcr.requested_by into v_userid
            from fnd_concurrent_requests fcr
            where fcr.request_id = v_conc_req_id;
Line: 81

          select fnd_global.user_id into v_userid from dual;
Line: 107

    select nvl(is_supported,'Y'), nvl(collection_enabled_flag,'Y')
        into v_is_supported, v_collection_enabled_flag
        from fnd_oam_metval
        where metric_short_name = p_metric_short_name
        and rownum = 1;
Line: 141

    select nvl(collection_enabled_flag, 'Y')
        into v_collection_enabled_flag
        from fnd_oam_svci_info
        where application_id = p_application_id
        and concurrent_queue_name = p_concurrent_queue_name;
Line: 196

        select metric_type, threshold_operator, threshold_value
          into l_metric_type, l_threshold_operator, l_threshold_value
          from fnd_oam_metval
          where metric_short_name = p_metric_short_name
          and rownum = 1;
Line: 224

                  v_check_sql := 'select 1 from fnd_oam_metval where metric_short_name = :1 and '||
                     v_value_column||' '||l_operator_symbol ||' '||'('||l_threshold_value||')';
Line: 231

                  v_check_sql := 'select 1 from fnd_oam_metval where metric_short_name = :1 and '||
                     v_value_column||' '||l_operator_symbol ||' '||':2';
Line: 271

        select threshold_value
          into l_threshold_value
          from fnd_oam_svci_info
          where application_id = p_application_id
          and concurrent_queue_name = p_concurrent_queue_name;
Line: 285

              v_check_sql := 'select 1 from fnd_oam_app_sys_status where ' ||
                 'application_id = :1 and concurrent_queue_name = :2 and ' ||
                 'status_code IN ' || '('||l_threshold_value||')';
Line: 360

          select pov.profile_option_value
            into v_url
            from   fnd_profile_options po,
              fnd_profile_option_values pov
            where  po.profile_option_name = 'APPS_SERVLET_AGENT'
            and    pov.application_id = po.application_id
            and    pov.profile_option_id = po.profile_option_id
            and    pov.level_id = 10001;
Line: 414

          select pov.profile_option_value
            into v_launcher
            from   fnd_profile_options po,
              fnd_profile_option_values pov
            where  po.profile_option_name = 'ICX_REPORT_LAUNCHER'
            and    pov.application_id = po.application_id
            and    pov.profile_option_id = po.profile_option_id
            and    pov.level_id = 10001;
Line: 423

          select pov.profile_option_value
            into v_server
            from   fnd_profile_options po,
              fnd_profile_option_values pov
            where  po.profile_option_name = 'ICX_REPORT_SERVER'
            and    pov.application_id = po.application_id
            and    pov.profile_option_id = po.profile_option_id
            and    pov.level_id = 10001;
Line: 448

          select pov.profile_option_value
            into v_launcher
            from   fnd_profile_options po,
              fnd_profile_option_values pov
            where  po.profile_option_name = 'ICX_FORMS_LAUNCHER'
            and    pov.application_id = po.application_id
            and    pov.profile_option_id = po.profile_option_id
            and    pov.level_id = 10001;
Line: 622

  PROCEDURE insert_app_sys_status_internal (
      p_metric_short_name in varchar2,
      p_application_id number,
      p_concurrent_queue_short_name varchar2,
      p_name varchar2,
      p_type varchar2,
      p_status_code in number,
      p_node_name in varchar2)
      v_userid number;
Line: 635

    insert into fnd_oam_app_sys_status (metric_short_name, application_id,
      concurrent_queue_name, name, type, status_code, node_name, last_updated_by,
      last_update_date, last_update_login)
       v_userid, sysdate, 0);
Line: 647

  END insert_app_sys_status_internal;
Line: 670

  PROCEDURE update_metric_internal (
      p_metric_name in varchar2,
      p_value in varchar2,
      p_status_code in number)
        v_userid number;
Line: 679

      update fnd_oam_metval
        set metric_value = p_value,
        status_code = p_status_code,
        last_collected_date = sysdate,
        last_updated_by = v_userid,
        last_update_date = sysdate,
        last_update_login = 0
        where metric_short_name = p_metric_name;
Line: 688

      update fnd_oam_metval
        set metric_value = p_value,
        last_collected_date = sysdate,
        last_updated_by = v_userid,
        last_update_date = sysdate,
        last_update_login = 0
        where metric_short_name = p_metric_name;
Line: 696

  END update_metric_internal;
Line: 729

        fcq.application_id application_id,
        fcq.concurrent_queue_id concurrent_queue_id,
        fcq.concurrent_queue_name concurrent_queue_name
      from fnd_cp_services fcs, fnd_concurrent_queues fcq
        fcs.service_id = to_number(fcq.manager_type)
        and fcs.server_type in (v_server_type, 'E')
        and upper(fcq.target_node) = upper(v_node_name)
        and upper(fcs.enabled) = 'Y'
        and upper(fcq.enabled_flag) = 'Y'
        order by fcs.oam_display_order asc;
Line: 788

          p_server_type || '_' || to_char(v_count) ||
                                  '_' || p_node_name,
          svc_inst.application_id, svc_inst.concurrent_queue_name, null,
          p_server_type,v_status_code, p_node_name);
Line: 909

          select status_code from fnd_oam_app_sys_status
            where metric_short_name like p_server || '%';
Line: 950

          p_server || '_OVERALL',
          null, null, null, p_server_type, overall_st, null);
Line: 1013

              select status_code from fnd_oam_app_sys_status where
                upper(node_name) = upper(p_node_name) and (
                metric_short_name like p_server_type || '_%');
Line: 1038

                select status_code into v_host_status
                        from fnd_oam_app_sys_status
                        where upper(node_name) = upper(p_node_name)
                        and metric_short_name like 'HOST_%'
                        and rownum = 1; -- we expect only one row per host
Line: 1053

              v_server_type_prep || p_node_name,
              null, null, null, p_server_type, v_tier_overall_status, p_node_name);
Line: 1086

      select upper(node_name) node_name, status, support_cp, support_forms,
        support_web, support_admin
        from FND_OAM_FNDNODES_VL
        where node_mode = 'O'
        and (nvl(support_cp, 'N') = 'Y' or
             nvl(support_forms, 'N') = 'Y' or
             nvl(support_web, 'N') = 'Y' or
             nvl(support_admin, 'N') = 'Y' or
             nvl(support_db, 'N') = 'Y');
Line: 1098

    delete from fnd_oam_app_sys_status;
Line: 1107

        select decode(nvl(node.status, 'U'),
                'U',STATUS_UNKNOWN, STATUS_UNKNOWN) into node_status
          from dual;
Line: 1112

          null, null, null, null, node_status, node.node_name);
Line: 1153

            select upper(host_name) host_name, instance_name, database_status
              from gv$instance;
Line: 1162

            select upper(node_name) node_name,upper(webhost) webhost from FND_OAM_FNDNODES_VL
                where node_mode = 'O'
                and (nvl(support_cp, 'N') = 'Y' or
                nvl(support_forms, 'N') = 'Y' or
                nvl(support_web, 'N') = 'Y' or
                nvl(support_admin, 'N') = 'Y' or
                nvl(support_db, 'N') = 'Y');
Line: 1192

                        select decode(instr(db.host_name, '.') - 1, -1,
                                substr(db.host_name, 0,
                                        instr(db.host_name, '.') - 1))
                         into v_gv_host from dual;
Line: 1198

                        select decode(instr(ndx.node_name, '.') - 1, -1,
                                substr(ndx.node_name, 0,
                                        instr(ndx.node_name, '.') - 1))
                         into v_fn_node from dual;
Line: 1205

                        select decode(instr(ndx.webhost, '.') - 1, -1,
                                substr(ndx.webhost, 0,
                                        instr(ndx.webhost, '.') - 1))
                         into v_fn_webhost from dual;
Line: 1230

                        select  1 into v_temp
                          from fnd_oam_app_sys_status
                          where metric_short_name like 'HOST_%'
                          and node_name = db.host_name;
Line: 1236

                          select count(*) into v_host_count
                           from fnd_oam_app_sys_status
                           where  metric_short_name like 'HOST_%'
                           and node_name is not null;
Line: 1241

                                null, null, null, null,
                                STATUS_UNKNOWN, db.host_name);
Line: 1259

                select 1 into v_temp
                 from fnd_oam_app_sys_status
                 where metric_short_name like 'HOST_%'
                 and node_name = v_node_name;
Line: 1264

                select count(*) into v_db_count
                 from fnd_oam_app_sys_status
                 where metric_short_name like 'DATABASE_INS_%'
                 and node_name = v_node_name;
Line: 1269

                 'DATABASE_INS_' || to_char(v_db_count+1) || '_' || v_node_name,
                 null, null, db.instance_name, 'D', v_db_status, v_node_name);
Line: 1283

                select node_name from fnd_oam_app_sys_status
                 where metric_short_name like 'HOST_%'
                 and node_name is not null;
Line: 1287

                select metric_short_name, status_code
                 from fnd_oam_app_sys_status
                 where metric_short_name like 'DATABASE_INS_%'
                 and node_name = p_node;
Line: 1315

                          'DATA_SERVER_' || nd.node_name,
                          null, null, null, 'D', v_db_status, nd.node_name);
Line: 1386

      select count(distinct(F.login_id))
        into ct_active_users
        from fnd_login_resp_forms F,
          gv$session S
        where F.AUDSID = S.AUDSID;
Line: 1393

      update_metric_internal('ACTIVE_USERS', to_char(ct_active_users), -1);
Line: 1398

      select count(*) into ct_db_sessions from gv$session where audsid > 0;
Line: 1401

      update_metric_internal('DB_SESSIONS', to_char(ct_db_sessions), -1);
Line: 1406

      select count(*)
        into ct_running_req
        from fnd_concurrent_requests
        where phase_code = 'R';
Line: 1412

      update_metric_internal('RUNNING_REQ', to_char(ct_running_req), -1);
Line: 1417

      select count(*)
        into ct_service_processes
        from fnd_concurrent_processes
        where process_status_code in ('R','A','P');
Line: 1423

      update_metric_internal('SERVICE_PROCS', to_char(ct_service_processes), -1);
Line: 1428

      select count(concurrent_queue_id)
        into ct_services_up
        from fnd_concurrent_queues_vl
        where running_processes = max_processes and max_processes > 0;
Line: 1434

      update_metric_internal('SERVICES_UP', to_char(ct_services_up), 0);
Line: 1439

      select count(concurrent_queue_id)
        into ct_services_down
        from fnd_concurrent_queues_vl
        where running_processes = 0 and max_processes > 0;
Line: 1445

      update_metric_internal('SERVICES_DOWN', to_char(ct_services_down), 2);
Line: 1452

        into ct_invalid_objects
               DO.OWNER = user and
               EXISTS (select 1
               from DBA_ERRORS DE
               where DE.NAME = DO.OBJECT_NAME AND
                     DE.OWNER = DO.OWNER );
Line: 1463

      update_metric_internal('INVALID_OBJECTS', to_char(ct_invalid_objects), -1);
Line: 1476

        select nvl(alert_enabled_flag,'Y'),
         threshold_operator, threshold_value
         into v_alrt_enabled_flag, v_threshold_oper, v_threshold_val
         from fnd_oam_metval
         where metric_short_name = 'WFM_WAIT_MSG';
Line: 1487

                select count(*)
                        into ct_waiting_msg
                        select  mail_status
                        from wf_notifications
                        where mail_status = 'MAIL' ) v
                where rownum <= to_number(v_threshold_val) + 1;
Line: 1497

                select  count(*)
                        into ct_waiting_msg
                        from wf_notifications
                        where mail_status = 'MAIL';
Line: 1505

      update_metric_internal('WFM_WAIT_MSG', to_char(ct_waiting_msg), -1);
Line: 1543

      select count(*) into ct_patches
        from ad_patch_drivers d, ad_patch_runs r
        where r.end_date >= sysdate - 1
                and d.patch_driver_id = r.patch_driver_id;
Line: 1555

      update_metric_internal('PATCHES', to_char(ct_patches), -1);
Line: 1560

      select count(*) into ct_profile_options
        from  fnd_profile_options ovl,
            fnd_profile_option_values v
        where ovl.start_date_active <= SYSDATE
            and (nvl(ovl.end_date_active, SYSDATE) >= SYSDATE)
            and (v.level_id = 10001 and v.level_value = 0)
            and ovl.profile_option_id = v.profile_option_id
            and ovl.application_id = v.application_id
            and (sysdate - v.last_update_date <= 1);
Line: 1571

      update_metric_internal('PROFILE_OPT', to_char(ct_profile_options), -1);
Line: 1576

      select count(*) into ct_context_files
        from (
                select focf.last_update_date lud
                        from fnd_oam_context_files focf
                        where (status <> 'H' or status is null)
                        and upper(name) <> 'METADATA')
        where lud >= sysdate - 1;
Line: 1585

      update_metric_internal('CONTEXT_FILES_EDITED', to_char(ct_context_files), -1);
Line: 1631

        select count(*) into v_numerator
                from fnd_concurrent_requests
                where phase_code in ('R', 'C')
                  and status_code <> 'D'
                  and greatest(requested_start_date, request_date)
                      between sysdate-1 and sysdate;
Line: 1638

        select count(*) into v_denominator
                from fnd_concurrent_requests
                where (  (phase_code in ('R', 'C')
                              and status_code <> 'D')
                         or ( status_code in ('I','Q')
                               and hold_flag <> 'Y') )
                    and greatest(requested_start_date, request_date)
                        between sysdate-1 and sysdate;
Line: 1647

        select round((greatest(1,v_numerator)/greatest(1,v_denominator))* 100)
                into ct_completed_req
                from dual;
Line: 1650

        update_metric_internal('COMPLETED_REQ', to_char(ct_completed_req), -1);
Line: 1658

      select  count(*)
        into ct_processed_msg
        from wf_notifications
        where mail_status = 'SENT'
        and status = 'OPEN'
        and (sysdate - begin_date <= 1);
Line: 1665

      update_metric_internal('WFM_PROC_MSG', to_char(ct_processed_msg), -1);
Line: 1708

      select count(*) into ct_new_al from fnd_log_unique_exceptions where
                status='N' and category='USER';
Line: 1712

      update_metric_internal('USER_ALERT_NEW', to_char(ct_new_al), -1);
Line: 1717

      select count(*) into ct_new_occ
                from fnd_log_exceptions fle, fnd_log_unique_exceptions flue
                where fle.unique_exception_id = flue.unique_exception_id
                and flue.status='N'
                and flue.category='USER';
Line: 1724

      update_metric_internal('USER_ALERT_NEW_OCC', to_char(ct_new_occ), -1);
Line: 1730

      select count(*) into ct_open_al from fnd_log_unique_exceptions where
                status='O' and category='USER';
Line: 1734

      update_metric_internal('USER_ALERT_OPEN', to_char(ct_open_al), -1);
Line: 1739

      select count(*) into ct_open_occ
                from fnd_log_exceptions fle, fnd_log_unique_exceptions flue
                where fle.unique_exception_id = flue.unique_exception_id
                and flue.status='O'
                and flue.category='USER';
Line: 1746

      update_metric_internal('USER_ALERT_OPEN_OCC', to_char(ct_open_occ), -1);
Line: 1792

      select count(*) into ct_new_al from fnd_log_unique_exceptions where
Line: 1796

      update_metric_internal('CRIT_UNPR_EXCEP', to_char(ct_new_al), -1);
Line: 1801

      select count(*) into ct_new_occ
                from fnd_log_exceptions fle, fnd_log_unique_exceptions flue
                where fle.unique_exception_id = flue.unique_exception_id
                and flue.status='N';
Line: 1807

      update_metric_internal('CRIT_PR_EXCEP', to_char(ct_new_occ), -1);
Line: 1813

      select count(*) into ct_open_al from fnd_log_unique_exceptions where
Line: 1817

      update_metric_internal('CRIT_TOTAL_UNPR_EXCEP', to_char(ct_open_al), -1);
Line: 1822

      select count(*) into ct_open_occ
                from fnd_log_exceptions fle, fnd_log_unique_exceptions flue
                where fle.unique_exception_id = flue.unique_exception_id
                and flue.status='O';
Line: 1828

      update_metric_internal('OPEN_OCC', to_char(ct_open_occ), -1);
Line: 1890

      update_metric_internal(v_agent_short_name, null, v_status_code);
Line: 1919

      select metric_short_name, metric_type, metric_value, status_code,
             threshold_operator, threshold_value
        from fnd_oam_metval
        where nvl(is_supported,'Y') = 'Y'
        and nvl(collection_enabled_flag,'Y') = 'Y'
        and nvl(alert_enabled_flag, 'N') = 'Y'
        and group_id <> 8 and group_id <> 0; -- Disabling Alerting for Web Components and Internal Metrics
Line: 1929

     select foa.application_id application_id,
            foa.concurrent_queue_name concurrent_queue_name,
            fcq.concurrent_queue_id concurrent_queue_id,
            foa.status_code status_code
        from fnd_oam_app_sys_status foa,
             fnd_concurrent_queues fcq,
             fnd_oam_svci_info fsi
        where foa.application_id = fcq.application_id
          and foa.concurrent_queue_name = fcq.concurrent_queue_name
          and foa.application_id = fsi.application_id (+)
          and foa.concurrent_queue_name = fsi.concurrent_queue_name (+)
          and nvl(fsi.collection_enabled_flag, 'Y') = 'Y'
          and nvl(fsi.alert_enabled_flag, 'N') = 'Y';
Line: 1982

          'select fnd_oam_dashboard_util.get_trans_name_values(''MET'','''||v_metric_list||''') from dual');
Line: 1995

          'select fnd_oam_dashboard_util.get_trans_name_values(''STATUS'','''||v_st_list||''') from dual');
Line: 2058

        fcr.request_id request_id
      from fnd_concurrent_requests fcr, fnd_concurrent_programs fcp
        fcr.program_application_id = fcp.application_id
        and fcr.concurrent_program_id = fcp.concurrent_program_id
        and fcp.concurrent_program_name = 'FNDOAMCOL'
        and fcr.phase_code = 'P';
Line: 2176

      select application_id, responsibility_id, responsibility_key
        into appl_id, resp_id, resp_key
          from fnd_responsibility
        where responsibility_key = 'SYSTEM_ADMINISTRATOR';
Line: 2181

      select user_id, user_name
        into user_id, user_name
          from fnd_user
      where user_name = 'SYSADMIN';
Line: 2253

    select count(*) into  v_in_progress_count
      from fnd_concurrent_requests fcr,
           fnd_concurrent_programs fcp
        fcr.program_application_id = fcp.application_id
        and     fcr.concurrent_program_id = fcp.concurrent_program_id
        and     fcp.concurrent_program_name = 'FNDOAMCOL'
        and     fcr.phase_code in ('R','P')
        and     fcr.resubmit_interval is not null
        and     fcr.resubmit_interval_unit_code is not null;
Line: 2268

      select fcr.resubmit_interval, fcr.resubmit_interval_unit_code
        into v_curr_interval, v_curr_unit_code
        from fnd_concurrent_requests fcr,
           fnd_concurrent_programs fcp
        fcr.program_application_id = fcp.application_id
        and     fcr.concurrent_program_id = fcp.concurrent_program_id
        and     fcp.concurrent_program_name = 'FNDOAMCOL'
        and     fcr.phase_code in ('R','P')
        and     fcr.resubmit_interval is not null
        and     fcr.resubmit_interval_unit_code is not null;
Line: 2293

          fcr.request_id request_id
        from fnd_concurrent_requests fcr, fnd_concurrent_programs fcp
          fcr.program_application_id = fcp.application_id
          and fcr.concurrent_program_id = fcp.concurrent_program_id
          and fcp.concurrent_program_name = 'FNDOAMCOL'
          and fcr.phase_code in ('P','R');
Line: 2358

          select 1 into v_temp
                from fnd_log_unique_exceptions
                where encoded_message = p_enc_msg
                and status in ('N','O');
Line: 2383

      select fcr.request_id  request_id,
             fcp.user_concurrent_program_name user_concurrent_program_name
             fnd_concurrent_requests fcr,
             fnd_conc_prog_onsite_info fcpoi,
             fnd_concurrent_programs_vl fcp
             AND fcp.application_id = fcr.PROGRAM_APPLICATION_ID
             and fcr.concurrent_program_id=fcpoi.concurrent_program_id
             and fcpoi.avg_run_time is not null
             and (sysdate -fcr.ACTUAL_START_DATE)*86400 >
             and ((sysdate -fcr.ACTUAL_START_DATE)*86400 >
             and fcr.phase_code='R';
Line: 2416

    select threshold_value, alert_enabled_flag
      into v_lng_run_req_count, v_lng_run_req_alert_enable
      from fnd_oam_metval
      where  metric_short_name ='LONG_RUNNING_REQ_COUNT';
Line: 2421

    select threshold_value into v_lng_run_req_tolerance
      from fnd_oam_metval
      where  metric_short_name ='LONG_RUNNING_REQ_TOLERANCE';
Line: 2425

    select threshold_value into v_lng_run_req_offset
      from fnd_oam_metval
      where  metric_short_name ='LONG_RUNNING_REQ_OFFSET';
Line: 2475

      select fcr.request_id  request_id,
             fcp.user_concurrent_program_name user_concurrent_program_name,
             fcpoi.max_run_time max_run_time,
             fcpoi.avg_run_time avg_run_time,
             fcpoi.alert_long_running_threshold/60 threshold_minutes,
             fcpoi.alert_long_running_tolerance tolerance
             fnd_concurrent_requests fcr,
             fnd_conc_prog_onsite_info fcpoi,
             fnd_concurrent_programs_vl fcp
             AND fcp.application_id = fcr.PROGRAM_APPLICATION_ID
             and fcr.concurrent_program_id=fcpoi.concurrent_program_id
             and ((fcpoi.ALERT_LONG_RUNNING_THRESHOLD is not null)
                or (fcpoi.AVG_RUN_TIME is not null))
             and (sysdate -fcr.ACTUAL_START_DATE)*86400 >
             and fcpoi.ALERT_LONG_RUNNING_ENABLED='Y'
             and fcr.phase_code='R';
Line: 2521

    select threshold_value into v_spec_long_run_enabled
      from fnd_oam_metval
      where  metric_short_name ='SPECIFIC_LONG_RUNNING_ENABLED';
Line: 2527

      select count(*) into v_spec_cnt
        from fnd_conc_prog_onsite_info
          where ALERT_LONG_RUNNING_ENABLED='Y' and rownum < 2;
Line: 2582

      select fcr.request_id  request_id,
             fcp.user_concurrent_program_name user_concurrent_program_name
             fnd_concurrent_requests fcr,
             fnd_conc_prog_onsite_info fcpoi,
             fnd_concurrent_programs_vl fcp
             AND fcp.application_id = fcr.PROGRAM_APPLICATION_ID
             and fcr.concurrent_program_id=fcpoi.concurrent_program_id
             and ((sysdate -fcr.REQUESTED_START_DATE)*86400 >
             and fcr.phase_code='P'
             and fcr.status_code in  ('I', 'Q');
Line: 2613

    select threshold_value,alert_enabled_flag
      into v_lng_pend_req_count,v_lng_pend_req_alert_enable
      from fnd_oam_metval
      where  metric_short_name ='LONG_PENDING_REQ_COUNT';
Line: 2618

    select threshold_value
      into v_lng_pend_req_tolerance
      from fnd_oam_metval
      where  metric_short_name ='LONG_PENDING_REQ_TOLERANCE';
Line: 2668

      select fcr.request_id  request_id,
             fcp.user_concurrent_program_name user_concurrent_program_name,
             nvl(fcpoi.ALERT_LONG_PENDING_TOLERANCE,0)/60 tolerance_minutes
             fnd_concurrent_requests fcr,
             fnd_conc_prog_onsite_info fcpoi,
             fnd_concurrent_programs_vl fcp
             AND fcp.application_id = fcr.PROGRAM_APPLICATION_ID
             and fcr.concurrent_program_id=fcpoi.concurrent_program_id
             and (sysdate -fcr.REQUESTED_START_DATE)*86400 >
             and fcpoi.ALERT_LONG_PENDING_ENABLED='Y'
             and fcr.phase_code='P'
             and fcr.status_code in  ('I', 'Q');
Line: 2702

    select threshold_value
      into v_spec_long_pend_enabled
      from fnd_oam_metval
      where  metric_short_name ='SPECIFIC_LONG_PENDING_ENABLED';
Line: 2708

     select count(*) into v_spec_cnt
       from fnd_conc_prog_onsite_info
         where ALERT_LONG_PENDING_ENABLED='Y' and rownum < 2;