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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 18

  TYPE rule_select_rec is record
  ( enable_routine      FND_DEBUG_OPTION_VALUES.enable_routine%TYPE,
    disable_routine     FND_DEBUG_OPTION_VALUES.disable_routine%TYPE,
    debug_option_name   FND_DEBUG_RULE_OPTIONS.debug_option_name%TYPE,
    debug_option_value  FND_DEBUG_RULE_OPTIONS.debug_option_value%TYPE,
    debug_rule_id       FND_DEBUG_RULES.debug_rule_id%TYPE,
    repeation_counter   FND_DEBUG_RULES.repeation_counter%TYPE,
    start_time          FND_DEBUG_RULES.start_time%TYPE,
    end_time            FND_DEBUG_RULES.end_time%TYPE,
    user_id             FND_DEBUG_RULES.user_id%TYPE,
    responsibility_id   FND_DEBUG_RULES.responsibility_id%TYPE,
    resp_appl_id        FND_DEBUG_RULES.resp_appl_id%TYPE,
    component_type      FND_DEBUG_RULES.component_type%TYPE,
    component_name      FND_DEBUG_RULES.component_name%TYPE,
    component_id        FND_DEBUG_RULES.component_id%TYPE,
    component_appl_id   FND_DEBUG_RULES.component_appl_id%TYPE,
    trace_file_routine  FND_DEBUG_OPTION_VALUES.trace_file_routine%TYPE,
    trace_file_node     FND_DEBUG_OPTION_VALUES.trace_file_node%TYPE,
    comments            FND_DEBUG_RULES.comments%TYPE,
    reqid               FND_DEBUG_RULES.request_id%TYPE
Line: 83

            select enable_routine, disable_routine, DRO.debug_option_name,
             DRO.debug_option_value, DR.debug_rule_id, repeation_counter, start_time,
             end_time, user_id, responsibility_id, resp_appl_id, component_type,
             component_name, component_id, component_appl_id,
             trace_file_routine, trace_file_node, comments, nvl(request_id,0) reqid
        from fnd_debug_options DO,
             fnd_debug_rules DR,
             fnd_debug_option_values DOV,
             fnd_debug_rule_options DRO
       where ( DR.user_id = userid
              OR (DR.responsibility_id = respid
                 and DR.Resp_appl_id  = respapplid )
              OR (DR.user_id is null and DR.Responsibility_ID is null) )
             AND (( sysdate >= DR.Start_time and sysdate <= DR.end_time)
                 or DR.repeation_counter > 0 )
             AND ( DR.Component_Name = cname
                 or (DR.Component_id = cid
                       AND DR.component_appl_id = capplid ) )
             AND DR.Component_type = ctype
             AND DRO.debug_option_name = DOV.debug_option_name
             AND DRO.debug_option_value = DOV.debug_option_value
             AND DRO.debug_option_name = DO.debug_option_name
             AND DO.type = 'D'
             AND DO.enabled_flag = 'Y'
             AND ((DR.request_id is not null AND reqid = DR.request_id) OR (DR.request_id is null) )
             AND DR.debug_rule_id = DRO.debug_rule_id
             AND DR.debug_rule_id=(SELECT min(debug_rule_id) FROM fnd_debug_rules IDR
                                   WHERE (IDR.user_id = userid
                                                 OR (IDR.responsibility_id = respid
                                                    AND IDR.Resp_appl_id  = respapplid )
                                                 OR (IDR.user_id IS NULL AND IDR.Responsibility_ID IS NULL) )
                                                AND (( sysdate >= IDR.Start_time and sysdate <= IDR.end_time)
                                                    OR IDR.repeation_counter > 0 )
                                                AND ( IDR.Component_Name = cname
                                                    OR (IDR.Component_id = cid
                                                    AND IDR.component_appl_id = capplid ) )
                                                AND IDR.Component_type = ctype
								                AND ((IDR.request_id IS NOT NULL
												    AND reqid = IDR.request_id) OR (IDR.request_id IS NULL) )

								  )  -- Fix for Bug 3960063,Earliest rule is selected
       order by reqid desc, DR.creation_date, DR.debug_rule_id
       /* sorted by oldest rule based on creation such that same rule id are contiguous*/;
Line: 131

      select enable_routine, disable_routine, DRO.debug_option_name,
             DRO.debug_option_value, DR.debug_rule_id, repeation_counter, start_time,
             end_time, user_id, responsibility_id, resp_appl_id, component_type,
             component_name, component_id, component_appl_id,
             trace_file_routine, trace_file_node, comments, nvl(request_id,0) reqid
       from fnd_debug_options DO,
             fnd_debug_rules DR,
             fnd_debug_option_values DOV,
             fnd_debug_rule_options DRO
       where ( DR.user_id = userid
              OR (DR.responsibility_id = respid
                 and DR.Resp_appl_id  = respapplid )
              OR (DR.user_id is null and DR.Responsibility_ID is null) )
              AND (( sysdate >= DR.Start_time and sysdate <= DR.end_time)
                 or DR.repeation_counter > 0 )
              AND DR.Component_Name = cname
              AND DR.Component_type = ctype
              AND DRO.debug_option_name = DOV.debug_option_name
              AND DRO.debug_option_value = DOV.debug_option_value
              AND DRO.debug_option_name = DO.debug_option_name
              AND DO.type = 'D'
              AND DO.enabled_flag = 'Y'
              AND DR.request_id is null
              AND DR.debug_rule_id = DRO.debug_rule_id
             AND DR.debug_rule_id=(SELECT min(debug_rule_id) FROM fnd_debug_rules IDR
                                   WHERE (IDR.user_id = userid
                                                 OR (IDR.responsibility_id = respid
                                                    AND IDR.Resp_appl_id  = respapplid )
                                                 OR (IDR.user_id IS NULL AND IDR.Responsibility_ID IS NULL) )
                                                AND (( sysdate >= IDR.Start_time and sysdate <= IDR.end_time)
                                                    OR IDR.repeation_counter > 0 )
                                                AND  IDR.Component_Name = cname
                                                AND IDR.Component_type = ctype
								                AND IDR.request_id IS NULL

								  )  -- Fix for Bug 3960063,Earliest rule is selected
       order by reqid desc, DR.creation_date , DR.debug_rule_id
           /* sorted by oldest rule based on creation such that same rule id are contiguous */;
Line: 184

      dr_rec            rule_select_rec;
Line: 270

         SELECT NVL(MAX(DRO.repeation_counter),0) INTO repetition_counter
         FROM  fnd_debug_rule_executions DRO,
               fnd_debug_option_values DOV
         WHERE DRO.debug_option_name=DOV.debug_option_name
            AND DRO.debug_option_value=DOV.debug_option_value
            AND DOV.debug_option_name=dr_rec.debug_option_name
            AND DOV.debug_option_value=dr_rec.debug_option_value
            AND DRO.rule_id=dr_rec.debug_rule_id;
Line: 279

          insert into fnd_debug_rule_executions
                    (transaction_id, rule_id, component_type, component_name,
                     component_id, component_appl_id, start_time, end_time,
                     repeation_counter, debug_log_file, log_file_node_name,
                     user_id, responsibility_id, resp_appl_id,
                     debug_option_name, debug_option_value, creation_date,
                     created_by, last_update_date, last_updated_by,
                     last_update_login, comments, request_id)
            values (trans_id, dr_rec.debug_rule_id, dr_rec.component_type,
                     dr_rec.component_name, dr_rec.component_id,
                     dr_rec.component_appl_id, dr_rec.start_time,
                     dr_rec.end_time, repetition_counter+1, log_file,  -- fix for bug 3787995
                     node_name, dr_rec.user_Id, dr_rec.responsibility_id,
                     dr_rec.resp_appl_id, dr_rec.debug_option_name,
                     dr_rec.debug_option_value, sysdate, userid,
                     sysdate, userid, loginid,
                     dr_rec.comments, req_id); --Added for Bug 3788285.For showing request_id
Line: 305

                UPDATE fnd_debug_rules
                SET repeation_counter = repeation_counter -1,
                       last_update_date = sysdate
                WHERE debug_rule_id = dr_rec.debug_rule_id;
Line: 311

                 UPDATE fnd_debug_rules
                 SET repeation_counter = 0,
                      last_update_date = sysdate
                 WHERE debug_rule_id = dr_rec.debug_rule_id;
Line: 333

      DELETE FROM fnd_debug_rule_options WHERE debug_rule_id IN
      (SELECT debug_rule_id FROM fnd_debug_rules
       WHERE (start_time IS NOT NULL AND end_time < sysdate)
          OR (repeation_counter = 0)
Line: 339

      DELETE FROM fnd_debug_rules
      WHERE (start_time IS NOT NULL AND end_time < sysdate)
         OR (repeation_counter = 0);
Line: 447

      select * from (
        select DRO.debug_option_name, DRO.debug_option_value, separator,
               trace_file_token, DR.debug_rule_id, repeation_counter, start_time,
               end_time, user_id, responsibility_id, resp_appl_id,
	       component_type, component_name, component_id, component_appl_id,
	       trace_file_routine, trace_file_node, comments,
	       nvl(request_id,0) reqid
          from fnd_debug_options DO,
               fnd_debug_rules DR,
               fnd_debug_option_values DOV,
               fnd_debug_rule_options DRO
         where ( DR.user_id = uid
                  OR (DR.responsibility_id = respid
                     and DR.Resp_appl_id  = respapplid )
                  OR (DR.user_id is null and DR.Responsibility_ID is null))
               AND (( sysdate >= DR.Start_time and sysdate <= DR.end_time  )
                   or DR.repeation_counter > 0 )
               AND ( DR.Component_Name = cname
                   or (DR.Component_id = cid
                         AND DR.component_appl_id = capplid ) )
               AND DR.Component_type = ctype
               AND DRO.debug_option_name = DOV.debug_option_name
               AND DRO.debug_option_value = DOV.debug_option_value
               AND DRO.debug_option_name = DO.debug_option_name
               AND DO.type = 'O'
               AND DO.enabled_flag = 'Y'
               AND ((DR.request_id is not null AND reqid = DR.request_id) OR (DR.request_id is null) )
               AND DR.debug_rule_id = DRO.debug_rule_id
               order by reqid desc, DR.creation_date )
               where rownum =1;
Line: 507

            select debug_option_value
              into t_ftoken
              from fnd_debug_option_values
              where debug_option_name = dr_rec.debug_option_name
              and is_file_token = 'Y';
Line: 543

        SELECT NVL(MAX(DRO.repeation_counter),0) INTO repetition_counter
        FROM  fnd_debug_rule_executions DRO,
              fnd_debug_option_values DOV
        WHERE DRO.debug_option_name=DOV.debug_option_name
           AND DRO.debug_option_value=DOV.debug_option_value
           AND DOV.debug_option_name=dr_rec.debug_option_name
           AND DOV.debug_option_value=dr_rec.debug_option_value
           AND DRO.rule_id=dr_rec.debug_rule_id;
Line: 552

        insert into fnd_debug_rule_executions
              (transaction_id, rule_id, component_type, component_name,
	       component_id, component_appl_id, start_time, end_time,
               repeation_counter, debug_log_file, log_file_node_name,
               user_id, responsibility_id, resp_appl_id,
               debug_option_name, debug_option_value, creation_date,
               created_by, last_update_date, last_updated_by,
               last_update_login, comments, request_id)
        values (trans_id, dr_rec.debug_rule_id, dr_rec.component_type,
		dr_rec.component_name, dr_rec.component_id,
		dr_rec.component_appl_id, dr_rec.start_time,
                dr_rec.end_time, repetition_counter+1, log_file, -- fix for bug 3787995
                node_name, dr_rec.user_Id, dr_rec.responsibility_id,
                dr_rec.resp_appl_id, dr_rec.debug_option_name,
                dr_rec.debug_option_value, sysdate, fnd_global.user_id,
                  sysdate, fnd_global.user_id, fnd_global.login_id,
                  dr_rec.comments, comp_inst_id); --Added for Bug 3788285.For showing request_id
Line: 573

        SELECT 'T' INTO db_rule_enabled
        FROM	 DUAL
               SELECT *
               FROM fnd_debug_rule_options DRO,
                   fnd_debug_options DO
               WHERE DRO.debug_option_name=DO.debug_option_name
                  AND DO.type='D'
                  AND dr_rec.debug_rule_id=DRO.debug_rule_id);
Line: 596

            UPDATE fnd_debug_rules
            SET repeation_counter = repeation_counter -1,
              last_update_date = sysdate
            WHERE debug_rule_id = dr_rec.debug_rule_id;
Line: 602

                  UPDATE fnd_debug_rules
                   SET repeation_counter = 0,
                       last_update_date = sysdate
                   WHERE debug_rule_id = dr_rec.debug_rule_id;
Line: 616

      DELETE FROM fnd_debug_rule_options WHERE debug_rule_id IN
      (SELECT debug_rule_id
       FROM fnd_debug_rules
       WHERE (start_time IS NOT NULL AND end_time < sysdate)
          OR (repeation_counter = 0)
Line: 623

      DELETE FROM fnd_debug_rules
      WHERE (start_time IS NOT NULL AND end_time < sysdate)
         OR (repeation_counter = 0);
Line: 758

      update fnd_debug_rule_executions
         set log_request_id = assign_request.request_id
       where transaction_id = assign_request.transaction_id
         and debug_option_value = 'PLSQL_PROFILER';