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2   -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
3   --                      global constant declarations                       --
4   -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
5   --
6   -- sqltune advisor name
7   ADV_SQLTUNE_NAME  CONSTANT VARCHAR2(18) := 'SQL Tuning Advisor';
9   --
10   -- SQLTune advisor task scope parameter values
11   --
15   --
16   --  SQLTune advisor time_limit constants
17   --
20   --
21   -- report type (possible values) constants
22   --
23   TYPE_TEXT           CONSTANT   VARCHAR2(4) := 'TEXT'       ;
24   TYPE_XML            CONSTANT   VARCHAR2(3) := 'XML'        ;
25   TYPE_HTML           CONSTANT   VARCHAR2(4) := 'HTML'       ;
27   --
28   -- report level (possible values) constants
29   --
31   LEVEL_BASIC         CONSTANT   VARCHAR2(5) := 'BASIC'      ;
32   LEVEL_ALL           CONSTANT   VARCHAR2(3) := 'ALL'        ;
34   --
35   -- report section (possible values) constants
36   --
38   SECTION_PLANS       CONSTANT   VARCHAR2(5) := 'PLANS'      ;
41   SECTION_ALL         CONSTANT   VARCHAR2(3) := 'ALL'        ;
44   -- some common date format
45   DATE_FMT       constant varchar2(21)       :=  'mm/dd/yyyy hh24:mi:ss';
47   --
48   -- script section constants
49   --
50   REC_TYPE_ALL          CONSTANT   VARCHAR2(3)  := 'ALL';
60   --
61   -- capture section constants
62   --
66   --
67   -- SQL tuning set constants
68   --
74   --
75   -- SQL profile type
76   --
78   PX_PROFILE             CONSTANT   VARCHAR2(10) := 'PX PROFILE';
80   -- sqlset staging table constants
88   -- constant for recursive sql filter
89   NO_RECURSIVE_SQL            CONSTANT VARCHAR2(30) := 'N';
90   HAS_RECURSIVE_SQL           CONSTANT VARCHAR2(30) := 'Y';
92   -- hash table for value-pair arguments
93   TYPE arglist IS TABLE OF VARCHAR2(32767) INDEX BY VARCHAR2(32767);
95   -- SQL monitoring types
100   -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
101   --                    procedure / function declarations                    --
102   -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
104   --+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--
105   --+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--
106   --                      -----------------------------                      --
107   --                      SQL TUNE PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS                      --
108   --                      -----------------------------                      --
109   --+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--
110   --+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--
112   --------------------- create_tuning_task - sql text format ------------------
113   -- NAME:
114   --     create_tuning_task - CRATE a TUNING TASK in order to tune a single SQL
115   --     statement (sql text format)
116   --
118   --     This function is called to prepare the tuning of a single statement
119   --     given its text.
120   --     The function mainly creates an advisor task and sets its parameters.
121   --
122   -- PARAMETERS:
123   --     sql_text    (IN) - text of a SQL statement
124   --     bind_list   (IN) - a set of bind values
125   --     user_name   (IN) - the username for who the statement will be tuned
126   --     scope       (IN) - tuning scope (limited/comprehensive)
127   --     time_limit  (IN) - maximum duration in second for the tuning session
128   --     task_name   (IN) - optional tuning task name
129   --     description (IN) - maximum of 256 SQL tuning session description
130   --     con_name    (IN) - name of a container in a CDB. It is either
131   --                        for ROOT or a pluggable database.
132   --
133   -- RETURNS:
134   --     SQL tuning task unique name
135   --
136   -- EXCEPTIONS:
137   --     To be done
138   -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
139   FUNCTION create_tuning_task(
140     sql_text    IN CLOB,
141     bind_list   IN sql_binds := NULL,
142     user_name   IN VARCHAR2  := NULL,
143     scope       IN VARCHAR2  := SCOPE_COMPREHENSIVE,
144     time_limit  IN NUMBER    := TIME_LIMIT_DEFAULT,
145     task_name   IN VARCHAR2  := NULL,
146     description IN VARCHAR2  := NULL,
147     con_name    IN VARCHAR2  := NULL)
150   --------------------- create_tuning_task - sql_id format --------------------
151   -- NAME:
152   --     create_tuning_task - sql_id format
153   --
155   --     This function is called to prepare the tuning of a single statement
156   --     from the Cursor Cache given its identifier.
157   --     The function mainly creates an advisor task and sets its parameters.
158   --
159   -- PARAMETERS:
160   --     sql_id          (IN) - identifier of the statement
161   --     plan_hash_value (IN) - hash value of the sql execution plan
162   --     scope           (IN) - tuning scope (limited/comprehensive)
163   --     time_limit      (IN) - maximum tuning duration in second
164   --     task_name       (IN) - optional tuning task name
165   --     description     (IN) - maximum of 256 SQL tuning session description
166   --     con_name        (IN) - name of a container in a CDB. It is either
167   --                            for ROOT or a pluggable database.
168   --
169   -- RETURNS:
170   --     SQL tuning task unique name
171   --
172   -- EXCEPTIONS:
173   --     To be done
174   -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
175   FUNCTION create_tuning_task(
176     sql_id          IN VARCHAR2,
177     plan_hash_value IN NUMBER   := NULL,
178     scope           IN VARCHAR2 := SCOPE_COMPREHENSIVE,
179     time_limit      IN NUMBER   := TIME_LIMIT_DEFAULT,
180     task_name       IN VARCHAR2 := NULL,
181     description     IN VARCHAR2 := NULL,
182     con_name        IN VARCHAR2 := NULL)
185   -------------- create_tuning_task - workload repository format --------------
186   -- NAME:
187   --     create_tuning_task - workload repository format
188   --
190   --     This function is called to prepare the tuning of a single statement
191   --     from the workload repository given a range of snapshot identifiers.
192   --     The function mainly creates an advisor task and sets its parameters.
193   --
194   -- PARAMETERS:
195   --     begin_snap      (IN) - begin snapshot identifier
196   --     end_snap        (IN) - end snapshot identifier
197   --     sql_id          (IN) - identifier of the statement
198   --     plan_hash_value (IN) - plan hash value
199   --     scope           (IN) - tuning scope (limited/comprehensive)
200   --     time_limit      (IN) - maximum duration in second for tuning
201   --     task_name       (IN) - optional tuning task name
202   --     description     (IN) - maximum of 256 SQL tuning session description
203   --     cont_name       (IN) - name of a container in a CDB. It is the name
204   --                            of either ROOT or a pluggable database.
205   --
206   -- RETURNS:
207   --     SQL tuning task unique name
208   --
209   -- EXCEPTIONS:
210   --     To be done
211   -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
212   FUNCTION create_tuning_task(
213     begin_snap      IN NUMBER,
214     end_snap        IN NUMBER,
215     sql_id          IN VARCHAR2,
216     plan_hash_value IN NUMBER   := NULL,
217     scope           IN VARCHAR2 := SCOPE_COMPREHENSIVE,
218     time_limit      IN NUMBER   := TIME_LIMIT_DEFAULT,
219     task_name       IN VARCHAR2 := NULL,
220     description     IN VARCHAR2 := NULL,
221     con_name        IN VARCHAR2 := NULL)
224   ---------------------- create_tuning_task - sqlset format -------------------
225   -- NAME:
226   --     create_tuning_task - sqlset format
227   --
229   --     This function is called to prepare the tuning of a sqlset
230   --     The function mainly creates an advisor task and sets its parameters.
231   --
232   -- PARAMETERS:
233   --     sqlset_name       (IN) - sqlset name
234   --     basic_filter      (IN) - SQL predicate to filter the SQL from the STS
235   --     object_filter     (IN) - object filter
236   --     rank(i)           (IN) - an order-by clause on the selected SQL
237   --     result_percentage (IN) - a percentage on the sum of a ranking measure
238   --     result_limit      (IN) - top L(imit) SQL from (filtered/ranked) SQL
239   --     scope             (IN) - tuning scope (limited/comprehensive)
240   --     time_limit        (IN) - maximum tuning duration in seconds
241   --     task_name         (IN) - optional tuning task name
242   --     description       (IN) - maximum of 256 SQL tuning session description
243   --     plan_filter       (IN) - plan filter. It is applicable in case there
244   --                              are multiple plans (plan_hash_value)
245   --                              associated to the same statement. This filter
246   --                              allows selecting one plan (plan_hash_value)
247   --                              only. Possible values are:
248   --                              + LAST_GENERATED: plan with most recent
249   --                                                timestamp.
250   --                              + FIRST_GENERATED: opposite to LAST_GENERATED
251   --                              + LAST_LOADED: plan with most recent
252   --                                             first_load_time stat info.
253   --                              + FIRST_LOADED: opposite to LAST_LOADED
254   --                              + MAX_ELAPSED_TIME: plan with max elapsed
255   --                                                  time
256   --                              + MAX_BUFFER_GETS: plan with max buffer gets
257   --                              + MAX_DISK_READS: plan with max disk reads
258   --                              + MAX_DIRECT_WRITES: plan with max direct
259   --                                                   writes
260   --                              + MAX_OPTIMIZER_COST: plan with max opt. cost
261   --
262   --     sqlset_owner      (IN) - the owner of the sqlset, or null for current
263   --                              schema owner
264   --
265   -- RETURNS:
266   --     SQL tuning task unique name
267   --
268   -- EXCEPTIONS:
269   --     To be done
270   -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
271   FUNCTION create_tuning_task(
272     sqlset_name       IN VARCHAR2,
273     basic_filter      IN VARCHAR2 :=  NULL,
274     object_filter     IN VARCHAR2 :=  NULL,
275     rank1             IN VARCHAR2 :=  NULL,
276     rank2             IN VARCHAR2 :=  NULL,
277     rank3             IN VARCHAR2 :=  NULL,
278     result_percentage IN NUMBER   :=  NULL,
279     result_limit      IN NUMBER   :=  NULL,
280     scope             IN VARCHAR2 :=  SCOPE_COMPREHENSIVE,
281     time_limit        IN NUMBER   :=  TIME_LIMIT_DEFAULT,
282     task_name         IN VARCHAR2 :=  NULL,
283     description       IN VARCHAR2 :=  NULL,
284     plan_filter       IN VARCHAR2 :=  'MAX_ELAPSED_TIME',
285     sqlset_owner      IN VARCHAR2 :=  NULL)
288   ---------------------- create_tuning_task - SPA Task format -----------------
289   -- NAME:
290   --     create_tuning_task - SQL Performance Analyzer (SPA) task format
291   --
293   --     This function is called to prepare the tuning of sql stmts obtained
294   --     from a SPA task. The specified (or latest) 'compare performance'
295   --     trial of the SPA task is checked for regressed SQLs and only those SQL
296   --     statements are tuned by the tuning task. The regressed SQLs are tuned
297   --     using the compilation environment captured during the second execution
298   --     trial of the SPA task.
299   --     The function mainly creates an advisor task and sets its parameters.
300   --
301   -- PARAMETERS:
302   --     spa_task_name     (IN) - SPA task name
303   --     spa_task_owner    (IN) - Owner of specified SPA task or null for
304   --                              current user
305   --     spa_compare_exec  (IN) - Execution name of Compare Performance trial
306   --                              of SPA task. If NULL, we use the most recent
307   --                              execution of the given SPA task, of type
308   --                              'compare performance'
309   --     basic_filter      (IN) - SQL predicate to filter the SQL from the STS
310   --     time_limit        (IN) - Execution time limit
311   --     task_name         (IN) - optional tuning task name
312   --     description       (IN) - maximum of 256 SQL tuning session description
313   --
314   -- RETURNS:
315   --     SQL tuning task unique name
316   --
317   -- EXCEPTIONS:
318   --     To be done
319   -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
320   FUNCTION create_tuning_task(
321     spa_task_name     IN VARCHAR2,
322     spa_task_owner    IN VARCHAR2 :=  NULL,
323     spa_compare_exec  IN VARCHAR2 :=  NULL,
324     basic_filter      IN VARCHAR2 :=  NULL,
325     time_limit        IN NUMBER   :=  TIME_LIMIT_DEFAULT,
326     task_name         IN VARCHAR2 :=  NULL,
327     description       IN VARCHAR2 :=  NULL)
330   -------------------------- set_tuning_task_parameter ------------------------
331   -- NAME:
332   --     set_tuning_task_parameter - set sql tuning task parameter value
333   --
335   --     This procedure is called to update the value of a sql tuning parameter
336   --     of type VARCHAR2.
337   --     The task must be set to its initial state before calling this
338   --     procedure. The possible tuning parameters that can be set by this
339   --     procedure are:
340   --       MODE          : tuning scope (comprehensive, limited)
341   --       USERNAME      : username under which the statement will be parsed
342   --       BASIC_FILTER  : basic filter for sql tuning set
343   --       OBJECT_FILTER : object filter for sql tuning set
344   --       PLAN_FILTER   : plan filter for sql tuning set (see select_sqlset
345   --                       for possible values)
346   --       RANK_MEASURE1 : first ranking measure for sql tuning set
350   --       TEST_EXECUTE  : FULL/AUTO/OFF whether the advisor should test-
347   --       RANK_MEASURE2 : second possible ranking measure for sql tuning set
348   --       RANK_MEASURE3 : third possible ranking measure for sql tuning set
349   --       RESUME_FILTER : a extra filter for sts besides basic_filter
351   --                       execute sql statements to verify the recommendation
352   --                       benefit.
353   --                          - FULL test-executes up to the local time limit
354   --                          - AUTO test-executes for an automatically-chosen
355   --                            period
356   --
357   --     The following parameters are supported for the automatic tuning task
358   --     only:
359   --       ACCEPT_SQL_PROFILES       : TRUE/FALSE whether the system should
360   --                                   accept SQL Profiles automatically
361   --
362   -- PARAMETERS:
363   --     task_name (IN) - identifier of the task to execute
364   --     parameter (IN) - name of the parameter to set
365   --     value     (IN) - new value of the specified parameter
366   --
367   -- RETURNS:
368   --     NONE
369   --
370   -- EXCEPTIONS:
371   --     To be done
372   -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
373   PROCEDURE set_tuning_task_parameter(
374     task_name IN VARCHAR2,
375     parameter IN VARCHAR2,
376     value     IN VARCHAR2);
378   -------------------------- set_tuning_task_parameter ------------------------
379   -- NAME:
380   --     set_tuning_task_parameter - set sql tuning task parameter value
381   --
383   --     This procedure is called to update the value of a sql tuning parameter
384   --     of type NUMBER. The task must be set to its initial state before
385   --     calling this procedure. The possible tuning parameters that can be set
386   --     by this procedure are:
387   --       DAYS_TO_EXPIRE     : number of days until the task is deleted
388   --       EXECUTION_DAYS_TO_
389   --        EXPIRE            : number of days until the tasks's executions
390   --                            will be deleted (without deleting the task)
391   --       TARGET_OBJECTS     : id of advisor framework object to tune
392   --       TIME_LIMIT         : global time out
393   --       LOCAL_TIME_LIMIT   : local time out
394   --       SQL_LIMIT          : maximum number of sts statements to tune
395   --       SQL_PERCENTAGE     : percentage filter of sts statements
396   --       COMMIT_ROWS        : number of tuned statements after which tuning
397   --                            results will be commited to be accessible by
398   --                            the user.
399   --
400   --     The following parameters are supported for the automatic tuning task
401   --     only:
402   --       MAX_SQL_PROFILES_PER_EXEC : Max # of SQL Profiles to create per run
403   --       MAX_AUTO_SQL_PROFILES     : Max # of automatic SQL Profiles allowed
404   --                                   on the system in total
405   --
406   -- PARAMETERS:
407   --     task_name (IN) - identifier of the task to execute
408   --     parameter (IN) - name of the parameter to set
409   --     value     (IN) - new value of the specified parameter
410   --
411   -- RETURNS:
412   --     NONE
413   --
414   -- EXCEPTIONS:
415   --     To be done
416   -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
417   PROCEDURE set_tuning_task_parameter(
418     task_name IN VARCHAR2,
419     parameter IN VARCHAR2,
420     value     IN NUMBER);
422   ----------------------------- set_tuning_task_parameter ---------------------
423   -- NAME:
424   --     set_tuning_task_parameter - set sql tuning task parameter
425   --                                 default value
426   --
428   --     This procedure is called to update the default value of a sql tuning
429   --     parameter of type VARCHAR2. The task must be set to its initial state
430   --     before calling this procedure (see set_tuning_task_parameter above
431   --     for more details about possible parameters and their possible values
432   --     that can be set by this procedure).
433   --
434   -- PARAMETERS:
435   --     parameter (IN) - name of the parameter to set
436   --     value     (IN) - new value of the specified parameter
437   --
438   -- RETURNS:
439   --     NONE
440   --
441   -- EXCEPTIONS:
442   --     To be done
443   -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
444   PROCEDURE set_tuning_task_parameter(
445     parameter IN VARCHAR2,
446     value     IN VARCHAR2);
448   ------------------------- set_tuning_task_parameter -------------------------
449   -- NAME:
450   --     set_tuning_task_parameter - set sql tuning task parameter
451   --                                 default value
452   --
454   --     This procedure is called to update the default value of a sql tuning
455   --     parameter of type NUMBER. The task must be set to its initial state
456   --     before calling this procedure (see set_tuning_task_parameter above
457   --     for more details about possible parameters and their possible values
458   --     that can be set by this procedure).
459   --
460   -- PARAMETERS:
461   --     parameter (IN) - name of the parameter to set
462   --     value     (IN) - new value of the specified parameter
463   --
464   -- RETURNS:
465   --     NONE
466   --
467   -- EXCEPTIONS:
471     parameter IN VARCHAR2,
468   --     To be done
469   -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
470   PROCEDURE set_tuning_task_parameter(
472     value     IN NUMBER);
474   ------------------------------ execute_tuning_task --------------------------
475   -- NAME:
476   --     execute_tuning_task - execute a sql tuning task
477   --
479   --     This procedure is called to execute a previously created tuning task
480   --
481   -- PARAMETERS:
482   --     task_name        (IN) - identifier of the task to execute
483   --     execution_name   (IN) - A name to qualify and identify an execution
484   --                             If not specified, it be generated by
485   --                             the advisor and returned by function.
486   --     execution_params (IN) - List of parameters (name, value) for
487   --                             the specified execution. Notice that execution
488   --                             parameters are real task parameters that
489   --                             have effect only on the execution they
490   --                             specified for.
491   --                             Example:
492   --                             dbms_advisor.arglist('time_limit', 12,
493   --                                                  'username', 'foo')
494   --     execution_desc   (IN) - A 256-length string describing the execution.
495   --
496   -- RETURNS:
497   --     The function version returns the name of the new execution
498   --
499   -- EXCEPTIONS:
500   --     To be done
501   -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
502   FUNCTION execute_tuning_task(
503     task_name        IN VARCHAR2,
504     execution_name   IN VARCHAR2               := NULL,
505     execution_params IN dbms_advisor.argList   := NULL,
506     execution_desc   IN VARCHAR2               := NULL)
508   --
509   PROCEDURE execute_tuning_task(
510     task_name        IN VARCHAR2,
511     execution_name   IN VARCHAR2               := NULL,
512     execution_params IN dbms_advisor.argList   := NULL,
513     execution_desc   IN VARCHAR2               := NULL);
516   ----------------------------- interrupt_tuning_task -------------------------
517   -- NAME:
518   --     interrupt_tuning_task - interrupt a sql tuning task
519   --
521   --     This procedure is called to interrupt the currently executing tuning
522   --     task. The task will end its operations as it would at a normal exit
523   --     so that the user will be able to access the intermediate results at
524   --     this point.
525   --
526   -- PARAMETERS:
527   --     task_name (IN) - identifier of the task to execute
528   --
529   -- RETURNS:
530   --     NONE
531   --
532   -- EXCEPTIONS:
533   --     To be done
534   -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
535   procedure interrupt_tuning_task(task_name IN VARCHAR2);
537   ----------------------------- cancel_tuning_task ----------------------------
538   -- NAME:
539   --     cancel_tuning_task - cancel a sql tuning task
540   --
542   --     This procedure is called to cancel the currently executing tuning
543   --     task. All intermediate result data will be removed from the task.
544   --
545   -- PARAMETERS:
546   --     task_name (IN) - identifier of the task to execute
547   --
548   -- RETURNS:
549   --     NONE
550   --
551   -- EXCEPTIONS:
552   --     To be done
553   -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
554   PROCEDURE cancel_tuning_task(task_name IN VARCHAR2);
556   ----------------------------- reset_tuning_task -----------------------------
557   -- NAME:
558   --     reset_tuning_task - reset a sql tuning task
559   --
561   --     This procedure is called to reset a tuning task to its initial state.
562   --     All intermediate result data will be deleted.  Call this procedure on
563   --     a task that is not currently executing.
564   --
565   -- PARAMETERS:
566   --     task_name (IN) - identifier of the task to reset
567   --
568   -- RETURNS:
569   --     NONE
570   --
571   -- EXCEPTIONS:
572   --     To be done
573   -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
574   PROCEDURE reset_tuning_task(task_name IN VARCHAR2);
576   ------------------------------- drop_tuning_task ----------------------------
577   -- NAME:
578   --     drop_tuning_task - drop a sql tuning task
579   --
581   --     This procedure is called to drop a SQL tuning task.
582   --     The task and All its result data will be deleted.
583   --
584   -- PARAMETERS:
585   --     task_name (IN) - identifier of the task to execute
586   --
587   -- RETURNS:
588   --     NONE
589   --
590   -- EXCEPTIONS:
591   --     To be done
592   -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
593   PROCEDURE drop_tuning_task(task_name IN VARCHAR2);
595   ----------------------------- resume_tuning_task ----------------------------
596   -- NAME:
597   --     resume_tuning_task - resume a sql tuning task
598   --
603   --     task_name    (IN) - identifier of the task to execute
600   --     This procedure is called to resume a previously interrupted task.
601   --
602   -- PARAMETERS:
604   --     basic_filter (IN) - a SQL predicate to filter the SQL from a STS.
605   --                         Note that this filter will be applied in
606   --                         conjunction with the basic filter
607   --                         (i.e., parameter basic_filter) specified
608   --                         when calling create_tuning_task.
609   -- RETURNS:
610   --     NONE
611   --
612   -- EXCEPTIONS:
613   --     To be done
614   -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
615   PROCEDURE resume_tuning_task(
616     task_name    IN VARCHAR2,
617     basic_filter IN VARCHAR2 := NULL);
619   ------------------------------- report_tuning_task --------------------------
620   -- NAME:
621   --     report_tuning_task - report a SQL tuning task
622   --
624   --     This procedure is called to display the results of a tuning task.
625   --
626   -- PARAMETERS:
627   --     task_name      (IN) - name of the task to report.
628   --     type           (IN) - type of the report.
629   --                           Possible values are: TEXT, HTML, XML.
630   --     level          (IN) - format of the recommendations.
631   --                           Possible values are TYPICAL, BASIC, ALL.
632   --     section        (IN) - particular section in the report.
633   --                           Possible values are:
634   --                             SUMMARY,
635   --                             FINDINGS,
636   --                             PLAN,
637   --                             INFORMATION,
638   --                             ERROR,
639   --                             ALL.
640   --     object_id      (IN) - identifier of the advisor framework object that
641   --                           represents a given statement in a SQL Tuning Set
642   --                          (STS).
643   --     result_limit   (IN) - number of statements in a STS for which the
644   --                           report is generated.
645   --     owner_name     (IN) - owner of the relevant tuning task.  Defaults to
646   --                           the current schema owner.
647   --     execution_name (IN) - name of the task execution to use. If NULL, the
648   --                           report will be generated for the last task
649   --                           execution.
650   -- RETURNS
651   --     A clob containing the desired report.
652   -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
653   FUNCTION report_tuning_task(
654     task_name      IN VARCHAR2,
655     type           IN VARCHAR2 := TYPE_TEXT,
656     level          IN VARCHAR2 := LEVEL_TYPICAL,
657     section        IN VARCHAR2 := SECTION_ALL,
658     object_id      IN NUMBER   := NULL,
659     result_limit   IN NUMBER   := NULL,
660     owner_name     IN VARCHAR2 := NULL,
661     execution_name IN VARCHAR2 := NULL)
662   RETURN clob;
664   ------------------------------ script_tuning_task ---------------------------
665   -- NAME:
666   --     script_tuning_task - get a script to implement a subset of
667   --                          recommendations.
668   --
670   --     This function will return a CLOB containing the PL/SQL calls
671   --     to be executed to implement the subset of recommendations dictated by
672   --     the arguments.  This script should then by checked by the DBA and
673   --     executed.
674   --
675   --     Wrap with a call to dbms_advisor.create_file to put it into a file.
676   --
677   -- PARAMETERS:
678   --     task_name      (IN) - name of the task to get a script for
679   --     rec_type       (IN) - filter the script by types of recommendations
680   --                           to include.
681   --                           Any subset of the following separated by commas,
682   --                           or 'ALL':    'PROFILES' 'STATISTICS' 'INDEXES'
683   --                           'ALTERNATIVE_PLANS'
684   --                           e.g. script with profiles and stats:
685   --                               'PROFILES, STATISTICS'
686   --     object_id      (IN) - optionally filter by a single object ID
687   --     result_limit   (IN) - optionally show commands for only top N sql
688   --                           (ordered by object id and ignored if an
689   --                            object_id is also specified)
690   --     owner_name     (IN) - owner of the relevant tuning task.  Defaults to
691   --                           the current schema owner.
692   --     execution_name (IN) - name of the task execution to use. If NULL, the
693   --                           script will be generated for the last task
694   --                           execution.
695   -- RETURNS
696   --     script as a CLOB
697   -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
698   FUNCTION script_tuning_task(
699     task_name      IN VARCHAR2,
700     rec_type       IN VARCHAR2 := REC_TYPE_ALL,
701     object_id      IN NUMBER   := NULL,
702     result_limit   IN NUMBER   := NULL,
703     owner_name     IN VARCHAR2 := NULL,
704     execution_name IN VARCHAR2 := NULL)
707   --------------------- schedule_tuning_task - sql_id format ------------------
708   -- NAME:
709   --     schedule_tuning_task - sql_id format
710   --
715   --     creates a dbms_scheduler job that executes the created tuning task
712   --     This function is called to schedule the tuning of a single statement
713   --     from the cursor cache given its SQL identifier.
714   --     The function mainly creates an SQL tuning advisor task and then
716   --     at the specified start time/date.
717   --
718   -- PARAMETERS:
719   --     sql_id          (IN) - identifier of the statement
720   --     plan_hash_value (IN) - hash value of the sql execution plan
721   --     start_date      (IN) - the date on which this schedule becomes valid.
722   --                            If null then the task is immediately executed.
723   --     scope           (IN) - tuning scope (limited/comprehensive)
724   --     time_limit      (IN) - maximum tuning duration in second
725   --     task_name       (IN) - optional tuning task name
726   --     description     (IN) - maximum of 256 SQL tuning session description
727   --     con_name        (IN) - name of a container in a CDB. It is either
728   --                            for ROOT or a pluggable database.
729   -- RETURNS:
730   --     SQL tuning task unique name
731   --
732   -- NOTE:
733   --     - The task is scheduled once only
734   --     - The name of the scheduler job is created as follows:
735   --       Job name = sqltune_job_<task_id>_<ora_hash(systimestamp)>
736   --     - caller must possess privilege "create job" for the job
737   --       to be scheduled.
738   --
739   -- EXCEPTIONS:
740   --     To be done
741   -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
742   FUNCTION schedule_tuning_task(
743     sql_id          IN VARCHAR2,
744     plan_hash_value IN NUMBER                   := NULL,
745     start_date      IN TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE := NULL,
746     scope           IN VARCHAR2                 := SCOPE_COMPREHENSIVE,
747     time_limit      IN NUMBER                   := TIME_LIMIT_DEFAULT,
748     task_name       IN VARCHAR2                 := NULL,
749     description     IN VARCHAR2                 := NULL,
750     con_name        IN VARCHAR2                 := NULL)
753   -------------- schedule_tuning_task - workload repository format ------------
754   -- NAME:
755   --     schedule_tuning_task - workload repository format
756   --
758   --     This function is called to schedule the tuning of a single statement
759   --     from the workload repository given a range of snapshot identifiers.
760   --     The function mainly creates an SQL tuning advisor task and then
761   --     creates a dbms_scheduler job that executes the created tuning task
762   --     at the specified start time/date.
763   --
764   -- PARAMETERS:
765   --     begin_snap      (IN) - begin snapshot identifier
766   --     end_snap        (IN) - end snapshot identifier
767   --     sql_id          (IN) - identifier of the statement
768   --     plan_hash_value (IN) - plan hash value
769   --     start_date      (IN) - the date on which this schedule becomes valid.
770   --                            If null then the task is immediately executed.
771   --     scope           (IN) - tuning scope (limited/comprehensive)
772   --     time_limit      (IN) - maximum duration in second for tuning
773   --     task_name       (IN) - optional tuning task name
774   --     description     (IN) - maximum of 256 SQL tuning session description
775   --     cont_name       (IN) - name of a container in a CDB. It is the name
776   --                            of either ROOT or a pluggable database.
777   --
778   -- RETURNS:
779   --     SQL tuning task unique name
780   --
781   -- NOTE:
782   --     - The task is scheduled once only
783   --     - The name of the scheduler job is created as follows:
784   --       Job name = sqltune_job_<task_id>_<ora_hash(systimestamp)>
785   --     - caller must possess privilege "create job" for the job
786   --       to be scheduled.
787   --
788   -- EXCEPTIONS:
789   --     To be done
790   -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
791   FUNCTION schedule_tuning_task(
792     begin_snap      IN NUMBER,
793     end_snap        IN NUMBER,
794     sql_id          IN VARCHAR2,
795     plan_hash_value IN NUMBER                   := NULL,
796     start_date      IN TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE := NULL,
797     scope           IN VARCHAR2                 := SCOPE_COMPREHENSIVE,
798     time_limit      IN NUMBER                   := TIME_LIMIT_DEFAULT,
799     task_name       IN VARCHAR2                 := NULL,
800     description     IN VARCHAR2                 := NULL,
801     con_name        IN VARCHAR2                 := NULL)
804   ----------------------------- create_sql_plan_baseline ----------------------
805   -- NAME:
806   --     create_sql_plan_baseline - create a sql plan baseline
807   --                                for an existing plan
808   --
810   --    SQL tune advisor will detect regressions. If there are better plans
811   --    than the original one, the advisor will recommend you to use this API
812   --    to prevent the regression in the future.
813   --
814   -- PARAMETERS:
815   --     task_name       (IN) - name of the task to get a script for
816   --     object_id       (IN) - the object ID which the sql is corresponding to
817   --     plan_hash_value (IN) - the plan to create plan baseline
818   --     owner_name      (IN) - owner of the relevant tuning task.  Defaults to
819   --                            the current schema owner.
820   -- RETURNS
821   --     NONE
825     object_id            IN NUMBER := NULL,
822   -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
823   PROCEDURE create_sql_plan_baseline(
824     task_name            IN VARCHAR2,
826     plan_hash_value      IN NUMBER,
827     owner_name           IN VARCHAR2 := NULL);
829   ---------------------------- implement_tuning_task --------------------------
830   -- NAME:
831   --     implement_tuning_task - implement a set of recommendations from a
832   --                             tuning task
833   --
835   --     This function will implement a set of SQL Profile recommendations made
836   --     by the SQL Tuning Advisor.  Calling it is analogous to calling
837   --     script_tuning_task and then running the script.
838   --
839   -- PARAMETERS:
840   --     task_name      (IN) - name of the task to get a script for
841   --     rec_type       (IN) - filter the types of recs to implement.
842   --                           Currently the only one supported is 'PROFILES'.
843   --     owner_name     (IN) - owner of the relevant tuning task.  Defaults to
844   --                           the current schema owner.
845   --     execution_name (IN) - name of the task execution to use. If NULL, the
846   --                           script will be generated for the last task
847   --                           execution.
848   -- RETURNS
849   --     NONE
850   -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
851   PROCEDURE implement_tuning_task(
852     task_name      IN VARCHAR2,
853     rec_type       IN VARCHAR2 := REC_TYPE_SQL_PROFILES,
854     owner_name     IN VARCHAR2 := NULL,
855     execution_name IN VARCHAR2 := NULL);
858   -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
859   --                      automatic tuning task functions                    --
860   -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
861   -- NOTE that only an API for getting a report is provided here.  For all   --
862   -- other usage of the automatic tuning task, please see DBMS_AUTO_SQLTUNE. --
863   -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
865   -------------------------------- report_auto_tuning_task --------------------
866   -- NAME:
867   --     report_auto_tuning_task
868   --
870   --     Get a report from the automatic tuning task.  This differs from the
871   --     report_tuning_task API in that it takes a range of subtasks to report
872   --     on.
873   --
874   -- PARAMETERS:
875   --     begin_exec     (IN) - name of execution to begin the report from. Null
876   --                           to get a report on the most recent run.  See
877   --                           DBA_ADVISOR_EXECUTIONS.
878   --     end_exec       (IN) - name of execution to end the report at.  Null to
879   --                           get a report on the most recent run.  See
880   --                           DBA_ADVISOR_EXECUTIONS.
881   --     type           (IN) - output type for report, one of:
882   --                             TYPE_TEXT: text report
883   --                             TYPE_HTML: html report
884   --     level          (IN) - level of detail in the report:
885   --                             LEVEL_BASIC: simple version of the report.
886   --                               Just show info about the actions taken by
887   --                               the advisor.
888   --                             LEVEL_TYPICAL: show info about every statement
889   --                               analyzed, including recs not implemented.
890   --                             LEVEL_ALL: verbose report level, also give
891   --                               annotations about statements skipped over.
892   --     section        (IN) - sections of report to show (comma-separated):
893   --                             SECTION_SUMMARY     - summary information
894   --                             SECTION_FINDINGS    - tuning findings
895   --                             SECTION_PLAN        - explain plans
896   --                             SECTION_INFORMATION - general information
897   --                             SECTION_ERROR       - statements with errors
898   --                             SECTION_ALL         - all statements
899   --     object_id      (IN) - advisor framework object id that represents a
900   --                           single statement to restrict reporting to.  NULL
901   --                           for all statements.  Only valid for reports
902   --                           that target a single execution.
903   --     result_limit   (IN) - maximum number of SQL to show in the report
904   --
905   -- RETURNS:
906   --     CLOB with report content
907   --
908   -- PRIVILEGES:
909   --     Need SELECT privilege on the DBA_ADVISOR views
910   -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
911   FUNCTION report_auto_tuning_task(
912     begin_exec     IN VARCHAR2  := NULL,
913     end_exec       IN VARCHAR2  := NULL,
914     type           IN VARCHAR2  := TYPE_TEXT,
915     level          IN VARCHAR2  := LEVEL_TYPICAL,
916     section        IN VARCHAR2  := SECTION_ALL,
917     object_id      IN NUMBER    := NULL,
918     result_limit   IN NUMBER    := NULL)
921   --+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--
922   --+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--
923   --                        ---------------------------                      --
927   --+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--
924   --                        SQLSET PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS                      --
925   --                        ---------------------------                      --
926   --+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--
929   -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
930   --                                 Examples                                --
931   -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
932   -- In the following we give two examples that show how to use the package in
933   -- order to create, populate, manipulate and drop a sqlset.
934   -- The first example shows how to build a new sqlset by extracting
935   -- data from the Cursor cache, while the second one explains how to build a
936   -- sqlset from a USER defined workload.
937   --
938   --------------------------------------------
939   -- EXAMPLE 1: select from the cursor cache --
940   --------------------------------------------
941   --
942   -- DECLARE
943   --    sqlset_name  VARCHAR2(30);                            /* sqlset name */
944   --    sqltset_cur  dbms_sqltune.sqlset_cursor; /* a sqlset cursor variable */
945   --    ref_id       NUMBER;                      /* a reference on a sqlset */
946   -- BEGIN
947   --
948   --   /* Choose an name for the sqlset to create */
949   --   sqlset_name := 'SQLSET_TEST_1';
950   --
951   --   /* Create an empty sqlset. You automatically become the owner of
952   --      this sqlset */
953   --   dbms_sqltune.create_sqlset(sqlset_name, 'test purpose');
954   --
955   --   /***********************************************************************
956   --    * Call the select_cursor_cache table function to order the sql        *
957   --    * statements in the cursor cache by cpu_time (ranking measure1) and   *
958   --    * then, select only that subset of statements, which contribute to 90%*
959   --    * (result percentage) of total cpu_time, but not more than Only 100   *
960   --    * statements, i.e., top 100 which represents (result_limit).          *
961   --    * Only the firts ranking measure is spefied and the content of        *
962   --    * the cursor cache is not filtered.                                   *
963   --    *                                                                     *
964   --    * The OPEN-FOR statement associates the sqlset cursor variable        *
965   --    * with the SELECT-FROM-TABLE dynamic query which is used to call the  *
966   --    * table function and fetch its results. Notice that you need not to   *
967   --    * close the cursor. When this cursor is used to populate a Sql Tuning *
968   --    * Set using the load_sqlset procedure, this later will close          *
969   --    * it for you.                                                         *
970   --    *                                                                     *
971   --    * Notice the use of function VALUE(P) which takes as its argument,    *
972   --    * the table alias for the table function and returns object instances *
973   --    * corresponding to rows as retuned by the table function which are    *
974   --    * instances of type SQLSET_ROW.                                     *
975   --    * ********************************************************************/
976   --   OPEN sqlset_cur FOR
977   --     SELECT VALUE(P)                            /* use of function VALUE */
978   --     FROM TABLE(
979   --      dbms_sqltune.select_cursor_cache(NULL,             /* basic filter */
980   --                                       NULL,            /* object filter */
981   --                                       'cpu_time',      /* first ranking */
982   --                                       NULL,           /* second ranking */
983   --                                       NULL,            /* third ranking */
984   --                                       0.9,                /* percentage */
985   --                                       100)                     /* top N */
986   --               ) P;                                    /* table instance */
987   --
988   --
989   --   /***********************************************************************
990   --    * Call the load_sqlset procedure to populated the created             *
991   --    * sqlset by the results of the cursor cache table function            *
992   --    **********************************************************************/
993   --    dbms_sqltune.load_sqlset(sqlset_name, sqlset_cur);
994   --
995   --   /***********************************************************************
996   --    * Add a reference to the sqlset so that other users cannot            *
997   --    * modified it, i.e., drop it, delete statement from it, update it or  *
998   --    * load it. Like this, the sqlset is protected. User have only         *
999   --    * a read-only access to the sqlset.                                   *
1000   --    * The add_reference function returns a reference ID that will be used *
1001   --    * later to deactivate the sqlset.                                     *
1002   --    **********************************************************************/
1003   --    ref_id :=
1004   --      dbms_sqltune.add_sqlset_reference(sqlset_name,
1005   --                                        'test sqlset: '|| sqlset_name);
1006   --
1007   --    /* process your sqlset */
1008   --    ...
1009   --    ...
1010   --    ...
1011   --
1012   --    /**********************************************************************
1013   --     * When your are done, remove the reference on the sqlset, so that it *
1017   --     dbms_sqltune.remove_sqlset_reference(sqlset_name, ref_id);
1014   --     * can be modified either by you (owner) or by another user who has a *
1015   --     * supper privilege ADMINISTER ANY SQLSET, etc.                       *
1016   --     *********************************************************************/
1018   --
1019   --
1020   --     /* Call the drop procedure to drop the sqlset */
1021   --     dbms_sqltune.drop_sqlset(sqlset_name);
1022   --     ...
1023   -- END
1024   --
1025   -------------------------------------------
1026   -- EXAMPLE 2: select from a user workload --
1027   -------------------------------------------
1028   --
1029   -- DECLARE
1030   --    sqlset_name VARCHAR2(30);                             /* sqlset name */
1031   --    sqlset_cur  dbms_sqltune.sqlset_cursor;  /* a sqlset cursor variable */
1032   --    ref_id      NUMBER;                       /* a reference on a sqlset */
1033   -- BEGIN
1034   --
1035   --   /* Choose an name for the sqlset to create */
1036   --   sqlset_name := 'SQLSET_TEST_2';
1037   --
1038   --   /* Create an empty sqlset. You automatically become the owner of
1039   --      this SQLSET */
1040   --   dbms_sqltune.create_sqlset(sqlset_name, 'test purpose');
1041   --
1042   --   /***********************************************************************
1043   --    * In this example we suppose that the user workload is stored in      *
1044   --    * a single table USER_WORKLOAD_TABLE. We suppose that the table stores*
1045   --    * only the text of a set of SQL statements identified by their sql_id.*
1046   --    * Use the OPEN-FOR statement to associate the query that extracts the *
1047   --    * content of the user workload, with a sqlset cursor before loading it*
1048   --    * into the sqlset.                                                    *
1049   --    * Notice the use of the CONSTRUCTOR of the sqlset_row object type     *
1050   --    * This is IMPORTANT because the cursor MUST contains instances        *
1051   --    * of this type as required by the load_sql function. Otherwise an     *
1052   --    * error will occur and the SQLSET will not be loaded.                 *
1053   --    **********************************************************************/
1054   --    OPEN sqlset_cur FOR
1055   --      SELECT
1056   --        SQLSET_ROW(sql_id, sql_text, null, null, null, null,
1057   --                   null, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, null, 0, 0, 0, 0
1058   --                   ) AS row
1059   --        FROM user_workload_table;
1060   --
1061   --   /***********************************************************************
1062   --    * Call the load_sql procedure to populated the created sqlset by the  *
1063   --    * results of the cursor                                               *
1064   --    **********************************************************************/
1065   --   dbms_sqltune.load_sqlset(sqlsetname, sqlsetcur);
1066   --
1067   --   /* the rest of the steps are similar to those in example 1 */
1068   --   ...
1069   --   ...
1070   --   ...
1071   -- END;
1072   --
1073   -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1075   -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1076   --                               type declarations                         --
1077   -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1078   ----------------------------------- sqlset_cursor ---------------------------
1079   -- NAME:
1080   --     sqlset_cursor
1081   --
1082   -- DESCRIPTION:
1083   --     define a cursor type for SQL statements with their related data.
1084   --     This type is mainly used by the load_sqlset procedure
1085   --     as an argument to populate a sqlset from a possible data
1086   --     source. See the load_sqlset description for more details.
1087   --
1088   -- NOTES:
1089   --    It is important to keep in mind that this cursor is WEAKLY DEFINED.
1090   --    A variable of type sqlStatCursor when it is used either as an input
1091   --    by the load_sql procedure or returned by all table functions, it MUST
1092   --    contains rows of type sqlset_row.
1093   ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1094   TYPE sqlset_cursor IS REF CURSOR;
1097   -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1098   --                        procedure/function declarations                  --
1099   -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1100   ---------------------------------- create_sqlset ----------------------------
1101   -- NAME:
1102   --     create_sqlset
1103   --
1104   -- DESCRIPTION:
1105   --     This procedure creates a sqlset object in the database.
1106   --
1107   -- PARAMETERS:
1108   --    sqlset_name  (IN) - the sqlset name
1109   --    description  (IN) - the description of the sqlset
1110   --    sqlset_owner (IN) - the owner of the sqlset, or null for current schema
1111   --                        owner
1112   -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1113   PROCEDURE create_sqlset(
1114     sqlset_name  IN VARCHAR2,
1115     description  IN VARCHAR2 := NULL,
1116     sqlset_owner IN VARCHAR2 := NULL);
1118   ---------------------------------- create_sqlset ----------------------------
1119   -- NAME:
1120   --     create_sqlset
1121   --
1122   -- DESCRIPTION:
1123   --     This procedure creates a sqlset object in the database.
1124   --
1125   -- PARAMETERS:
1126   --    sqlset_name  (IN) - the sqlset name, can be NULL or omitted
1130   --                        owner
1127   --                        (in which case a name is generated automatically)
1128   --    description  (IN) - the description of the sqlset
1129   --    sqlset_owner (IN) - the owner of the sqlset, or null for current schema
1131   --
1132   -- RETURNS:
1133   --     name of sqlset created.  This will be the name passed in or, if a name
1134   --     is omitted (or NULL arg passed), the name we automatically create for
1135   --     the sqlset
1136   -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1137   FUNCTION create_sqlset(
1138     sqlset_name   IN VARCHAR2 := NULL,
1139     description   IN VARCHAR2 := NULL,
1140     sqlset_owner  IN VARCHAR2 := NULL)
1143   ----------------------------------- drop_sqlset -----------------------------
1144   -- NAME:
1145   --     drop_sqlset
1146   --
1147   -- DESCRIPTION:
1148   --     This procedure is used to drop a sqlset if it is not active.
1149   --     When a sqlset is referenced by one or more clients
1150   --     (e.g. SQL tune advisor), it cannot be dropped.
1151   --
1152   -- PARAMETERS:
1153   --     sqlset_name  (IN) - the sqlset name.
1154   --     sqlset_owner (IN) - the owner of the sqlset, or null for current
1155   --                         schema owner
1156   -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1157   PROCEDURE drop_sqlset(
1158     sqlset_name   IN VARCHAR2,
1159     sqlset_owner  IN VARCHAR2 := NULL);
1161   -------------------------------- delete_sqlset ------------------------------
1162   -- NAME:
1163   --     delete_sqlset
1164   --
1165   -- DESCRIPTION:
1166   --     Allows the deletion of a set of SQL statements from a sqlset.
1167   --
1168   -- PARAMETERS:
1169   --     sqlset_name  (IN) - the sqlset name
1170   --     basic_filter (IN) - SQL predicate to filter the SQL from the
1171   --                         sqlset. This basic filter is used as
1172   --                         a where clause on the sqlset content to
1173   --                         select a desired subset of Sql from the Tuning Set
1174   --     sqlset_owner (IN) - the owner of the sqlset, or null for current
1175   --                         schema owner
1176   -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1177   PROCEDURE delete_sqlset(
1178     sqlset_name  IN VARCHAR2,
1179     basic_filter IN VARCHAR2 := NULL,
1180     sqlset_owner IN VARCHAR2 := NULL);
1182   ---------------------------------- load_sqlset ------------------------------
1183   -- NAME:
1184   --  load_sqlset
1185   --
1186   -- DESCRIPTION:
1187   --  This procedure populates the sqlset with a set of selected SQL.
1188   --
1189   -- PARAMETERS:
1190   --  sqlset_name        (IN) - the name of sqlset to populate
1191   --  populate_cursor    (IN) - the cursor reference to populate from
1192   --  load_option        (IN) - specifies how the statements will be loaded
1193   --                            into the SQL tuning set.
1194   --                            The possible values are:
1195   --                             + INSERT (default):  add only new statements
1196   --                             + UPDATE: update existing the SQL statements
1197   --                             + MERGE: this is a combination of the two
1198   --                                      other options. This option inserts
1199   --                                      new statements and updates the
1200   --                                      information of the existing ones.
1201   --  update_option      (IN) - specifies how the existing statements will be
1202   --                            updated. This parameter is considered only if
1203   --                            load_option is specified with 'UPDATE'/'MERGE'
1204   --                            as an option. The possible values are:
1205   --                             + REPLACE (default): update the statement
1206   --                                 using the new statistics, bind list,
1207   --                                 object list, etc.
1208   --                             + ACCUMULATE: when possible combine attributes
1209   --                                (e.g., statistics like elapsed_time, etc.)
1210   --                                otherwise just replace the old values
1211   --                                (e.g., module, action, etc.) by the new
1212   --                                provided ones. The SQL statement attributes
1213   --                                that can be accumulated are: elapsed_time,
1214   --                                buffer_gets, disk_reads, row_processed,
1215   --                                fetches, executions, end_of_fetch_count,
1216   --                                stat_period and active_stat_period.
1217   --  update_attributes (IN) - specifies the list of a SQL statement attributes
1218   --                           to update during a merge or update operation.
1219   --                           The possible values are:
1220   --                            + NULL (default): the content of the input
1221   --                               cursor except the execution context.
1222   --                               On other terms, it is equivalent to ALL
1223   --                               without execution context like module,
1224   --                               action, etc.
1225   --                            + BASIC: statistics and binds only.
1226   --                            + TYPICAL: BASIC + SQL plans (without
1227   --                                   row source statistics) and without
1228   --                                   object reference list.
1232   --                                update: EXECUTION_CONTEXT,
1229   --                            + ALL: all attributes including the execution
1230   --                                context attributes like module, action, etc
1231   --                            + List of comma separated attribute names to
1233   --                                        EXECUTION_STATISTICS,
1234   --                                        SQL_BINDS,
1235   --                                        SQL_PLAN,
1236   --                                        SQL_PLAN_STATISTICS: similar to
1237   --                                        SQL_PLAN + row source statistics.
1238   --  update_condition (IN) - specifies a where clause to execute the update
1239   --                          operation. The update is performed only if
1240   --                          the specified condition is true. The condition
1241   --                          can refer to either the data source or
1242   --                          destination. The condition must use the following
1243   --                          prefixes to refer to attributes from the source
1244   --                          or the destination:
1245   --                           + OLD: to refer to statement attributes from
1246   --                                  the SQL tuning set (destination)
1247   --                           + NEW: to refer to statements attributes from
1248   --                                  the input statements (source)
1249   --                         Example: 'new.executions >= old.executions'.
1250   --  ignore_null     (IN) - If true do not update an attribute if the new
1251   --                         value is null, i.e., do not override with null
1252   --                         values unless it is intentional.
1253   --  commit_rows     (IN) - if a value is provided, the load will commit
1254   --                         after each set of that many statements is
1255   --                         inserted.  If NULL is provided, the load will
1256   --                         commit only once, at the end of the operation.
1257   --  sqlset_owner    (IN) - the owner of the sqlset or null for current
1258   --                         schema owner.
1259   -- Exceptions:
1260   --  This procedure returns an error when sqlset_name is invalid
1261   --  or a corresponding sqlset does not exist, the populate_cursor
1262   --  is incorrect and cannot be executed.
1263   --  FIXME: other exceptions are raised by this procedure. Need to update
1264   --         comments.
1265   -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1266   PROCEDURE load_sqlset(
1267     sqlset_name       IN VARCHAR2,
1268     populate_cursor   IN sqlset_cursor,
1269     load_option       IN VARCHAR2 := 'INSERT',
1270     update_option     IN VARCHAR2 := 'REPLACE',
1271     update_condition  IN VARCHAR2 :=  NULL,
1272     update_attributes IN VARCHAR2 :=  NULL,
1273     ignore_null       IN BOOLEAN  :=  TRUE,
1274     commit_rows       IN POSITIVE :=  NULL,
1275     sqlset_owner      IN VARCHAR2 :=  NULL);
1277   ---------------------------- capture_cursor_cache_sqlset --------------------
1278   -- NAME:
1279   --     capture_cursor_cache_sqlset
1280   --
1281   -- DESCRIPTION:
1282   --     This procedure captures a workload from the cursor cache into a SQL
1283   --     tuning set, polling the cache multiple times over a time period and
1284   --     updating the workload data stored there.  It can execute over as long
1285   --     a period as required to capture an entire system workload.
1286   --
1287   --     Note that this procedure commits after each incremental capture of
1288   --     statements, so you can monitor its progress by looking at the sqlset
1289   --     views.  This operation is much more efficient than
1290   --     select_cursor_cache/load_sqlset so it should be used whenever you need
1291   --     to repeatedly capture a workload from the cursor cache.
1292   --
1293   --     ** ALSO NOTE ** This function does not capture the SQL present
1294   --     in the cursor cache when it is invoked, but rather it collects those
1295   --     SQL run over the 'time_limit' period in which it is executing.
1296   --
1297   -- PARAMETERS:
1298   --     sqlset_name     (IN)- the SQLSET name
1299   --     time_limit      (IN)- the total amount of time, in seconds, to execute
1300   --     repeat_interval (IN)- the amount of time, in seconds, to pause
1301   --                           between sampling
1302   --     capture_option  (IN)- during capture, either insert new statements,
1303   --                           update existing ones, or both.  'INSERT',
1304   --                           'UPDATE', or 'MERGE' just like load_option in
1305   --                           load_sqlset
1306   --     capture_mode    (IN)- capture mode (UPDATE and MERGE capture options).
1307   --                           Possible values:
1308   --                            + MODE_REPLACE_OLD_STATS - Replace statistics
1309   --                              when the number of executions seen is greater
1310   --                              than that stored in the STS
1311   --                            + MODE_ACCUMULATE_STATS - Add new values to
1312   --                              current values for SQL we already store.
1313   --                              Note that this mode detects if a statement
1314   --                              has been aged out, so the final value for a
1315   --                              statistics will be the sum of the statistics
1316   --                              of all cursors that statement existed under.
1317   --     basic_filter    (IN)- filter to apply to cursor cache on each sampling
1318   --                            (see select_xxx)
1319   --     sqlset_owner    (IN)- the owner of the sqlset, or null for current
1323   PROCEDURE capture_cursor_cache_sqlset(
1320   --                           schema owner
1321   --     recursive_sql   (IN) - filter out the recursive SQL if NO_RECURSIVE_SQL
1322   -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1324     sqlset_name         IN VARCHAR2,
1325     time_limit          IN POSITIVE := 1800,
1326     repeat_interval     IN POSITIVE := 300,
1327     capture_option      IN VARCHAR2 := 'MERGE',
1328     capture_mode        IN NUMBER   := MODE_REPLACE_OLD_STATS,
1329     basic_filter        IN VARCHAR2 := NULL,
1330     sqlset_owner        IN VARCHAR2 := NULL,
1331     recursive_sql       IN VARCHAR2 := HAS_RECURSIVE_SQL);
1333   ----------------------------------- update_sqlset ---------------------------
1334   -- NAME:
1335   --     update_sqlset
1336   --
1337   -- DESCRIPTION:
1338   --     This procedure updates selected string fields for a SQL statement
1339   --     in a sqlset.
1340   --     Fields that could be updated are MODULE, ACTION, PARSING_SCHEMA_NAME
1341   --     and OTHER.
1342   --
1343   -- PARAMETERS:
1344   --     sqlset_name     (IN) - the SQLSET name
1345   --     sql_id          (IN) - identifier of the statement to update
1346   --     attribute_name  (IN) - the name of the attribute to modify.
1347   --     attribute_value (IN) - the new value of the attribute
1348   --     sqlset_owner    (IN) - the owner of the sqlset, or null for current
1349   --                            schema owner
1350   -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1351   PROCEDURE update_sqlset(
1352     sqlset_name     IN VARCHAR2,
1353     sql_id          IN VARCHAR2,
1354     attribute_name  IN VARCHAR2,
1355     attribute_value IN VARCHAR2 := NULL,
1356     sqlset_owner    IN VARCHAR2 := NULL);
1358   ----------------------------------- update_sqlset ---------------------------
1359   PROCEDURE update_sqlset(
1360     sqlset_name     IN VARCHAR2,
1361     sql_id          IN VARCHAR2,
1362     plan_hash_value IN NUMBER,
1363     attribute_name  IN VARCHAR2,
1364     attribute_value IN VARCHAR2 := NULL,
1365     sqlset_owner    IN VARCHAR2 := NULL);
1367   ----------------------------------- update_sqlset ---------------------------
1368   -- NAME:
1369   --     update_sqlset
1370   --
1371   -- DESCRIPTION:
1372   --     This is an overloaded procedure of the previous one. It is provided
1373   --     to be able to set numerical attributes of a SQL in a sqlset.
1374   --     The only NUMBER attribute that could be updated is PRIORITY.
1375   --     If the statement has more than one plan (i.e., multiple plans with an
1376   --     entry for every different plan_hash_value in plan table),
1377   --     the attribute value will be then changed (replaced) for all plan
1378   --     entries of the statement using the same (new) value.
1379   --     To update the attribute value for a particular plan use the other
1380   --     version of this procedure that, besides sql_id, it takes
1381   --     a plan_hash_value as an argument.
1382   --
1383   -- PARAMETERS:
1384   --     sqlset_name     (IN) - the sqlset name
1385   --     sql_id          (IN) - identifier of the statement to update
1386   --     plan_hash_value (IN) - plan hash value of a particular plan of
1387   --                            the SQL
1388   --     attribute_name  (IN) - the name of the attribute to modify.
1389   --     attribute_value (IN) - the new value of the attribute
1390   --     sqlset_owner    (IN) - the owner of the sqlset, or null for current
1391   --                            schema owner
1392   -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1393   PROCEDURE update_sqlset(
1394     sqlset_name     IN VARCHAR2,
1395     sql_id          IN VARCHAR2,
1396     attribute_name  IN VARCHAR2,
1397     attribute_value IN NUMBER   := NULL,
1398     sqlset_owner    IN VARCHAR2 := NULL);
1400   ----------------------------------- update_sqlset ---------------------------
1401   PROCEDURE update_sqlset(
1402     sqlset_name     IN VARCHAR2,
1403     sql_id          IN VARCHAR2,
1404     plan_hash_value IN NUMBER,
1405     attribute_name  IN VARCHAR2,
1406     attribute_value IN NUMBER   := NULL,
1407     sqlset_owner    IN VARCHAR2 := NULL);
1409   ------------------------------ add_sqlset_reference -------------------------
1410   -- NAME:
1411   --     add_sqlset_reference
1412   --
1413   -- DESCRIPTION:
1414   --     This function adds a new reference to an existing sqlset
1415   --     to indicate its use by a client.
1416   --
1417   -- PARAMETERS:
1418   --    sqlset_name  (IN) - the sqlset name.
1419   --    description  (IN) - description of the usage of sqlset.
1420   --    sqlset_owner (IN) - the owner of the sqlset, or null for current schema
1421   --                        owner
1422   --
1423   -- RETURN:
1424   --     The identifier of the added reference.
1425   -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1426   FUNCTION add_sqlset_reference(
1427     sqlset_name  IN VARCHAR2,
1428     description  IN VARCHAR2 := NULL,
1429     sqlset_owner IN VARCHAR2 := NULL)
1432   ------------------------------ remove_sqlset_reference ----------------------
1433   -- NAME:
1434   --     remove_sqlset_reference
1435   --
1436   -- DESCRIPTION:
1437   --     This procedure is used to deactivate a sqlset to indicate it
1438   --     is no longer used by the client.
1439   --
1440   -- PARAMETERS:
1441   --     name         (IN) - the SQLSET name
1445   -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1442   --     reference_id (IN) - the identifier of the reference to remove.
1443   --     sqlset_owner (IN) - the owner of the sqlset, or null for current
1444   --                         schema owner
1446   PROCEDURE remove_sqlset_reference(
1447     sqlset_name  IN VARCHAR2,
1448     reference_id IN NUMBER,
1449     sqlset_owner IN VARCHAR2 := NULL);
1451   ----------------------------------- select_sqlset ---------------------------
1452   -- NAME:
1453   --     select_sqlset
1454   --
1455   -- DESCRIPTION:
1456   --     This is a table function to read sql tuning set content.
1457   --
1458   -- PARAMETERS:
1459   --     sqlset_name        (IN) - sqlset name to select from
1460   --     basic_filter       (IN) - SQL predicate to filter the SQL statements
1461   --                               from the specified sqlset
1462   --     object_filter      (IN) - objects that should exist in the object list
1463   --                               of selected SQL.  Currently not supported.
1464   --     ranking_measure(i) (IN) - an order-by clause on the selected SQL
1465   --     result_percentage  (IN) - a percentage on the sum of a ranking measure
1466   --     result_limit       (IN) - top L(imit) SQL from the (filtered) source
1467   --                               ranked by the ranking measure
1468   --     attribute_list     (IN) - list of SQL statement attributes to return
1469   --                               in the result.
1470   --                               The possible values are:
1471   --                               + BASIC: all attributes are
1472   --                                   returned except the plans and the object
1473   --                                   references. i.e., execution statistics
1474   --                                   and binds. The execution context is
1475   --                                   always part of the result.
1476   --                               + TYPICAL (default): BASIC + SQL plan
1477   --                                   (without row source statistics) and
1478   --                                   without object reference list.
1479   --                               + ALL: return all attributes
1480   --                               + Comma separated list of attribute names:
1481   --                                   this allows to return only a subset of
1482   --                                   SQL attributes:
1483   --                                     EXECUTION_STATISTICS,
1484   --                                     SQL_BINDS,
1485   --                                     SQL_PLAN,
1486   --                                     SQL_PLAN_STATISTICS: similar to
1487   --                                       SQL_PLAN + row source statistics.
1488   --     plan_filter       (IN) - plan filter. It is applicable in case there
1489   --                              are multiple plans (plan_hash_value)
1490   --                              associated to the same statement. This filter
1491   --                              allows selecting one plan (plan_hash_value)
1492   --                              only. Possible values are:
1493   --                              + LAST_GENERATED: plan with most recent
1494   --                                                timestamp.
1495   --                              + FIRST_GENERATED: opposite to LAST_GENERATED
1496   --                              + LAST_LOADED: plan with most recent
1497   --                                             first_load_time stat info.
1498   --                              + FIRST_LOADED: opposite to LAST_LOADED
1499   --                              + MAX_ELAPSED_TIME: plan with max elapsed
1500   --                                                  time
1501   --                              + MAX_BUFFER_GETS: plan with max buffer gets
1502   --                              + MAX_DISK_READS: plan with max disk reads
1503   --                              + MAX_DIRECT_WRITES: plan with max direct
1504   --                                                   writes
1505   --                              + MAX_OPTIMIZER_COST: plan with max opt. cost
1506   --     sqlset_owner      (IN) - the owner of the sqlset, or null for current
1507   --                              schema owner
1508   --     recursive_sql     (IN) - filter out the recursive SQL
1509   --                              if NO_RECURSIVE_SQL
1510   -- RETURN:
1511   --     This function returns a sqlset object.
1512   -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1513   FUNCTION select_sqlset(
1514     sqlset_name       IN VARCHAR2,
1515     basic_filter      IN VARCHAR2 := NULL,
1516     object_filter     IN VARCHAR2 := NULL,
1517     ranking_measure1  IN VARCHAR2 := NULL,
1518     ranking_measure2  IN VARCHAR2 := NULL,
1519     ranking_measure3  IN VARCHAR2 := NULL,
1520     result_percentage IN NUMBER   := 1,
1521     result_limit      IN NUMBER   := NULL,
1522     attribute_list    IN VARCHAR2 := 'TYPICAL',
1523     plan_filter       IN VARCHAR2 := NULL,
1524     sqlset_owner      IN VARCHAR2 := NULL,
1525     recursive_sql     IN VARCHAR2 := HAS_RECURSIVE_SQL)
1526   RETURN sys.sqlset PIPELINED;
1528   ---------------------------- select_cursor_cache ----------------------------
1529   -- NAME:
1530   --     select_cursor_cache
1531   --
1532   -- DESCRIPTION:
1533   --     This function is provided to be able to collect SQL statements from
1534   --     the Cursor Cache.
1535   --
1536   -- PARAMETERS:
1537   --     basic_filter       (IN) - SQL predicate to filter the SQL from the
1538   --                               cursor cache.
1539   --     object_filter      (IN) - specifies the objects that should exist in
1543   --     result_percentage  (IN) - a percentage on the sum of a rank measure.
1540   --                               the  object list of selected SQL from the
1541   --                               cursor cache.  Currently not supported.
1542   --     ranking_measure(i) (IN) - an order-by clause on the selected SQL.
1544   --     result_limit       (IN) - top L(imit) SQL from the (filtered) source
1545   --                               ranked by the ranking measure.
1546   --     attribute_list     (IN) - list of SQL statement attributes to return
1547   --                               in the result.
1548   --                               The possible values are:
1549   --                               + BASIC: all attributes are
1550   --                                   returned except the plans and the object
1551   --                                   references. i.e., execution statistics
1552   --                                   and binds. The execution context is
1553   --                                   always part of the result.
1554   --                               + TYPICAL (default): BASIC + SQL plan
1555   --                                   (without row source statistics) and
1556   --                                   without object reference list.
1557   --                               + ALL: return all attributes
1558   --                               + Comma separated list of attribute names:
1559   --                                   this allows to return only a subset of
1560   --                                   SQL attributes:
1561   --                                     EXECUTION_STATISTICS,
1562   --                                     SQL_BINDS,
1563   --                                     SQL_PLAN,
1564   --                                     SQL_PLAN_STATISTICS: similar
1565   --                                       to SQL_PLAN + row source statistics
1566   --
1567   --     recursive_sql       (IN) - filter out the recursive SQL
1568   --                                if NO_RECURSIVE_SQL
1569   -- RETURN:
1570   --     This function returns a sqlset object.
1571   -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1572   FUNCTION select_cursor_cache(
1573     basic_filter      IN VARCHAR2 := NULL,
1574     object_filter     IN VARCHAR2 := NULL,
1575     ranking_measure1  IN VARCHAR2 := NULL,
1576     ranking_measure2  IN VARCHAR2 := NULL,
1577     ranking_measure3  IN VARCHAR2 := NULL,
1578     result_percentage IN NUMBER   := 1,
1579     result_limit      IN NUMBER   := NULL,
1580     attribute_list    IN VARCHAR2 := 'TYPICAL',
1581     recursive_sql     IN VARCHAR2 := HAS_RECURSIVE_SQL)
1582   RETURN sys.sqlset PIPELINED;
1584   ------------------------- select_workload_repository ------------------------
1585   -- NAME:
1586   --     select_workload_repository
1587   --
1588   -- DESCRIPTION:
1589   --     This function is provided to be able to collect SQL statements from
1590   --     the workload repository. It is used to collect SQL statements from all
1591   --     snapshots between begin_snap and and end_snap or from a specified
1592   --     baseline.
1593   --
1594   -- PARAMETERS:
1595   --     begin_snap         (IN) - begin snapshot
1596   --     end_snap           (IN) - end snapshot
1597   --     baseline_name      (IN) - the name of the baseline period.
1598   --     basic_filter       (IN) - SQL predicate to filter the SQL from AWR.
1599   --     object_filter      (IN) - specifies the objects that should exist in
1600   --                               the  object list of selected SQL from AWR.
1601   --                               Currently not supported.
1602   --     ranking_measure(i) (IN) - an order-by clause on the selected SQL.
1603   --     result_percentage  (IN) - a percentage on the sum of a rank measure.
1604   --     result_limit       (IN) - top L(imit) SQL from the (filtered) source
1605   --                               ranked by the ranking measure.
1606   --     attribute_list     (IN) - list of SQL statement attributes to return
1607   --                               in the result.
1608   --                               The possible values are:
1609   --                               + BASIC: all attributes are
1610   --                                   returned except the plans and the object
1611   --                                   references. i.e., execution statistics
1612   --                                   and binds. The execution context is
1613   --                                   always part of the result.
1614   --                               + TYPICAL (default): BASIC + SQL plan
1615   --                                   (without row source statistics) and
1616   --                                   without object reference list.
1617   --                               + ALL: return all attributes
1618   --                               + Comma separated list of attribute names:
1619   --                                   this allows to return only a subset of
1620   --                                   SQL attributes:
1621   --                                     EXECUTION_STATISTICS,
1622   --                                     SQL_BINDS,
1623   --                                     SQL_PLAN,
1624   --                                     SQL_PLAN_STATISTICS: similar
1625   --                                       to SQL_PLAN + row source statistics
1626   --     recursive_sql       (IN) - filter out the recursive SQL
1627   --                                if NO_RECURSIVE_SQL
1628   -- RETURN:
1629   --     This function returns a sqlset object.
1630   -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1631   FUNCTION select_workload_repository(
1632     begin_snap        IN NUMBER,
1633     end_snap          IN NUMBER,
1637     ranking_measure2  IN VARCHAR2 := NULL,
1634     basic_filter      IN VARCHAR2 := NULL,
1635     object_filter     IN VARCHAR2 := NULL,
1636     ranking_measure1  IN VARCHAR2 := NULL,
1638     ranking_measure3  IN VARCHAR2 := NULL,
1639     result_percentage IN NUMBER   := 1,
1640     result_limit      IN NUMBER   := NULL,
1641     attribute_list    IN VARCHAR2 := 'TYPICAL',
1642     recursive_sql     IN VARCHAR2 := HAS_RECURSIVE_SQL)
1643   RETURN sys.sqlset PIPELINED;
1645   -------------------------- select_workload_repository -----------------------
1646   FUNCTION select_workload_repository(
1647     baseline_name     IN VARCHAR2,
1648     basic_filter      IN VARCHAR2 := NULL,
1649     object_filter     IN VARCHAR2 := NULL,
1650     ranking_measure1  IN VARCHAR2 := NULL,
1651     ranking_measure2  IN VARCHAR2 := NULL,
1652     ranking_measure3  IN VARCHAR2 := NULL,
1653     result_percentage IN NUMBER   := 1,
1654     result_limit      IN NUMBER   := NULL,
1655     attribute_list    IN VARCHAR2 := 'TYPICAL',
1656     recursive_sql     IN VARCHAR2 := HAS_RECURSIVE_SQL)
1657   RETURN sys.sqlset PIPELINED;
1659   ------------------------------ select_sql_trace -----------------------------
1660   -- NAME:
1661   --     select_sql_trace
1662   --
1663   -- DESCRIPTION:
1664   --     This table function reads the content of one or more trace
1665   --     files and returns the sql statements it finds in the format
1666   --     of sqlset_row.
1667   --
1668   -- PARAMETERS:
1669   --     directory     (IN) - directory/location/path of the trace file(s).
1670   --                          This field is mandatory.
1671   --     file_name     (IN) - all or part of name of the trace file(s)
1672   --                          to process. If NULL then the current or most
1673   --                          recent file in the specified localtion/path
1674   --                          will be used. '%' wildcards are supported for
1675   --                          matching trace file names.
1676   --     mapping_table_name
1677   --                   (IN) - the mapping table name. Note that
1678   --                          the mapping table name is case insensitive.
1679   --                          If the mapping table name is NULL, the mappings
1680   --                          in the current database will be used.
1681   --     mapping_table_owner
1682   --                   (IN) - the mapping table owner. If it is NULL, the
1683   --                          current user will be used.
1684   --     select_mode   (IN) - It is the mode for selecting sqls from the trace.
1685   --                          SINGLE_EXECUTION: return one execution of a SQL.
1686   --                                            It is the default.
1687   --                          ALL_EXECUTIONS: return all executions.
1688   --
1689   --     options       (IN) - the options.
1690   --                          LIMITED_COMMAND_TYPE: we only return the sqls
1691   --                          with the command types: CREATE, INSERT, SELECT,
1692   --                          UPDATE, DELETE, UPSERT. It is the default.
1693   --                          ALL_COMMAND_TYPE: return the sqls with all
1694   --                          command type.
1695   --     pattern_start (IN) - opening delimiting pattern of the trace file
1696   --                          section(s) to consider. NOT USED FOR NOW.
1697   --     pattern_end   (IN) - closing delimiting pattern of the trace file
1698   --                          section(s) to process. NOT USED FOR NOW.
1699   --     result_limit  (IN) - top SQL from the (filtered) source. Default
1700   --                          to MAXSB4 if NULL;
1701   --
1702   -- return:
1703   --     This function returns a sqlset_row object.
1704   --
1705   ------------------------------------------------------------------------
1706   -- EXAMPLE: LOAD SQLs from SQL TRACE INTO STS and convert it into trial
1707   ------------------------------------------------------------------------
1708   --  /* turn on the SQL trace in the capture database */
1709   --  alter session set events '10046 trace name context forever, level 4'
1710   --
1711   --  /* create mapping table from the capture database */
1712   --  create table mapping as
1713   --    select  object_id id, owner, substr(object_name, 1, 30) name
1714   --    from  dba_objects
1715   --    where object_type NOT IN ('CONSUMER GROUP', 'EVALUATION CONTEXT',
1716   --                              'FUNCTION', 'INDEXTYPE', 'JAVA CLASS',
1717   --                              'JAVA DATA', 'JAVA RESOURCE', 'LIBRARY',
1718   --                              'LOB', 'OPERATOR', 'PACKAGE',
1719   --                              'PACKAGE BODY', 'PROCEDURE', 'QUEUE',
1720   --                              'RESOURCE PLAN', 'TRIGGER', 'TYPE',
1721   --                              'TYPE BODY', 'SYNONYM')
1722   --    union all
1723   --    select  user_id id, username owner, null name
1724   --    from  dba_users;
1725   --
1726   --  /* create the STS on the database running the SPA */
1727   --  dbms_sqltune.create_sqlset('my_sts', 'test purpose');
1728   --
1729   --  /* load the sqls into STS from SQL TRACE */
1730   --  DECLARE
1731   --     cur sys_refcursor;
1732   --  BEGIN
1733   --     OPEN cur for
1734   --       select value(p)
1735   --         from TABLE(
1736   --            dbms_sqltune.select_sql_trace(
1737   --                    directory=>'SQL_TRACE_DIR',
1738   --                    file_name=>'%trc',
1739   --                    mapping_table_name=>'mapping')) p;
1740   --    dbms_sqltune.load_sqlset('my_sts', cur);
1741   --  END;
1742   --  /
1743   --
1744   --  /* create a trial from the STS */
1748   --  exec dbms_sqlpa.execute_analysis_task(task_name =>:aname,
1745   --  var aname varchar2(30)
1746   --  exec :aname := dbms_sqlpa.create_analysis_task(
1747   --                                  sqlset_name => 'my_sts');
1749   --                                  execution_type => 'convert sqlset');
1750   -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1751   FUNCTION select_sql_trace(
1752     directory              IN VARCHAR2,
1753     file_name              IN VARCHAR2 := NULL,
1754     mapping_table_name     IN VARCHAR2 := NULL,
1755     mapping_table_owner    IN VARCHAR2 := NULL,
1756     select_mode            IN POSITIVE := SINGLE_EXECUTION,
1757     options                IN BINARY_INTEGER := LIMITED_COMMAND_TYPE,
1758     pattern_start          IN VARCHAR2 := NULL,
1759     pattern_end            IN VARCHAR2 := NULL,
1760     result_limit           IN POSITIVE := NULL)
1761   RETURN sys.sqlset PIPELINED;
1763   ----------------------------- select_sqlpa_task -----------------------------
1764   -- NAME:
1765   --     select_sqlpa_task
1766   --
1767   -- DESCRIPTION:
1768   --     This function is provided to be able to collect SQL statements from
1769   --     a SQL performance analyzer task.  One example usage is for creating
1770   --     a SQL Tuning Set containing the subset of SQL statements that
1771   --     regressed during a SQL Performance Analyzer (SPA) experiment.
1772   --     Other arbitrary filters can also be specified.
1773   --
1774   -- PARAMETERS:
1775   --     task_name          (IN) - name of the SQL Performance Analyzer task
1776   --     task_owner         (IN) - owner of the SQL Performance Analyzer task.
1777   --                               If NULL, then assume the current user.
1778   --     execution_name     (IN) - name of the SQL Performance Analyzer task
1779   --                               execution (type COMPARE PERFORMANCE) from
1780   --                               which the change_filter will be applied.
1781   --                               If NULL, then assume the most recent
1782   --                               COMPARE PERFORMANCE execution.
1783   --     level_filter       (IN) - filter to specify which subset of SQLs
1784   --                               to include.  Same format as DBMS_SQLPA.
1785   --                                 REPORT_ANALYSIS_TASK.LEVEL, with some
1786   --                                 possible strings removed.
1787   --                               IMPROVED        - improved SQL
1788   --                               REGRESSED (default) - regressed SQL
1789   --                               CHANGED         - SQL w/ changed perf
1790   --                               UNCHANGED       - SQL w/ unchanged perf
1791   --                               CHANGED_PLANS   - SQL w/ plan changes
1792   --                               UNCHANGED_PLANS - SQL w/ unchanged plans
1793   --                               ERRORS          - SQL with errors only
1794   --                               MISSING_SQL     - Missing SQLs (Across STS)
1795   --                               NEW_SQL         - New SQLs (Across STS)
1796   --     basic_filter       (IN) - SQL predicate to filter the SQL in
1797   --                               addition to the filters above.
1798   --     object_filter      (IN) - specifies the objects that should exist in
1799   --                               the  object list of selected SQL from the
1800   --                               cursor cache.  Currently not supported.
1801   --     attribute_list     (IN) - list of SQL statement attributes to return
1802   --                               in the result.
1803   --                               The possible values are:
1804   --                               + BASIC: all attributes are
1805   --                                   returned except the plans and the object
1806   --                                   references. i.e., execution statistics
1807   --                                   and binds. The execution context is
1808   --                                   always part of the result.
1809   --                               + TYPICAL (default): BASIC + SQL plan
1810   --                                   (without row source statistics) and
1811   --                                   without object reference list.
1812   --                               + ALL: return all attributes
1813   --                               + Comma separated list of attribute names:
1814   --                                   this allows to return only a subset of
1815   --                                   SQL attributes:
1816   --                                     EXECUTION_STATISTICS,
1817   --                                     SQL_BINDS,
1818   --                                     SQL_PLAN,
1819   --                                     SQL_PLAN_STATISTICS: similar
1820   --                                       to SQL_PLAN + row source statistics
1821   --
1822   -- RETURN:
1823   --     This function returns a sqlset object.
1824   -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1825   FUNCTION select_sqlpa_task(
1826     task_name         IN VARCHAR2,
1827     task_owner        IN VARCHAR2 := NULL,
1828     execution_name    IN VARCHAR2 := NULL,
1829     level_filter      IN VARCHAR2 := 'REGRESSED',
1830     basic_filter      IN VARCHAR2 := NULL,
1831     object_filter     IN VARCHAR2 := NULL,
1832     attribute_list    IN VARCHAR2 := 'TYPICAL')
1833   RETURN sys.sqlset PIPELINED;
1835   -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1836   --          Pack / Unpack SQL tuning set procedures and functions          --
1837   --                                                                         --
1841   -- database link, etc), and then import them into the SQL tuning set       --
1838   -- SQL tuning sets can be moved ("packed") from their location on a system --
1839   -- into an opaque table in any user schema.  You can then move that table  --
1840   -- to another system using the method of your choice (expdp/impdp,         --
1842   -- schema on the new system ("unpack").                                    --
1843   --                                                                         --
1844   -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1845   ---------------------------------
1847   ---------------------------------
1848   --   /* Create a staging table to move to */
1849   --   dbms_sqltune.create_stgtab_sqlset(table_name => 'STAGING_TABLE');
1850   --
1851   --   /* Put two STS in the staging table */
1852   --   dbms_sqltune.pack_stgtab_sqlset(sqlset_name => 'my_sts',
1853   --                                   staging_table_name => 'STAGING_TABLE');
1854   --   dbms_sqltune.pack_stgtab_sqlset(sqlset_name => 'full_app_workload',
1855   --                                   staging_table_name => 'STAGING_TABLE');
1856   --
1857   --   /* transport STS_STAGING_TABLE to foreign system */
1858   --   ...
1859   --
1860   --   /* On new system, unpack both from staging table */
1861   --   dbms_sqltune.unpack_stgtab_sqlset(sqlset_name => '%',
1862   --                                    replace => TRUE,
1863   --                                    staging_table_name => 'STAGING_TABLE');
1864   --
1865   -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1867   ------------------------------- create_stgtab_sqlset ------------------------
1868   -- NAME:
1869   --     create_stgtab_sqlset
1870   --
1871   -- DESCRIPTION:
1872   --     This procedure creates a staging table to be used by the pack
1873   --     procedure.  Call it once before issuing a pack call.  It can
1874   --     be called on multiple schemas if you would like to have different
1875   --     tuning sets in different staging tables.
1876   --
1877   --     Note that this is a DDL operation, so it does not occur within a
1878   --     transaction.  Users issuing the call must have permission to create
1879   --     a table in the schema provided.
1880   --
1881   -- PARAMETERS:
1882   --     table_name          (IN)   - name of table to create (case-sensitive)
1883   --     schema_name         (IN    - user schema to create table within, or
1884   --                                  NULL for current schema owner
1885   --                                  (case-sensitive)
1886   --     tablespace_name     (IN)   - tablespace to store the staging table in,
1887   --                                  or NULL for schema's default tablespace
1888   --                                  (case-sensitive)
1889   --     db_version          (IN)   - database version to decide the format of
1890   --                                  the staging table. It is possible to
1891   --                                  create an older DB version staging table
1892   --                                  so that an STS can be exported to an
1893   --                                  older DB version.
1894   --                                  It can take one of the following values:
1895   --                                  NULL (default)          : current DB
1896   --                                                            version
1897   --                                  STS_STGTAB_10_2_VERSION : 10.2 DB version
1898   --                                  STS_STGTAB_11_1_VERSION : 11.1 DB version
1899   --                                  STS_STGTAB_11_2_VERSION : 11.2 DB version
1900   -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1901   PROCEDURE create_stgtab_sqlset(
1902     table_name           IN VARCHAR2,
1903     schema_name          IN VARCHAR2 := NULL,
1904     tablespace_name      IN VARCHAR2 := NULL,
1905     db_version           IN NUMBER   := NULL);
1907   ----------------------------- pack_stgtab_sqlset ----------------------------
1908   -- NAME:
1909   --     pack_stgtab_sqlset
1910   --
1911   -- DESCRIPTION:
1912   --     This function moves one or more STS from their location in the SYS
1913   --     schema to a staging table created by the create_stgtab_sqlset fct.
1914   --     It can be called several times to move more than one STS.  Users can
1915   --     then move the populated staging table to another system using any
1916   --     method of their choice, such as database link or datapump (expdp/
1917   --     impdp functions).  Users can then call unpack_stgtab_sqlset to create
1918   --     the STS on the other system.
1919   --
1920   --     Note that this fct commits after packing each STS, so if it raises
1921   --     an error mid-execution, some STS may already be in the staging table.
1922   --
1923   -- PARAMETERS:
1924   --     sqlset_name          (IN)  - name of STS to pack (not NULL).
1925   --                                  Wildcard characters ('%') are supported
1926   --                                  to move multiple STS in a single call.
1927   --     sqlset_owner         (IN)  - name of STS owner, or NULL for current
1928   --                                  schema owner. Wildcard characters ('%')
1929   --                                  are supported to pack STS from multiple
1930   --                                  owners in one call.
1931   --     staging_table_name   (IN)  - name of staging table, created by
1932   --                                  create_stgtab_sqlset (case-sensitive)
1933   --     staging_schema_owner (IN)  - name of staging table owner, or NULL for
1937   --                                  pack an STS to an older DB version
1934   --                                  current schema owner (case-sensitive)
1935   --     db_version           (IN)  - database version to decide the format of
1936   --                                  the staging table. It is possible to
1938   --                                  staging table so that it can be exported
1939   --                                  to an that version.
1940   --                                  It can take one of the following values:
1941   --                                  NULL (default)          : current DB
1942   --                                                            version
1943   --                                  STS_STGTAB_10_2_VERSION : 10.2 DB version
1944   --                                  STS_STGTAB_11_1_VERSION : 11.1 DB version
1945   --                                  STS_STGTAB_11_2_VERSION : 11.2 DB version
1946   -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1947   PROCEDURE pack_stgtab_sqlset(
1948     sqlset_name          IN VARCHAR2,
1949     sqlset_owner         IN VARCHAR2 := NULL,
1950     staging_table_name   IN VARCHAR2,
1951     staging_schema_owner IN VARCHAR2 := NULL,
1952     db_version           IN NUMBER   := NULL);
1954   --------------------------- unpack_stgtab_sqlset ----------------------------
1955   -- NAME:
1956   --     unpack_stgtab_sqlset
1957   --
1958   -- DESCRIPTION:
1959   --     Moves one or more STS from the staging table, as populated by a call
1960   --     to pack_stgtab_sqlset and moved by the user, into the STS schema,
1961   --     making them proper STS. Users can drop the staging table after this
1962   --     procedure completes successfully.
1963   --
1964   --     The unpack procedure commits after successfully loading each STS.  If
1965   --     it fails with one, no part of that STS will have been unpacked, but
1966   --     those which it saw previously will exist.  When failures occur due to
1967   --     sts name or owner conflicts, users should use the remap_stgtab_sqlset
1968   --     function to patch the staging table, and then call this procedure
1969   --     again to unpack those STS that remain.
1970   --
1971   -- PARAMETERS:
1972   --     sqlset_name          (IN)  - name of STS to unpack (not NULL).
1973   --                                  Wildcard characters ('%') are supported
1974   --                                  to unpack multiple STS in a single call.
1975   --                                  for example, just specify '%' to unpack
1976   --                                  all STS from the staging table.
1977   --     sqlset_owner         (IN)  - name of STS owner, or NULL for current
1978   --                                  schema owner.  Wildcards supported
1979   --     replace              (IN)  - replace STS if they already exist.
1980   --                                  If FALSE, function errors when trying to
1981   --                                  unpack an existing STS
1982   --     staging_table_name   (IN)  - name of staging table, moved after a call
1983   --                                  to pack_stgtab_sqlset (case-sensitive)
1984   --     staging_schema_owner (IN)  - name of staging table owner, or NULL for
1985   --                                  current schema owner (case-sensitive)
1986   -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1987   PROCEDURE unpack_stgtab_sqlset(
1988     sqlset_name          IN VARCHAR2 := '%',
1989     sqlset_owner         IN VARCHAR2 := NULL,
1990     replace              IN BOOLEAN,
1991     staging_table_name   IN VARCHAR2,
1992     staging_schema_owner IN VARCHAR2 := NULL);
1994   ------------------------------- remap_stgtab_sqlset -------------------------
1995   -- NAME:
1996   --     remap_stgtab_sqlset
1997   --
1998   -- DESCRIPTION:
1999   --     Changes the sqlset names and owners in the staging table so that they
2000   --     can be unpacked with different values than they had on the host
2001   --     system.
2002   --     Users should first check to see if the names they are changing to will
2003   --     conflict first -- this function does not enforce that constraint.
2004   --
2005   --     Users can call this procedure multiple times to remap more than one
2006   --     STS name/owner.  Note that this procedure only handles one STS per
2007   --     call.
2008   --
2009   -- PARAMETERS:
2010   --     old_sqlset_name      (IN)  - name of STS to target for a name/owner
2011   --                                  remap. Wildcards are NOT supported.
2012   --     old_sqlset_owner     (IN)  - name of STS owner to target for a
2013   --                                  remap.  NULL for current schema owner.
2014   --     new_sqlset_name      (IN)  - new name for STS. NULL to keep the same
2015   --                                  name.
2016   --     new_sqlset_owner     (IN)  - new owner name for STS.  NULL to keep the
2017   --                                  same owner name.
2018   --     staging_table_name   (IN)  - name of staging table (case-sensitive)
2019   --     staging_schema_owner (IN)  - name of staging table owner, or NULL for
2020   --                                  current schema owner (case-sensitive)
2021   --     old_con_dbid         (IN)  - old container db id to target for a
2022   --                                  remap. NULL to keep the same.
2023   --     new_con_dbid        (IN)  -  new container db id to replace with.
2024   --                                  NULL to keep the same.
2025   -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
2026   PROCEDURE remap_stgtab_sqlset(
2027     old_sqlset_name        IN VARCHAR2,
2028     old_sqlset_owner       IN VARCHAR2 := NULL,
2032     staging_schema_owner   IN VARCHAR2 := NULL,
2029     new_sqlset_name        IN VARCHAR2 := NULL,
2030     new_sqlset_owner       IN VARCHAR2 := NULL,
2031     staging_table_name     IN VARCHAR2,
2033     old_con_dbid           IN NUMBER   := NULL,
2034     new_con_dbid           IN NUMBER   := NULL);
2036   --------------------------- transform_sqlset_cursor -------------------------
2037   -- NAME:
2038   --     transform_sqlset_cursor
2039   --
2040   -- DESCRIPTION:
2041   --     This function transforms a user specified sql tuning set cursor to
2042   --     a table (function) so that the cursor can be queried in SQL query.
2043   --     The function is also used to transform an internal cursor created
2044   --     to contain all statements to be deleted from the sql tuning set using
2045   --     the delete_sqlset API.
2046   --
2047   --
2048   -- PARAMETERS:
2049   --     populate_cursor  (IN)  - cursor to transform.
2050   -- RETURN:
2051   --     rows of type sqlset_row.
2052   --
2053   -- NOTICE:
2054   --    !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2055   --    ! This function exists for internal use and MUST NOT be documented  !
2056   --    !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2057   ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
2058   FUNCTION transform_sqlset_cursor(
2059     populate_cursor IN sqlset_cursor)
2060   RETURN sys.sqlset PIPELINED;
2065   --+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--
2066   --+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--
2067   --                      --------------------------------                   --
2068   --                      SQL PROFILE PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS                   --
2069   --                      --------------------------------                   --
2070   --+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--
2071   --+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--
2072   -------------------
2074   --
2075   --
2078   --  SQL profiles are collections of SQL compiler statistics that can
2079   -- be associated to a particular SQL text.  During SQL parse
2080   -- (compilation) if a SQL profile is associated with the current
2081   -- SQL statement, the statistics within the profile will be made
2082   -- available to the compiler.  Profiles are matched to compiling
2083   -- SQL if the normalized text of the SQL statement matches the
2084   -- normalized SQL text provided at SQL profile creation time.  The
2085   -- normalization of the SQL text entails uppercasing all non-literal
2086   -- text and removal of all whitespace. The session
2087   -- performing the compilation must also have the same value for
2088   -- the parameter sqltune_category as the category under which the
2089   -- SQL Profile was created.  Category allows multiple profiles to exist
2090   -- for the same SQL statement.  It also allows a session to test
2091   -- profiles privately (by working and creating profiles in a unique
2092   -- category namespace).
2093   --  SQL profiles can only be used by certain SQL statement types.  These
2094   -- include:
2095   --    SELECT statements
2096   --    UPDATE statements
2097   --    INSERT (but only with a SELECT clause) statements
2098   --    DELETE statements
2099   --    CREATE TABLE (but only with the AS SELECT clause)
2100   --    MERGE statements (the upsert operation)
2101   --
2102   --  Internally executed SQL statements against the data dictionary
2103   -- (referred to as recursive dictionary SQL) will ignore profiles.  Also,
2104   -- any SQL executed before the database is open will not be able to
2105   -- lookup and use profiles.
2106   --  SQL profiles and stored outlines are related in that they influence
2107   -- the compilation of SQL.  If a stored outline can be used for
2108   -- compiling a SQL statement, then any profiles are ignored.  Note
2109   -- that a profile can be used during the SQL compilation that
2110   -- creates a stored outline.  For example, if there is a profile on
2111   -- a SQL statement that has the CREATE OUTLINE statement executed for
2112   -- it (and categories match), the profile will be used to determine
2113   -- the plan that will then be saved as the stored outline.
2114   --  A profile's status can be enabled or disabled.  A disabled profile
2115   -- will not be used for compiling cursors. When profiles are
2116   -- created/accepted they are enabled.  Use the ALTER_SQL_PROFILE procedure
2117   -- to toggle between the enabled and disabled status.
2118   --
2120   -------------------------
2122   -------------------------
2124   -- NAME: accept_sql_profile - accept a sqltune recommended SQL profile,
2125   --                            FUNCTION version
2126   -- PURPOSE:  This procedure accepts a SQL profile as recommended by the
2127   --           specified SQL tuning task.
2128   -- INPUTS: task_name    - (REQUIRED) The name of the SQL tuning task.
2129   --         object_id    - The identifier of the advisor framework object
2130   --                        representing the SQL statement associated
2131   --                        to the tuning task.
2132   --         name         - This is the name of the profile.  It cannot contain
2133   --                        double quotation marks. The name is case sensitive.
2134   --                        If not specified, the system will generate a unique
2138   --         category    -  This is the category name which must match the
2135   --                        name for the SQL profile.
2136   --         description -  A user specified string describing the purpose
2137   --                        of this SQL profile. Max size of description is 500
2139   --                        value of parameter SQLTUNE_CATEGORY in a session
2140   --                        for the session to use this profile.  It defaults
2141   --                        to the value "DEFAULT".  This is also the default
2142   --                        of the SQLTUNE_CATEGORY parameter.  The category
2143   --                        must be a valid Oracle identifier. The category
2144   --                        name specified is always converted to upper case.
2145   --                        The combination of the normalized SQL text and
2146   --                        category name create a unique key for a profile.
2147   --                        An accept will fail if this combination is
2148   --                        duplicated.
2149   --         task_owner  -  Owner of the tuning task. This is an optional
2150   --                        parameter that has to be specified to accept
2151   --                        a SQL Profile associated to a tuning task owned
2152   --                        by another user. The current user is the default
2153   --                        value.
2154   --         replace      - If the profile already exists, it will be
2155   --                        replaced if this argument is TRUE.
2156   --                        It is an error to pass a name that is already
2157   --                        being used for another signature/category pair,
2158   --                        even with replace set to TRUE.
2159   --         force_match  - If TRUE this causes SQL Profiles
2160   --                        to target all SQL statements which have the same
2161   --                        text after normalizing all literal values into
2162   --                        bind variables. (Note that if a combination of
2163   --                        literal values and bind values is used in a
2164   --                        SQL statement, no bind transformation occurs.)
2165   --                        This is analogous to the matching algorithm
2166   --                        used by the "FORCE" option of the
2167   --                        CURSOR_SHARING parameter.  If FALSE, literals are
2168   --                        not transformed.  This is analogous to the
2169   --                        matching algorithm used by the "EXACT" option of
2170   --                        the CURSOR_SHARING parameter.
2171   --         profile_type - The profile type. If NULL, it means the SQL
2172   --                        profile.
2173   --
2174   -- RETURNS: name        - The name of the SQL profile.
2175   --
2177   --            SQL PROFILE" privilege deprecated)
2178   --
2179   FUNCTION accept_sql_profile(
2180                    task_name    IN VARCHAR2,
2181                    object_id    IN NUMBER   := NULL,
2182                    name         IN VARCHAR2 := NULL,
2183                    description  IN VARCHAR2 := NULL,
2184                    category     IN VARCHAR2 := NULL,
2185                    task_owner   IN VARCHAR2 := NULL,
2186                    replace      IN BOOLEAN  := FALSE,
2187                    force_match  IN BOOLEAN  := FALSE,
2188                    profile_type IN VARCHAR2 := REGULAR_PROFILE)
2191   -- NAME: accept_sql_profile - accept a sqltune recommended SQL profile,
2192   --                            PROCEDURE version
2193   -- PURPOSE:  This procedure accepts a SQL profile as recommended by the
2194   --           specified SQL tuning task.
2195   -- INPUTS: task_name    - (REQUIRED) The name of the SQL tuning task.
2196   --         object_id    - Identifier of the advisor framework
2197   --                        object representing the SQL statement associated
2198   --                        to the tuning task.
2199   --         name         - This is the name of the profile.  It
2200   --                        cannot contain double quotation marks. The name is
2201   --                        case sensitive.
2202   --         description  - A user specified string describing the purpose
2203   --                        of this SQL profile. Max size of description is 500
2204   --         category     - This is the category name which must match the
2205   --                        value of parameter SQLTUNE_CATEGORY in a session
2206   --                        for the session to use this profile.  It defaults
2207   --                        to the value "DEFAULT".  This is also the default
2208   --                        of the SQLTUNE_CATEGORY parameter.  The category
2209   --                        must be a valid Oracle identifier. The category
2210   --                        name specified is always converted to upper case.
2211   --                        The combination of the normalized SQL text and
2212   --                        category name create a unique key for a profile.
2213   --                        An accept will fail if this combination is
2214   --                        duplicated.
2215   --         task_owner   - Owner of the tuning task. This is an optional
2216   --                        parameter that has to be specified to accept
2217   --                        a SQL Profile associated to a tuning task owned
2218   --                        by another user. The current user is the default
2219   --                        value.
2220   --         replace      - If the profile already exists, it will be
2221   --                        replaced if this argument is TRUE.
2225   --         force_match  - If TRUE this causes SQL Profiles
2222   --                        It is an error to pass a name that is already
2223   --                        being used for another signature/category pair,
2224   --                        even with replace set to TRUE.
2226   --                        to target all SQL statements which have the same
2227   --                        text after normalizing all literal values into
2228   --                        bind variables. (Note that if a combination of
2229   --                        literal values and bind values is used in a
2230   --                        SQL statement, no bind transformation occurs.)
2231   --                        This is analogous to the matching algorithm
2232   --                        used by the "FORCE" option of the
2233   --                        CURSOR_SHARING parameter.  If FALSE, literals are
2234   --                        not transformed.  This is analogous to the
2235   --                        matching algorithm used by the "EXACT" option of
2236   --                        the CURSOR_SHARING parameter.
2237   --         profile_type - The profile type. If NULL, it means the SQL
2238   --                        profile.
2239   --
2241   --            SQL PROFILE" privilege deprecated)
2242   --
2243   PROCEDURE accept_sql_profile(
2244                    task_name    IN VARCHAR2,
2245                    object_id    IN NUMBER   := NULL,
2246                    name         IN VARCHAR2 := NULL,
2247                    description  IN VARCHAR2 := NULL,
2248                    category     IN VARCHAR2 := NULL,
2249                    task_owner   IN VARCHAR2 := NULL,
2250                    replace      IN BOOLEAN  := FALSE,
2251                    force_match  IN BOOLEAN  := FALSE,
2252                    profile_type IN VARCHAR2 := REGULAR_PROFILE);
2254   --
2255   -- NAME: accept_all_sql_profiles - procedure to accept all sqltune
2256   --                                 recommended SQL profiles
2257   -- PURPOSE:  This procedure accepts all SQL profiles as recommended by the
2258   --           specified SQL tuning task.
2259   -- INPUTS:
2260   --     autotune_period (IN) - auto-sqltune time period. Applies only
2261   --                            to automatic sql tuning advisor task.
2262   --                            It is ignored if the specified task is not
2263   --                            auto-sqltune's.
2264   --                            Possible values are for this argument:
2265   --                            - NULL or negative value (default): meaning
2266   --                              all or full. The result includes all task
2267   --                              executions
2268   --                            - 0: result of the current/last task execution
2269   --                            - 1 (day): last 24 hours results
2270   --                            - 7 (days): last week (7 days)
2271   --                            - any other value will be interpreted as
2272   --                              follows:
2273   --                              time of the last task execution
2274   --                                MINUS
2275   --                              the value of this argument.
2276   --     execution_name  (IN) - name of the task execution to use. If NULL,
2277   --                            the report will be generated for the last task
2278   --                            execution.
2279   --
2280   -- NOTES:
2281   --     for the rest of input, see inputs of accept_sql_profile
2282   --
2283   PROCEDURE accept_all_sql_profiles(
2284                    task_name       IN VARCHAR2,
2285                    category        IN VARCHAR2 := NULL,
2286                    replace         IN BOOLEAN  := FALSE,
2287                    force_match     IN BOOLEAN  := FALSE,
2288                    profile_type    IN VARCHAR2 := REGULAR_PROFILE,
2289                    autotune_period IN NUMBER   := NULL,
2290                    execution_name  IN VARCHAR2 := NULL,
2291                    task_owner      IN VARCHAR2 := NULL,
2292                    description     IN VARCHAR2 := NULL);
2295   -- NAME: drop_sql_profile - drop a SQL profile
2296   -- PURPOSE:  This procedure drops the named SQL profile from the database.
2297   -- INPUTS: name      - (REQUIRED)Name of profile to be dropped.  The name
2298   --                     is case sensitive.
2299   --         ignore    - Ignore errors due to object not existing.
2301   --           SQL PROFILE" privilege deprecated)
2302   --
2303   PROCEDURE drop_sql_profile(
2304                    name          IN VARCHAR2,
2305                    ignore        IN BOOLEAN  := FALSE);
2307   -- NAME: alter_sql_profile - alter a SQL profile attribute
2308   -- PURPOSE: This procedure alters specific attributes of an existing
2309   --          SQL profile object.  The following attributes can be altered
2310   --          (using these attribute names):
2311   --            "STATUS" -> can be set to "ENABLED" or "DISABLED"
2312   --            "NAME"   -> can be reset to a valid name (must be
2313   --                        a valid Oracle identifier and must be
2314   --                        unique).
2315   --            "DESCRIPTION" -> can be set to any string of size no
2316   --                             more than 500
2317   --            "CATEGORY" -> can be reset to a valid category name (must
2318   --                          be valid Oracle identifier and must be unique
2319   --                          when combined with normalized SQL text)
2320   -- INPUTS: name      - (REQUIRED)Name of SQL profile to alter. The name
2324   --                     See list above for valid attribute names.
2321   --                     is case sensitive.
2322   --         attribute_name - (REQUIRED)The attribute name to alter (case
2323   --                     insensitive).
2325   --         value     - (REQUIRED)The new value of the attribute.  See list
2326   --                     above for valid attribute values.
2328   --           SQL PROFILE" privilege deprecated)
2329   --
2330   PROCEDURE alter_sql_profile(
2331                    name                 IN VARCHAR2,
2332                    attribute_name       IN VARCHAR2,
2333                    value                IN VARCHAR2);
2335   -- NAME:    import_sql_profile - import a SQL profile
2336   -- PURPOSE: This procedure is only used by import.
2337   -- INPUTS:   (see accept_sql_profile)
2339   --           SQL PROFILE" privilege deprecated)
2340   --
2341   PROCEDURE import_sql_profile(
2342                    sql_text      IN CLOB,
2343                    profile       IN sqlprof_attr,
2344                    name          IN VARCHAR2 := NULL,
2345                    description   IN VARCHAR2 := NULL,
2346                    category      IN VARCHAR2 := NULL,
2347                    validate      IN BOOLEAN  := TRUE,
2348                    replace       IN BOOLEAN  := FALSE,
2349                    force_match   IN BOOLEAN  := FALSE);
2351   PROCEDURE import_sql_profile(
2352                    sql_text      IN CLOB,
2353                    profile_xml   IN CLOB,
2354                    name          IN VARCHAR2 := NULL,
2355                    description   IN VARCHAR2 := NULL,
2356                    category      IN VARCHAR2 := NULL,
2357                    validate      IN BOOLEAN  := TRUE,
2358                    replace       IN BOOLEAN  := FALSE,
2359                    force_match   IN BOOLEAN  := FALSE);
2361   -- NAME: sqltext_to_signature - sql text to its signature
2362   -- PURPOSE:  This function returns a sql text's signature.
2363   --       The signature can be used to identify sql text in dba_sql_profiles.
2364   -- INPUTS:  sql_text    - (REQUIRED) sql text whose signature is required
2365   --          force_match - If TRUE this causes SQL Profiles
2366   --                        to target all SQL statements which have the same
2367   --                        text after normalizing all literal values into
2368   --                        bind variables. (Note that if a combination of
2369   --                        literal values and bind values is used in a
2370   --                        SQL statement, no bind transformation occurs.)
2371   --                        This is analogous to the matching algorithm
2372   --                        used by the "FORCE" option of the
2373   --                        CURSOR_SHARING parameter.  If FALSE (the default),
2374   --                        literals are not transformed.  This is analogous to
2375   --                        the matching algorithm used by the "EXACT" option
2376   --                        of the CURSOR_SHARING parameter.
2377   -- RETURNS: the signature of the specified sql text
2378   -- REQUIRES:
2379   --
2380   FUNCTION sqltext_to_signature(sql_text    IN CLOB,
2381                                 force_match IN BOOLEAN  := FALSE)
2384   -- NAME: sqltext_to_signature - sql text to its signature
2385   -- PURPOSE:  This function returns a sql text's signature.
2386   --       The signature can be used to identify sql text in dba_sql_profiles.
2387   -- INPUTS:  sql_text    - (REQUIRED) sql text whose signature is required
2388   --          force_match - If 1, this causes SQL Profiles
2389   --                        to target all SQL statements which have the same
2390   --                        text after normalizing all literal values into
2391   --                        bind variables. (Note that if a combination of
2392   --                        literal values and bind values is used in a
2393   --                        SQL statement, no bind transformation occurs.)
2394   --                        This is analogous to the matching algorithm
2395   --                        used by the "FORCE" option of the
2396   --                        CURSOR_SHARING parameter.  If 0, the default
2397   --                        literals are not transformed.  This is analogous to
2398   --                        the matching algorithm used by the "EXACT" option
2399   --                        of the CURSOR_SHARING parameter.
2400   -- RETURNS: the signature of the specified sql text
2401   -- COMMENTS: To enable calling from sql so that integer can be passed
2402   --           0 is FALSE rest is TRUE
2403   -- REQUIRES:
2404   --
2405   FUNCTION sqltext_to_signature(sql_text    IN CLOB,
2406                                 force_match IN BINARY_INTEGER)
2409   -------------------------
2411   -------------------------
2412   --  Profiles can be exported out of one system and imported into another
2413   --  by means of a staging table, provided by procedures in this package. Like
2414   --  with SQL tuning sets, the operation of inserting into the staging table
2415   --  is called a "pack", and the operation of creating profiles from staging
2416   --  table data is the "unpack".
2417   --  DBAs should perform a pack/unpack as follows:
2418   --
2419   --  1) Create a staging table through a call to create_stgtab_sqlprof
2420   --  2) Call pack_stgtab_sqlprof one or more times to write SQL profile
2424   --  4) Call unpack_stgtab_sqlprof to create sql profiles on the new system
2421   --     data into the staging table
2422   --  3) Move the staging table through the means of choice (e.g. datapump,
2423   --     database link, etc)
2425   --     from the profile data in the staging table
2426   --
2427   --
2428   --  EXAMPLES:
2429   --
2430   --  1) Create a staging table owned by user 'SCOTT':
2431   --     exec dbms_sqltune.create_stgtab_sqlprof(table_name => 'STAGING_TABLE',
2432   --                                             schema_name => 'SCOTT');
2433   --  2) Copy data for all SQL profiles in the DEFAULT category into a staging
2434   --     table owned by the current schema owner.
2435   --     exec dbms_sqltune.pack_stgtab_sqlprof(
2436   --                                  staging_table_name => 'STAGING_TABLE');
2437   --  3) Copy data for sql profile SP_FIND_EMPLOYEE only into a staging table
2438   --     owned by the current schema owner.
2439   --     exec dbms_sqltune.pack_stgtab_sqlprof(
2440   --                                  profile_name => 'SP_FIND_EMPLOYEE',
2441   --                                  staging_table_name => 'STAGING_TABLE');
2442   --  4) Change the name in the data for the SP_FIND_EMPLOYEE profile stored
2443   --     in the staging table to 'SP_FIND_EMP_PROD':
2444   --     exec dbms_sqltune.remap_stgtab_sqlprof(
2445   --                                  old_profile_name => 'SP_FIND_EMPLOYEE',
2446   --                                  new_profile_name => 'SP_FIND_EMP_PROD',
2447   --                                  staging_table_name => 'STAGING_TABLE');
2448   --  5) Create profiles for all the data stored in the staging table,
2449   --     replacing those that already exist
2450   --     exec dbms_sqltune.unpack_stgtab_sqlprof(
2451   --                                  replace => TRUE,
2452   --                                  staging_table_name => 'STAGING_TABLE');
2454   -- NAME: create_stgtab_sqlprof
2455   -- PURPOSE: This procedure creates the staging table used for transporting
2456   --          sql profiles from one system to another (just like SQL tuning
2457   --          set pack/unpack)
2458   -- INPUTS:  table_name      - (REQUIRED) the name of the table to create
2459   --                            (case-sensitive)
2460   --          schema_name     - schema to create the table in, or NULL for
2461   --                            current schema (case-sensitive)
2462   --          tablespace_name - tablespace to store the staging table within,
2463   --                            or NULL for current user's default tablespace
2464   --                            (case-sensitive)
2465   -- REQUIRES: "CREATE TABLE" privilege and tablespace quota
2466   --
2467   PROCEDURE create_stgtab_sqlprof(
2468                   table_name            IN VARCHAR2,
2469                   schema_name           IN VARCHAR2 := NULL,
2470                   tablespace_name       IN VARCHAR2 := NULL);
2472   -- NAME: pack_stgtab_sqlprof
2473   -- PURPOSE: This procedure packs into the staging table created by a call
2474   --          to create_stgtab_sqlprof.  It moves profile data out of the SYS
2475   --          schema into the staging table.
2476   --
2477   --          By default, we move all SQL profiles in category DEFAULT.  See
2478   --          the examples section above for details.  Note that this function
2479   --          issues a COMMIT after packing each sql profile, so if an error is
2480   --          raised mid-execution, some profiles may be in the staging table.
2481   --
2482   -- INPUTS:  profile_name         - name of profile to pack (% wildcards OK)
2483   --                                 (case-sensitive)
2484   --          profile_category     - category to pack profiles from
2485   --                                 (% wildcards OK, case-insensitive)
2486   --          staging_table_name   - (REQUIRED) the name of the table to use
2487   --                                 (case-sensitive)
2488   --          staging_schema_owner - schema where the table resides, or NULL
2489   --                                 for current schema (case-sensitive)
2491   --           "INSERT" privilege on staging table
2492   --
2493   PROCEDURE pack_stgtab_sqlprof(
2494                   profile_name          IN VARCHAR2 := '%',
2495                   profile_category      IN VARCHAR2 := 'DEFAULT',
2496                   staging_table_name    IN VARCHAR2,
2497                   staging_schema_owner  IN VARCHAR2 := NULL);
2499   -- NAME: unpack_stgtab_sqlprof
2500   -- PURPOSE: This procedure unpacks from the staging table populated by a call
2501   --          to pack_stgtab_sqlprof.  It uses the profile data stored in the
2502   --          staging table to create profiles on this system.  Users can opt
2503   --          to replace existing profiles with profile data when they exist
2504   --          already.  In this case, note that we can only replace profiles
2505   --          referring to the same statement if the names are the same (see
2506   --          accept_sql_profile).
2507   --
2508   --          By default, we move all SQL profiles in the staging table.  The
2509   --          function commits after successfully loading each profile.  If it
2510   --          fails creating an individual profile, it raises an error and does
2511   --          not proceed to the remaining ones in the staging table.  For
2512   --          profile name or category errors, users should use the
2513   --          remap_stgtab_sqlprof function to patch the staging table and then
2514   --          call unpack again to create the remaining profiles.
2515   --
2516   --
2520   --                                 (% wildcards OK, case-insensitive)
2517   -- INPUTS:  profile_name         - name of profile to unpack (% wildcards OK)
2518   --                                 (case-sensitive)
2519   --          profile_category     - category to unpack profiles from
2521   --          replace              - replace profiles if they already exist?
2522   --                                 Note that profiles cannot be replaced if
2523   --                                 one in the staging table has the same name
2524   --                                 as an active profile on different SQL.
2525   --                                 If FALSE, this function errors whenever a
2526   --                                 profile we try to create already exists.
2527   --          staging_table_name   - (REQUIRED) the name of the table to use
2528   --                                 (case-sensitive)
2529   --          staging_schema_owner - schema where the table resides, or NULL
2530   --                                 for current schema (case-sensitive)
2532   --           privilege on staging table ("CREATE ANY SQL PROFILE" privilege
2533   --           deprecated)
2534   --
2535   PROCEDURE unpack_stgtab_sqlprof(
2536                   profile_name          IN VARCHAR2 := '%',
2537                   profile_category      IN VARCHAR2 := '%',
2538                   replace               IN BOOLEAN,
2539                   staging_table_name    IN VARCHAR2,
2540                   staging_schema_owner  IN VARCHAR2 := NULL);
2542   -- NAME: remap_stgtab_sqlprof
2543   -- PURPOSE: This procedure allows DBAs to change the profile data values
2544   --          kept in the staging table prior to performing a unpack operation.
2545   --          It can be used, for example, to change the name of a profile if
2546   --          one already exists on the system with the same name.
2547   --
2548   -- INPUTS:  old_profile_name     - (REQUIRED) the name of the profile to
2549   --                                 target for a remap operation
2550   --                                 (case-sensitive)
2551   --          new_profile_name     - new name for profile, or NULL to remain
2552   --                                 the same (case-sensitive)
2553   --          new_profile_category - new category for the profile, or NULL to
2554   --                                 remain the same (case-insensitive)
2555   --          staging_table_name   - (REQUIRED) the name of the table to
2556   --                                 perform the remap operation
2557   --                                 (case-sensitive)
2558   --          staging_schema_owner - schema where the table resides, or NULL
2559   --                                 for current schema (case-sensitive)
2560   -- REQUIRES: "UPDATE" privilege on staging table
2561   --
2562   PROCEDURE remap_stgtab_sqlprof(
2563                   old_profile_name      IN VARCHAR2,
2564                   new_profile_name      IN VARCHAR2 := NULL,
2565                   new_profile_category  IN VARCHAR2 := NULL,
2566                   staging_table_name    IN VARCHAR2,
2567                   staging_schema_owner  IN VARCHAR2 := NULL);
2571   --+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--
2572   --+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--
2573   --                  -------------------------------------------            --
2574   --                  SQL MONITORING RELATED FUNCTIONS/PROCEDURE             --
2575   --                  -------------------------------------------            --
2576   --+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--
2577   --+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--
2579   ------------------------------- report_sql_monitor --------------------------
2580   -- NAME:
2581   --     report_sql_monitor
2582   --
2583   -- DESCRIPTION:
2584   --
2585   --     This function builds a report (text, simple/active html, xml) for
2586   --     the monitoring  information collected on behalf of the targeted
2587   --     statement execution.
2588   --
2589   --     The target SQL statement for this report can be:
2590   --
2591   --       - the last SQL monitored by Oracle (default, no parameter)
2592   --       - the last SQL executed by a specified session and monitored
2593   --         by Oracle. The session is identified by its session id and
2594   --         optionally it serial# (-1 is current session). For example, use
2595   --         sess_id=>-1 for the current session or sess_id=>20,
2596   --         sess_serial=>103 for session id 20, serial number 103.
2597   --       - the last execution of a specific statement identified by
2598   --         its sql_id.
2599   --       - a specific execution of a SQL statement identified by the
2600   --         triplet (sql_id, sql_exec_start and sql_exec_id).
2601   --
2602   -- PARAMETERS:
2603   --
2604   --      - sql_id:      SQL_ID for which monitoring information should be
2605   --                     displayed. Use NULL (the default) to display
2606   --                     monitoring information for the last statement
2607   --                     monitored by Oracle.
2608   --
2609   --      - session_id:  Target only the sub-set of statements executed and
2610   --                     monitored on behalf of the specified session.
2611   --                     Default is NULL. Use -1 or USERENV('SID') for current
2612   --                     seesion.
2613   --
2614   --      - session_serial:
2615   --                     In addition to the above <session_id> parameter, one
2619   --
2616   --                     can also specify its session serial to ensure that
2617   --                     the desired session incarnation is targeted. Ignored
2618   --                     when <session_id> is NULL.
2620   --      - (sql_exec_start, sql_exec_id):
2621   --                     Only applicable when <sql_id> is also specified and
2622   --                     can be used to display monitoring information for a
2623   --                     particular execution of <sql_id>. When NULL (the
2624   --                     default), the last execution of <sql_id> is shown.
2625   --
2626   --      - inst_id:     Only look at queries started on the specified
2627   --                     instance. Use -1 to target the current instance.
2628   --                     The default, NULL will target all instances.
2629   --
2630   --      - start_time_filter:
2631   --                     If non NULL, the report will show only activity
2632   --                     (from V$ACTIVE_SESSION_HISTORY) started after this
2633   --                     date. If NULL, the reported activity will start when
2634   --                     the targeted SQL statement has started.
2635   --
2636   --      - end_time_filter:
2637   --                     If non NULL, the report will show only activity
2638   --                     (from V$ACTIVE_SESSION_HISTORY) collected before this
2639   --                     date. If NULL, the reported activity will end when
2640   --                     the targeted SQL statement has ended or SYSDATE if the
2641   --                     statement is still executing.
2642   --
2643   --      - instance_id_filter:
2644   --                     Only look at activity for the specified instance. Use
2645   --                     NULL (the default) to target all instances. Only
2646   --                     relevant if the query runs parallel.
2647   --
2648   --      - parallel_filter:
2649   --                     Parallel filter applies only to parallel execution and
2650   --                     allows to select only a subset of the processes
2651   --                     involved in the parallel execution. The string
2652   --                     parallel_filter can be:
2653   --                     - NULL (target all parallel execution servers + the
2654   --                       query coordinator)
2655   --                     - ['qc'][servers(<svr_grp>[,] <svr_set>[,] <srv_num>)]
2656   --                        where any NULL value is interpreted as ALL.
2657   --
2658   --                      The following examples show how one can set
2659   --                      <parallel_filter> to target only a subset of the
2660   --                      parallel sessions:
2661   --                        - 'qc' to target only the query coordinator
2662   --                        - servers(1)': to target all px servers in group 1
2663   --                          servers(,2)': to target all px servers in set 1,
2664   --                                        any group
2665   --                        - servers(1,1)': group 1, set 1
2666   --                        - servers(1,2,4)': group 1, set 3, server number 4
2667   --                        - qc servers(1,2,4)': same as above by also
2668   --                          including QC
2669   --
2670   --      - plan_line_filter:
2671   --                     This filter selects activity and execution stats for
2672   --                     the specified line number in the plan of a SQL
2673   --
2674   --      - event_detail:
2675   --                     When set to 'no', the activity is aggregated by
2676   --                     wait_class only. Use 'yes' (the default) to aggregate
2677   --                     by (wait_class, event_name)
2678   --
2679   --     The next 2 parameters are used to control the activity histogram. By
2680   --     default, the maximum number of buckets is set to 128 and we derive the
2681   --     bucket_interval based on this. Basically, <bucket_interval> (value is
2682   --     in seconds) is computed such that it is the smallest possible power of
2683   --     2 value (starting at 1s) without causing to exceed the maximum number
2684   --     of buckets. For example, if the query has executed for 600s, we will
2685   --     pick a bucket_interval of 8s (a power of two) since 600/8 = 74 which
2686   --     is less than 128 buckets maximum. Smaller than 8s would be 4s, but
2687   --     that would cause to have more buckets than the 128 maximum.
2688   --     If <bucket_interval> is specified, we will use that value instead of
2689   --     deriving it from bucket_max_count.
2690   --
2691   --      - bucket_max_count:
2692   --                     If specified, this should be the maximum number of
2693   --                     histogram buckets created in the report
2694   --
2695   --      - bucket_interval:
2696   --                     If specified, this represents the exact time interval
2697   --                     in seconds, of all histogram buckets. If specified,
2698   --                     bucket_max_count is ignored.
2699   --
2700   --      - base_path:  this is the URL path for flex HTML ressources since
2701   --                    flex HTML format requires to access external files
2702   --                    (java scripts and the flash swf file itself).
2703   --
2704   --      - last_refresh_time:
2705   --                     If not null (default is null), time when the
2706   --                     report was last retrieved (see sysdate attribute
2707   --                     of the report tag). Use this option when you want
2708   --                     to display the report of an running query and when
2709   --                     that report is refreshed on a regular basis. This
2710   --                     will optimize the size of the report since only
2714   --                       is specified
2711   --                     the new/changed information will be returned. In
2712   --                     particular, the following will be optimized:
2713   --                     - SQL text will not be returned when this option
2715   --                     - activity histogram will start at the bucket that
2716   --                       intersect that time. The entire content of the
2717   --                       bucket will be return, even if last_refresh_time
2718   --                       is after the start of that bucket
2719   --
2720   --      - report_level:
2721   --                   level of detail for the report, either 'none', 'basic',
2722   --                   'typical' or 'all'. Default assumes 'typical'. Their
2723   --                   meanings are explained below.
2724   --
2725   --                   In addition, individual report sections can also
2726   --                   be enabled/disabled by using a +/-<section_name>.
2727   --                   Several sections are defined: 'plan', 'xplan',
2728   --                   'parallel', 'sessions', 'instance', 'binds', 'activity',
2729   --                   'activity_histogram', 'plan_histogram', 'metrics',
2730   --                   'other'.
2731   --                   Their meanings are as follows:
2732   --                     xplan          :   Show explain plan,
2733   --                                        ON by default
2734   --                     plan           :   Show plan monitoring stats,
2735   --                                        ON by default
2736   --                     sessions       :   Show session details. Applies only
2737   --                                        to parallel queries
2738   --                                        ON by default
2739   --                     instance       :   Show instance details. Applies only
2740   --                                        to parallel and cross instance
2741   --                                        queries
2742   --                                        ON by default
2743   --                     parallel       :   An umbrella parameter for
2744   --                                        specifying sessions+instance
2745   --                                        details
2746   --                     activity :         Show activity summary at global
2747   --                                        level, plan line level and session/
2748   --                                        instance level (if applicable).
2749   --                                        ON by default
2750   --                     binds          :   Show bind information when
2751   --                                        available ON by default
2752   --                     metrics        :   Show metric data (CPU, IOs, ...)
2753   --                                        over time
2754   --                                        ON by default
2755   --                     activity_histogram :
2756   --                                        Show an histogram of the overall
2757   --                                        query activity
2758   --                                        ON by default
2759   --                     plan_histogram  :  Show activity histogram at plan
2760   --                                        line level
2761   --                                        OFF by default
2762   --                     other           :  Other info
2763   --                                        ON by default
2764   --
2765   --                     In addition, SQL text can be specified at different
2766   --                     levels:
2767   --                     -sql_text      : No SQL text in report
2768   --                     +sql_text      : OK with partial SQL text, i.e. upto
2769   --                                      the first 2000 chars as stored in
2770   --                                      gv$sql_monitor
2771   --                     -sql_fulltext  : No full SQL text, i.e +sql_text
2772   --                     +sql_fulltext  : Show full SQL text (default value)
2773   --
2774   --                     The meanings of the three top-level report levels are:
2775   --                     none    = the minimum possible
2776   --                     basic   = sql_text-plan-xplan-sessions-instance
2777   --                               -activity_histogram-plan_histogram
2778   --                               -metrics
2779   --                     typical = everything but plan_histogram
2780   --                     all     = everything
2781   --
2782   --                    Only one of these 4 levels can be specified and if it
2783   --                    is, then it has to be at the start of the report_level
2784   --                    string
2785   --
2786   --                     Examples:
2787   --                       Use 'basic+parallel' to show the basic
2788   --                       report with additional section reporting parallel
2789   --                       information. Use 'all-plan-instance' for full
2790   --                       report minus plan detail and instance information.
2791   --
2792   --      - type:
2793   --            Report TYPE. Can be either 'TEXT' (text report, the default),
2794   --            'HTML' (simple HTML report, 'ACTIVE' (database active reports),
2795   --            'XML' (raw data for the report). Some information (activity
2796   --            histogram, metrics, ...) are only shown when the ACTIVE report
2797   --            type is selected.
2798   --
2799   --      - sql_plan_hash_value:
2800   --                     Target only those with the specified plan_hash_value.
2801   --                      Default is NULL.
2802   --
2803   --      - con_name: container name
2804   --
2808   --      - dbop_name    DQOP_NAME for which DB operation should be displayed
2805   --      - report_id: id of report in auto-report repository.
2806   --                   report ids can be found in dba_hist_reports.
2807   --
2809   --                     Use NULL to display the most recent monitored DB
2810   --                     operations or SQL
2811   --
2812   --      - dbop_exec_id the execution ID of the specified DBOP
2813   --
2814   -- RETURN:
2815   --     The SQL monitor report, an XML document
2816   --
2817   -- NOTE:
2818   --     The user tunning this function needs to have privilege to access the
2819   --     following fixed views:
2820   --       - GV$SQL_MONITOR
2821   --       - GV$SQL_PLAN_MONITOR
2823   --       - GV$SESSION_LONGOPS
2824   --       - GV$SQL if SQL fulltext is asked and its length is > 2K
2825   -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
2826   FUNCTION report_sql_monitor(
2827        sql_id                    in varchar2 default  NULL,
2828        session_id                in number   default  NULL,
2829        session_serial            in number   default  NULL,
2830        sql_exec_start            in date     default  NULL,
2831        sql_exec_id               in number   default  NULL,
2832        inst_id                   in number   default  NULL,
2833        start_time_filter         in date     default  NULL,
2834        end_time_filter           in date     default  NULL,
2835        instance_id_filter        in number   default  NULL,
2836        parallel_filter           in varchar2 default  NULL,
2837        plan_line_filter          in number   default  NULL,
2838        event_detail              in varchar2 default  'yes',
2839        bucket_max_count          in number   default  128,
2840        bucket_interval           in number   default  NULL,
2841        base_path                 in varchar2 default  NULL,
2842        last_refresh_time         in date     default  NULL,
2843        report_level              in varchar2 default 'TYPICAL',
2844        type                      in varchar2 default 'TEXT',
2845        sql_plan_hash_value       in number   default  NULL,
2846        con_name                  in varchar2 default  NULL,
2847        report_id                 in number   default  NULL,
2848        dbop_name                 in varchar2 default  NULL,
2849        dbop_exec_id              in number   default  NULL)
2850   RETURN clob;
2853   ------------------------------- report_sql_monitor_xml ----------------------
2854   -- NAME:
2855   --     report_sql_monitor_xml
2856   --
2857   -- DESCRIPTION:
2858   --
2859   --     Same as above function (report_sql_monitor()) except that the result
2860   --     is only XML, hence the return type is xmltype and two additional
2861   --     input parameters for DB operations
2862   --
2863   --      - dbop_name    DQOP_NAME for which DB operation should be displayed
2864   --                     Use NULL to display any monitored DB operations
2865   --
2866   --      - dbop_exec_id The execution ID of the given DBOP
2867   --
2868   --      - report_id: id of report in auto-report repository.
2869   --                   report ids can be found in dba_hist_reports.
2870   --
2871   -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
2872   FUNCTION report_sql_monitor_xml(
2873        sql_id                    in varchar2 default  NULL,
2874        session_id                in number   default  NULL,
2875        session_serial            in number   default  NULL,
2876        sql_exec_start            in date     default  NULL,
2877        sql_exec_id               in number   default  NULL,
2878        inst_id                   in number   default  NULL,
2879        start_time_filter         in date     default  NULL,
2880        end_time_filter           in date     default  NULL,
2881        instance_id_filter        in number   default  NULL,
2882        parallel_filter           in varchar2 default  NULL,
2883        plan_line_filter          in number   default  NULL,
2884        event_detail              in varchar2 default  'yes',
2885        bucket_max_count          in number   default  128,
2886        bucket_interval           in number   default  NULL,
2887        base_path                 in varchar2 default  NULL,
2888        last_refresh_time         in date     default  NULL,
2889        report_level              in varchar2 default 'TYPICAL',
2890        auto_refresh              in number   default  NULL,
2891        sql_plan_hash_value       in number   default  NULL,
2892        dbop_name                 in varchar2 default  NULL,
2893        dbop_exec_id              in number   default  NULL,
2894        con_name                  in varchar2 default  NULL,
2895        report_id                 in number   default  NULL)
2896   return xmltype;
2899   ---------------------------- report_sql_monitor_list ------------------------
2900   -- NAME:
2901   --     report_sql_monitor_list
2902   --
2903   -- DESCRIPTION:
2904   --
2905   --     This function builds a report for all or a sub-set of statements
2906   --     that have been monitored by Oracle. For each statement, it gives
2907   --     key information and associated global statistics.
2908   --
2909   --     Use report_sql_monitor() to get detail monitoring information for
2910   --     a single SQL statement
2911   --
2912   -- PARAMETERS:
2913   --
2914   --      - sql_id:      SQL_ID for which monitoring information should be
2918   --
2915   --                     displayed. Use NULL (the default) to display
2916   --                     monitoring information for the last statement
2917   --                     monitored by Oracle.
2919   --      - session_id:  Target only the sub-set of statements executed and
2920   --                     monitored on behalf of the specified session.
2921   --                     Default is NULL. Use -1 (or USERENV('SID')) for
2922   --                     current session.
2923   --
2924   --      - session_serial:
2925   --                     In addition to the above <session_id> parameter, one
2926   --                     can also specify its session serial to ensure that
2927   --                     the desired session incarnation is targeted. Ignored
2928   --                     when <session_id> is NULL.
2929   --
2930   --      - inst_id:     Only look at monitored statements originating from
2931   --                     the specified instance. Special value -1 can be used
2932   --                     to target the instance where the  report executed.
2933   --                     To target all instances, use NULL (the default).
2934   --
2935   --      - active_since_date:
2936   --                     If not null (default is null), only returns monitored
2937   --                     statements that have been active since specified
2938   --                     time. This includes all statements that are still
2939   --                     executing plus all statements that have completed
2940   --                     their execution after the specified date/time.
2941   --
2942   --      - active_since_sec:
2943   --                     Same as above but the date is specified relativelly
2944   --                     to the current sysdate minus specified number of
2945   --                     seconds. For example, use 3600 to limit the report
2946   --                     to all statements that have been active in the past
2947   --                     1 hour.
2948   --
2949   --      - active_before_date:
2950   --                     If not null (default is null), only returns monitored
2951   --                     statements that have been active before the specified
2952   --                     time.
2953   --
2954   --      - last_refresh_time:
2955   --                     If not null (default is null), date/time when the
2956   --                     list report was last retrieved. This is to optimize
2957   --                     the case where an application shows the list and
2958   --                     refresh the report on a regular basis (say once every
2959   --                     5s). In this case, the report will only show detail
2960   --                     about the execution of monitored queries that have
2961   --                     been active since the specified <last_refresh_time>.
2962   --                     For other queries, the report will only return the
2963   --                     execution key (i.e. sql_id, sql_exec_start,
2964   --                     sql_exec_id). Also, for queries that have their
2965   --                     first refresh time after the specified date, only
2966   --                     the SQL execution key and statistics are returned.
2967   --
2968   --      - dbop_name    DQOP_NAME for which DB operation should be displayed
2969   --                     Use NULL to display any monitored DB operations
2970   --
2971   --      - monitor_type MONITOR_TYPE_SQL will only return SQLs
2972   --                     MONITOR_TYPE_DBOP will only return DB Operations
2973   --                     MONITOR_TYPE_ALL will return all types
2974   --
2975   --      - max_sqltext_length
2976   --                     Maximum length of the SQL text. Default is null
2977   --                     (no limit).
2978   --
2979   --      - top_n_count  not null if we should only get the top-N SQL
2980   --                     statements. In that case, the parameter specifies
2981   --                     what N should be.
2982   --
2983   --      - top_n_rankby only used when top_n_count is not null. Specifies the
2984   --                     attribute to rank on. Potential values are:
2985   --                     'last_active_time': rank based on when the SQL was
2986   --                                         last active (top N most recent)
2987   --                     'duration':         rank on total  duration
2988   --                     'db_time':          rank on db time
2989   --                     'cpu_time':         rank on cpu time
2990   --                     'io_requests'       rank on IO requests
2991   --                     'io_bytes'          rank on IO bytes
2992   --
2993   --      - report_level:
2994   --                     level of detail for the report. The level can be
2995   --                     either basic (SQL text up to 200 character),
2996   --                     typical (include full SQL text assuming that cursor
2997   --                     has not aged out, in which case the SQL text is
2998   --                     included up to 2000 characters). report_level can
2999   --                     also be all which is the same as typical for now.
3000   --
3001   --      - con_name:    container_name
3002   --
3003   --      - top_n_detail_count
3004   --                     not null if we should get SQL monitor details
3005   --                     (i.e., sql monitor report for individual SQL),
3006   --                     but only for the top-N SQL statements (up to 10)
3007   --                     among all statements captured in the list report
3008   --                     and which is controlled by top_n_count parameter.
3009   --
3010   --
3011   --
3012   -- RETURN:
3016   -- NOTE:
3013   --     A report (xml, text, html) for the list of SQL statements that have
3014   --     been monitored.
3015   --
3017   --     The user tunning this function needs to have privilege to access the
3018   --     following fixed views:
3019   --       - GV$SQL_MONITOR and GV$SQL
3020   -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
3021  FUNCTION report_sql_monitor_list(
3022     sql_id                    in varchar2 default  NULL,
3023     session_id                in number   default  NULL,
3024     session_serial            in number   default  NULL,
3025     inst_id                   in number   default  NULL,
3026     active_since_date         in date     default  NULL,
3027     active_since_sec          in number   default  NULL,
3028     active_before_date        in date     default  NULL,
3029     last_refresh_time         in date     default  NULL,
3030     dbop_name                 in varchar2 default  NULL,
3031     monitor_type              in number   default  MONITOR_TYPE_ALL,
3032     max_sqltext_length        in number   default  NULL,
3033     top_n_count               in number   default  NULL,
3034     top_n_rankby              in varchar2 default  'last_active_time',
3035     report_level              in varchar2 default  'TYPICAL',
3036     auto_refresh              in number   default  NULL,
3037     base_path                 in varchar2 default  NULL,
3038     type                      in varchar2 default 'TEXT',
3039     con_name                  in varchar2 default  NULL,
3040     top_n_detail_count        in number   default  NULL)
3041   RETURN clob;
3043   ---------------------------- report_sql_monitor_list_xml -------------------
3044   -- NAME:
3045   --     report_sql_monitor_list_xml
3046   --
3047   -- DESCRIPTION:
3048   --
3049   --     Same as above function (report_sql_monitor) except that the result
3050   --     is only XML, hence the return type is xmltype
3051   --
3052   --      - dbop_name    DQOP_NAME for which DB operation should be displayed
3053   --                     Use NULL to display any monitored DB operations
3054   --
3055   --      - monitor_type MONITOR_TYPE_SQL will only return SQLs
3056   --                     MONITOR_TYPE_DBOP will only return DB Operations
3057   --                     MONITOR_TYPE_ALL will return all types
3058   --
3059   --      - dbop_name    DQOP_NAME for which DB operation should be displayed
3060   --                     Use NULL to display any monitored DB operations
3061   --
3062   --      - monitor_type MONITOR_TYPE_SQL will only return SQLs
3063   --                     MONITOR_TYPE_DBOP will only return DB Operations
3064   --                     MONITOR_TYPE_ALL will return all types
3065   --
3066   --      - max_sqltext_length
3067   --                     Maximum length of the SQL text. Default is null
3068   --                     (no limit).
3069   --
3070   --      - top_n_count  not null if we should only get the top-N SQL
3071   --                     statements. In that case, the parameter specifies
3072   --                     what N should be.
3073   --
3074   --      - top_n_rankby only used when top_n_count is not null. Specifies the
3075   --                     attribute to rank on. Potential values are:
3076   --                     'last_active_time': rank based on when the SQL was
3077   --                                         last active (top N most recent)
3078   --                     'duration':         rank on total  duration
3079   --                     'db_time':          rank on db time
3080   --                     'cpu_time':         rank on cpu time
3081   --                     'io_requests'       rank on IO requests
3082   --                     'io_bytes'          rank on IO bytes
3083   --
3084   --      - top_n_detail_count
3085   --                     not null if we should get SQL monitor details
3086   --                     (i.e., sql monitor report for individual SQL),
3087   --                     but only for the top-N SQL statements (up to 10)
3088   --                     among all statements captured in the list report
3089   --                     and which is controlled by top_n_count parameter.
3090   --
3091   --      - con_name     container name
3092   --
3093   --      - compress_xml compress resulting xml report
3094   --
3095   -- RETURN:
3096   --     A report (xml, text, html) for the list of SQL statements that have
3097   --     been monitored.
3098   --
3099   -- NOTE:
3100   --     The user tunning this function needs to have privilege to access the
3101   --     following fixed views:
3102   --       - GV$SQL_MONITOR and GV$SQL
3103   -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
3104  FUNCTION report_sql_monitor_list_xml(
3105     sql_id                    in varchar2 default  NULL,
3106     session_id                in number   default  NULL,
3107     session_serial            in number   default  NULL,
3108     inst_id                   in number   default  NULL,
3109     active_since_date         in date     default  NULL,
3110     active_since_sec          in number   default  NULL,
3111     active_before_date        in date     default  NULL,
3112     last_refresh_time         in date     default  NULL,
3113     report_level              in varchar2 default  'TYPICAL',
3114     auto_refresh              in number   default  NULL,
3115     base_path                 in varchar2 default  NULL,
3116     dbop_name                 in varchar2 default  NULL,
3117     monitor_type              in number   default  MONITOR_TYPE_ALL,
3118     max_sqltext_length        in number   default  NULL,
3122     con_name                  in varchar2 default  NULL,
3119     top_n_count               in number   default  NULL,
3120     top_n_rankby              in varchar2 default  'last_active_time',
3121     top_n_detail_count        in number   default  NULL,
3123     compress_xml              in binary_integer := 0)
3124   RETURN xmltype;
3126   --+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--
3127   --+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--
3128   --                  -------------------------------------------            --
3129   --                  SQL DETAIL RELATED FUNCTIONS/PROCEDURE                 --
3130   --                  -------------------------------------------            --
3131   --+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--
3132   --+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--
3134   ------------------------------- report_sql_detail ---------------------------
3135   -- NAME:
3136   --     report_sql_detail
3137   --
3138   -- DESCRIPTION:
3139   --
3140   -- This function builds a report for a specific sql_id.  For each sql_id
3141   -- it gives various statistics and details as obtained from the v$ views
3142   --
3143   -- PARAMETERS:
3144   --      - sql_id:      SQL_ID for which SQL statistics and details should
3145   --                     be displayed.  If NULL (default) display statistics
3146   --                     for the sql_id of the last sql statement executed
3147   --                     in the current session.
3148   --
3149   --      - sql_plan_hash_value:
3150   --                     Displays SQL statistics and details for a
3151   --                     specific plan_hash_value.
3152   --                     If NULL (default) displays statistics and details
3153   --                     for all plans of the sql_id.
3154   --
3155   --      - start_time:  If specified, shows SQL activity
3156   --                     (from gv$active_session_history) starting at
3157   --                     this time.
3158   --                     Default is NULL.
3159   --
3160   --     - duration:     duration of activity (ASH) in seconds for the report.
3161   --                     If NULL (default), then 3600 seconds
3162   --
3163   --     - inst_id:      target_instance to get sql details from
3164   --                     If NULL, uses data from all instances
3165   --                     If 0 or -1, uses current instance.
3166   --
3167   --     - dbid:         target dbid to get sql details from
3168   --                     If NULL, uses current dbid
3169   --
3170   --     - event_detail:
3171   --                     When set to 'no', the activity is aggregated by
3172   --                     wait_class only. Use 'yes' (the default) to aggregate
3173   --                     by (wait_class, event_name)
3174   --
3175   --     The next 2 parameters are used to control the activity histogram. By
3176   --     default, the maximum number of buckets is set to 128 and we derive the
3177   --     bucket_interval based on this. Basically, <bucket_interval> (value is
3178   --     in seconds) is computed such that it is the smallest possible power of
3179   --     2 value (starting at 1s) without causing to exceed the maximum number
3180   --     of buckets. For example, if the query has executed for 600s, we will
3181   --     pick a bucket_interval of 8s (a power of two) since 600/8 = 74 which
3182   --     is less than 128 buckets maximum. Smaller than 8s would be 4s, but
3183   --     that would cause to have more buckets than the 128 maximum.
3184   --     If <bucket_interval> is specified, we will use that value instead of
3185   --     deriving it from bucket_max_count.
3186   --
3187   --      - bucket_max_count:
3188   --                     If specified, this should be the maximum number of
3189   --                     histogram buckets created in the report
3190   --
3191   --      - bucket_interval:
3192   --                     If specified, this represents the exact time interval
3193   --                     in seconds, of all histogram buckets. If specified,
3194   --                     bucket_max_count is ignored.
3195   --
3196   --     - top_n:  Controls the number of entries to display per dimension
3197   --                     in the top dimensions section.  DEFAULT 10
3198   --
3199   --     - report_level: level of detail for the report, either 'basic',
3200   --                     'typical' or 'all'.
3201   --                     NULL (Default) assumes 'typical'. Their
3202   --                     meanings are explained below.
3203   --
3204   --                     In addition, individual report sections can also
3205   --                     be enabled/disabled by using a +/-<section_name>.
3206   --                     Several sections are defined, as follows:
3207   --                     Their meanings are as follows:
3208   --                     top            :   show top values for the
3209   --                                        ASH dimensions for a SQL statement
3210   --                                        ON by default
3211   --                     spm            :   show existing plan baselines
3212   --                                        for a SQL statement
3213   --                                        ON by default
3214   --                     sqltune        :   show SQL Tuning history for a
3215   --                                        SQL statement
3216   --                                        ON by default
3217   --                     sqlpatch       :   show SQL Patches for a
3218   --                                        SQL statement
3222   --                                        ON by default
3219   --                                        ON by default
3220   --                     tunehist       :   show SQL Tuning history for a
3221   --                                        SQL statement
3223   --                     mismatch       :   show reasons for creating
3224   --                                        new child cursors; i.e.
3225   --                                        sharing criteria violations
3226   --                                        OFF by default
3227   --                     stats          :   Show SQL execution stats per plan
3228   --                                        from gv$sqlarea_plan_hash
3229   --                                        ON by default
3230   --                     activity       :   Show top activity from ASH for
3231   --                                        each plan of a SQL statement
3232   --                                        ON by default
3233   --                     activity_all   :   Show top activity from ASH
3234   --                                        for each line of the plan for a
3235   --                                        SQL statement
3236   --                                        OFF by default
3237   --                     histogram      :   Show activity histogram for
3238   --                                        each plan of a SQL statement
3239   --                                        (plan timeline histogram)
3240   --                                        ON by default
3241   --                     sessions       :   Show activity for top sessions for
3242   --                                        each plan of a SQL satement
3243   --                                        OFF by default
3244   --                     monitor        :   Show one monitored SQL exectuion
3245   --                                        per execution plan
3246   --                                        ON by default
3247   --                     xplan          :   show execution plans
3248   --                                        ON by default
3249   --                     binds          :   show captured bind data
3250   --                                        ON by default
3251   --
3252   --                     In addition, SQL text can be specified at different
3253   --                     levels:
3254   --                     -sql_text      : No SQL text in report
3255   --                     +sql_text      : OK with partial SQL text, i.e. upto
3256   --                                      the first 2000 chars as stored in
3257   --                                      gv$sql
3258   --                     -sql_fulltext  : No full SQL text, i.e +sql_text
3259   --                     +sql_fulltext  : Show full SQL text (default value)
3260   --
3261   --                     The meanings of the three top-level report levels are:
3262   --                     basic   = sql_text+stats+activity
3263   --                               plan_histogram
3264   --                     typical = sql_fulltext+top+binds+stats+activity
3265   --                               +histogram+xplan+monitor+spm+sqltune
3266   --                               +sqlpatch+tunehist
3267   --                     all     = sql_fulltext+top+spm+sqltune+sqlpatch
3268   --                               +tunehist
3269   --                               +mismatch
3270   --                               +binds+stats+activity_all+histogram+sessions
3271   --                               +monitor+xplan
3272   --
3273   --                    Only one of these 3 levels can be specified and if it
3274   --                    is, then it has to be at the start of the report_level
3275   --                    string
3276   --
3277   --                     Examples:
3278   --                       Use 'basic+histogram' to show the basic
3279   --                       report with additional section reporting activity
3280   --                       information
3281   --
3282   --     - type:         'text','html' or 'xml'.  only 'xml' is implemented
3283   --                     currently.
3284   --
3285   --     - data_source:  determines data source of sql data
3286   --                     'memory' - gv$ views
3287   --                     'disk'   - dba_hist_*
3288   --                     'auto'   - automatically determines source based on
3289   --                                time frame (default)
3290   --
3291   --      - end_time:  If specified, shows SQL activity from start_time
3292   --                   to end_time
3293   --                     If NULL (default), systimestamp
3294   --
3295   --     - duration_stats: duration of additional SQL execution statistics
3296   --                     from AWR (in hours), for the report.
3297   --                     If NULL (default) then 24 hours
3298   --
3299   --     - con_name:   container name in CDB
3300   --
3301   --     Behavior of time parameters:
3302   --       if start_time and end_time are specified then
3303   --          duration and duration_stats are ignored
3304   --          activity and historical stats are retrieved from start_time to
3305   --          end_time
3306   --       if start_time is specified, but end_time is not specified then
3307   --          activity (ASH) is retrieved from start_time to duration
3308   --            (default duration is 3600 seconds)
3309   --          SQL execution stats is retrieved from start_time
3310   --          to duration_stats (default duration_stats is 24 hours)
3311   --       if start_time is not specified (DEFAULT), then
3312   --          activity (ASH) is retrieved for past duration seconds (default
3313   --            3600s) from end_time (if end_time is NULL, then use
3314   --            systimestamp)
3318   --       The default behavior is the past hour (3600s) of ASH activity
3315   --          SQL execution stats is retrieved for past duration_stats hours
3316   --            (default 24 hours) from end_time (if end_time is NULL,
3317   --            then use systimestamp)
3319   --       and the past 24 hours for SQL execution statistics.
3320   --
3321   -- RETURN
3322   --   The SQL Statistics Detail report, a CLOB document
3323   --
3324   -- NOTE:
3325   --   The user generating the report needs to have privileges to access
3326   --   the following fixed views:
3327   --     - GV$ASH_INFO
3329   --     - GV$SQLAREA_PLAN_HASH
3330   --     - GV$SQL
3331   --     - GV$SQL_SHARED_CURSOR
3332   --     - GV$SQL_BIND_CAPTURE
3333   --     - V$DATABASE
3334   --     - V$SESSION
3335   --     - GV$PARAMETER
3336   --     - DBA_HIST_* views
3337   --     - DBA_SQL_PROFILES
3338   --     - CDB_SQL_PROFILES
3339   --     - DBA_SQL_PLAN_BASELINES
3340   --     - CDB_SQL_PLAN_BASELINES
3343   --     - DBA_ADVISOR_* views
3344   --     - CDB_ADVISOR_* views
3345   --     - DBA_ADDM_* views
3346   --   and privileges required by the following packages
3347   --     - DBMS_XPLAN
3351   -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
3352   FUNCTION report_sql_detail(
3353        sql_id                   in  varchar2   default NULL,
3354        sql_plan_hash_value      in  number     default NULL,
3355        start_time               in  date       default NULL,
3356        duration                 in  number     default NULL,
3357        inst_id                  in  number     default NULL,
3358        dbid                     in  number     default NULL,
3359        event_detail             in  varchar2   default 'yes',
3360        bucket_max_count         in  number     default 128,
3361        bucket_interval          in  number     default NULL,
3362        top_n                    in  number     default 10,
3363        report_level             in  varchar2   default NULL,
3364        type                     in  varchar2   default 'ACTIVE',
3365        data_source              in  varchar2   default 'auto',
3366        end_time                 in  date       default NULL,
3367        duration_stats           in  number     default NULL,
3368        con_name                 in  varchar2   default NULL)
3369   RETURN clob;
3372   ------------------------------- report_sql_detail_xml -----------------------
3373   -- NAME:
3374   --     report_sql_detail_xml
3375   --
3376   -- DESCRIPTION:
3377   --
3378   --     This function builds a XML report on behalf of report_sql_detail().
3379   --     Please refer to that function for a full description.
3380   -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
3381   FUNCTION report_sql_detail_xml(
3382        sql_id                   in  varchar2   default NULL,
3383        sql_plan_hash_value      in  number     default NULL,
3384        start_time               in  date       default NULL,
3385        duration                 in  number     default NULL,
3389        bucket_max_count         in  number     default 128,
3386        inst_id                  in  number     default NULL,
3387        dbid                     in  number     default NULL,
3388        event_detail             in  varchar2   default 'yes',
3390        bucket_interval          in  number     default NULL,
3391        top_n                    in  number     default 10,
3392        report_level             in  varchar2   default NULL,
3393        data_source              in  varchar2   default 'auto',
3394        end_time                 in  date       default NULL,
3395        duration_stats           in  number     default NULL,
3396        con_name                 in  varchar2   default NULL)
3397   return xmltype;
3400   --+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--
3401   --+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--
3402   --                        ----------------------------                     --
3403   --                        UTILITY PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS                     --
3404   --                        ----------------------------                     --
3405   --+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--
3406   --+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--
3407   --------------------------------- extract_bind ------------------------------
3408   -- NAME:
3409   --     extract_bind
3410   --
3411   -- DESCRIPTION:
3412   --     Given the value of a bind_data column captured in v$sql and a
3413   --     bind position, this function returns the value of the bind
3414   --     variable at that position in the SQL statement. Bind position
3415   --     start at 1. This function returns value and type information for
3416   --     the bind (see object type SQL_BIND).
3417   --
3418   -- PARAMETERS:
3419   --     bind_data (IN) - value of bind_data column from v$sql
3420   --     position  (IN) - bind position in the statement (starts from 1)
3421   --
3422   -- RETURN:
3423   --     This function will return NULL if one of the condition below is
3424   --     true:
3425   --       - the specified bind variable was not captured (only interesting
3426   --         bind values used by the optimizer are captured)
3427   --       - bind position is invalid or out-of-bound
3428   --       - the specified bind_data is NULL.
3429   --
3430   -- NOTE:
3431   --     name of the bind in SQL_BIND object is not populated by this function
3432   -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
3433   FUNCTION extract_bind(
3434     bind_data   IN RAW,
3435     bind_pos    IN PLS_INTEGER) RETURN SQL_BIND;
3437   --------------------------------- extract_binds -----------------------------
3438   -- NAME:
3439   --     extract_binds
3440   --
3441   -- DESCRIPTION:
3442   --     Given the value of a bind_data column captured in v$sql
3443   --     this function returns the collection (list) of bind values
3444   --     associated to the corresponding SQL statement.
3445   --
3446   -- PARAMETERS:
3447   --     bind_data (IN) - value of bind_data column from v$sql
3448   --
3449   -- RETURN:
3450   --     This function returns collection (list) of bind values of
3451   --     type sql_bind.
3452   --
3453   -- NOTE:
3454   --     For the content of a bind value, refer to function extract_bind
3455   ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
3456   FUNCTION extract_binds(
3457     bind_data IN RAW)
3461   ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
3462   --                                                                        --
3463   --  !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  --
3465   --  !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  --
3466   --                                                                        --
3467   ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
3470   PROCEDURE set_auto_tuning_task_parameter(
3471     parameter IN VARCHAR2,
3472     value     IN VARCHAR2);
3475   PROCEDURE set_auto_tuning_task_parameter(
3476     parameter IN VARCHAR2,
3477     value     IN NUMBER);
3479   --
3480   FUNCTION build_stash_xml(
3481        session_id                in number   default  NULL,
3482        session_serial            in number   default  NULL,
3483        session_inst_id           in number   default  NULL,
3484        px_mode                   in varchar2 default  'yes',
3485        start_time                in date     default  NULL,
3486        end_time                  in date     default  NULL,
3487        missing_seconds           in number   default  NULL,
3488        instance_low_filter       in number   default  0,
3489        instance_high_filter      in number   default  10000,
3490        bucket_max_count          in number   default  128,
3491        bucket_interval           in number   default  NULL,
3492        report_level              in varchar2 default 'TYPICAL',
3493        cpu_cores                 in binary_integer  default  NULL,
3494        is_hyper                  in varchar2        default  NULL)
3495   RETURN xmltype;
3497   --
3498   PROCEDURE check_sqlset_privs(
3499     sqlset_name   IN VARCHAR2,
3500     sqlset_owner  IN VARCHAR2,
3501     sqlset_create IN BOOLEAN := false,
3502     read_only     IN BOOLEAN := false);
3504   --
3505   PROCEDURE check_sql_profile_priv(priv IN VARCHAR2);
3507   --
3508   PROCEDURE cap_sts_cbk(
3509       sqlset_name    IN VARCHAR2,
3510       iterations     IN POSITIVE,
3511       cap_option     IN VARCHAR2,
3515       sqlset_owner   IN VARCHAR2 := NULL);
3512       cap_mode       IN NUMBER,
3513       cbk_proc_name  IN VARCHAR2,
3514       basic_filter   IN VARCHAR2 := NULL,
3517   --
3518   FUNCTION prepare_sqlset_statement(
3519     sqlset_name        IN            VARCHAR2,
3520     sqlset_owner       IN            VARCHAR2,
3521     basic_filter       IN            VARCHAR2 := NULL,
3522     stmt_filter        IN            BOOLEAN  := FALSE,
3523     object_filter      IN            VARCHAR2 := NULL,
3524     plan_filter        IN            VARCHAR2 := NULL,
3525     rank1              IN            VARCHAR2 := NULL,
3526     rank2              IN            VARCHAR2 := NULL,
3527     rank3              IN            VARCHAR2 := NULL,
3528     result_percentage  IN            NUMBER   := 1,
3529     result_limit       IN            NUMBER   := NULL,
3530     attribute_list     IN            VARCHAR2 := NULL,
3531     attribute_selected IN OUT NOCOPY BINARY_INTEGER,
3532     wrap_obj_ctor      IN            BOOLEAN := FALSE,
3533     check_binds        IN            BOOLEAN := TRUE,
3534     sts_id             OUT           NUMBER,
3535     first_rows_hint    IN            BOOLEAN  :=  TRUE)
3538   --
3543   FUNCTION prepare_awr_statement(
3544     begin_snap         IN             NUMBER,
3545     end_snap           IN             NUMBER,
3546     basic_filter       IN             VARCHAR2 := NULL,
3547     stmt_filter        IN             BOOLEAN  := FALSE,
3548     object_filter      IN             VARCHAR2 := NULL,
3549     rank1              IN             VARCHAR2 := NULL,
3550     rank2              IN             VARCHAR2 := NULL,
3551     rank3              IN             VARCHAR2 := NULL,
3552     result_percentage  IN             NUMBER   := 1,
3553     result_limit       IN             NUMBER   := NULL,
3554     attribute_list     IN             VARCHAR2 := NULL,
3555     attribute_selected IN OUT NOCOPY  BINARY_INTEGER,
3556     flags              IN             NUMBER   := 0)
3559   --
3560   PROCEDURE sqlset_progress_stats(
3561     sqlset_name        IN            VARCHAR2,
3562     sqlset_owner       IN            VARCHAR2,
3563     basic_filter       IN            VARCHAR2 := NULL,
3564     plan_filter        IN            VARCHAR2 := NULL,
3565     rank1              IN            VARCHAR2 := NULL,
3566     rank2              IN            VARCHAR2 := NULL,
3567     rank3              IN            VARCHAR2 := NULL,
3568     result_percentage  IN            NUMBER   := 1,
3569     result_limit       IN            NUMBER   := NULL,
3570     sql_count          OUT           NUMBER,
3571     workload_time      OUT           NUMBER,
3572     exec_type#         IN            PLS_INTEGER);
3574   --
3575   PROCEDURE examine_stgtab(
3576     stgtab_owner       IN            VARCHAR2,
3577     stgtab             IN            VARCHAR2,
3578     sts_name           OUT           VARCHAR2,
3579     sts_owner          OUT           VARCHAR2);
3581   ------------------------- report_tuning_task_list_xml ----------------------
3582   -- NAME:
3583   --     report_tuning_task_list_xml - report a SQL tuning task list xml
3584   --
3585   -- DESCRIPTION:
3586   --     This procedure is called to display the list of SQL tuning tasks
3587   --     in XML format
3588   --
3589   -- PARAMETERS:
3590   --     result_limit    (IN) - top N most recent tasks based on their
3591   --                            last execution (start) time
3592   --     autotune_period (IN) - auto-sqltune time period. Applies only
3593   --                            to automatic sql tuning advisor task.
3594   --                            Possible values are for this argument:
3595   --                            - NULL: do not embed auto-sqltune task
3596   --                              to the task list XML
3597   --                            - negative value (default): meaning
3598   --                              all or full. The result includes all task
3599   --                              executions
3600   --                            - 0: result of the current/last task execution
3601   --                            - 1 (day): last 24 hours results
3602   --                            - 7 (days): last week (7 days)
3603   --                            - any other value will be interpreted as
3604   --                              follows:
3605   --                              time of the last task execution
3606   --                                MINUS
3607   --                              the value of this argument.
3608   --
3609   -- RETURNS
3610   --     A clob containing the desired report.
3611   ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
3612   FUNCTION report_tuning_task_list_xml(
3613     result_limit    IN NUMBER := 100,
3614     autotune_period IN NUMBER := NULL)
3615   RETURN xmltype;
3617   ------------------------- report_tuning_task_xml ---------------------------
3618   -- NAME:
3619   --     report_tuning_task_xml - report a SQL tuning task xml
3620   --
3621   -- DESCRIPTION:
3622   --     This procedure is called to display the results of a tuning task
3623   --     in XML format
3624   --
3625   -- PARAMETERS:
3626   --     task_name       (IN) - name of the task to report.
3627   --     level           (IN) - format of the recommendations.
3628   --                            Possible values are TYPICAL, BASIC, ALL.
3629   --     section         (IN) - particular section in the report.
3630   --                            Possible values are:
3631   --                              SUMMARY,
3632   --                              ALL.
3633   --     object_id       (IN) - identifier of the advisor framework object
3637   --                            the report is generated. Default is 160 which
3634   --                            that represents a given statement in a STS
3635   --                            (STS) or AWR.
3636   --     result_limit    (IN) - number of statements in a STS or AWR for which
3638   --                            corresponds to 20 * 8 categories of SQLs (with
3639   --                            profile, index, restructure SQL, alternate
3640   --                            plan, statistics, errors, informational,
3641   --                            and no-findings)
3642   --
3643   --     owner_name      (IN) - owner of the relevant tuning task. Defaults to
3644   --                            the current schema owner.
3645   --     execution_name  (IN) - name of the task execution to use. If NULL,
3646   --                            the report will be generated for the last task
3647   --                            execution.
3648   --     autotune_period (IN) - auto-sqltune time period. Applies only
3649   --                            to automatic sql tuning advisor task.
3650   --                            It is ignored if the specified task is not
3651   --                            auto-sqltune's.
3652   --                            Possible values are for this argument:
3653   --                            - NULL or negative value (default): meaning
3654   --                              all or full. The result includes all task
3655   --                              executions
3656   --                            - 0: result of the current/last task execution
3657   --                            - 1 (day): last 24 hours results
3658   --                            - 7 (days): last week (7 days)
3659   --                            - any other value will be interpreted as
3660   --                              follows:
3661   --                              time of the last task execution
3662   --                                MINUS
3663   --                              the value of this argument.
3664   --     report_tag        (IN) - name of the root xml tag. By default
3665   --                              is the report reference generated
3666   --                              by the reporting framework
3667   --
3668   -- RETURNS
3669   --     A clob containing the desired report.
3670   ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
3671   FUNCTION report_tuning_task_xml(
3672     task_name       IN VARCHAR2 := NULL,
3673     level           IN VARCHAR2 := LEVEL_TYPICAL,
3674     section         IN VARCHAR2 := SECTION_ALL,
3675     object_id       IN NUMBER   := NULL,
3676     result_limit    IN NUMBER   := 160,
3677     owner_name      IN VARCHAR2 := NULL,
3678     execution_name  IN VARCHAR2 := NULL,
3679     autotune_period IN NUMBER   := NULL,
3680     report_tag      IN VARCHAR2 := NULL)
3681   RETURN xmltype;
3683   ------------------------------ check_tuning_task_status --------------------
3684   -- NAME:
3685   --     check_tuning_task - check status of the specified tuning task
3686   --
3688   --     This function is called to check the status of a sqltune tuning task.
3689   --     It first checks the status of the specified task as recorded in
3690   --     the advisor framework which could have one of the following values:
3691   --       - INITIAL
3692   --       - EXECUTING
3693   --       - COMPLETED
3694   --       - INTERRUPTED
3695   --       - CANCELED
3696   --       - FATAL ERROR
3697   --
3698   --    Second, the task's status being "INITIAL" could mean that the task
3699   --    was created, but its execution is scheduled (by dbms_scheduler via
3700   --    schedule_tuning_task APIs) for later. In this case, the function
3701   --    does an extra work and checks the status/state of the scheduler job
3702   --    used to run the tuning task if any. Therefore, the status might have
3703   --    one of the following job states (see dba/all_scheduler_jobs):
3704   --      - JOB DISABLED
3705   --      - JOB SCHEDULED
3706   --      - JOB RETRY SCHEDULED
3707   --      - JOB BROKEN
3708   --      - JOB FAILED
3709   --
3710   -- PARAMETERS :
3711   --     task_name  (IN) - tuning task name
3712   --     task_owner (IN) - optional tuning task owner
3713   --
3714   -- RETURNS:
3715   --     SQL tuning task status
3716   --
3717   -- EXCEPTIONS:
3718   --     To be done
3719   ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
3720   FUNCTION check_tuning_task_status(
3721     task_name  IN VARCHAR2,
3722     task_owner IN VARCHAR2 := NULL)
3725   -------------------------- implement_tuning_task_xml -----------------------
3726   -- NAME:
3727   --     implement_tuning_task_xml - implement one or a set of recommendations
3728   --                                 from a tuning task
3729   --
3730   -- DESCRIPTION:
3731   --     This function will implement one or a set of recommendations made
3732   --     by the SQL Tuning Advisor.  Calling it is analogous to calling
3733   --     script_tuning_task and then running the script. This function is
3734   --     mainly called/used by EM express
3735   --
3736   -- PARAMETERS:
3737   --     task_name      (IN) - name of the task to implement the rec for
3738   --     rec_type       (IN) - filter the types of recs to implement.
3739   --                           Currently the only one supported is 'PROFILES'.
3740   --     object_id      (IN) - object identifying a given SQL statement
3741   --     owner_name     (IN) - owner of the relevant tuning task.  Defaults to
3742   --                           the current schema owner.
3743   --     execution_name (IN) - name of the task execution to use. If NULL, the
3744   --                           command will be generated for the last task
3745   --                           execution.
3746   --     plan_hash      (IN) - plan hash value of the plan to create the SQL
3747   --                           plan baseline for.
3751   --                           text after normalizing all literal values into
3748   --     category       (IN) - sqltune category
3749   --     force_match    (IN) - If different than 0 this causes SQL Profiles
3750   --                           to target all SQs which have the same
3752   --                           bind variables.
3753   --     autotune_period (IN) - auto-sqltune time period. Applies only
3754   --                            to automatic sql tuning advisor task.
3755   --                            It is ignored if the specified task is not
3756   --                            auto-sqltune's.
3757   --                            Possible values are for this argument:
3758   --                            - NULL or negative value (default): meaning
3759   --                              all or full. The result includes all task
3760   --                              executions
3761   --                            - 0: result of the current/last task execution
3762   --                            - 1 (day): last 24 hours results
3763   --                            - 7 (days): last week (7 days)
3764   --                            - any other value will be interpreted as
3765   --                              follows:
3766   --                              time of the last task execution
3767   --                                MINUS
3768   --                              the value of this argument.
3769   --     show_sql_only  (IN) - Use <> 0 if you would like to show the SQL
3770   --                           without running it. The SQL begin executed
3771   --                           will be returned in the XM
3772   -- RETURNS
3773   --     xml fragment with the show sql list of commands
3774   ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
3775   FUNCTION implement_tuning_task_xml(
3776     task_name       IN VARCHAR2,
3777     rec_type        IN VARCHAR2 := REC_TYPE_SQL_PROFILES,
3778     object_id       IN NUMBER   := NULL,
3779     owner_name      IN VARCHAR2 := NULL,
3780     execution_name  IN VARCHAR2 := NULL,
3781     plan_hash       IN NUMBER   := NULL,
3782     category        IN VARCHAR2 := NULL,
3783     force_match     IN NUMBER   := 0,
3784     autotune_period IN NUMBER   := NULL,
3785     show_sql_only   IN NUMBER   := 0)
3788   ---------------------------- alter_tuning_task_xml -------------------------
3789   -- NAME:
3790   --     alter_tuning_task_xml - alter an existing tuning task
3791   --
3792   -- DESCRIPTION:
3793   --     This function is called to alter an existing SQL tuning advisor task
3794   --
3795   -- PARAMETERS:
3796   --     task_name      (IN) - name of the task to alter
3797   --     action_type    (IN) - type of action to perform on the task.
3798   --                           The list of possible values are:
3799   --                           - drop
3800   --                           - interrupt
3801   --                           - resume
3802   --                           - cancel
3803   --                           - reset
3804   --
3805   --     show_sql_only  (IN) - Use <> 0 if you would like to show the SQL
3806   --                           without running it. The SQL begin executed
3807   --                           will be returned in the XML
3808   -- RETURNS
3809   --     xml fragment with the show sql list of commands
3810   ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
3811   FUNCTION alter_tuning_task_xml(
3812     task_name      IN VARCHAR2,
3813     action_type    IN VARCHAR2,
3814     show_sql_only  IN NUMBER   := 0)
3817   --------------------------- configure_tuning_task_xml -----------------------
3818   -- NAME:
3819   --     configure_tuning_task_xml - configure an existing tuning task
3820   --
3821   -- DESCRIPTION:
3822   --     This function is called to configure an existing SQL tuning advisor
3823   --     task
3824   --
3825   -- PARAMETERS:
3826   --     task_name       (IN) - name of the task to configure
3827   --     task_owner      (IN) - owner of the task
3828   --     task_parameters (IN) - task parameters to update
3829   --                           The list of possible values are:
3830   --                           - status
3831   --                           - autoimpl_status
3832   --                           - persql_time_limit
3833   --                           - exec_max_profiles
3834   --                           - auto_max_profiles
3835   --
3836   --     show_sql_only  (IN) - Use <> 0 if you would like to show the SQL
3837   --                           without running it. The SQL begin executed
3838   --                           will be returned in the XML
3839   -- RETURNS
3840   --     xml fragment with the show sql list of commands
3841   ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
3842   FUNCTION configure_tuning_task_xml(
3843     task_name       IN VARCHAR2,
3844     task_parameters IN arglist,
3845     task_owner      IN VARCHAR2 := NULL,
3846     show_sql_only   IN NUMBER   := 0)
3849 END dbms_sqltune;