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1 PACKAGE BODY ego_item_associations_util AS
2 /* $Header: EGOVIAUB.pls 120.6 2011/06/01 09:24:33 erwu ship $ */
4   G_SEARCH_CURSOR  NUMBER := dbms_sql.open_cursor;
6   G_PKG_NAME       VARCHAR2(30);
7   G_FILE_NAME      VARCHAR2(12);
8   G_USER_ID        fnd_user.user_id%TYPE;
9   G_PARTY_ID       hz_parties.party_id%TYPE;
10   G_LOGIN_ID       fnd_user.last_update_login%TYPE;
14   /*
15   -- Start of comments
16   --  API name    : set_globals
17   --  Type        : Private.
18   --  Function    : Sets the global constant values used in this package.
19   --  Pre-reqs    : None.
20   --  Version     : Initial version     1.0
21   --  Notes       : Sets the global constant values used in this package.
22   --                1. G_USER_ID - user id
23   --                2. G_SYSDATE - Creation Date and Update Date
24   --                3. G_LOGIN_ID - Login which is used to create/update.
25   -- End of comments
26   */
27   PROCEDURE set_globals
28   IS
29   BEGIN
30     -- fnd_global.apps_initialize(1068, 431, 24089);
31     --
32     -- file names
33     --
36     --
37     -- user values
38     --
39     G_USER_ID      := FND_GLOBAL.user_id;
40     G_LOGIN_ID     := FND_GLOBAL.login_id;
42     BEGIN
43       SELECT party_id
44         INTO G_PARTY_ID
45         FROM ego_user_v
46        WHERE USER_ID = G_USER_ID;
49         SELECT party_id, user_id
50           INTO G_PARTY_ID, G_USER_ID
51           FROM ego_user_v
53     END;
54   END set_globals;
57   /*
58   -- Start of comments
59   --  API name    : is_supplier_contact
60   --  Type        : Private.
61   --  Function    : Checks whether the party is a supplier contatc or not.
62   --  Pre-reqs    : None.
63   --  Version     : Initial version     1.0
64   --  Notes       : None.
65   -- End of comments
66   */
67   FUNCTION is_supplier_contact(p_party_id IN NUMBER) RETURN VARCHAR2
68   IS
69     l_vendor_contact VARCHAR2(1) := 'F';
70   BEGIN
71     SELECT 'T'
72       INTO l_vendor_contact
73       FROM dual
75            (
76           SELECT 1
77             FROM ap_supplier_contacts ascs
78          WHERE ascs.per_party_id = G_PARTY_ID
79          );
80     RETURN l_vendor_contact;
83         l_vendor_contact := 'F';
84     RETURN l_vendor_contact;
85   END is_supplier_contact;
87   /*
88   -- Start of comments
89   --  API name    : a_debug
90   --  Type        : Private.
91   --  Function    : Writes the debug message into debug table.
92   --  Pre-reqs    : None.
93   --  Version     : Initial version     1.0
94   --  Notes       : None.
95   -- End of comments
96   PROCEDURE a_debug(p_msg VARCHAR2)
98   BEGIN
100          VALUES (p_msg);
101     COMMIT;
102   END A_DEBUG;
103   */
107   -- Start of comments
108   --  API name    : search_supplier_and_site
109   --  Type        : Private.
110   --  Function    : Searches the supplier and site for the given criteria
111   --  Pre-reqs    :
112   --                i) Search criteria is built using the constants specified in ego_item_associations_util or EgoSearchAssociationAM.
113   --                ii) Search Columns and Criteria has same number of values
114   --                iii) If p_search_sites is fnd_api.G_FALSE, then the criteria
115   --                   for those columns should not be passed.
116   --                   Will result in SQL exception if passed.
117   --                iv) Atleast one criteria has been specified to search.
118   --                v) Passed organization id should be master organization id.  No validation will be done from search.  Wrong value
119   --                    will result in no rows.
120   --  Parameters  :
121   --  IN          : p_api_version       IN NUMBER Required
122   --                p_batch_id    IN OUT NOCOPY NUMBER Required
123   --                p_search_cols IN EGO_VARCHAR_TBL_TYPE Required
124   --                p_search_criteria IN EGO_VARCHAR_TBL_TYPE Required
125   --                p_search_sites IN VARCHAR2 Optional Default fnd_api.G_FALSE
126   --                p_filter_rows IN VARCHAR2 Optional Default fnd_api.G_FALSE
127   --                p_inventory_item_id IN NUMBER Optional Default NULL
128   --                p_master_org_id  IN NUMBER Required
129   --                p_search_existing_site_only IN VARCHAR2 Optional Default fnd_api.G_FALSE
130   --  Version     : Current version 1.0
131   --                Initial version   1.0
132   --  Notes       : p_search_cols contains the search criteria columns.  The list of columns are
133   --                defined as constants in ego_item_associations_util.
134   --                p_search_criteria will be corresponding search criteria for the columns.
135   --                Criteria and column names mapped based on index of the tables.
136   --                p_search_sites allows to search/return site results.
137   --                p_filter_rows specifies whether already associated needs to be filtered or not
138   --                p_inventory_item_id is the item id for which the check needs to be done.
139   --                Used only in single item flow.  In mass flow, the intersections are cartersians.
140   --                p_master_org_id  Master Organization Id in context of which the search needs to be performed
141   --                p_search_existing_site_only Searches only existing sites.  Used in item-site-org flow
142   --
143   -- End of comments
144   PROCEDURE search_supplier_and_site
145   (
146     p_api_version                IN NUMBER
147     ,p_batch_id                  IN OUT NOCOPY NUMBER
148     ,p_search_cols               IN EGO_VARCHAR_TBL_TYPE
149     ,p_search_criteria           IN EGO_VARCHAR_TBL_TYPE
150     ,p_search_sites              IN VARCHAR2 := fnd_api.G_FALSE
151     ,p_filter_rows               IN VARCHAR2 := fnd_api.G_FALSE
152     ,p_inventory_item_id         IN NUMBER := NULL
153     ,p_master_org_id             IN NUMBER
154     ,p_search_existing_site_only IN VARCHAR2 := fnd_api.G_FALSE
155     ,p_filter_suppliers          IN VARCHAR2 := fnd_api.G_FALSE
156   )
157   IS
158     PRAGMA AUTONOMOUS_TRANSACTION; /*Added for bug 8240551*/
159     l_insert_clause VARCHAR2(2000);
160     l_select_clause VARCHAR2(2000);
161     l_from_clause VARCHAR2(500);
162     l_where_clause VARCHAR2(2000);
163     l_filter_clause VARCHAR2(2000);
164     l_suppl_insert_clause VARCHAR2(2000);
165     l_suppl_select_clause VARCHAR2(2000);
166     l_suppl_from_clause VARCHAR2(2000);
167     l_suppl_where_clause VARCHAR2(2000);
168     l_rc NUMBER;
169     l_existing_suppliers_only VARCHAR2(1) := fnd_api.G_TRUE;
170     l_search_col_index NUMBER;
171     l_err_msg VARCHAR2 (2000);
172     l_api_name  CONSTANT VARCHAR2(30) := 'search_supplier_and_site';
173     l_api_version  CONSTANT NUMBER    := 1.0;
174     l_dynamic_sql VARCHAR2(32767);
175     l_sec_predicate VARCHAR2(32767);
176   BEGIN
177     -- Standard Start of API savepoint
178     SAVEPOINT search_supplier_and_site_pvt;
179     set_globals();
180     -- Standard call to check for call compatibility.
181     IF NOT fnd_api.Compatible_API_Call ( l_api_version
182                                          ,p_api_version
183                                          ,l_api_name
184                                          ,G_PKG_NAME )
185      THEN
187     END IF;
189     -- if batch is not null then delete the existing rows in ego_suppliersite_tmp
190     IF p_batch_id IS NULL THEN
191       -- dbms_output.put_line(' Deleting rows');
192 --      EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'DELETE FROM ego_suppliersite_tmp WHERE batch_id = :b_batch_id' USING p_batch_id;
193       -- else create one batch_id here.  This is only for temp tables..so get it from massupdate seq.
194 --    ELSE
195       SELECT ego_massupdate_s.NEXTVAL
196         INTO p_batch_id
197         FROM dual;
198     END IF;
199     -- construct the search result query dynamically
200     -- dbms_output.put_line(' Called search_supplier_and_sites' );
201     l_insert_clause := ' INSERT INTO ego_suppliersite_tmp ( created_by, creation_date, last_updated_by, last_update_date, select_flag, batch_id, supplier_id, supplier_number, supplier_name, duns_number, tax_payer_id, tax_registration_num ';
202     l_suppl_insert_clause := ' INSERT INTO ego_suppliersite_tmp ( created_by, creation_date, last_updated_by, last_update_date, select_flag, batch_id, supplier_id, supplier_number, supplier_name, duns_number, tax_payer_id, tax_registration_num ) ';
203     l_select_clause := ' SELECT fnd_global.USER_ID, sysdate, fnd_global.USER_ID, sysdate, ''Y'', :batch_id, aas.vendor_id, aas.segment1, aas.vendor_name, hp.duns_number_c, aas.num_1099, aas.vat_registration_num ';
204     l_suppl_select_clause := ' SELECT fnd_global.USER_ID, sysdate, fnd_global.USER_ID, sysdate, ''Y'', :batch_id, aas.vendor_id, aas.segment1, aas.vendor_name, hp.duns_number_c, aas.num_1099, aas.vat_registration_num ';
205     l_from_clause := ' FROM ap_suppliers aas, hz_parties hp ';
206     l_suppl_from_clause := ' FROM ap_suppliers aas, hz_parties hp ';
207     l_where_clause := ' WHERE aas.party_id = hp.party_id AND NVL(aas.end_date_active,SYSDATE+1) > SYSDATE ';
208     l_suppl_where_clause := ' WHERE aas.party_id = hp.party_id AND NVL(aas.end_date_active,SYSDATE+1) > SYSDATE ';
209     -- Add site related query if the search site flag is set
210     IF p_search_sites = fnd_api.G_TRUE THEN
211       -- dbms_output.put_line(' search sites is TRUE' );
212       l_insert_clause := l_insert_clause || ', supplier_site_id, supplier_site_name, city, state, country ';
213       l_select_clause := l_select_clause || ', asa.vendor_site_id, asa.vendor_site_code, asa.city, asa.state, asa.country ';
214       l_from_clause := l_from_clause || ', ap_supplier_sites_all asa';
215     END IF;
216     -- Columns needs to be inserted are added.  So close the paranthesis
217     l_insert_clause := l_insert_clause || ' ) ';
218     -- Add the search criteria blindly.  Since search column values are passed using constants,
219     -- which holds the exact column name with alias just add them to query and add bind values for the
220     -- criteria.
221     IF p_search_cols.FIRST IS NOT NULL THEN
222       l_search_col_index := 1;
223       -- Add criteria with AND condition.
224       WHILE l_search_col_index IS NOT NULL
225       LOOP
226         IF p_search_criteria(l_search_col_index) IS NOT NULL THEN
227           -- If there is supplier search criteria then search the sites for existing suppliers.
228           IF ( p_search_cols(l_search_col_index) = G_SUPPLIER_NAME
229            OR p_search_cols(l_search_col_index) = G_SUPPLIER_NUMBER
230            OR p_search_cols(l_search_col_index) = G_DUNS_NUMBER
231            OR p_search_cols(l_search_col_index) = G_TAX_PAYER_ID
232            OR p_search_cols(l_search_col_index) = G_TAX_REGISTRATION_NUMBER )
233            THEN
234             IF p_search_sites = fnd_api.G_TRUE AND l_existing_suppliers_only = fnd_api.G_TRUE
235              THEN
236               l_existing_suppliers_only := fnd_api.G_FALSE;
237             END IF;
238             l_suppl_where_clause := l_suppl_where_clause || ' AND ' || p_search_cols(l_search_col_index) || ' LIKE ' || ' :bv'||l_search_col_index;
239           END IF;
240           l_where_clause := l_where_clause || ' AND ' || p_search_cols(l_search_col_index) || ' LIKE ' || ' :bv'||l_search_col_index;
241         END IF;
242       l_search_col_index := p_search_cols.NEXT(l_search_col_index);
243       END LOOP;
244     END IF;
245     IF l_existing_suppliers_only = fnd_api.G_TRUE AND p_search_sites = fnd_api.G_TRUE AND p_inventory_item_id IS NOT NULL THEN
246       l_where_clause := l_where_clause ||
247                    ' AND EXISTS ( SELECT 1 FROM ego_item_associations eia1 ' ||
248                    ' WHERE eia1.inventory_item_id = :b_item_id AND eia1.data_level_id = 43103 ' ||
249                    ' AND eia1.pk1_value = aas.vendor_id AND eia1.organization_id = :b_master_org_id ) ';
250     END IF;
251     IF p_search_existing_site_only = fnd_api.G_TRUE AND p_inventory_item_id IS NOT NULL THEN
252       l_where_clause := l_where_clause ||
253                         ' AND EXISTS ( SELECT 1 FROM ego_item_associations eia2 ' ||
257     -- If we are searching for supplier sites then add the join condition to where clause
254                         ' WHERE eia2.data_level_id = 43104  AND eia2.pk2_value = asa.vendor_site_id ' ||
255                         ' AND eia2.inventory_item_id = :b_item_id AND eia2.organization_id = :b_master_org_id )';
256     END IF;
258     IF p_search_sites = fnd_api.G_TRUE THEN
259       l_where_clause := l_where_clause || ' AND asa.vendor_id = aas.vendor_id AND asa.org_id = fnd_profile.value(''ORG_ID'') and nvl(asa.inactive_date,SYSDATE + 1)>SYSDATE ';   --bug 11072046 NVL(aas.end_date_active,SYSDATE+1) > SYSDATE
260     END IF;
261     -- If filter rows is set to yes, then check whether any intersections already exists for this supplier site
262     IF p_search_sites = fnd_api.G_TRUE AND p_filter_rows = fnd_api.G_TRUE AND p_inventory_item_id IS NOT NULL THEN
263       l_where_clause := l_where_clause ||
264                   ' AND NOT EXISTS ( SELECT 1 FROM ego_item_associations eia4 ' ||
265                   ' WHERE eia4.inventory_item_id = :b_item_id AND eia4.data_level_id = 43104 ' ||
266                   ' AND eia4.pk2_value = asa.vendor_site_id AND eia4.organization_id = :b_master_org_id )';
267     END IF;
268     -- l_where_clause := l_where_clause || ' AND EXISTS ( SELECT 1 FROM ap_supplier_sites_all assa WHERE assa.vendor_id = aas.vendor_id ) ';
269     -- Filter for item-site-org intersection
270     -- This cannot be done, because the mass update org table is not populated.
271     -- IF p_search_existing_site_only = fnd_api.G_TRUE AND p_inventory_item_id IS NOT NULL THEN
272     --   l_where_clause := l_where_clause || ' AND NOT EXISTS ( SELECT 1 FROM ego_item_associations eia5, ' ||
273     --      ' ego_massupdate_org_tmp emot WHERE eia5.inventory_item_id = :b_item_id AND eia5.data_level_id = 43105  AND eia5.pk2_value = asa.vendor_site_id ' ||
274     --      'AND eia5.organization_id = emot.organization_id_child AND emot.batch_id = :b_batch_id )';
275     -- END IF;
276     -- a_debug(' l_insert_clause ' || l_insert_clause );
277     -- a_debug(' l_select_clause ' || l_select_clause );
278     -- a_debug(' l_from_clause ' || l_from_clause );
279     -- a_debug(' l_where_clause ' || l_where_clause );
280     -- a_debug(' l_filter_clause ' || l_filter_clause );
282     -- Construct the stmt by concatenating insert..select..from..where
283     g_search_stmt := l_insert_clause || l_select_clause || l_from_clause || l_where_clause;
284     IF is_supplier_contact(G_PARTY_ID) = FND_API.G_TRUE THEN
285       g_search_stmt := g_search_stmt || ' AND EXISTS ' ||
286                                   ' ( ' ||
287                                 '    SELECT 1 ' ||
288                                 '      FROM ego_vendor_v evv ' ||
289                                 '     WHERE evv.vendor_id = aas.vendor_id ' ||
290                               '       AND evv.user_id = :b_user_id '||
291                                   ' )';
293     END IF;
294     dbms_sql.parse( g_search_cursor, g_search_stmt, dbms_sql.native );
295     -- Bind the batch id which is the first parameter
296     dbms_sql.bind_variable( g_search_cursor, ':batch_id' , p_batch_id );
297     -- Bind the search criteria values
298     IF p_search_criteria.FIRST IS NOT NULL THEN
299       l_search_col_index := p_search_criteria.FIRST;
300       WHILE l_search_col_index IS NOT NULL
301       LOOP
302         IF p_search_criteria(l_search_col_index) IS NOT NULL THEN
303           --dbms_output.put_line(' Binding ' || ':bv' || l_search_col_index || ' value ' || p_search_criteria(l_search_col_index));
304           dbms_sql.bind_variable( g_search_cursor, ':bv' || l_search_col_index, p_search_criteria(l_search_col_index) );
305         l_search_col_index := p_search_criteria.NEXT(l_search_col_index);
306       END IF;
307       END LOOP;
308     END IF;
309     -- If there is no supplier search criteria then bind item id for the criteria
310     IF l_existing_suppliers_only = fnd_api.G_TRUE AND p_search_sites = fnd_api.G_TRUE AND p_inventory_item_id IS NOT NULL THEN
311       dbms_sql.bind_variable( g_search_cursor, ':b_item_id', p_inventory_item_id);
312       dbms_sql.bind_variable( g_search_cursor, ':b_master_org_id', p_master_org_id);
313     END IF;
314     IF p_search_existing_site_only = fnd_api.G_TRUE AND p_inventory_item_id IS NOT NULL THEN
315       dbms_sql.bind_variable( g_search_cursor, ':b_item_id', p_inventory_item_id);
316       dbms_sql.bind_variable( g_search_cursor, ':b_master_org_id', p_master_org_id);
317     END IF;
318     -- Bind the value for filter criteria of supplier site
319     IF p_search_sites = fnd_api.G_TRUE AND p_filter_rows = fnd_api.G_TRUE AND p_inventory_item_id IS NOT NULL THEN
320       dbms_sql.bind_variable( g_search_cursor, ':b_item_id', p_inventory_item_id);
321       dbms_sql.bind_variable( g_search_cursor, ':b_master_org_id', p_master_org_id);
322     END IF;
323     IF is_supplier_contact(G_PARTY_ID) = FND_API.G_TRUE THEN
324       dbms_sql.bind_variable( g_search_cursor, ':b_user_id' , G_USER_ID );
325     END IF;
328     -- Bind the value for filter condition of item-site-org intersection
329     -- This cannot be done, because the mass update org table is not populated.
330     --IF p_search_existing_site_only = fnd_api.G_TRUE AND p_inventory_item_id IS NOT NULL THEN
331     --  dbms_sql.bind_variable( g_search_cursor, ':b_item_id' , p_inventory_item_id );
332     --  dbms_sql.bind_variable( g_search_cursor, ':batch_id' , p_batch_id );
333         --END IF;
335     -- Execute the query which will insert the rows in ego_suppliersite_tmp
336     -- Execute only when search sites is TRUE
337     IF p_search_sites = fnd_api.G_TRUE THEN
338         l_rc := dbms_sql.execute( g_search_cursor );
339     END IF;
341     IF p_filter_suppliers = fnd_api.G_FALSE THEN
342       l_suppl_where_clause := l_suppl_where_clause || ' AND EXISTS ( SELECT 1 FROM ap_supplier_sites_all assa WHERE assa.vendor_id = aas.vendor_id AND assa.org_id = fnd_profile.value(''ORG_ID'') and nvl(assa.inactive_date,SYSDATE + 1)>SYSDATE ) ';
343       IF p_filter_rows = fnd_api.G_TRUE AND p_inventory_item_id IS NOT NULL THEN
347                    ' AND eia3.pk1_value = aas.vendor_id AND eia3.organization_id = :b_master_org_id )';
344         l_suppl_where_clause := l_suppl_where_clause ||
345                    ' AND NOT EXISTS ( SELECT 1 FROM ego_item_associations eia3 ' ||
346                    ' WHERE eia3.inventory_item_id = :b_item_id AND eia3.data_level_id = 43103 ' ||
348       END IF;
349       g_search_stmt := l_suppl_insert_clause || l_suppl_select_clause || l_suppl_from_clause || l_suppl_where_clause;
350       -- If filter rows is set to yes, then check whether any intersections already exists for this supplier
351       IF is_supplier_contact(G_PARTY_ID) = FND_API.G_TRUE
352       THEN
353         g_search_stmt := g_search_stmt || ' AND EXISTS ' ||
354                                   ' ( ' ||
355                                 '    SELECT 1 ' ||
356                                 '      FROM ego_vendor_v evv ' ||
357                                 '     WHERE evv.vendor_id = aas.vendor_id ' ||
358                               '       AND evv.user_id = :b_user_id '||
359                                   ' )';
361       END IF;
362       dbms_sql.parse( g_search_cursor, g_search_stmt, dbms_sql.native );
363       -- Bind the value for filter criteria of supplier
364       IF p_filter_rows = fnd_api.G_TRUE AND p_inventory_item_id IS NOT NULL THEN
365         dbms_sql.bind_variable( g_search_cursor, ':b_item_id', p_inventory_item_id);
366         dbms_sql.bind_variable( g_search_cursor, ':b_master_org_id', p_master_org_id);
367       END IF;
368       -- Bind the batch id which is the first parameter
369       dbms_sql.bind_variable( g_search_cursor, ':batch_id' , p_batch_id );
370       IF p_search_cols.FIRST IS NOT NULL THEN
371         l_search_col_index := 1;
372         -- Add criteria with AND condition.
373         WHILE l_search_col_index IS NOT NULL
374         LOOP
375         IF p_search_criteria(l_search_col_index) IS NOT NULL THEN
376           -- If there is supplier search criteria then search the sites for existing suppliers.
377           IF ( p_search_cols(l_search_col_index) = G_SUPPLIER_NAME
378           OR p_search_cols(l_search_col_index) = G_SUPPLIER_NUMBER
379           OR p_search_cols(l_search_col_index) = G_DUNS_NUMBER
380           OR p_search_cols(l_search_col_index) = G_TAX_PAYER_ID
381           OR p_search_cols(l_search_col_index) = G_TAX_REGISTRATION_NUMBER )
382            THEN
383                 dbms_sql.bind_variable( g_search_cursor, ':bv' || l_search_col_index, p_search_criteria(l_search_col_index) );
384           END IF;
385         END IF;
386         l_search_col_index := p_search_cols.NEXT(l_search_col_index);
387         END LOOP;
388       END IF;
389       IF is_supplier_contact(G_PARTY_ID) = FND_API.G_TRUE THEN
390         dbms_sql.bind_variable( g_search_cursor, ':b_user_id' , G_USER_ID );
391       END IF;
392       l_rc := dbms_sql.execute( g_search_cursor );
393     END IF;
394     COMMIT;  /*Added for bug 8240551*/
397        -- Sometimes the exception trace might be larger then 2000 characters.
398        -- But the complete error message should be less than 2000 characters.
399        -- Since the SQLERRM is a token with in the message, add only 1900
400        --  characters, which should be enough to identify the root cause
401        l_err_msg := 'Unexpected Error Occured: ' || SUBSTR(SQLERRM,1,1900);
402        fnd_message.set_name ('EGO', 'EGO_PLSQL_ERROR');
403        fnd_message.set_token ('PKG_NAME', G_PKG_NAME);
404        fnd_message.set_token ('API_NAME', l_api_name);
405        fnd_message.set_token ('SQL_ERR_MSG', l_err_msg);
406        --ROLLBACK TO search_supplier_and_site_pvt;
407        app_exception.raise_exception;
408   END search_supplier_and_site;
410 END ego_item_associations_util;