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Line 126: msc_hub_query d

122: else ms.supplier_site_id end, -23453),
123: trunc(case when l_plan_type in (101) then ms.new_schedule_date
124: else nvl(ms.new_order_placement_date, nvl(ms.firm_date,ms.new_schedule_date)) end)
125: ) f,
126: msc_hub_query d
127: where d.query_id=l_qid_last_date
128: and f.analysis_date between d.date1 and d.date2
129: group by
130: f.sr_instance_id,

Line 141: select msc_hub_query_s.nextval into l_qid_orgs from dual;

137: msc_phub_util.log('insert into msc_st_suppliers_f:required: '||sql%rowcount);
138: commit;
140: -- l_qid_orgs
141: select msc_hub_query_s.nextval into l_qid_orgs from dual;
142: insert /*+ append nologging */ into msc_hub_query (
143: query_id,
144: last_update_date,
145: last_updated_by,

Line 142: insert /*+ append nologging */ into msc_hub_query (

138: commit;
140: -- l_qid_orgs
141: select msc_hub_query_s.nextval into l_qid_orgs from dual;
142: insert /*+ append nologging */ into msc_hub_query (
143: query_id,
144: last_update_date,
145: last_updated_by,
146: creation_date,

Line 169: insert /*+ append nologging */ into msc_hub_query (

165: msc_phub_util.log('l_qid_orgs='||l_qid_orgs||', count='||sql%rowcount);
166: commit;
168: if (l_rowcount = 0) then
169: insert /*+ append nologging */ into msc_hub_query (
170: query_id,
171: last_update_date,
172: last_updated_by,
173: creation_date,

Line 270: msc_hub_query d

266: where l_plan_type in (6)
267: and mbid.plan_id=p_plan_id
268: and mbid.supplier_id is not null
269: ) f,
270: msc_hub_query d
271: where d.query_id=l_qid_last_date
272: and f.analysis_date between d.date1 and d.date2
273: group by
274: f.inventory_item_id,

Line 412: msc_hub_query o

408: f.avail_qty avail_qty,
409: (case when nvl(f.net_avail_qty,0) < 0 then 0 else f.net_avail_qty end) net_avail_qty
410: from
411: msc_st_suppliers_f f,
412: msc_hub_query o
413: where f.st_transaction_id=l_transfer_id
414: and f.error_code in (3)
415: and o.query_id=l_qid_orgs
416: ) f

Line 462: msc_hub_query d

458: fnd_global.conc_program_id, fnd_global.conc_login_id,
459: fnd_global.prog_appl_id, fnd_global.conc_request_id
460: from
461: msc_st_suppliers_f f,
462: msc_hub_query d
463: where f.st_transaction_id=l_transfer_id
464: and f.error_code in (4)
465: and d.query_id=l_qid_last_date
466: and f.analysis_date<=d.date2