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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 68

** Select all INSERTS
    CURSOR c1 IS
       SELECT organization_code OC, organization_id OI,
              assembly_item_id AII, assembly_item_number AIN,
              alternate_bom_designator ABD, bill_sequence_id BSI,
              component_sequence_id CSI, transaction_id TI,
              component_item_id CII, component_item_number CIN,
              location_name LN, supply_locator_id SLI,
              operation_seq_num OSN,
              to_char(effectivity_date, 'YYYY/MM/DD HH24:MI:SS') ED,
              bom_item_type BIT, transaction_type A, WIP_SUPPLY_TYPE WST,
	      supply_subinventory SS
         FROM bom_inventory_comps_interface
        WHERE process_flag = 1
          AND transaction_type = G_Insert
          AND (UPPER(interface_entity_type) = 'BILL'
	       OR interface_entity_type is null)
          AND (all_org = 1
               (all_org = 2 and organization_id = org_id))
          AND rownum < G_rows_to_commit;
Line: 92

    CURSOR c2 IS
       SELECT organization_code OC, organization_id OI,
              assembly_item_id AII, assembly_item_number AIN,
              alternate_bom_designator ABD, bill_sequence_id BSI,
              component_sequence_id CSI, transaction_id TI,
              component_item_id CII, component_item_number CIN,
              location_name LN, supply_locator_id SLI,
              operation_seq_num OSN, assembly_type AST,
              to_char(effectivity_date, 'YYYY/MM/DD HH24:MI:SS') ED,
              bom_item_type BIT, transaction_type A
         FROM bom_inventory_comps_interface
        WHERE process_flag = 1
          AND transaction_type in (G_UPDATE, G_DELETE)
          AND (UPPER(interface_entity_type) = 'BILL'
	       OR interface_entity_type is null)
          AND (all_org = 1
               (all_org = 2 and organization_id = org_id))
          AND rownum < G_rows_to_commit;
Line: 115

   /** G_INSERT is 'CREATE'. Update 'INSERT' to 'CREATE' **/
   stmt_num := 0.5 ;
Line: 118

      UPDATE bom_inventory_comps_interface
         SET transaction_type = G_Insert
       WHERE process_flag = 1
         AND upper(transaction_type) = 'INSERT'
         AND rownum < G_rows_to_commit;
Line: 132

      UPDATE bom_inventory_comps_interface ori
         SET organization_id = (SELECT organization_id
                                  FROM mtl_parameters a
                             WHERE a.organization_code = ori.organization_code)
       WHERE process_flag = 1
         AND upper(transaction_type) in (G_Insert, G_Delete, G_Update)
         AND (UPPER(ori.interface_entity_type) = 'BILL'
	       OR ori.interface_entity_type is null)
         AND organization_id is null
         AND organization_code is not null
         AND exists (SELECT organization_code
                       FROM mtl_parameters b
                      WHERE b.organization_code = ori.organization_code)
         AND rownum < G_rows_to_commit;
Line: 151

** FOR INSERTS - Assign transaction ids
   stmt_num := 1;
Line: 155

      UPDATE bom_inventory_comps_interface
         SET transaction_id = mtl_system_items_interface_s.nextval,
             component_sequence_id = bom_inventory_components_s.nextval,
             transaction_type = upper(transaction_type)
       WHERE transaction_id is null
         AND process_flag = 1
         AND upper(transaction_type) = G_Insert
         AND (UPPER(interface_entity_type) = 'BILL'
	       OR interface_entity_type is null)
         AND rownum < G_rows_to_commit;
Line: 172

** FOR UPDATES and DELETES - Assign transaction ids
   stmt_num := 1;
Line: 176

      UPDATE bom_inventory_comps_interface
         SET transaction_id = mtl_system_items_interface_s.nextval,
             transaction_type = upper(transaction_type)
       WHERE transaction_id is null
         AND process_flag = 1
         AND upper(transaction_type) in (G_UPDATE, G_DELETE)
         AND (UPPER(interface_entity_type) = 'BILL'
	       OR interface_entity_type is null)
         AND rownum < G_rows_to_commit;
Line: 192

** FOR INSERTS - Assign values
   WHILE continue_loop LOOP
      commit_cnt := 0;
Line: 221

            UPDATE bom_inventory_comps_interface
               SET process_flag = 3
             WHERE transaction_id = c1rec.TI;
Line: 254

               UPDATE bom_inventory_comps_interface
                  SET process_flag = 3
                WHERE transaction_id = c1rec.TI;
Line: 271

               SELECT bom.bill_sequence_id, msi.bom_item_type,
                 INTO c1rec.BSI, x_bom_item_type, x_atp_comp_flag
                 FROM bom_bill_of_materials bom,
		      mtl_system_items msi
                WHERE bom.organization_id = c1rec.OI
                  AND bom.assembly_item_id = c1rec.AII
                  AND nvl(bom.alternate_bom_designator, 'NONE') =
		     nvl(c1rec.ABD, 'NONE')
		  AND msi.organization_id = bom.organization_id
		  AND msi.inventory_item_id = bom.assembly_item_id;
Line: 296

                  UPDATE bom_inventory_comps_interface
                     SET process_flag = 3
                   WHERE transaction_id = c1rec.TI;
Line: 311

               SELECT bom.assembly_item_id, bom.organization_id,
		      bom.alternate_bom_designator, msi.bom_item_type,
                 INTO c1rec.AII, c1rec.OI, c1rec.ABD, x_bom_item_type,
                 FROM bom_bill_of_materials bom,
		      mtl_system_items msi
                WHERE bom.bill_sequence_id = c1rec.BSI
		  AND msi.organization_id = bom.organization_id
		  AND msi.inventory_item_id = bom.assembly_item_id;
Line: 335

                  UPDATE bom_inventory_comps_interface
                     SET process_flag = 3
                   WHERE transaction_id = c1rec.TI;
Line: 368

               UPDATE bom_inventory_comps_interface
                  SET process_flag = 3
                WHERE transaction_id = c1rec.TI;
Line: 398

		        SELECT wip_supply_type, wip_supply_subinventory,
                	  INTO c1rec.wst, c1rec.SS, c1rec.SLI
                	  FROM   mtl_system_items
                	 WHERE organization_id = c1rec.OI
                	   AND inventory_item_id = c1rec.CII;
Line: 420

                  	UPDATE bom_inventory_comps_interface
                     	SET process_flag = 3
                  	WHERE transaction_id = c1rec.TI;
Line: 444

               SELECT bom_item_type, default_include_in_rollup_flag,
		      atp_flag, pick_components_flag
                 INTO c1rec.BIT, x_rollup_flag, x_atp_flag, x_pick_components
                 FROM mtl_system_items
                WHERE organization_id = c1rec.OI
                  AND inventory_item_id = c1rec.CII;
Line: 464

                  UPDATE bom_inventory_comps_interface
                     SET process_flag = 3
                   WHERE transaction_id = c1rec.TI;
Line: 482

	    GOTO update_member;
Line: 500

            UPDATE bom_inventory_comps_interface
               SET process_flag = 3
             WHERE transaction_id = c1rec.TI;
Line: 531

               UPDATE bom_inventory_comps_interface
                  SET process_flag = 3
                WHERE transaction_id = c1rec.TI;
Line: 542

** Update Component with defaults and derived values
         stmt_num := 11;
Line: 561

         UPDATE bom_inventory_comps_interface
            SET component_item_id = nvl(component_item_id, c1rec.CII),
                                        item_num = nvl(item_num, 1),
                component_quantity = nvl(component_quantity, 1),
                component_yield_factor = nvl(component_yield_factor, 1),
                implementation_date = effectivity_date,
                planning_factor = nvl(planning_factor, 100),
                quantity_related = nvl(quantity_related, 2),
                so_basis = nvl(so_basis, 2),
                optional = nvl(optional, 2),
                mutually_exclusive_options = nvl(mutually_exclusive_options,2),
                include_in_cost_rollup = nvl(include_in_cost_rollup, decode(nvl(x_rollup_flag, 'Y'),'Y', 1, 2)),
                check_atp = nvl(check_atp, x_check_atp_default),
                required_to_ship = nvl(required_to_ship, 2),
                required_for_revenue = nvl(required_for_Revenue, 2),
                include_on_ship_docs = nvl(include_on_ship_docs, 2),
                include_on_bill_docs = nvl(include_on_bill_docs, 2),
                low_quantity = nvl(low_quantity, nvl(high_quantity,null)),
                high_quantity = nvl(high_quantity,nvl(low_quantity,null)),
                bill_sequence_id = nvl(bill_Sequence_id, c1rec.BSI),
                pick_components = decode(x_pick_components, 'Y', 1, 2),
		wip_supply_type = NVL(wip_supply_type, c1rec.wst),
		supply_subinventory = NVL(supply_subinventory, c1rec.ss),
                supply_locator_id = nvl(supply_locator_id, c1rec.SLI),
                assembly_item_id = nvl(assembly_item_id, c1rec.AII),
                alternate_bom_designator = nvl(alternate_bom_designator,
                organization_id = nvl(organization_id, c1rec.OI),
                creation_date = nvl(creation_date, sysdate),
                created_by = nvl(created_by, user_id),
                last_update_date = nvl(last_update_date, sysdate),
                last_updated_by = nvl(last_updated_by, user_id),
                last_update_login = nvl(last_update_login, user_id),
                request_id = nvl(request_id, req_id),
                program_application_id =nvl(program_application_id,prog_appid),
                program_id = nvl(program_id, prog_id),
                program_update_date = nvl(program_update_date, sysdate),
                process_flag = 2,
                bom_item_type = c1rec.BIT
          WHERE transaction_id = c1rec.TI;
Line: 603

** Update Product Family Member with defaults and derived values
         x_current_date := trunc(sysdate);
Line: 615

         UPDATE bom_inventory_comps_interface
            SET component_item_id 	 = nvl(component_item_id, c1rec.CII),
                bill_sequence_id 	 = nvl(bill_Sequence_id, c1rec.BSI),
                assembly_item_id         = nvl(assembly_item_id, c1rec.AII),
                alternate_bom_designator = nvl(alternate_bom_designator,
                organization_id 	 = nvl(organization_id, c1rec.OI),
		operation_seq_num 		= 1,
                item_num 			= 1,
                component_quantity 		= 1,
                component_yield_factor  	= 1,
                planning_factor 		= nvl(planning_factor,100),
                quantity_related 		= 2,
                so_basis 			= 2,
                optional 			= 2,
                mutually_exclusive_options 	= 2,
                required_to_ship 		= 2,
                required_for_revenue 		= 2,
                include_on_ship_docs 		= 2,
		effectivity_date 		= nvl(trunc(effectivity_date),
                implementation_date 		= nvl(trunc(effectivity_date),
                include_in_cost_rollup 		= decode(nvl(x_rollup_flag,
						  'Y'),'Y', 1, 2),
                check_atp 			= x_check_atp_default,
                pick_components 		= decode(x_pick_components,
						  'Y', 1, 2),
                bom_item_type 			= c1rec.BIT,
                supply_locator_id 		= null,
                low_quantity 			= null,
                high_quantity 			= null,
 		change_notice 			= null,
		shipping_allowed 		= null,
		acd_type 			= null,
		old_component_sequence_id 	= null,
		wip_supply_type 		= null,
		supply_subinventory 		= null,
		operation_lead_time_percent 	= null,
		revised_item_sequence_id 	= null,
		cost_factor 			= null,
		substitute_comp_id		= null,
		substitute_comp_number		= null,
		reference_designator		= null,
                creation_date = nvl(creation_date, sysdate),
                created_by = nvl(created_by, user_id),
                last_update_date = nvl(last_update_date, sysdate),
                last_updated_by = nvl(last_updated_by, user_id),
                last_update_login = nvl(last_update_login, user_id),
                request_id = nvl(request_id, req_id),
                program_application_id =nvl(program_application_id,prog_appid),
                program_id = nvl(program_id, prog_id),
                program_update_date = nvl(program_update_date, sysdate),
                process_flag = 2
          WHERE transaction_id = c1rec.TI;
Line: 683

** FOR UPDATES and DELETES - Assign values

   continue_loop := TRUE;
Line: 712

                  UPDATE bom_inventory_comps_interface
                     SET process_flag = 3
                   WHERE transaction_id = c2rec.TI;
Line: 747

                     UPDATE bom_inventory_comps_interface
                        SET process_flag = 3
                      WHERE transaction_id = c2rec.TI;
Line: 762

                  SELECT bom.bill_sequence_id, bom.assembly_type,
                    INTO c2rec.BSI, c2rec.AST, x_bom_item_type
                    FROM bom_bill_of_materials bom,
			 mtl_system_items msi
                   WHERE bom.organization_id = c2rec.OI
                     AND bom.assembly_item_id = c2rec.AII
                     AND nvl(bom.alternate_bom_designator, 'NONE') =
		        nvl(c2rec.ABD, 'NONE')
		     AND msi.organization_id = bom.organization_id
		     AND msi.inventory_item_id = bom.assembly_item_id;
Line: 787

                     UPDATE bom_inventory_comps_interface
                        SET process_flag = 3
                      WHERE transaction_id = c2rec.TI;
Line: 802

                  SELECT bom.assembly_item_id, bom.organization_id,
		         bom.alternate_bom_designator, bom.assembly_type,
                    INTO c2rec.AII, c2rec.OI, c2rec.ABD, c2rec.AST,
                    FROM bom_bill_of_materials bom,
			 mtl_system_items msi
                   WHERE bom.bill_sequence_id = c2rec.BSI
		     AND msi.organization_id = bom.organization_id
		     AND msi.inventory_item_id = bom.assembly_item_id;
Line: 826

                     UPDATE bom_inventory_comps_interface
                        SET process_flag = 3
                      WHERE transaction_id = c2rec.TI;
Line: 859

                  UPDATE bom_inventory_comps_interface
                     SET process_flag = 3
                   WHERE transaction_id = c2rec.TI;
Line: 874

               SELECT component_sequence_id
                 INTO c2rec.CSI
                 FROM bom_inventory_components
                WHERE bill_sequence_id = c2rec.BSI
                  AND component_item_id = c2rec.CII
                  AND operation_seq_num = decode(x_bom_item_type,
		      G_ProductFamily, 1, c2rec.OSN)
                  AND effectivity_date = to_date(c2rec.ED,
						 'YYYY/MM/DD HH24:MI:SS');
Line: 897

                  UPDATE bom_inventory_comps_interface
                     SET process_flag = 3
                   WHERE transaction_id = c2rec.TI;
Line: 911

               SELECT bbom.assembly_item_id, bbom.organization_id,
                      bbom.alternate_bom_designator, bbom.assembly_type,
                      bic.component_item_id, msi.bom_item_type
                 INTO c2rec.AII, c2rec.OI, c2rec.BSI, c2rec.ABD, c2rec.AST,
                      c2rec.CII, x_bom_item_type
                 FROM mtl_system_items msi,
		      bom_bill_of_materials bbom,
                      bom_inventory_components bic
                WHERE bbom.bill_sequence_id = bic.bill_sequence_id
                  AND bic.component_sequence_id = c2rec.CSI
		  AND msi.organization_id = bbom.organization_id
		  AND msi.inventory_item_id = bbom.assembly_item_id;
Line: 938

                  UPDATE bom_inventory_comps_interface
                     SET process_flag = 3
                   WHERE transaction_id = c2rec.TI;
Line: 949

** FOR UPDATES - Assign Supply Locator
	IF (c2rec.A = G_UPDATE) THEN
** For Product Family Members
            IF (x_bom_item_type = G_ProductFamily) THEN
               stmt_num := 10.1;
Line: 957

               UPDATE bom_inventory_comps_interface
                  SET component_sequence_id = c2rec.CSI,
                      component_item_id = c2rec.CII,
                      bill_sequence_id = c2rec.BSI,
                      organization_id = c2rec.OI,
                      assembly_item_id = c2rec.AII,
                      alternate_bom_designator = c2rec.ABD,
                      assembly_type = c2rec.AST,
                      last_update_date = nvl(last_update_date, sysdate),
                      last_updated_by = nvl(last_updated_by, user_id),
                      last_update_login = nvl(last_update_login, user_id),
                      request_id = nvl(request_id, req_id),
                      program_application_id =nvl(program_application_id,
                      program_id = nvl(program_id, prog_id),
                      program_update_date = nvl(program_update_date, sysdate),
                      process_flag = 2
                WHERE transaction_id = c2rec.TI;
Line: 1008

                     UPDATE bom_inventory_comps_interface
                        SET process_flag = 3
                      WHERE transaction_id = c2rec.TI;
Line: 1020

** Update "Update" record
            stmt_num := 11;
Line: 1023

            UPDATE bom_inventory_comps_interface
               SET component_sequence_id = c2rec.CSI,
                   component_item_id = c2rec.CII,
                   bill_sequence_id = c2rec.BSI,
                   organization_id = c2rec.OI,
                   assembly_item_id = c2rec.AII,
                   alternate_bom_designator = c2rec.ABD,
                   assembly_type = c2rec.AST,
                   supply_locator_id = c2rec.SLI,
                   implementation_date = nvl(new_effectivity_date, NULL),
                   last_update_date = nvl(last_update_date, sysdate),
                   last_updated_by = nvl(last_updated_by, user_id),
                   last_update_login = nvl(last_update_login, user_id),
                   request_id = nvl(request_id, req_id),
                   program_application_id =nvl(program_application_id,
                   program_id = nvl(program_id, prog_id),
                   program_update_date = nvl(program_update_date, sysdate),
                   process_flag = 2
             WHERE transaction_id = c2rec.TI;
Line: 1049

         ELSIF (c2rec.A = G_DELETE) THEN
            stmt_num := 8;
Line: 1051

            UPDATE bom_inventory_comps_interface
               SET component_sequence_id = c2rec.CSI,
                   component_item_id = c2rec.CII,
                   bill_sequence_id = c2rec.BSI,
                   organization_id = c2rec.OI,
                   assembly_item_id = c2rec.AII,
                   alternate_bom_designator = c2rec.ABD,
                   assembly_type = c2rec.AST,
                   process_flag = 2
             WHERE transaction_id = c2rec.TI;
Line: 1082

** INSERTS ONLY - Load rows from component interface into sub comp interface
   stmt_num := 1;
Line: 1085

   INSERT into bom_sub_comps_interface (
             NVL(LAST_UPDATED_BY, user_id),
             NVL(CREATED_BY, user_id),
             NVL(LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN, user_id),
             NVL(REQUEST_ID, req_id),
             NVL(PROGRAM_APPLICATION_ID, prog_appid),
             NVL(PROGRAM_ID, prog_id),
             NVL(PROGRAM_UPDATE_DATE, sysdate),
        FROM bom_inventory_comps_interface
       WHERE process_flag = 2
         AND transaction_type = G_Insert
         AND (UPPER(interface_entity_type) = 'BILL'
	       OR interface_entity_type is null)
         AND (substitute_comp_id is not null
              substitute_comp_number is not null);
Line: 1131

** INSERTS ONLY - Load rows from component interface into ref desgs interface
   stmt_num := 1;
Line: 1134

   INSERT INTO bom_ref_desgs_interface (
        NVL(LAST_UPDATED_BY, user_id),
        NVL(CREATED_BY, user_id),
        NVL(LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN, user_id),
        NVL(REQUEST_ID, req_id),
        NVL(PROGRAM_APPLICATION_ID, prog_appid),
        NVL(PROGRAM_ID, prog_id),
        NVL(PROGRAM_UPDATE_DATE, sysdate),
    FROM bom_inventory_comps_interface
   WHERE process_flag = 2
     AND transaction_type = G_Insert
     AND (UPPER(interface_entity_type) = 'BILL'
	       OR interface_entity_type is null)
     AND reference_designator is not null;
Line: 1192

  SELECT count(*) INTO l_total FROM bom_inventory_components WHERE
  bill_sequence_id = bill_seq_id;
Line: 1244

      SELECT 1
        INTO dummy
        FROM bom_inventory_components
       WHERE component_sequence_id = cmp_seq_id;
Line: 1271

   SELECT count(*)
     INTO dummy
     FROM bom_inventory_comps_interface
    WHERE component_sequence_id = cmp_seq_id
      AND (UPPER(interface_entity_type) = 'BILL'
	       OR interface_entity_type is null)
      AND process_flag = 4;
Line: 1346

      SELECT component_sequence_id
        INTO cnt
        FROM bom_inventory_components
       WHERE bill_sequence_id = bill_seq_id
         AND effectivity_date = to_date(eff_date,'YYYY/MM/DD HH24:MI:SS')
         AND component_item_id = cmp_item_id
         AND operation_seq_num = op_seq
         AND ((act = G_UPDATE AND component_sequence_id <> comp_seq_id)
              (act = G_Insert));
Line: 1367

      SELECT component_sequence_id
        INTO cnt
        FROM bom_inventory_comps_interface
       WHERE bill_sequence_id = bill_seq_id
         AND effectivity_date = to_date(eff_date,'YYYY/MM/DD HH24:MI:SS')
         AND component_item_id = cmp_item_id
         AND operation_seq_num = op_seq
         AND rownum = 1
         AND transaction_type in (G_Insert, G_UPDATE)
         AND (UPPER(interface_entity_type) = 'BILL'
	       OR interface_entity_type is null)
         AND process_flag = 4;
Line: 1433

   SELECT count(*)
     INTO dummy
     FROM bom_inventory_components
    WHERE bill_sequence_id = bom_id
      AND component_item_id = cmp_id
      AND operation_seq_num = op_num
      AND implementation_date is not null
      AND ((act = G_UPDATE AND component_sequence_id <> comp_seq_id)
           (act = G_Insert))
      AND ((dis_date is null
            AND to_date(eff_date,'YYYY/MM/DD HH24:MI:SS') <
                nvl(disable_date, to_date(eff_date,'YYYY/MM/DD HH24:MI:SS') +1))
           (dis_date is not null
            AND to_date(dis_date,'YYYY/MM/DD HH24:MI:SS') > effectivity_date
            AND to_date(eff_date,'YYYY/MM/DD HH24:MI:SS') <
                nvl(disable_date,to_date(eff_date,'YYYY/MM/DD HH24:MI:SS')+1)))
     AND not exists                              -- Added for Bug 1929222
           (  SELECT null
              FROM bom_inventory_comps_interface
              WHERE bill_sequence_id = bom_id
                AND process_flag = 4
                    AND component_item_id = cmp_id
                    AND operation_seq_num = op_num
                    AND implementation_date is not null
                AND transaction_type = G_UPDATE
                AND to_date(eff_date,'YYYY/MM/DD HH24:MI:SS') >=
               nvl(disable_date,to_date(eff_date,'YYYY/MM/DD HH24:MI:SS')+1)
Line: 1469

   SELECT count(*)
     INTO dummy
     FROM bom_inventory_comps_interface
    WHERE bill_sequence_id = bom_id
      AND process_flag = 4
      AND transaction_type in (G_Insert, G_UPDATE)
      AND (UPPER(interface_entity_type) = 'BILL'
	       OR interface_entity_type is null)
      AND component_item_id = cmp_id
      AND operation_seq_num = op_num
      AND implementation_date is not null
      AND ((dis_date is null
            AND to_date(eff_date,'YYYY/MM/DD HH24:MI:SS') <
                nvl(disable_date, to_date(eff_date,'YYYY/MM/DD HH24:MI:SS') +1))
           (dis_date is not null
            AND to_date(dis_date,'YYYY/MM/DD HH24:MI:SS') > effectivity_date
            AND to_date(eff_date,'YYYY/MM/DD HH24:MI:SS') <
               nvl(disable_date,to_date(eff_date,'YYYY/MM/DD HH24:MI:SS') +1)));
Line: 1561

     INTO dummy
     FROM mtl_system_items assy, mtl_system_items comp
    WHERE comp.organization_id = org_id
      AND assy.organization_id = org_id
      AND comp.inventory_item_id = cmp_id
      AND assy.inventory_item_id = assy_id
      AND comp.bom_enabled_flag = 'Y'
      AND comp.inventory_item_id <> assy.inventory_item_id
      AND ((eng_bill = 1 and comp.eng_item_flag = 'N')
           OR (eng_bill = 2))
      AND ((assy.bom_item_type = 1 and comp.bom_item_type <> 3)
           OR (assy.bom_item_type = 2 and comp.bom_item_type <> 3)
           OR (assy.bom_item_type = 3)
           OR (assy.bom_item_type = 4
               AND (comp.bom_item_type = 4
                    OR (comp.bom_item_type in (2,1)
                         AND comp.replenish_to_order_flag = 'Y'
                        AND assy.base_item_id is not null
                        AND assy.replenish_to_order_flag = 'Y'))))
      AND (assy.bom_item_type = 3
           OR assy.pick_components_flag = 'Y'
           OR comp.pick_components_flag = 'N')
      AND (assy.bom_item_type = 3
           OR comp.bom_item_type <> 2
           OR (comp.bom_item_type = 2
               AND ((assy.pick_components_flag = 'Y'
                     AND comp.pick_components_flag = 'Y')
                    OR (assy.replenish_to_order_flag = 'Y'
                        AND comp.replenish_to_order_flag = 'Y'))))
      AND not(assy.bom_item_type = 4
              AND assy.pick_components_flag = 'Y'
              AND comp.bom_item_type = 4
              AND comp.replenish_to_order_flag = 'Y');
Line: 1618

     SELECT atp_components_flag,
     INTO  assy_atp_components_flag,
     FROM   mtl_system_items
     WHERE inventory_item_id = assy_id
           AND organization_id = org_id;
Line: 1630

     SELECT atp_components_flag,
     INTO l_atp_comps_flag,
     FROM mtl_system_items msi
     WHERE inventory_item_id = cmp_id
        AND organization_id = org_id;
Line: 1669

      SELECT 1
        INTO dummy
        FROM mtl_system_items assy, mtl_system_items comp
       WHERE comp.organization_id = org_id
         AND assy.organization_id = org_id
         AND comp.inventory_item_id = cmp_id
         AND assy.inventory_item_id = assy_id
         AND (comp.atp_components_flag = 'Y' OR
              comp.atp_flag = 'Y')
         AND assy.atp_components_flag = 'N'
         AND (nvl(assy.wip_supply_type,1) = 6
              OR assy.replenish_to_order_flag = 'Y'
              OR assy.pick_components_flag = 'Y');
Line: 1728

   SELECT bom_item_type
     INTO dummy
     FROM mtl_system_items
    WHERE organization_id = org_id
      AND inventory_item_id = assy_id;
Line: 1753

      SELECT distinct operation_seq_num
        INTO dummy
        FROM bom_operation_sequences a, bom_operational_routings b
       WHERE b.organization_id = org_id
         AND b.assembly_item_id = assy_id
         AND operation_seq_num = op_seq
--         AND a.effectivity_date < sysdate
         AND NVL(a.disable_date,sysdate+1)    > sysdate
         AND b.common_routing_sequence_id = a.routing_sequence_id
         AND ((alt_desg is null and b.alternate_routing_designator is null)
                (alt_desg is not null
                  ((b.alternate_routing_designator = alt_desg)
                   (b.alternate_routing_designator is null
                    AND not exists
                        (SELECT 'No alt routing'
                           FROM bom_operational_routings c
                          WHERE c.organization_id = org_id
                            AND c.assembly_item_id = assy_id
                            AND c.alternate_routing_designator = alt_desg)))));
Line: 1836

    update_comp                 EXCEPTION;
Line: 1867

    X_program_update_date       DATE;
Line: 1897

    l_pud                       DATE;    -- Program Update Date
Line: 1899

** Select all INSERTS
    CURSOR c1 IS
       SELECT component_sequence_id CSI, bill_sequence_id BSI,
                transaction_id TI, transaction_type A,
                to_char(effectivity_date,'YYYY/MM/DD HH24:MI:SS') ED,
                effectivity_date EDD,
                to_char(disable_date,'YYYY/MM/DD HH24:MI:SS') DD,
                to_char(implementation_date,'YYYY/MM/DD HH24:MI:SS') ID,
                operation_seq_num OSN, supply_locator_id SLI,
                supply_subinventory SS,
                msic.organization_id OI, component_item_id CII,
                assembly_item_id AII, alternate_bom_designator ABD,
                planning_factor PF, optional O, check_atp CATP,
                msic.atp_flag AF, so_basis SB, required_for_revenue RFR,
                required_to_ship RTS, mutually_exclusive_options MEO,
                low_quantity LQ, high_quantity HQ,change_notice CN,
                quantity_related QR, include_in_cost_rollup ICR,
                shipping_allowed SA, include_on_ship_docs ISD,
                component_yield_factor CYF, ici.wip_supply_type WST,
                component_quantity CQ, msic.bom_item_type BITC,
                msic.pick_components_flag PCF, msia.bom_item_type BITA,
                msia.pick_components_flag PCFA,
                msia.replenish_to_order_flag RTOF,
                msic.replenish_to_order_flag RTOFC,
                msia.atp_components_flag ACF,
                msic.ato_forecast_control AFC
        FROM    mtl_system_items msic,
                mtl_system_items msia,
                bom_inventory_comps_interface ici
        WHERE process_flag = 2
          AND transaction_type = G_Insert
          AND (UPPER(ici.interface_entity_type) = 'BILL'
	       OR ici.interface_entity_type is null)
          AND msic.organization_id = ici.organization_id
          AND msia.organization_id = ici.organization_id
          AND msic.inventory_item_id = ici.component_item_id
          AND msia.inventory_item_id = ici.assembly_item_id;
Line: 1938

** Select all UPDATES and DELETES
    CURSOR c2 IS
       SELECT ici.component_sequence_id CSI, ici.bill_sequence_id BSI,
                ici.transaction_id TI, ici.acd_type ACD,
                ici.transaction_type A,
                to_char(ici.effectivity_date,'YYYY/MM/DD HH24:MI:SS') ED,
                ici.effectivity_date EDD, ici.item_num INUM,
                to_char(ici.disable_date,'YYYY/MM/DD HH24:MI:SS') DD,
                ici.disable_date DDD,
                ici.implementation_date ID,
                ici.operation_seq_num OSN, ici.supply_locator_id SLI,
                ici.supply_subinventory SS, ici.creation_date CD,
                ici.created_by CB, ici.change_notice CN,
                ici.old_component_sequence_id OCSI,
                ici.new_effectivity_date NED,
                ici.include_in_cost_rollup IICR, ici.check_atp CA,
                ici.pick_components PC, ici.operation_lead_time_percent OLTP,
                ici.revised_item_sequence_id RISI, ici.bom_item_type BIT,
                ici.new_operation_seq_num NOSN, ici.component_remarks CR,
                msic.organization_id OI, ici.component_item_id CII,
                ici.assembly_item_id AII, ici.alternate_bom_designator ABD,
                ici.planning_factor PF, ici.optional O, ici.check_atp CATP,
                msic.atp_flag AF, ici.so_basis SB,
                ici.required_for_revenue RFR, ici.include_on_ship_docs IOSD,
                ici.required_to_ship RTS, ici.mutually_exclusive_options MEO,
                ici.low_quantity LQ, ici.high_quantity HQ,
                ici.quantity_related QR, ici.include_in_cost_rollup ICR,
                ici.shipping_allowed SA, ici.include_on_ship_docs ISD,
                ici.component_yield_factor CYF, ici.wip_supply_type WST,
                ici.component_quantity CQ, ici.attribute_category AC,
                ici.attribute1 A1, ici.attribute2 A2, ici.attribute3 A3,
                ici.attribute4 A4, ici.attribute5 A5, ici.attribute6 A6,
                ici.attribute7 A7, ici.attribute8 A8, ici.attribute9 A9,
                ici.attribute10 A10, ici.attribute11 A11, ici.attribute12 A12,
                ici.attribute13 A13, ici.attribute14 A14, ici.attribute15 A15,
                ici.request_id RI, ici.program_application_id PAI,
                ici.program_update_date PUD, ici.program_id PI,
                msic.bom_item_type BITC,
                msic.pick_components_flag PCF, msia.bom_item_type BITA,
                msia.pick_components_flag PCFA,
                msia.replenish_to_order_flag RTOF,
                msic.replenish_to_order_flag RTOFC,
                msia.atp_components_flag ACF,
                msic.ato_forecast_control AFC
        FROM    mtl_system_items msic,
                mtl_system_items msia,
                bom_inventory_comps_interface ici
        WHERE process_flag = 2
          AND transaction_type in (G_UPDATE, G_DELETE)
          AND (UPPER(ici.interface_entity_type) = 'BILL'
	       OR ici.interface_entity_type is null)
          AND msic.organization_id = ici.organization_id
          AND msia.organization_id = ici.organization_id
          AND msic.inventory_item_id = ici.component_item_id
          AND msia.inventory_item_id = ici.assembly_item_id;
Line: 1995

** Select all UPDATES with process_flag = 99
    CURSOR c3 IS
       SELECT ici.component_sequence_id CSI, ici.bill_sequence_id BSI,
                ici.transaction_id TI, ici.transaction_type A,
                ici.implementation_date ID,
                to_char(ici.effectivity_date,'YYYY/MM/DD HH24:MI:SS') ED,
                ici.effectivity_date EDD, ici.item_num INUM,
                to_char(ici.disable_date,'YYYY/MM/DD HH24:MI:SS') DD,
                ici.operation_seq_num OSN, ici.supply_locator_id SLI,
                ici.supply_subinventory SS,
                msic.organization_id OI, ici.component_item_id CII,
                ici.assembly_item_id AII, ici.alternate_bom_designator ABD,
                ici.planning_factor PF, ici.optional O, ici.check_atp CATP,
                msic.atp_flag AF, ici.so_basis SB,
                ici.required_for_revenue RFR,
                ici.required_to_ship RTS, ici.mutually_exclusive_options MEO,
                ici.low_quantity LQ, ici.high_quantity HQ,
                ici.quantity_related QR, ici.include_in_cost_rollup ICR,
                ici.shipping_allowed SA, ici.include_on_ship_docs ISD,
                ici.component_yield_factor CYF, ici.wip_supply_type WST,
                ici.component_quantity CQ, msic.bom_item_type BITC,
                msic.pick_components_flag PCF, msia.bom_item_type BITA,
                msia.pick_components_flag PCFA,
                msia.replenish_to_order_flag RTOF,
                msic.replenish_to_order_flag RTOFC,
                msia.atp_components_flag ACF,
                msic.ato_forecast_control AFC
        FROM    mtl_system_items msic,
                mtl_system_items msia,
                bom_inventory_comps_interface ici
        WHERE ici.process_flag = 99
          AND ici.transaction_type = G_Update
          AND (UPPER(ici.interface_entity_type) = 'BILL'
	       OR ici.interface_entity_type is null)
          AND msic.organization_id = ici.organization_id
          AND msia.organization_id = ici.organization_id
          AND msic.inventory_item_id = ici.component_item_id
          AND msia.inventory_item_id = ici.assembly_item_id;
Line: 2038

   go_on := TRUE;
Line: 2051

            SELECT creation_date, created_by, operation_seq_num,item_num,
                   component_quantity, component_yield_factor,
                   component_remarks, effectivity_date, change_notice,
                   implementation_date, disable_date, component_item_id,
                   attribute_category, attribute1,
                   attribute2, attribute3, attribute4, attribute5,
                   attribute6, attribute7, attribute8, attribute9,
                   attribute10, attribute11, attribute12, attribute13,
                   attribute14, attribute15, request_id,
                   program_application_id, program_id, program_update_date,
                   planning_factor, quantity_related, so_basis, optional,
                   mutually_exclusive_options, include_in_cost_rollup,
                   check_atp, shipping_allowed, required_to_ship,
                   required_for_revenue, include_on_ship_docs,
                   include_on_bill_docs, low_quantity, high_quantity,
                   acd_type, old_component_sequence_id, wip_supply_type,
                   pick_components, supply_subinventory, supply_locator_id,
                   operation_lead_time_percent, cost_factor, bom_item_type,
                   revised_item_sequence_id, bill_sequence_id
              INTO X_creation_date, X_created_by, X_operation_seq_num,
                   X_item_num, X_component_quantity, X_component_yield_factor,
                   X_component_remarks, X_effectivity_date, X_change_notice,
                   X_implementation_date, X_disable_date, X_component_item_id,
                   X_attribute_category, X_attribute1,
                   X_attribute2, X_attribute3, X_attribute4, X_attribute5,
                   X_attribute6, X_attribute7, X_attribute8, X_attribute9,
                   X_attribute10, X_attribute11, X_attribute12, X_attribute13,
                   X_attribute14, X_attribute15, X_request_id,
                   X_program_application_id, X_program_id,
                   X_planning_factor, X_quantity_related, X_so_basis,
                   X_optional, X_mutually_exclusive_options,
                   X_include_in_cost_rollup, X_check_atp, X_shipping_allowed,
                   X_required_to_ship, X_required_for_revenue,
                   X_include_on_ship_docs, X_include_on_bill_docs,
                   X_low_quantity, X_high_quantity, X_acd_type,
                   X_old_component_sequence_id, X_wip_supply_type,
                   X_pick_components, X_supply_subinventory,
                   X_supply_locator_id, X_operation_lead_time_percent,
                   X_cost_factor, X_bom_item_type,
                   X_revised_item_sequence_id, X_bill_sequence_id
              FROM bom_inventory_components
             WHERE component_sequence_id = c2rec.CSI
               AND implementation_date is NOT NULL;
Line: 2110

               UPDATE bom_inventory_comps_interface
                  SET process_flag = 3
                WHERE transaction_id = c2rec.TI;
Line: 2121

   The Decode statement in UPDATE is making the time part of the
Program Update to 12 Mid Night. To correct this the decode has been
exploded into If then Else here
--  decode(c2rec.PUD, G_NullDate, '',NULL,X_program_update_date,c2rec.PUD),
    IF (c2rec.PUD = G_NullDate) THEN
        l_pud := '';
Line: 2130

        l_pud := X_program_update_date;
Line: 2153

               UPDATE bom_inventory_comps_interface
                  SET process_flag = 3
                WHERE transaction_id = c2rec.TI;
Line: 2164

** ONLY for "Updates"
         IF (c2rec.A = G_UPDATE) THEN
** For Product Family Members
            IF (c2rec.BITA = G_ProductFamily) THEN
** Check if column is non-updatable and give error if user filled it in
               IF (c2rec.CD is not null           -- creation date
                  OR c2rec.CB is not null         -- created by
                  OR c2rec.CN is not null         -- change notice
                  OR c2rec.SA is not null         -- shipping allowed
                  OR c2rec.OCSI is not null       -- old comp seq id
                  OR c2rec.PC is not null         -- pick components
                  OR c2rec.OLTP is not null       -- op lead time percent
                  OR c2rec.RISI is not null       -- rev item seq id
                  OR c2rec.BIT is not null        -- bom item type
                  OR c2rec.ACD is not null        -- acd type
                  OR (c2rec.OSN <> 1 AND
		      c2rec.OSN is NOT NULL)      -- operation_seq_num
                  OR c2rec.INUM is not null       --  item_num
                  OR c2rec.CQ is not null         -- component quantity
                  OR c2rec.CYF is not null        -- component yield factor
                  OR c2rec.ID is not null         -- implementation date
                  OR c2rec.QR is not null         -- quantity related
                  OR c2rec.SB is not null         -- so basis
                  OR c2rec.O is not null          -- optional
                  OR c2rec.MEO is not null        -- mutually exclusive options
                  OR c2rec.ICR is not null        -- include in cost rollup
                  OR c2rec.CA is not null         -- check atp
                  OR c2rec.RTS is not null        -- required to ship
                  OR c2rec.RFR is not null        -- required for revenue
                  OR c2rec.ISD is not null        -- include on ship docs
                  OR c2rec.LQ is not null         -- low quantity
                  OR c2rec.HQ is not null         -- high quantity
                  OR c2rec.WST is not null        -- wip supply type
                  OR c2rec.SS is not null         -- supply subinventory
                  OR c2rec.SLI is not null        -- supply locator id
					  ) THEN
                  ret_code := INVPUOPI.mtl_log_interface_err(
                        org_id => c2rec.OI,
                        user_id => user_id,
                        login_id => login_id,
                        prog_appid => prog_appid,
                        prog_id => prog_id,
                        req_id => req_id,
                        trans_id => c2rec.TI,
                        error_text => err_text,
                        tbl_name => 'BOM_INVENTORY_COMPS_INTERFACE',
                        msg_name => 'BOM_COLUMN_NOT_UPDATABLE',
                        err_text => err_text);
Line: 2218

                  UPDATE bom_inventory_comps_interface
                     SET process_flag = 3
                   WHERE transaction_id = c2rec.TI;
Line: 2230

** Update interface record with production record's values
               stmt_num := 6;
Line: 2233

               UPDATE bom_inventory_comps_interface
                  SET operation_seq_num = X_operation_seq_num,
                      component_item_id = X_component_item_id,
                      creation_date = X_creation_date,
                      created_by = X_created_by,
                      item_num = X_item_num,
                      component_quantity = X_component_quantity,
                      component_yield_factor = X_component_yield_factor,
                      component_remarks = decode(c2rec.CR, null,
                        X_component_remarks, G_NullChar, '', c2rec.CR),
                      effectivity_date = nvl(trunc(c2rec.NED),
                      change_notice = X_change_notice,
                      implementation_date = nvl(trunc(c2rec.NED),
                      disable_date = decode(c2rec.DDD, null,
                           X_disable_date, G_NullDate, '', c2rec.DDD),
                      planning_factor = nvl(c2rec.PF, X_planning_factor),
                      quantity_related = X_quantity_related,
                      so_basis = X_so_basis,
                      optional = X_optional,
                      mutually_exclusive_options = X_mutually_exclusive_options,
                      include_in_cost_rollup = X_include_in_cost_rollup,
                      check_atp = X_check_atp,
                      shipping_allowed = X_shipping_allowed,
                      required_to_ship = X_required_to_ship,
                      required_for_revenue = X_required_for_revenue,
                      include_on_ship_docs = X_include_on_ship_docs,
                      include_on_bill_docs = X_include_on_bill_docs,
                      low_quantity = X_low_quantity,
                      high_quantity = X_high_quantity,
                      acd_type = X_acd_type,
                      old_component_sequence_id = X_old_component_sequence_id,
                      bill_sequence_id = X_bill_sequence_id,
                      wip_supply_type = X_wip_supply_type,
                      pick_components = X_pick_components,
                      supply_subinventory = X_supply_subinventory,
                      supply_locator_id = X_supply_locator_id,
                      operation_lead_time_percent = X_operation_lead_time_percent,
                      revised_item_sequence_id = X_revised_item_sequence_id,
                      cost_factor = X_cost_factor,
                      bom_item_type = X_bom_item_type,
                      attribute_category = decode(c2rec.AC, G_NullChar, '', NULL,
                                        X_attribute_category, c2rec.AC),
                      attribute1 = decode(c2rec.A1, G_NullChar, '', NULL,
                                           X_attribute1, c2rec.A1),
                      attribute2 = decode(c2rec.A2, G_NullChar, '', NULL,
                                           X_attribute2, c2rec.A2),
                      attribute3 = decode(c2rec.A3, G_NullChar, '', NULL,
                                           X_attribute3, c2rec.A3),
                      attribute4 = decode(c2rec.A4, G_NullChar, '', NULL,
                                           X_attribute4, c2rec.A4),
                      attribute5 = decode(c2rec.A5, G_NullChar, '', NULL,
                                           X_attribute5, c2rec.A5),
                      attribute6 = decode(c2rec.A6, G_NullChar, '', NULL,
                                           X_attribute6, c2rec.A6),
                      attribute7 = decode(c2rec.A7, G_NullChar, '', NULL,
                                            X_attribute7, c2rec.A7),
                      attribute8 = decode(c2rec.A8, G_NullChar, '', NULL,
                                           X_attribute8, c2rec.A8),
                      attribute9 = decode(c2rec.A9, G_NullChar, '', NULL,
                                           X_attribute9, c2rec.A9),
                      attribute10 = decode(c2rec.A10, G_NullChar, '', NULL,
                                           X_attribute10, c2rec.A10),
                      attribute11 = decode(c2rec.A11, G_NullChar, '', NULL,
                                           X_attribute11, c2rec.A11),
                      attribute12 = decode(c2rec.A12, G_NullChar, '', NULL,
                                           X_attribute12, c2rec.A12),
                      attribute13 = decode(c2rec.A13, G_NullChar, '', NULL,
                                           X_attribute13, c2rec.A13),
                      attribute14 = decode(c2rec.A14, G_NullChar, '', NULL,
                                           X_attribute14, c2rec.A14),
                      attribute15 = decode(c2rec.A15, G_NullChar, '', NULL,
                                           X_attribute15, c2rec.A15),
                      request_id = decode(c2rec.RI, G_NullChar, '', NULL,
                                           X_request_id, c2rec.RI),
                      program_application_id = decode(c2rec.PAI, G_NullNum,
                           '', NULL, X_program_application_id, c2rec.PAI),
                      program_id = decode(c2rec.PI, G_NullNum, '', NULL,
                                           X_program_id, c2rec.PI),
                      program_update_date = l_pud,
                      process_flag = 99
                WHERE transaction_id = c2rec.TI;
Line: 2347

                  UPDATE bom_inventory_comps_interface
                     SET process_flag = 3
                   WHERE transaction_id = c2rec.TI;
Line: 2358

** Update interface record with production record's values
               stmt_num := 6;
Line: 2361

               UPDATE bom_inventory_comps_interface
                  SET operation_seq_num = nvl(c2rec.NOSN, X_operation_seq_num),
                      component_item_id = X_component_item_id,
                      creation_date = X_creation_date,
                      created_by = X_created_by,
                      item_num = nvl(c2rec.INUM, X_item_num),
                      component_quantity = nvl(c2rec.CQ, X_component_quantity),
                      component_yield_factor = nvl(c2rec.CYF,
                      component_remarks = decode(c2rec.CR, null,
                        X_component_remarks, G_NullChar, '', c2rec.CR),
                      effectivity_date = nvl(c2rec.NED, X_effectivity_date),
                      change_notice = X_change_notice,
                      implementation_date = nvl(c2rec.ID, X_implementation_date),
                      disable_date = decode(c2rec.DDD, null,
                        X_disable_date, G_NullDate, '', c2rec.DDD),
                      planning_factor = nvl(c2rec.PF, X_planning_factor),
                      quantity_related = nvl(c2rec.QR, X_quantity_related),
                      so_basis = nvl(c2rec.SB, X_so_basis),
                      optional = nvl(c2rec.O, X_optional),
                      mutually_exclusive_options = nvl(c2rec.MEO,
                      include_in_cost_rollup = nvl(c2rec.IICR,
                      check_atp = nvl(c2rec.CA, X_check_atp),
                      shipping_allowed = X_shipping_allowed,
                      required_to_ship = nvl(c2rec.RTS, X_required_to_ship),
                      required_for_revenue = nvl(c2rec.RFR,
                      include_on_ship_docs = nvl(c2rec.IOSD,
                      include_on_bill_docs = X_include_on_bill_docs,
                      low_quantity = decode(c2rec.LQ, G_NullNum, '', null,
                        X_low_quantity, c2rec.LQ),
                      high_quantity = decode(c2rec.HQ, G_NullNum, '', null,
                         X_high_quantity, c2rec.HQ),
                      acd_type = X_acd_type,
                      old_component_sequence_id = X_old_component_sequence_id,
                      bill_sequence_id = X_bill_sequence_id,
                      wip_supply_type = decode(c2rec.WST, null,
                        X_wip_supply_type, G_NullNum, '', c2rec.WST),
                      pick_components = X_pick_components,
                      supply_subinventory = decode(c2rec.SS, null,
                        X_supply_subinventory, G_NullChar, '', c2rec.SS),
                      supply_locator_id = decode(c2rec.SLI, null,
                        X_supply_locator_id, G_NullNum, '', c2rec.SLI),
      --              operation_lead_time_percent = X_operation_lead_time_percent,
                      operation_lead_time_percent = NULL,   -- for bug 1804509
                      revised_item_sequence_id = X_revised_item_sequence_id,
                      cost_factor = X_cost_factor,
                      bom_item_type = X_bom_item_type,
                      attribute_category = decode(c2rec.AC, G_NullChar, '', NULL,
                                        X_attribute_category, c2rec.AC),
                      attribute1 = decode(c2rec.A1, G_NullChar, '', NULL,
                                         X_attribute1, c2rec.A1),
                      attribute2 = decode(c2rec.A2, G_NullChar, '', NULL,
                                        X_attribute2, c2rec.A2),
                      attribute3 = decode(c2rec.A3, G_NullChar, '', NULL,
                                         X_attribute3, c2rec.A3),
                      attribute4 = decode(c2rec.A4, G_NullChar, '', NULL,
                                        X_attribute4, c2rec.A4),
                      attribute5 = decode(c2rec.A5, G_NullChar, '', NULL,
                                          X_attribute5, c2rec.A5),
                      attribute6 = decode(c2rec.A6, G_NullChar, '', NULL,
                                        X_attribute6, c2rec.A6),
                      attribute7 = decode(c2rec.A7, G_NullChar, '', NULL,
                                        X_attribute7, c2rec.A7),
                      attribute8 = decode(c2rec.A8, G_NullChar, '', NULL,
                                        X_attribute8, c2rec.A8),
                      attribute9 = decode(c2rec.A9, G_NullChar, '', NULL,
                                        X_attribute9, c2rec.A9),
                      attribute10 = decode(c2rec.A10, G_NullChar, '', NULL,
                                        X_attribute10, c2rec.A10),
                      attribute11 = decode(c2rec.A11, G_NullChar, '', NULL,
                                        X_attribute11, c2rec.A11),
                      attribute12 = decode(c2rec.A12, G_NullChar, '', NULL,
                                          X_attribute12, c2rec.A12),
                      attribute13 = decode(c2rec.A13, G_NullChar, '', NULL,
                                        X_attribute13, c2rec.A13),
                      attribute14 = decode(c2rec.A14, G_NullChar, '', NULL,
                                        X_attribute14, c2rec.A14),
                      attribute15 = decode(c2rec.A15, G_NullChar, '', NULL,
                                        X_attribute15, c2rec.A15),
                      request_id = decode(c2rec.RI, G_NullChar, '', NULL,
                                        X_request_id, c2rec.RI),
                      program_application_id = decode(c2rec.PAI, G_NullNum,
                        '', NULL, X_program_application_id, c2rec.PAI),
                      program_id = decode(c2rec.PI, G_NullNum, '', NULL,
                                        X_program_id, c2rec.PI),
                      program_update_date =l_pud,
                      process_flag = 99
                WHERE transaction_id = c2rec.TI;
Line: 2454

         ELSIF (c2rec.A = G_DELETE) THEN
** Set Process Flag to 4 for "Deletes"
            stmt_num := 10;
Line: 2459

            UPDATE bom_inventory_comps_interface
               SET process_flag = 4
             WHERE transaction_id = c2rec.TI;
Line: 2475

** FOR UPDATES - Validate
   FOR c3rec IN c3 LOOP
         stmt_num := 1;
Line: 2504

            UPDATE bom_inventory_comps_interface
               SET process_flag = 3
             WHERE transaction_id = c3rec.TI;
Line: 2532

               UPDATE bom_inventory_comps_interface
                  SET process_flag = 3
                WHERE transaction_id = c3rec.TI;
Line: 2569

               UPDATE bom_inventory_comps_interface
                  SET process_flag = 3
                WHERE transaction_id = c3rec.TI;
Line: 2597

            UPDATE bom_inventory_comps_interface
               SET process_flag = 3
             WHERE transaction_id = c3rec.TI;
Line: 2624

               UPDATE bom_inventory_comps_interface
                  SET process_flag = 3
                WHERE transaction_id = c3rec.TI;
Line: 2633

            RAISE Update_Comp;
Line: 2648

           update bom_inventory_comps_interface
           set operation_lead_time_percent =
              (select  operation_lead_time_percent
               FROM bom_operation_sequences bos
               WHERE c3rec.OSN = bos.operation_seq_num
               AND bos.ROUTING_SEQUENCE_ID =
                 (select COMMON_ROUTING_SEQUENCE_ID
                  from   BOM_OPERATIONAL_ROUTINGS bor
                  where  bor.ASSEMBLY_ITEM_ID = c3rec.AII
                  and  bor.ORGANIZATION_ID = c3rec.OI
                  and  NVL(bor.ALTERNATE_ROUTING_DESIGNATOR, NVL(c3rec.ABD, 'NONE')) = NVL(c3rec.ABD, 'NONE')
                  AND (c3rec.ABD IS NULL
                       OR  (c3rec.ABD IS NOT NULL
                            AND ( bor.ALTERNATE_ROUTING_DESIGNATOR = c3rec.ABD
                                 OR NOT EXISTS
                                 (SELECT NULL
                                  FROM BOM_OPERATIONAL_ROUTINGS bor2
                                  WHERE bor2.ASSEMBLY_ITEM_ID = c3rec.AII
                                  AND bor2.ORGANIZATION_ID = c3rec.OI
                                  AND bor2.ALTERNATE_ROUTING_DESIGNATOR = c3rec.ABD)))))
              AND bos.EFFECTIVITY_DATE < sysdate
	      WHERE transaction_id = c3rec.TI;
Line: 2687

            UPDATE bom_inventory_comps_interface
               SET process_flag = 3
             WHERE transaction_id = c3rec.TI;
Line: 2725

               UPDATE bom_inventory_comps_interface
                  SET process_flag = 3
                WHERE transaction_id = c3rec.TI;
Line: 2754

            UPDATE bom_inventory_comps_interface
               SET process_flag = 3
             WHERE transaction_id = c3rec.TI;
Line: 2769

            UPDATE bom_inventory_comps_interface
               SET component_yield_factor = 1,
                   check_atp = 2,
                   include_on_ship_docs = 2,
                   so_basis = 2,
                   mutually_exclusive_options = 2,
                   required_to_ship = 2,
                   required_for_revenue = 2,
                   low_quantity = NULL,
                   high_quantity = NULL
             WHERE transaction_id = c3rec.TI;
Line: 2873

    There is an update in the pld: BOMFMBM1.pld
    -- R11 onwards a Model/Option Class will not be forced to have
    -- a Wip_supply_type of Phantom.
    -- But the user would still see a warning.

         IF (c3rec.BITC = 1 or c3rec.BITC = 2) and (c3rec.WST <> 6) THEN
            err_text := 'WIP supply type must be Phantom';
Line: 2900

            SELECT distinct 'I'
              INTO oe_install
              FROM fnd_product_installations
             WHERE application_id = 300
               AND status = 'I';
Line: 2928

            UPDATE bom_inventory_comps_interface
               SET process_flag = 3
             WHERE transaction_id = c3rec.TI;
Line: 2950

         SELECT inventory_asset_flag,restrict_subinventories_code,
                restrict_locators_code, location_control_code
           INTO inv_asst, r_subinv, r_loc, loc_ctl
           FROM mtl_system_items
          WHERE inventory_item_id = c3rec.CII
            AND organization_id = c3rec.OI;
Line: 2996

                  SELECT locator_type
                    INTO sub_loc_code
                    FROM mtl_secondary_inventories
                   WHERE secondary_inventory_name = c3rec.SS
                     AND organization_id = c3rec.OI
                     AND nvl(disable_date,TRUNC(c3rec.EDD)+1) >
                     AND quantity_tracked = 1;
Line: 3011

                  SELECT locator_type
                    INTO sub_loc_code
                    FROM mtl_secondary_inventories
                   WHERE secondary_inventory_name = c3rec.SS
                     AND organization_id = c3rec.OI
                     AND nvl(disable_date,TRUNC(c3rec.EDD)+1) >
                     AND quantity_tracked = 1
                     AND ((inv_asst = 'Y' and asset_inventory = 1)
                          (inv_asst = 'N'));
Line: 3031

                  SELECT locator_type
                    INTO sub_loc_code
                    FROM mtl_secondary_inventories sub,
                         mtl_item_sub_inventories item
                   WHERE item.organization_id = sub.organization_id
                     AND item.secondary_inventory =
                     AND item.inventory_item_id = c3rec.CII
                     AND sub.secondary_inventory_name = c3rec.SS
                     AND sub.organization_id = c3rec.OI
                     AND nvl(sub.disable_date,TRUNC(c3rec.EDD)+1) >
                     AND sub.quantity_tracked = 1;
Line: 3051

                  SELECT locator_type
                    INTO sub_loc_code
                    FROM mtl_secondary_inventories sub,
                         mtl_item_sub_inventories item
                   WHERE item.organization_id = sub.organization_id
                     AND item.secondary_inventory =
                     AND item.inventory_item_id = c3rec.CII
                     AND sub.secondary_inventory_name = c3rec.SS
                     AND sub.organization_id = c3rec.OI
                     AND nvl(sub.disable_date,TRUNC(c3rec.EDD)+1) >
                     AND sub.quantity_tracked = 1
                     AND ((inv_asst = 'Y' and sub.asset_inventory = 1)
                          (inv_asst = 'N'));
Line: 3079

         SELECT stock_locator_control_code
           INTO org_loc
           FROM mtl_parameters
          WHERE organization_id = c3rec.OI;
Line: 3096

                  SELECT 'loc exists'
                    INTO dummy
                    FROM mtl_item_locations
                   WHERE inventory_location_id = c3rec.SLI
                     AND organization_id = c3rec.OI
                     AND subinventory_code = c3rec.SS
                     AND nvl(disable_date,trunc(c3rec.EDD)+1) >
Line: 3111

                  SELECT 'restricted loc exists'
                    INTO dummy
                    FROM mtl_item_locations loc,
                         mtl_secondary_locators item
                   WHERE loc.inventory_location_id = c3rec.SLI
                     AND loc.organization_id = c3rec.OI
                     AND loc.subinventory_code = c3rec.SS
                     AND nvl(loc.disable_date,trunc(c3rec.EDD)+1) >
                     AND loc.inventory_location_id = item.secondary_locator
                     AND loc.organization_id = item.organization_id
                     AND item.inventory_item_id = c3rec.CII;
Line: 3152

                     SELECT 'loc exists'
                       INTO dummy
                       FROM mtl_item_locations
                      WHERE inventory_location_id = c3rec.SLI
                        AND organization_id = c3rec.OI
                        AND subinventory_code = c3rec.SS
                        AND nvl(disable_date,trunc(c3rec.EDD)+1) >
Line: 3168

                     SELECT 'restricted loc exists'
                       INTO dummy
                       FROM mtl_item_locations loc,
                            mtl_secondary_locators item
                      WHERE loc.inventory_location_id = c3rec.SLI
                        AND loc.organization_id = c3rec.OI
                        AND loc.subinventory_code = c3rec.SS
                        AND nvl(loc.disable_date,trunc(c3rec.EDD)+1) >
                        AND loc.inventory_location_id = item.secondary_locator
                        AND loc.organization_id = item.organization_id
                        AND item.inventory_item_id = c3rec.CII;
Line: 3213

                     SELECT 'loc exists'
                       INTO dummy
                       FROM mtl_item_locations
                      WHERE inventory_location_id = c3rec.SLI
                        AND organization_id = c3rec.OI
                        AND subinventory_code = c3rec.SS
                        AND nvl(disable_date,trunc(c3rec.EDD)+1) >
Line: 3229

                     SELECT 'restricted loc exists'
                       INTO dummy
                       FROM mtl_item_locations loc,
                            mtl_secondary_locators item
                      WHERE loc.inventory_location_id = c3rec.SLI
                        AND loc.organization_id = c3rec.OI
                        AND loc.subinventory_code = c3rec.SS
                        AND nvl(loc.disable_date,trunc(c3rec.EDD)+1) >
                        AND loc.inventory_location_id = item.secondary_locator
                        AND loc.organization_id = item.organization_id
                        AND item.inventory_item_id = c3rec.CII;
Line: 3262

            SELECT count(*)
              INTO ref_qty
              FROM bom_reference_designators
             WHERE component_sequence_id = c3rec.CSI;
Line: 3268

            SELECT count(*)
              INTO int_ref_qty
              FROM bom_ref_desgs_interface
             WHERE component_sequence_id = c3rec.CSI
               AND transaction_type = G_Insert
               AND process_flag = 4;
Line: 3288

               UPDATE bom_inventory_comps_interface
                  SET process_flag = 3
                WHERE transaction_id = c3rec.TI;
Line: 3301

         RAISE update_comp;
Line: 3321

            UPDATE bom_inventory_comps_interface
               SET process_flag = 3
             WHERE transaction_id = c3rec.TI;
Line: 3342

            UPDATE bom_inventory_comps_interface
               SET process_flag = 3
             WHERE transaction_id = c3rec.TI;
Line: 3350

         WHEN Update_Comp THEN
            stmt_num := 29;
Line: 3352

            UPDATE bom_inventory_comps_interface
               SET process_flag = 4
             WHERE transaction_id = c3rec.TI;
Line: 3366

** FOR INSERTS - Validate

** Verify for uniqueness of component seq ID
   FOR c1rec IN c1 LOOP
         x_bill_type        := null;
Line: 3396

            UPDATE bom_inventory_comps_interface
               SET process_flag = 3
             WHERE transaction_id = c1rec.TI;
Line: 3425

            UPDATE bom_inventory_comps_interface
               SET process_flag = 3
             WHERE transaction_id = c1rec.TI;
Line: 3459

            UPDATE bom_inventory_comps_interface
               SET process_flag = 3
             WHERE transaction_id = c1rec.TI;
Line: 3496

               UPDATE bom_inventory_comps_interface
                  SET process_flag = 3
                WHERE transaction_id = c1rec.TI;
Line: 3524

            UPDATE bom_inventory_comps_interface
               SET process_flag = 3
             WHERE transaction_id = c1rec.TI;
Line: 3540

               SELECT bom_item_type, assembly_item_id
                 FROM mtl_system_items msi,
		      bom_bill_of_materials bom
                WHERE msi.organization_id = bom.organization_id
                  AND msi.inventory_item_id = bom.assembly_item_id
		  AND bom.bill_sequence_id = c1rec.BSI;
Line: 3565

               UPDATE bom_bill_of_mtls_interface
                  SET process_flag = 3
                WHERE transaction_id = c1rec.TI;
Line: 3594

                  UPDATE bom_inventory_comps_interface
                     SET process_flag = 3
                   WHERE transaction_id = c1rec.TI;
Line: 3612

                     SELECT inventory_item_id
                       FROM mtl_system_items
                      WHERE organization_id = c1rec.OI
                        AND inventory_item_id = c1rec.CII
			AND bom_enabled_flag = 'Y'
			AND eng_item_flag = 'N'
			AND bom_item_type <> G_ProductFamily
			AND product_family_item_id is null
			AND c1rec.CII <> x_assembly_item_id;
Line: 3639

                     UPDATE bom_inventory_comps_interface
                        SET process_flag = 3
                      WHERE transaction_id = c1rec.TI;
Line: 3649

               RAISE Update_Comp;
Line: 3659

            SELECT 'Is pointing to a common'
              INTO dummy
              FROM bom_bill_of_materials
             WHERE bill_sequence_id = c1rec.BSI
               AND common_bill_sequence_id <> c1rec.BSI;
Line: 3677

            UPDATE bom_inventory_comps_interface
               SET process_flag = 3
             WHERE transaction_id = c1rec.TI;
Line: 3696

            SELECT 1
              INTO dummy
              FROM bom_bill_of_materials bbom
             WHERE bbom.common_bill_sequence_id = c1rec.BSI
               AND bbom.organization_id <> bbom.common_organization_id
               AND not exists
                  (SELECT null
                     FROM mtl_system_items msi
                    WHERE msi.organization_id = bbom.organization_id
                      AND msi.inventory_item_id = c1rec.CII
                      AND msi.bom_enabled_flag = 'Y'
                      AND ((bbom.assembly_type = 2)
                           (bbom.assembly_type = 1
                            AND msi.eng_item_flag = 'N')))
		AND rownum < 2;
Line: 3726

            UPDATE bom_inventory_comps_interface
               SET process_flag = 3
             WHERE transaction_id = c1rec.TI;
Line: 3745

               SELECT assembly_type
                 FROM bom_bill_of_materials
                WHERE bill_sequence_id = c1rec.BSI;
Line: 3775

            UPDATE bom_inventory_comps_interface
               SET process_flag = 3
             WHERE transaction_id = c1rec.TI;
Line: 3796

      update bom_inventory_comps_interface
      set operation_lead_time_percent =
              (select  operation_lead_time_percent
               FROM bom_operation_sequences bos
               WHERE c1rec.OSN = bos.operation_seq_num
               AND bos.ROUTING_SEQUENCE_ID =
                 (select COMMON_ROUTING_SEQUENCE_ID
                  from   BOM_OPERATIONAL_ROUTINGS bor
                  where  bor.ASSEMBLY_ITEM_ID = c1rec.AII
                  and  bor.ORGANIZATION_ID = c1rec.OI
                  and  NVL(bor.ALTERNATE_ROUTING_DESIGNATOR, NVL(c1rec.ABD, 'NONE')) = NVL(c1rec.ABD,'NONE')
                  AND (c1rec.ABD IS NULL
                       OR  (c1rec.ABD IS NOT NULL
                            AND ( bor.ALTERNATE_ROUTING_DESIGNATOR = c1rec.ABD
                                 OR NOT EXISTS
                                 (SELECT NULL
                                  FROM BOM_OPERATIONAL_ROUTINGS bor2
                                  WHERE bor2.ASSEMBLY_ITEM_ID = c1rec.AII
                                  AND bor2.ORGANIZATION_ID = c1rec.OI
                                  AND bor2.ALTERNATE_ROUTING_DESIGNATOR = c1rec.
	 AND bos.EFFECTIVITY_DATE < sysdate
         WHERE transaction_id = c1rec.TI;
Line: 3836

            UPDATE bom_inventory_comps_interface
               SET process_flag = 3
             WHERE transaction_id = c1rec.TI;
Line: 3874

               UPDATE bom_inventory_comps_interface
                  SET process_flag = 3
                WHERE transaction_id = c1rec.TI;
Line: 3892

            SELECT 1
              INTO dummy
              FROM eng_engineering_changes
             WHERE organization_id = c1rec.OI
               AND change_notice = c1rec.CN;
Line: 3911

               UPDATE bom_inventory_comps_interface
                  SET process_flag = 3
                WHERE transaction_id = c1rec.TI;
Line: 3942

            UPDATE bom_inventory_comps_interface
               SET process_flag = 3
             WHERE transaction_id = c1rec.TI;
Line: 3957

            UPDATE bom_inventory_comps_interface
               SET component_yield_factor = 1,
                   check_atp = 2,
                   include_on_ship_docs = 2,
                   so_basis = 2,
                   mutually_exclusive_options = 2,
                   required_to_ship = 2,
                   required_for_revenue = 2,
                   low_quantity = NULL,
                   high_quantity = NULL
             WHERE transaction_id = c1rec.TI;
Line: 4063

    There is an update in the pld: BOMFMBM1.pld
    -- R11 onwards a Model/Option Class will not be forced to have
    -- a Wip_supply_type of Phantom.
    -- But the user would still see a warning.

        IF (c1rec.BITC = 1 or c1rec.BITC = 2) and (c1rec.WST <> 6) THEN
            err_text := 'WIP supply type must be Phantom';
Line: 4090

            SELECT distinct 'I'
              INTO oe_install
              FROM fnd_product_installations
             WHERE application_id = 300
               AND status = 'I';
Line: 4118

            UPDATE bom_inventory_comps_interface
               SET process_flag = 3
             WHERE transaction_id = c1rec.TI;
Line: 4137

            RAISE update_comp;
Line: 4140

         SELECT inventory_asset_flag,restrict_subinventories_code,
                restrict_locators_code, location_control_code
           INTO inv_asst, r_subinv, r_loc, loc_ctl
           FROM mtl_system_items
          WHERE inventory_item_id = c1rec.CII
            AND organization_id = c1rec.OI;
Line: 4186

                  SELECT locator_type
                    INTO sub_loc_code
                    FROM mtl_secondary_inventories
                   WHERE secondary_inventory_name = c1rec.SS
                     AND organization_id = c1rec.OI
                     AND nvl(disable_date,TRUNC(c1rec.EDD)+1) >
                     AND quantity_tracked = 1;
Line: 4201

                  SELECT locator_type
                    INTO sub_loc_code
                    FROM mtl_secondary_inventories
                   WHERE secondary_inventory_name = c1rec.SS
                     AND organization_id = c1rec.OI
                     AND nvl(disable_date,TRUNC(c1rec.EDD)+1) >
                     AND quantity_tracked = 1
                     AND ((inv_asst = 'Y' and asset_inventory = 1)
                          (inv_asst = 'N'));
Line: 4221

                  SELECT locator_type
                    INTO sub_loc_code
                    FROM mtl_secondary_inventories sub,
                         mtl_item_sub_inventories item
                   WHERE item.organization_id = sub.organization_id
                     AND item.secondary_inventory =
                     AND item.inventory_item_id = c1rec.CII
                     AND sub.secondary_inventory_name = c1rec.SS
                     AND sub.organization_id = c1rec.OI
                     AND nvl(sub.disable_date,TRUNC(c1rec.EDD)+1) >
                     AND sub.quantity_tracked = 1;
Line: 4241

                  SELECT locator_type
                    INTO sub_loc_code
                    FROM mtl_secondary_inventories sub,
                         mtl_item_sub_inventories item
                   WHERE item.organization_id = sub.organization_id
                     AND item.secondary_inventory =
                     AND item.inventory_item_id = c1rec.CII
                     AND sub.secondary_inventory_name = c1rec.SS
                     AND sub.organization_id = c1rec.OI
                     AND nvl(sub.disable_date,TRUNC(c1rec.EDD)+1) >
                     AND sub.quantity_tracked = 1
                     AND ((inv_asst = 'Y' and sub.asset_inventory = 1)
                          (inv_asst = 'N'));
Line: 4268

         SELECT stock_locator_control_code
           INTO org_loc
           FROM mtl_parameters
          WHERE organization_id = c1rec.OI;
Line: 4285

                  SELECT 'loc exists'
                    INTO dummy
                    FROM mtl_item_locations
                   WHERE inventory_location_id = c1rec.SLI
                     AND organization_id = c1rec.OI
                     AND subinventory_code = c1rec.SS
                     AND nvl(disable_date,trunc(c1rec.EDD)+1) >
Line: 4300

                  SELECT 'restricted loc exists'
                    INTO dummy
                    FROM mtl_item_locations loc,
                         mtl_secondary_locators item
                   WHERE loc.inventory_location_id = c1rec.SLI
                     AND loc.organization_id = c1rec.OI
                     AND loc.subinventory_code = c1rec.SS
                     AND nvl(loc.disable_date,trunc(c1rec.EDD)+1) >
                     AND loc.inventory_location_id = item.secondary_locator
                     AND loc.organization_id = item.organization_id
                     AND item.inventory_item_id = c1rec.CII;
Line: 4340

                     SELECT 'loc exists'
                       INTO dummy
                       FROM mtl_item_locations
                      WHERE inventory_location_id = c1rec.SLI
                        AND organization_id = c1rec.OI
                        AND subinventory_code = c1rec.SS
                        AND nvl(disable_date,trunc(c1rec.EDD)+1) >
Line: 4356

                     SELECT 'restricted loc exists'
                       INTO dummy
                       FROM mtl_item_locations loc,
                            mtl_secondary_locators item
                      WHERE loc.inventory_location_id = c1rec.SLI
                        AND loc.organization_id = c1rec.OI
                        AND loc.subinventory_code = c1rec.SS
                        AND nvl(loc.disable_date,trunc(c1rec.EDD)+1) >
                        AND loc.inventory_location_id = item.secondary_locator
                        AND loc.organization_id = item.organization_id
                        AND item.inventory_item_id = c1rec.CII;
Line: 4400

                     SELECT 'loc exists'
                       INTO dummy
                       FROM mtl_item_locations
                      WHERE inventory_location_id = c1rec.SLI
                        AND organization_id = c1rec.OI
                        AND subinventory_code = c1rec.SS
                        AND nvl(disable_date,trunc(c1rec.EDD)+1) >
Line: 4416

                     SELECT 'restricted loc exists'
                       INTO dummy
                       FROM mtl_item_locations loc,
                            mtl_secondary_locators item
                      WHERE loc.inventory_location_id = c1rec.SLI
                        AND loc.organization_id = c1rec.OI
                        AND loc.subinventory_code = c1rec.SS
                        AND nvl(loc.disable_date,trunc(c1rec.EDD)+1) >
                        AND loc.inventory_location_id = item.secondary_locator
                        AND loc.organization_id = item.organization_id
                        AND item.inventory_item_id = c1rec.CII;
Line: 4440

         RAISE update_comp;
Line: 4460

            UPDATE bom_inventory_comps_interface
               SET process_flag = 3
             WHERE transaction_id = c1rec.TI;
Line: 4481

            UPDATE bom_inventory_comps_interface
               SET process_flag = 3
             WHERE transaction_id = c1rec.TI;
Line: 4489

         WHEN Update_Comp THEN
            stmt_num := 29;
Line: 4491

            UPDATE bom_inventory_comps_interface
               SET process_flag = 4
             WHERE transaction_id = c1rec.TI;
Line: 4519

     Insert, update and delete component data from the interface
     table, BOM_INVENTORY_COMPS_INTERFACE, into the production table,
     prog_appid              Program application id
     prog_id                 Program id
     req_id                  Request id
     user_id                 User id
     login_id                Login id
     0 if successful
     SQLCODE if error
FUNCTION Transact_Component
(       user_id                 NUMBER,
        login_id                NUMBER,
	prog_appid              NUMBER,
 	prog_id                 NUMBER,
        req_id                  NUMBER,
        err_text    OUT NOCOPY  VARCHAR2)
   return integer
   stmt_num                     NUMBER := 0;
Line: 4550

   X_delete_group_seq_id        NUMBER;
Line: 4552

   X_delete_type		NUMBER;
Line: 4556

** Select "CREATE" product family member and component records
      SELECT bic.operation_seq_num OSN, bic.component_item_id CII,
	     bic.last_update_date LUD, bic.organization_id OI,
             bic.last_updated_by LUB, bic.creation_date CD, bic.created_by CB,
	     bic.last_update_login LUL,
             bic.item_num INUM, bic.component_quantity CQ,
	     bic.component_yield_factor CYF,
             bic.component_remarks CR, bic.effectivity_date ED,
	     bic.change_notice CN,
             bic.implementation_date ID, bic.disable_date DD,
	     bic.attribute_category AC,
             bic.attribute1 A1, bic.attribute2 A2, bic.attribute3 A3,
	     bic.attribute4 A4,
	     bic.attribute5 A5,
             bic.attribute6 A6, bic.attribute7 A7, bic.attribute8 A8,
	     bic.attribute9 A9,
	     bic.attribute10 A10,
             bic.attribute11 A11, bic.attribute12 A12, bic.attribute13 A13,
	     bic.attribute14 A14, bic.attribute15 A15,
             bic.planning_factor PF, bic.quantity_related QR, bic.so_basis SB,
	     bic.optional O,
             bic.mutually_exclusive_options MEO,
	     bic.include_in_cost_rollup ICR,
	     bic.check_atp CA,
             bic.shipping_allowed SA, bic.required_to_ship RTS,
	     bic.required_for_revenue RFR,
             bic.include_on_ship_docs ISD, bic.low_quantity LQ,
	     bic.high_quantity HQ,
             bic.component_sequence_id CSI, bic.bill_sequence_id BSI,
	     bic.request_id RI,
             bic.program_application_id PAI, bic.program_id PI,
	     bic.program_update_date PUD,
             bic.wip_supply_type WST, bic.supply_locator_id SLI,
	     bic.supply_subinventory SS, bic.transaction_id TI,
             msi2.bom_item_type BIT, msi1.bom_item_type CBIT,
	     bom.assembly_item_id AII,
             bic.operation_lead_time_percent OLTP     --1851537
	     bom_bill_of_materials bom,
 	     mtl_system_items msi1,
	     mtl_system_items msi2,
             bom_inventory_comps_interface bic
       WHERE bic.process_flag = 4
         AND bic.transaction_type = G_Insert
         AND rownum < G_rows_to_commit
          AND (UPPER(bic.interface_entity_type) = 'BILL'
	       OR bic.interface_entity_type is null)
	 AND bic.bill_sequence_id = bom.bill_sequence_id
	 AND bom.assembly_item_id = msi2.inventory_item_id
	 AND bom.organization_id = msi2.organization_id
	 AND bic.component_item_id = msi1.inventory_item_id
	 AND bom.organization_id = msi1.organization_id;
Line: 4611

** Select "Update" component records
      SELECT component_sequence_id CSI, last_update_date LUD,
	     last_updated_by LUB, last_update_login LUL,
             operation_seq_num OSN,
             operation_lead_time_percent OLTP,   -- For bug 1804509
             item_num INUM, component_quantity CQ,
             component_yield_factor CYF, component_remarks CR,
             effectivity_date ED, implementation_date ID, disable_date DD,
             planning_factor PF, quantity_related QR, so_basis SB,
             optional O, mutually_exclusive_options MEO,
             include_in_cost_rollup IICR, check_atp CA, required_to_ship RTS,
             required_for_revenue RFR, include_on_ship_docs IOSD,
             low_quantity LQ, high_quantity HQ, wip_supply_type WST,
             supply_subinventory SS, supply_locator_id SLI,
             attribute_category AC, attribute1 A1, attribute2 A2,
             attribute3 A3, attribute4 A4, attribute5 A5, attribute6 A6,
             attribute7 A7, attribute8 A8, attribute9 A9, attribute10 A10,
             attribute11 A11, attribute12 A12, attribute13 A13,
             attribute14 A14, attribute15 A15, request_id RI,
             program_application_id PAI, program_id PI,
             program_update_date PUD, transaction_id TI
        FROM bom_inventory_comps_interface
       WHERE process_flag = 4
         AND transaction_type = G_UPDATE
          AND (UPPER(interface_entity_type) = 'BILL'
	       OR interface_entity_type is null)
         AND rownum < G_rows_to_commit;
Line: 4641

** Select "Delete" component records
      SELECT bic.bill_sequence_id BSI, bic.assembly_type AST,
	     bic.organization_id OI,
             bic.assembly_item_id AII, bic.alternate_bom_designator ABD,
             bic.component_sequence_id CSI, bic.transaction_id TI,
	     msi.bom_item_type BIT, msic.bom_item_type BITC,
	     bic.component_item_id CII
        FROM mtl_system_items msi,
	     mtl_system_items msic,
	     bom_inventory_comps_interface bic
       WHERE bic.process_flag = 4
         AND bic.transaction_type = G_DELETE
          AND (UPPER(bic.interface_entity_type) = 'BILL'
	       OR bic.interface_entity_type is null)
	 AND msi.organization_id = bic.organization_id
	 AND msi.inventory_item_id = bic.assembly_item_id
	 AND msic.organization_id = bic.organization_id
	 AND msic.inventory_item_id = bic.component_item_id
         AND rownum < G_rows_to_commit;
Line: 4665

** Insert Components
   stmt_num := 20;
Line: 4673

         INSERT INTO bom_inventory_components
                        OPERATION_LEAD_TIME_PERCENT,      --1851537
                        c0rec.OLTP,       --1851537
Line: 4788

** If product family member is added, need to update PRODUCT_FAMILY_ID
** in mtl_system_items.
         IF (c0rec.BIT = G_ProductFamily) THEN
               UPDATE mtl_system_items
                  SET product_family_item_id = c0rec.AII
                WHERE inventory_item_id = c0rec.CII
                  AND organization_id  = c0rec.OI;
Line: 4800

         UPDATE bom_inventory_comps_interface
            SET process_flag = 7
          WHERE transaction_id = c0rec.TI;
Line: 4813

** Update Components
   stmt_num := 63;
Line: 4821

         UPDATE bom_inventory_components
            SET last_update_date           = c1rec.LUD,
                last_updated_by            = c1rec.LUB,
                last_update_login          = c1rec.LUL,
                operation_seq_num          = c1rec.OSN,
                operation_lead_time_percent = c1rec.OLTP,   -- For bug 1804509
                item_num                   = c1rec.INUM,
                component_quantity         = c1rec.CQ,
                component_yield_factor     = c1rec.CYF,
                component_remarks          = c1rec.CR,
                effectivity_date           = c1rec.ED,
                implementation_date        = c1rec.ID,
                disable_date               = c1rec.DD,
                planning_factor            = c1rec.PF,
                quantity_related           = c1rec.QR,
                so_basis                   = c1rec.SB,
                optional                   = c1rec.O,
                mutually_exclusive_options = c1rec.MEO,
                include_in_cost_rollup     = c1rec.IICR,
                check_atp                  = c1rec.CA,
                required_to_ship           = c1rec.RTS,
                required_for_revenue       = c1rec.RFR,
                include_on_ship_docs       = c1rec.IOSD,
                low_quantity               = c1rec.LQ,
                high_quantity              = c1rec.HQ,
                wip_supply_type            = c1rec.WST,
                supply_subinventory        = c1rec.SS,
                supply_locator_id          = c1rec.SLI,
                attribute_category         = c1rec.AC,
                attribute1                 = c1rec.A1,
                attribute2                 = c1rec.A2,
                attribute3                 = c1rec.A3,
                attribute4                 = c1rec.A4,
                attribute5                 = c1rec.A5,
                attribute6                 = c1rec.A6,
                attribute7                 = c1rec.A7,
                attribute8                 = c1rec.A8,
                attribute9                 = c1rec.A9,
                attribute10                = c1rec.A10,
                attribute11                = c1rec.A11,
                attribute12                = c1rec.A12,
                attribute13                = c1rec.A13,
                attribute14                = c1rec.A14,
                attribute15                = c1rec.A15,
                request_id                 = c1rec.RI,
                program_application_id     = c1rec.PAI,
                program_id                 = c1rec.PI,
                program_update_date        = c1rec.PUD
          WHERE component_sequence_id = c1rec.CSI;
Line: 4872

         UPDATE bom_inventory_comps_interface
            SET process_flag = 7
          WHERE transaction_id = c1rec.TI;
Line: 4885

** Delete Components
   stmt_num := 33;
Line: 4896

** For Members, delete specific Allocation record.
** Also null out product family id in item master if
** this member has no more Allocations for this Product Family.
            DELETE FROM bom_inventory_components
             WHERE component_sequence_id = c2rec.CSI;
Line: 4904

   	       SELECT 'yes'
	         INTO l_members_still_exist
	         FROM bom_inventory_components
	        WHERE bill_sequence_id = c2rec.BSI
	          AND component_item_id = c2rec.CII
		  AND rownum = 1;
Line: 4912

                  UPDATE mtl_system_items
                     SET product_family_item_id = null
                   WHERE inventory_item_id = c2rec.CII
                     AND organization_id  = c2rec.OI;
Line: 4920

** Get the Component Delete Group name
            IF (X_comp_group_name is null) THEN
                  CURSOR GetCompGroup IS
                     SELECT delete_group_name, description
                       FROM bom_interface_delete_groups
                      WHERE UPPER(entity_name) = G_DeleteEntity;
Line: 4930

                        X_comp_group_name := X_compgroup.delete_group_name;
Line: 4936

Line: 4944

            X_delete_group_seq_id := null;
Line: 4946

               SELECT delete_group_sequence_id, delete_type
                 INTO X_delete_group_seq_id, X_delete_type
                 FROM bom_delete_groups
                WHERE delete_group_name = X_comp_group_name
                  AND organization_id = c2rec.OI;
Line: 4952

               IF (X_delete_type <> 4) THEN
                  X_error_message := FND_MESSAGE.Get_String('BOM',
Line: 4965

            X_new_group_seq_id := Modal_Delete.Delete_Manager_Oi(
               new_group_seq_id => X_delete_group_seq_id,
               name => X_comp_group_name,
               group_desc => X_comp_group_description,
               org_id => c2rec.OI,
               bom_or_eng => c2rec.AST,
               del_type => 4,
               ent_bill_seq_id => c2rec.BSI,
               ent_rtg_seq_id => null,
               ent_inv_item_id => c2rec.AII,
               ent_alt_designator => c2rec.ABD,
               ent_comp_seq_id => c2rec.CSI,
               ent_op_seq_id => null,
               user_id => user_id,
      	       err_text => err_text);
Line: 4983

         UPDATE bom_inventory_comps_interface
            SET process_flag = 7
          WHERE transaction_id = c2rec.TI;
Line: 5093

         DELETE from bom_inventory_comps_interface
          WHERE process_flag = 7
            AND (UPPER(interface_entity_type) = 'BILL'
	       OR interface_entity_type is null)
            AND rownum < G_rows_to_commit;