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2   --
3   -- NOTE: The type varchar2s is equivalent to the type varchar2s
4   --       in the package dbms_repcat.  If you make changes to this
5   --       version, please make the same changes to the other version.
6   --
9   ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
10   PROCEDURE register_snapshot_repgroup(gname    IN VARCHAR2,
11                                        snapsite IN VARCHAR2,
12                                        comment  IN VARCHAR2 := NULL,
13                                        rep_type IN NUMBER
14                                              := dbms_repcat_decl.reg_unknown,
15                                        fname    IN VARCHAR2 := NULL,
16                                        gowner   IN VARCHAR2 := 'PUBLIC');
17   -- This procedure is used at the master site to manually register
18   -- a snapshot repgroup.
19   -- Arguments:
20   --   gname: Name of the repgroup
21   --   snapsite: Site of the snapshot repgroup
22   --   comment: comment describing the snapshot repgroup
23   --   rep_type: Version of the snapshot group (valid constants are
24   --     defined in dbms_repcat package header)
25   --   fname: This parameter is reserved for internal use.
26   --          Do not specify this parameter unless directed
27   --          by Oracle Worldwide Customer Support.
28   --   gowner: Owner of the repgroup
29   ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
30   PROCEDURE unregister_snapshot_repgroup(gname    IN VARCHAR2,
31                                          snapsite IN VARCHAR2,
32                                          gowner   IN VARCHAR2 := 'PUBLIC');
33   -- This procedure is used at the master site to manually unregister
34   -- a snapshot repgroup.
35   -- Arguments:
36   --   gname: Name of the repgroup
37   --   snapsite: Site of the snapshot repgroup
38   --   gowner: owner of the repgroup
39   ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
40   PROCEDURE alter_snapshot_propagation(gname            IN VARCHAR2,
41                                        propagation_mode IN VARCHAR2,
42                                        comment          IN VARCHAR2 := '',
43                                        gowner           IN VARCHAR2
44                                                            := 'PUBLIC');
45   -- Alter the propagation method of all replication snapshots, procedure,
46   -- packages, and package bodies for all snapshot repobjects in the
47   -- specified snapshot repgroup.
48   --
49   -- Altering the propagation method involves regenerating replication
50   -- support at the materialized view site.
51   --
52   -- Arguments:
53   --   gname: name of the snapshot object group
54   --   propagation_mode: SYNCHRONOUS or ASYNCHRONOUS
55   --   comment: comment added to the RepProp view
56   --   gowner: owner of the snapshot object group
57   --
58   -- Exceptions:
59   --   notcompat: only databases operating in 7.3 (or later) mode can
60   --     use this procedure.
61   --   missingrepgroup: replicated object group does not exist
62   --   typefailure: incorrect propagation mode specified
63   --   commfailure: cannot contact master
64   --   failaltermviewrop: materialized view repgroup propagation can be
65   --   altered only when there is no other repgroup with the same master
66   --   sharing the site.
67  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
68   PROCEDURE create_snapshot_repgroup(gname            IN VARCHAR2,
69                                      master           IN VARCHAR2,
70                                      comment          IN VARCHAR2 := '',
71                                      propagation_mode IN VARCHAR2
72                                                          := 'ASYNCHRONOUS',
73                                      fname            IN VARCHAR2 := NULL,
74                                      gowner           IN VARCHAR2
75                                                          := 'PUBLIC');
76   -- Create a new empty snapshot repgroup at the local site. The group name
77   -- must be a master repgroup at the master database.
78   --
79   -- Arguments:
80   --   gname: name of the replicated object group
81   --   master: database to use as the master
82   --   comment: comment added to the schema_comment field of RepCat view
83   --   propagation_mode: method of propagation for all updatable snapshots
84   --     in the object group (SYNCHRONOUS or ASYNCHRONOUS)
85   --   fname: This parameter is reserved for internal use.
86   --          Do not specify this parameter unless directed
87   --          by Oracle Worldwide Customer Support.
88   --   gowner: owner of the replicated object group
89   --
90   -- Exceptions:
91   --   duplicaterepgroup: if the objectgroup already exists as a repgroup
92   --     at the invocation site.
93   --   nonmaster: if the given database is not a master site.
94   --   commfailure: if the given database is not accessible.
95   --   norepoption: if advanced replication option not installed
96   --   typefailure: if propagation mode specified incorrectly
97   --   missingrepgroup: object group missing at master site
98   --   invalidqualifier: connection qualifier specified for master is not
99   --     valid for the object group
100   --   alreadymastered: if at the local site there is another snapshot
101   --     repgroup with the same group name, but different master.
102  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
103   PROCEDURE create_snapshot_repobject(sname             IN VARCHAR2,
104                                       oname             IN VARCHAR2,
105                                       type              IN VARCHAR2,
106                                       ddl_text          IN VARCHAR2 := '',
107                                       comment           IN VARCHAR2 := '',
108                                       gname             IN VARCHAR2 := '',
109                                       gen_objs_owner    IN VARCHAR2 := '',
110                                       min_communication IN BOOLEAN := TRUE,
111                                       generate_80_compatible
112                                                         IN BOOLEAN := TRUE,
113                                       gowner            IN VARCHAR2
114                                                            := 'PUBLIC');
115   -- Add the given object name and type to the RepObject view at the local
116   -- snapshot repgroup. The allowed types are `package', `package body',
117   -- 'procedure', `snapshot', `synonym', 'trigger', 'index' and `view'.
118   --
119   -- For objects of type `snapshot', create the row-level replication trigger
120   -- and client-side half of the stored package if the underlying table
121   -- uses row/column-level replication.
122   --
123   -- The parameter ddl_text defines the snapshot if the snapshot does not
124   -- already exist. The value of oname should match the snapshot
125   -- name defined in the ddl_text.  The snaphot's master should match the
126   -- master stored in all_repgroup, this includes the connection qualifier
127   -- that may be associated with the master group.
128   --
129   -- gen_objs_owner indicates the schema in which the generated procedural
130   -- wrapper should be install. If this parameter is NULL, the value of the
131   -- sname parameter is used.
132   --
133   -- If min_communication is TRUE and type is 'SNAPSHOT', the update trigger
134   -- sends the new value of a column only if the update statement modifies the
135   -- column.  The update trigger sends the old value of the column only if it
136   -- is a key column or a column in a modified column group.
137   --
138   -- If generate_80_compatible is true, deferred RPC's with the TOP
139   -- flavor are generated using the 8.0 protocol.
140   --
141   -- gowner is the owner of the replicated object group
142   --
143   -- Exceptions:
144   --   missingschema if specified owner of generated objects does not exist
145   --   nonmview if the invocation site is not a materialized view site.
146   --   nonmaster if the master is no longer a master site.
147   --   missingobject if the given object does not exist in the master's
148   --     replicated object group.
149   --   duplicateobject if the given object already exists.
150   --   typefailure if the type is not an allowable type.
151   --   ddlfailure if the DDL does not succeed.
152   --   commfailure if the master is not accessible.
153   --   badmviewddl if th ddl was executed but materialized view does not exist
154   --   onlyonemview if only one materialized view for master table can be
155   --                created
156   --   badmviewname if materialized view base table differs from master table
157   --   misingrepgroup if replicated object group does not exist
158   ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
159   PROCEDURE create_snapshot_repschema(sname   IN VARCHAR2,
160                                       master  IN VARCHAR2,
161                                       comment IN VARCHAR2 := '');
162   -- OBSOLETE PROCEDURE: use create_snapshot_repgroup()
163   -- Create a new empty snapshot repschema. The schema name must be a master
164   -- repschema at the master database. In addition, the schema must also exist
165   -- locally as a database schema.
166   --
167   -- Exceptions:
168   --   duplicateschema: if the schema already exists as a replicated object
169   --                    group at the invocation site.
170   --   nonmaster: if the given database is not a master site.
171   --   commfailure: if the given database is not accessible.
172   ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
173   PROCEDURE drop_snapshot_repgroup(gname         IN VARCHAR2,
174                                    drop_contents IN BOOLEAN := FALSE,
175                                    gowner        IN VARCHAR2 := 'PUBLIC');
176   -- Drop the given snapshot repgroup and optionally all of its contents
177   -- at this materialized view site.
178   --
179   -- Arguments:
180   --   gname: name of the replicated object group to be dropped
181   --   drop_contents: (see comment above)
182   --   gowner: owner of the replicated object group
183   --
184   -- Exceptions:
185   --   nonmview: if the invocation site is not a materialized view site.
186   --   missingrepgroup: the replicated object group does not exist
187   ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
188   PROCEDURE drop_snapshot_repobject(sname        IN VARCHAR2,
189                                     oname        IN VARCHAR2,
190                                     type         IN VARCHAR2,
191                                     drop_objects IN BOOLEAN := FALSE);
192   -- Remove the given object name from the local replication catalog
193   -- and optionally drop the object and dependent objects.
194   --
195   -- Exceptions:
196   --   nonmview if the invocation site is not a materialized view site.
197   --   missingobject if the given object does not exist.
198   --   typefailure if the given type parameter is not supported.
199   ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
200   PROCEDURE drop_snapshot_repschema(sname         IN VARCHAR2,
201                                     drop_contents IN BOOLEAN := FALSE);
202   -- OBSOLETE PROCEDURE: use drop_snapshot_repgroup()
203   -- Drop the given snapshot repschema and optionally all of its contents
204   -- at this materialized view site. In addition, the schema must also exist locally
205   -- as a database schema.
206   --
207   -- Exceptions:
208   --   nonmview if the invocation site is not a materialized view site.
209   ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
210   PROCEDURE generate_snapshot_support(sname             IN VARCHAR2,
211                                       oname             IN VARCHAR2,
212                                       type              IN VARCHAR2,
213                                       gen_objs_owner    IN VARCHAR2 := '',
214                                       min_communication IN BOOLEAN := TRUE,
215                                       generate_80_compatible
216                                                         IN BOOLEAN := TRUE);
217   -- If the object exists in the replicated snapshot object group
218   -- as an updatable snapshot using row/column-level replication,
219   -- create the row-level replication trigger and stored package.
220   --
221   -- If the object exists in the replicated object group as a procedure
222   -- or package (body), then generate the appropriate wrappers.
223   --
224   -- Parameter gen_objs_owner specifies the schema in which the generated
225   -- replication package and wrapper should be installed. If this value is
226   -- NULL, then the generated package or wrapper will be installed in the
227   -- schema specified by the sname parameter.
228   --
229   -- If min_communication is TRUE, then the update trigger sends the new value
230   -- of a column only if the update statement modifies the column.  The update
231   -- trigger sends the old value of the column only if it is a key column or
232   -- a column in a modified column group.
233   --
234   -- If generate_80_compatible is true, deferred RPC's with the TOP
235   -- flavor are generated using the 8.0 protocol.
236   --
237   -- Exceptions:
238   --   nonmview: if the invocation site is not a materialized view site.
239   --   missingobject: if the given object does not exist as a snapshot in the
240   --                  replicated objevt group awaiting row/column-level
241   --                  replication information or as a procedure or package
242   --                  (body) awaiting wrapper generation.
243   --   typefailure: if the given type parameter is not supported.
244   --   missingschema: if specified owner of generated objects does not exist
245   --   missingremoteobject: if the master object has not yet generated
246   --                        replication support.
247   --   commfailure: if the master is not accessible
248   ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
249   PROCEDURE refresh_snapshot_repgroup(gname                 IN VARCHAR2,
250                                       drop_missing_contents IN BOOLEAN
251                                         := FALSE,
252                                       refresh_snapshots     IN BOOLEAN
253                                         := FALSE,
254                                       refresh_other_objects IN BOOLEAN
255                                         := FALSE,
256                                       gowner                IN VARCHAR2
257                                         := 'PUBLIC');
258   -- Refresh the RepCat views for the given repgroup and optionally drop
259   -- objects no longer in the repgroup.  Consistently refresh the snapshots
260   -- if refresh_snapshots is TRUE.  Refresh the other objects if
261   -- refresh_other_objects is TRUE. The value in gname must be an existing
262   -- snapshot object group in the local database.
263   --
264   -- Exceptions:
265   --   nonmview: if the invocation site is not a materialized view site.
266   --   nonmaster: if the master is no longer a master site.
267   --   commfailure: if the master is not accessible.
268   --   missingrepgroup: if the replicated object group does not exist
269   ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
270   PROCEDURE refresh_snapshot_repschema(sname                 IN VARCHAR2,
271                                        drop_missing_contents IN BOOLEAN
272                                          := FALSE,
273                                        refresh_snapshots     IN BOOLEAN
274                                          := FALSE,
275                                        refresh_other_objects IN BOOLEAN
276                                          := FALSE,
277                                        execute_as_user       IN BOOLEAN);
278   PROCEDURE refresh_snapshot_repschema(sname                 IN VARCHAR2,
279                                        drop_missing_contents IN BOOLEAN
280                                          := FALSE,
281                                        refresh_snapshots     IN BOOLEAN
282                                          := FALSE,
283                                        refresh_other_objects IN BOOLEAN
284                                          := FALSE);
285   -- OBSOLETE PROCEDURE: use refresh_snapshot_repgroup()
286   -- Refresh the RepCat views for the given repgroup and optionally drop
287   -- objects no longer in the repschema.  Consistently refresh the snapshots
288   -- iff refresh_snapshots is TRUE.  Refresh the other objects if
289   -- refresh_other_objects is TRUE. Deferred RPCs to the master site are
290   -- pushed as the current session's user if execute_as_user is TRUE
291   -- The schema sname must exist as a schema in the local database
292   --
293   -- Exceptions:
294   --   nonmview if the invocation site is not a materialized view site.
295   --   nonmaster if the master is no longer a master site.
296   --   commfailure if the master is not accessible.
300                                 sname  IN VARCHAR2 := '',
297   ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
298   PROCEDURE repcat_import_check(gname  IN VARCHAR2 := '',
299                                 master IN BOOLEAN,
301                                 gowner IN VARCHAR2 := 'PUBLIC');
302   -- Update the object identifiers and status values in repcat$_repobject
303   -- for the given repgroup, preserving object status values other than VALID.
304   --
305   -- Exceptions:
306   --   missingschema: if the replicated object group does not exist.
307   --   nonmaster: if master is TRUE and either the database is not a master or
308   --              the database is not the expected database.
309   --   nonmview: if master is FALSE and the database is not a materialized view site.
310   --   missingobject: if a valid repobject in the schema does not exist.
311   ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
312   PROCEDURE repcat_import_check;
313   -- Invoke repcat_import_check(gowner, gname) for each replicated object group
314   --
315   -- Exceptions:
316   --   nonmaster if the database is not the expected database for any
317   --     replicated object group.
318   --   missingobject if a valid replicated object in any schema does not exist.
319   ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
320   PROCEDURE switch_snapshot_master(gname      IN VARCHAR2,
321                                    master     IN VARCHAR2,
322                                    gowner     IN VARCHAR2 := 'PUBLIC');
323   -- Change the master database of the snapshot repgroup to the given
324   -- database. The new database must contain a replica of the master
325   -- repgroup. Each snapshot in the local repgroup will be completely
326   -- refreshed from the new master the next time it is refreshed.
327   -- This procedure will raise an error if any snapshot definition query
328   -- is bigger than 32K.
329   --
330   -- Any snapshot logs should be created at all masters to avoid future
331   -- complete refreshes.
332   --
333   -- Arguments:
334   --   gname: name of the snapshot object group
335   --   master: name of the new master
336   --   gowner: owner of the snapshot object group
337   --
338   -- Exceptions:
339   --   nonmview: if the invocation site is not a materialized view site.
340   --   nonmaster: if the given database is not a master site.
341   --   commfailure: if the given database is not accessible.
342   --   missingrepgroup: snapshot repgroup does not exist
343   --   qrytoolong: snapshot definition query is > 32K
344   --   alreadymastered: if at the local site there is another snapshot repgroup
345   --     with the same group name and mastered at the old master.
346   ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
347   ---
348   ---
349   ---
350   --- #######################################################################
351   --- #######################################################################
352   ---                        INTERNAL PROCEDURES
353   ---
354   --- The following procedures provide internal functionality and should
355   --- not be called directly. Invoking these procedures may corrupt your
356   --- replication environment.
357   ---
358   --- #######################################################################
359   --- #######################################################################
360   PROCEDURE validate_for_local_flavor(
361     gname IN VARCHAR2,
362     fname IN VARCHAR2,
363     gowner IN VARCHAR2 := 'PUBLIC' );
365   PROCEDURE set_local_flavor(
366     gname IN VARCHAR2,
367     fname IN VARCHAR2,
368     validate IN BOOLEAN := TRUE,
369     gowner IN VARCHAR2 := 'PUBLIC' );
370 END dbms_repcat_sna;