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Line 215: * and calculated tax/taxable amount into zx_rep_trx_jx_ext_t table

211: /**
212: * PROCEDURE Name: insert_row
213: *
214: + This procedure insert fetched accounting info into zx_rep_actg_ext_t table
215: * and calculated tax/taxable amount into zx_rep_trx_jx_ext_t table
216: *
217: * @parameter: p_detail_tax_line_id_tbl
218: * @parameter: p_taxable_amt_tbl
219: * @parameter: p_taxable_amt_funcl_curr_tbl

Line 308: INSERT INTO zx_rep_trx_jx_ext_t (

304: /*
305: * Insert Prorated amount into jx ext itf
306: */
308: INSERT INTO zx_rep_trx_jx_ext_t (
309: request_id,
310: created_by,
311: creation_date,
312: last_updated_by,

Line 329: zx_rep_trx_jx_ext_t_s.NEXTVAL,

325: g_today,
326: g_user_id,
327: g_today,
328: g_login_id,
329: zx_rep_trx_jx_ext_t_s.NEXTVAL,
330: p_detail_tax_line_id_tbl(i),
331: p_taxable_amt_tbl(i),
332: p_taxable_amt_funcl_curr_tbl(i),
333: p_tax_amt_tbl(i),

Line 1661: -- query and inserting data into zx_rep_trx_jx_ext_t table

1657: END IF;
1659: -- 8411005 : commenting out the loop by loop execution
1660: -- and directly using sql to fetch the data instead of sequential
1661: -- query and inserting data into zx_rep_trx_jx_ext_t table
1662: /***
1663: OPEN c_trl_itf(p_trl_global_variables_rec.request_id, 'GL');
1664: FETCH c_trl_itf BULK COLLECT INTO p_detail_tax_line_id_tbl,
1665: p_trx_id_tbl,

Line 1730: INSERT INTO zx_rep_trx_jx_ext_t (

1727: END IF;
1728: ***/
1730: INSERT INTO zx_rep_trx_jx_ext_t (
1731: request_id,
1732: created_by,
1733: creation_date,
1734: last_updated_by,

Line 1751: zx_rep_trx_jx_ext_t_s.NEXTVAL,

1747: g_today,
1748: g_user_id,
1749: g_today,
1750: g_login_id,
1751: zx_rep_trx_jx_ext_t_s.NEXTVAL,
1752: detail_tax_line_id,
1753: taxable_amt,
1754: taxable_amt_funcl_curr,
1755: tax_amt,

Line 1778: -- query and inserting data into zx_rep_trx_jx_ext_t table

1774: END IF;
1776: -- 8247493 : commenting out the loop by loop execution
1777: -- and directly using sql to fetch the data instead of sequential
1778: -- query and inserting data into zx_rep_trx_jx_ext_t table
1779: /***
1780: OPEN c_trl_itf(p_trl_global_variables_rec.request_id, 'AP');
1781: FETCH c_trl_itf BULK COLLECT INTO p_detail_tax_line_id_tbl,
1782: p_trx_id_tbl,

Line 1850: INSERT INTO zx_rep_trx_jx_ext_t (

1846: l_acct_date_tbl);
1847: END IF;
1848: ***/
1850: INSERT INTO zx_rep_trx_jx_ext_t (
1851: request_id,
1852: created_by,
1853: creation_date,
1854: last_updated_by,

Line 1871: zx_rep_trx_jx_ext_t_s.NEXTVAL,

1867: g_today,
1868: g_user_id,
1869: g_today,
1870: g_login_id,
1871: zx_rep_trx_jx_ext_t_s.NEXTVAL,
1872: detail_tax_line_id,
1873: CASE WHEN tax_line_change= 1 OR (NVL(reverse_flag,'N') = 'Y' AND recoverable_flag = 'N') THEN taxable_amt
1874: ELSE 0
1875: END,