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Line 295: p_business_group_id in per_all_assignments_f.business_group_id%type,

291: -- This function returns the currency code of an element on an effective date.
293: Function retrieve_element_curr_code (p_element_name in pay_element_types_f.element_name%type,
294: p_assignment_id in pay_element_entries_f.assignment_id%type,
295: p_business_group_id in per_all_assignments_f.business_group_id%type,
296: p_effective_date in date ) return varchar2 is
298: --
299: l_proc varchar2(72);

Line 717: FROM per_all_assignments_f

713: FUNCTION get_assignment_start_date(p_person_id IN NUMBER) RETURN DATE IS
715: CURSOR assignement_start_date(p_person_id NUMBER) IS
716: SELECT MIN(effective_start_date) effective_start_date
717: FROM per_all_assignments_f
718: WHERE person_id = p_person_id AND
719: assignment_id =
720: (SELECT MAX(assignment_id)
721: FROM per_all_assignments_f

Line 721: FROM per_all_assignments_f

717: FROM per_all_assignments_f
718: WHERE person_id = p_person_id AND
719: assignment_id =
720: (SELECT MAX(assignment_id)
721: FROM per_all_assignments_f
722: WHERE person_id = p_person_id AND assignment_type in ('E','C')) AND
723: assignment_type in ('E','C');
724: l_ass_st_date DATE;
725: BEGIN

Line 740: from per_all_assignments_f

736: Function get_assignment_end_date(p_person_id in number) return date is
738: cursor assignement_end_date (p_person_id number) is
739: select max(effective_end_date) effective_end_date
740: from per_all_assignments_f
741: where person_id = p_person_id and
742: assignment_type in ('E','C') ;
743: l_ass_end_date date;
744: Begin

Line 794: FROM per_all_assignments_f

790: ,P_BUSINESS_GROUP_ID in Number) RETURN varchar2 IS
792: CURSOR assignement_id(p_person_id NUMBER) IS
793: SELECT MAX(assignment_id) assg_id
794: FROM per_all_assignments_f
795: WHERE person_id = p_person_id AND assignment_type in ('E','C');
796: l_asg_id number;
797: l_screen_entry_value varchar2 (150);
798: l_effective_start_date date;

Line 826: p_business_group_id in per_all_assignments_f.business_group_id%type)

823: Function get_elmt_curr_code_ason_dt (
824: p_element_name in pay_element_types_f.element_name%type,
825: p_person_id in number,
826: p_business_group_id in per_all_assignments_f.business_group_id%type)
827: return varchar2 is
829: l_proc varchar2(72);
830: l_new_element_name VARCHAR2(80);

Line 838: FROM per_all_assignments_f

835: CURSOR assignement_start_date(p_person_id NUMBER) IS
836: SELECT MIN(effective_start_date) effective_start_date,
837: MIN(assignment_id) assignment_id
838: FROM per_all_assignments_f
839: WHERE person_id = p_person_id AND
840: assignment_id =
841: (SELECT MAX(assignment_id)
842: FROM per_all_assignments_f

Line 842: FROM per_all_assignments_f

838: FROM per_all_assignments_f
839: WHERE person_id = p_person_id AND
840: assignment_id =
841: (SELECT MAX(assignment_id)
842: FROM per_all_assignments_f
843: WHERE person_id = p_person_id AND assignment_type in ('E','C'))
844: AND assignment_type in ('E','C');
846: Cursor c_ele_input_curr_code is