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Line 537: -- call EGO_USER_ATTRS_DATA_PUB.Process_User_Attrs_Data() with --

533: -- The interface table stores the Attribute data in a redundant --
534: -- form; we loop through its rows flattening the data out and --
535: -- building appropriate objects so that every time we reach the --
536: -- end of a row subset for a particular Item instance, we can --
537: -- call EGO_USER_ATTRS_DATA_PUB.Process_User_Attrs_Data() with --
538: -- the accumulated objects we've built in previous loops. --
539: ------------------------------------------------------------------

Line 683: EGO_USER_ATTRS_DATA_PUB.Process_User_Attrs_Data

679: -- will need one final call after we're done looping through all rows; --
680: -- note also that we make sure the user passed the security check) --
681: -------------------------------------------------------------------------
682: EGO_USER_ATTRS_DATA_PVT.Debug_Msg('Sac inside Header loop previous instance processing ', 1);
683: EGO_USER_ATTRS_DATA_PUB.Process_User_Attrs_Data
684: (
685: p_api_version => G_API_VERSION
686: ,p_object_name => G_ITEM_NAME
687: ,p_attributes_row_table => p_attributes_row_table

Line 795: EGO_USER_ATTRS_DATA_PUB.Process_User_Attrs_Data

791: -- all errors accumulated through our previous loops --
792: -----------------------------------------------------------
793: IF (l_can_edit_this_instance = 'T'and l_header_row_exists) THEN
795: EGO_USER_ATTRS_DATA_PUB.Process_User_Attrs_Data
796: (
797: p_api_version => G_API_VERSION
798: ,p_object_name => G_ITEM_NAME
799: ,p_attributes_row_table => p_attributes_row_table

Line 985: EGO_USER_ATTRS_DATA_PUB.Process_User_Attrs_Data

981: -- will need one final call after we're done looping through all rows; --
982: -- note also that we make sure the user passed the security check) --
983: -------------------------------------------------------------------------
984: EGO_USER_ATTRS_DATA_PVT.Debug_Msg('Sac inside process the data collected for the previous instance ', 1);
985: EGO_USER_ATTRS_DATA_PUB.Process_User_Attrs_Data
986: (
987: p_api_version => G_API_VERSION
988: ,p_object_name => G_ITEM_NAME
989: ,p_attributes_row_table => p_line_attributes_row_table

Line 1111: EGO_USER_ATTRS_DATA_PUB.Process_User_Attrs_Data

1107: IF (l_can_edit_this_instance = 'T'AND l_line_row_exists ) THEN
1108: EGO_USER_ATTRS_DATA_PVT.Debug_Msg('Sac before final calling :',3);
1111: EGO_USER_ATTRS_DATA_PUB.Process_User_Attrs_Data
1112: (
1113: p_api_version => G_API_VERSION
1114: ,p_object_name => G_ITEM_NAME
1115: ,p_attributes_row_table => p_line_attributes_row_table

Line 1397: EGO_USER_ATTRS_DATA_PUB.Process_User_Attrs_Data

1393: );
1394: END LOOP;
1395: END IF;
1397: EGO_USER_ATTRS_DATA_PUB.Process_User_Attrs_Data
1398: (
1399: p_api_version => p_api_version
1400: ,p_object_name => G_ITEM_NAME
1401: ,p_attributes_row_table => l_attr_row_table

Line 1543: EGO_USER_ATTRS_DATA_PUB.Process_User_Attrs_Data

1539: ,null ,p_attributes_row_table(i).TRANSACTION_TYPE
1540: );
1541: END LOOP;
1542: END IF;
1543: EGO_USER_ATTRS_DATA_PUB.Process_User_Attrs_Data
1544: (
1545: p_api_version => p_api_version
1546: ,p_object_name => G_ITEM_NAME
1547: ,p_attributes_row_table => l_attr_row_table