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2 /* $Header: pyjptpzn.pkh 120.0 2005/05/29 06:20:49 appldev noship $ */
3 /******************************************************************************
5   Copyright (c) Oracle Corporation (UK) Ltd 1993.
6   All Rights Reserved.
9     Oracle*Payroll
11   NAME
15     Magnetic tape format procedure.
17 1.0 Overview
19   A PL/SQL package will be written for each type of magnetic tape. The package
20   will include all cursors and procedures required for the particular magnetic
21   tape format. A stored procedure provides the top level of control flow for
22   the magnetic tape file generation. This may call other procedures dependant
23   on the state of the cursors and the input parameters.
25   The stored procedure will be called before each execution of a
26   formula. Parameters returned as results of the previous formula execution
27   will be passed to the procedure. The procedure must handle all context
28   cursors needed and may also set parameters required by the formula.
30   Using NACHA as an example, for the file header record formula, a call
31   to a cursor which fetches legal_company_id must be performed.
33   The interface between the 'C' process and the stored procedure will make
34   extensive use of PL/SQL tables. PL/SQL tables are single column tables which
35   are accessed by an integer index value. Items in the tables will use indexes
36   begining with 1 and increasing contiguously to the number of elements. The
37   index number will be used to match items in the name and value tables.
39   The first element in the value tables will always be the number of elements
40   available in the table. The elements in the tables will be of type VARCHAR2
41   any conversion necessary should be performed within the PL/SQL procedure.
43   The parameters returned by formula execution will be passed
44   to the stored procedure. Parameters may or may not be altered by the PL/SQL
45   procedure and will be passed back to the formula for the next execution.
46   Context tables will always be reset by the PL/SQL procedure.
48   The names of the tables used to interface with the PL/SQL procedure are
49        param_names     type IN/OUT
50        param_values    type IN/OUT
51        context_names   type OUT
52        context_values  type OUT
54   The second item in the output_parameter_value table will be the formula ID
55   of the next formula to be executed (the first item is the number of values
56   in the table).
58     Change List
59     -----------
60         Date       Name                 Description
61         ----------+--------------------+---------------------------------------
62         1996/12/01 Tohru Tagawa         Created.
63         1997/01/09 Tohru Tagawa         Added group_by expression to the cursor
64                                         'zengin_ee_payment'
65 	1997/07/28 Toru Tagawa		Changed name column to use per_information18
66 					and per_information19 not last_name,first_name.
67 					Added nvl function.
68 	1997/07/30 Toru Tagawa		Fixed bug that bank_pay_dest_account cursor
69                                         fails with ORA-00979: not GROUP BY expression.
70 	1998/07/30 Toru Tagawa		Changed all the cursor for performance tuning.
71 					Payment Formulas are also modified.
72 					Alter package clause is added in the end to avoid bug
73 					caused by Oracle when calling pay_magtape_generic.
74         1999/07/19 Toshihide Nanjyo     Add a semicolon to the exit statement.
75         2000/02/14 Toru Tagawa          Entity change by Bug.1077383 is applied.
76         2002/06/12 Toru Tagawa          All procedures and functions commented out.
77 Package header:
78 ******************************************************************************/
79 --
80 -- Header cursor
81 -- ORG_PAYMENT_METHOD_ID is mandatory in Japan.
82 -- So ORG_PAYMENT_METHOD_ID is unique per PAYROLL_ACTION_ID on Magtape process.
83 CURSOR csr_source_bank IS
84 	select	'P_REQUEST_ID=P',		to_char(ppa.request_id),
85 		'P_START_DATE=P',		to_char(ppa.start_date,'DD-MON-YYYY'),
86 		'P_EFFECTIVE_DATE=P',		to_char(ppa.effective_date,'DD-MON-YYYY'),
87 		'P_DEPOSIT_DATE=P',		to_char(ppa.overriding_dd_date,'DD-MON-YYYY'),
88 		'P_CLIENT_CODE=P',		opm.pmeth_information1,
89 		'P_CLIENT_NAME_KANA=P',		opm.pmeth_information2,
90 		'P_SOURCE_BANK_CODE=P',		bnk.bank_code,
91 		'P_SOURCE_BANK_NAME=P',		bnk.bank_name,
92 		'P_SOURCE_BANK_NAME_KANA=P',	bnk.bank_name_kana,
93 		'P_SOURCE_BRANCH_CODE=P',	bch.branch_code,
94 		'P_SOURCE_BRANCH_NAME=P',	bch.branch_name,
95 		'P_SOURCE_BRANCH_NAME_KANA=P',	bch.branch_name_kana,
96 		'P_SOURCE_ACCOUNT_TYPE=P',	pea.segment7,
97 		'P_SOURCE_ACCOUNT_NUMBER=P',	pea.segment8,
98 		'P_SOURCE_ACCOUNT_NAME_KANA=P',	pea.segment9
99 	from	pay_jp_bank_branches		bch,
100 		pay_jp_banks			bnk,
101 		pay_external_accounts		pea,
102 		pay_org_payment_methods_f	opm,
103 		pay_payroll_actions		ppa
104 	where	ppa.payroll_action_id = to_number(pay_magtape_generic.get_parameter_value('PAYROLL_ACTION_ID'))
105 	and	opm.org_payment_method_id = ppa.org_payment_method_id
106 	and	ppa.effective_date
107 		between opm.effective_start_date and opm.effective_end_date
108 	and	pea.external_account_id = opm.external_account_id
109 	and	bnk.bank_code = pea.segment1
110 	and	bch.bank_code = bnk.bank_code
111 	and	bch.branch_code = pea.segment4;
112 --
113 -- Destination Bank cursor
114 --
115 CURSOR csr_dest_bank IS
116 	select	'P_DEST_BANK_CODE=P',		bnk.bank_code,
117 		'P_DEST_BANK_NAME=P',		bnk.bank_name,
118 		'P_DEST_BANK_NAME_KANA=P',	bnk.bank_name_kana
119 	from	pay_jp_banks			bnk,
120 		pay_external_accounts		pea,
121 		pay_personal_payment_methods_f	ppm,
122 		pay_payroll_actions		ppa2,	-- Prepay pact
123 		pay_assignment_actions		paa2,	-- Prepay assact
124 		pay_pre_payments		ppp,
125 		pay_assignment_actions		paa	-- Magtape assact
126 	where	paa.payroll_action_id = to_number(pay_magtape_generic.get_parameter_value('PAYROLL_ACTION_ID'))
127 	and	ppp.pre_payment_id = paa.pre_payment_id
128 	and	paa2.assignment_action_id = ppp.assignment_action_id
129 	and	ppa2.payroll_action_id = paa2.payroll_action_id
130 	and	ppm.personal_payment_method_id = ppp.personal_payment_method_id
131 	and	ppa2.effective_date
132 		between ppm.effective_start_date and ppm.effective_end_date
133 	and	pea.external_account_id = ppm.external_account_id
134 	and	bnk.bank_code = pea.segment1
135 	group by
136 		bnk.bank_code,
137 		bnk.bank_name,
138 		bnk.bank_name_kana
139 	order by 2;
140 --
141 -- Payment Cursor
142 --
143 CURSOR csr_payment IS
144 	select	'P_DEST_BRANCH_CODE=P',		bch.branch_code,
145 		'P_DEST_BRANCH_NAME=P',		bch.branch_name,
146 		'P_DEST_BRANCH_NAME_KANA=P',	bch.branch_name_kana,
147 		'P_DEST_ACCOUNT_TYPE=P',	pea.segment7,
148 		'P_DEST_ACCOUNT_NUMBER=P',	pea.segment8,
149 		'P_DEST_ACCOUNT_NAME_KANA=P',	pea.segment9,
150 		'P_EMPLOYEE_NUMBER=P',		min(pp.employee_number)	EMPLOYEE_NUMBER,
151 		'P_FULL_NAME=P',		min(rpad(pp.per_information18 || ' ' || pp.per_information19,20,' ')),
152 		'P_PAYMENT=P',			to_char(sum(ppp.value))
153 	from	per_all_people_f		pp,
154 		per_all_assignments_f		pa,
155 		pay_jp_bank_branches		bch,
156 		pay_external_accounts		pea,
157 		pay_personal_payment_methods_f	ppm,
158 		pay_payroll_actions		ppa2,	-- Prepay pact
159 		pay_assignment_actions		paa2,	-- Prepay assact
160 		pay_pre_payments		ppp,
161 		pay_assignment_actions		paa	-- Magtape assact
162 	where	paa.payroll_action_id = to_number(pay_magtape_generic.get_parameter_value('PAYROLL_ACTION_ID'))
163 	and	ppp.pre_payment_id = paa.pre_payment_id
164 	and	paa2.assignment_action_id = ppp.assignment_action_id
165 	and	ppa2.payroll_action_id = paa2.payroll_action_id
166 	and	ppm.personal_payment_method_id = ppp.personal_payment_method_id
167 	and	ppa2.effective_date
168 		between ppm.effective_start_date and ppm.effective_end_date
169 	and	pea.external_account_id = ppm.external_account_id
170 	and	pea.segment1 = pay_magtape_generic.get_parameter_value('P_DEST_BANK_CODE')
171 	and	bch.bank_code = pea.segment1
172 	and	bch.branch_code = pea.segment4
173 	and	pa.assignment_id = paa.assignment_id
174 	and	ppa2.effective_date
175 		between pa.effective_start_date and pa.effective_end_date
176 	and	pp.person_id=pa.person_id
177 	and	ppa2.effective_date
178 		between pp.effective_start_date and pp.effective_end_date
179 	group by
180 		bch.branch_code,
181 		bch.branch_name,
182 		bch.branch_name_kana,
183 		pea.segment7,
184 		pea.segment8,
185 		pea.segment9,
186 		pa.person_id
187 	order by 2,lpad(EMPLOYEE_NUMBER,30,' ');
188 --
189     level_cnt number;
190 --
191 /*
192     PROCEDURE new_formula;
193 --
194     FUNCTION get_process_date(p_assignment_action_id in number,
195                               p_entry_date           in date)
196     return date;
197     FUNCTION validate_process_date(p_assignment_action_id in number,
198                                    p_process_date           in date)
199     return date;
200 */
201 END pay_jp_zengin_tape;