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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 61

  g_sca_insert_tbl_type  cn_sca_insert_tbl_type;
Line: 237

      SELECT DISTINCT sca_process_batch_id
                 FROM cn_sca_process_batches
                WHERE logical_batch_id = x_logical_batch_id;
Line: 417

    l_sql_stmt_count  := 'SELECT count(1) FROM cn_sca_headers_interface cshi ';
Line: 500

                   'SELECT cshi.sca_headers_interface_id ' || 'FROM cn_sca_headers_interface CSHI ';
Line: 503

           'SELECT sca_headers_interface_id FROM '
        || '(SELECT rownum row_number, sca_headers_interface_id FROM '
        || '('
        || l_sql_stmt_id
        || ')) sca_headers_table '
        || 'WHERE sca_headers_table.row_number IN '
        || l_sql_stmt_divider;
Line: 515

      debugmsg(p_transaction_source || ': Assign : Insert into CN_SCA_PROCESS_BATCHES ');
Line: 531

            SELECT cn_sca_process_batches_s.NEXTVAL
              INTO l_sca_process_batch_id
              FROM SYS.DUAL;
Line: 535

            INSERT INTO cn_sca_process_batches
                       , start_id
                       , end_id
                       , TYPE
                       , logical_batch_id
                       , creation_date
                       , created_by
                       , last_update_date
                       , last_updated_by
                       , last_update_login
                       , org_id
                 VALUES (
                       , l_start_id
                       , l_end_id
                       , p_transaction_source
                       , p_logical_batch_id
                       , SYSDATE
                       , l_user_id
                       , SYSDATE
                       , l_user_id
                       , l_login_id
                       , p_org_id
Line: 593

            SELECT cn_sca_process_batches_s.NEXTVAL
              INTO l_sca_process_batch_id
              FROM SYS.DUAL;
Line: 597

            INSERT INTO cn_sca_process_batches
                       , start_id
                       , end_id
                       , TYPE
                       , logical_batch_id
                       , creation_date
                       , created_by
                       , last_update_date
                       , last_updated_by
                       , last_update_login
                       , org_id
                 VALUES (
                       , l_start_id
                       , l_end_id
                       , p_transaction_source
                       , p_logical_batch_id
                       , SYSDATE
                       , l_user_id
                       , SYSDATE
                       , l_user_id
                       , l_login_id
                       , p_org_id
Line: 642

            SELECT cn_sca_process_batches_s.NEXTVAL
              INTO l_sca_process_batch_id
              FROM SYS.DUAL;
Line: 646

            INSERT INTO cn_sca_process_batches
                       , start_id
                       , end_id
                       , TYPE
                       , logical_batch_id
                       , creation_date
                       , created_by
                       , last_update_date
                       , last_updated_by
                       , last_update_login
                       , org_id
                 VALUES (
                       , l_id
                       , l_id
                       , p_transaction_source
                       , p_logical_batch_id
                       , SYSDATE
                       , l_user_id
                       , SYSDATE
                       , l_user_id
                       , l_login_id
                       , p_org_id
Line: 749

    SELECT cn_sca_logical_batches_s.NEXTVAL
      INTO l_logical_batch_id
Line: 765

      INTO l_rule_count
      FROM cn_sca_denorm_rules a
     WHERE a.transaction_source = p_transaction_source AND a.org_id = p_org_id;
Line: 923

  /* This procedure returns the appropiate where clause to select    */
  /* data from the table cn_comm_lines_api_all depending on run mode */
  PROCEDURE get_where_clause(
    p_start_date   IN            DATE
  , p_end_date     IN            DATE
  , p_org_id       IN            NUMBER
  , p_run_mode     IN            VARCHAR2
  , x_where_clause OUT NOCOPY    VARCHAR2
  , errbuf         IN OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
  , retcode        IN OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
  ) IS
    debugmsg('SCA : Start of get_where_clause');
Line: 949

    /* only the collected txns are selected and not the ones generated by this process */
    x_where_clause  := x_where_clause || 'AND terr_id IS NULL ';
Line: 960

                                        SELECT comm_lines_api_id
                                          FROM cn_comm_lines_api_all
                                         WHERE load_status NOT IN(''OBSOLETE'', ''FILTERED'')
                                           AND adjust_status NOT IN(''FROZEN'', ''REVERSAL'')
                                           START WITH COMM_LINES_API_ID IN (SELECT adj_comm_lines_api_id from cn_comm_lines_api_all
                                                                           WHERE terr_id IN (
                                                                                      SELECT jcdt.terr_id
                                                                                        FROM jty_conc_req_summ jcrs, jty_changed_dea_terrs jcdt
                                                                                        WHERE jcrs.program_name = ''JTY_STAR''
                                                                                          AND jcrs.retcode   = 0
                                                                                          AND jcrs.param1   = -1001
                                                                                          AND jcrs.param2   = ''DEA INCREMENTAL''
                                                                                          AND jcrs.request_id = jcdt.star_request_id)
                                                                            AND processed_date BETWEEN  '
                                                                                          || 'to_date('''
                                                                                          || TO_CHAR(p_start_date, 'dd/mm/yyyy')
                                                                                          || ''',''dd/mm/yyyy:hh24:mi:ss'')'
                                                                                          || ' and to_date('''
                                                                                          || TO_CHAR(p_end_date, 'dd/mm/yyyy')||':23:59:59'
                                                                                          || ''',''dd/mm/yyyy:hh24:mi:ss''))'
                                           ||'CONNECT BY PRIOR ADJ_COMM_LINES_API_ID = COMM_LINES_API_ID )';
Line: 984

     /* donot select txns for which user has checked the "preserve credit override flag" to bypass crediting process */
     x_where_clause  :=  x_where_clause || 'AND (preserve_credit_override_flag = ''N'') ';
Line: 1086

  PROCEDURE update_txns_processed(errbuf IN OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2, retcode IN OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
  , p_worker_id IN NUMBER) IS
    l_no_of_records NUMBER;
Line: 1090

    debugmsg('SCA : Start of update_txns_processed');
Line: 1097

     ( SELECT /*+ cardinality(a,1) */ TRANS_OBJECT_ID
       FROM   (
               select /*+ no_merge */ DISTINCT TRANS_OBJECT_ID
               from   JTF_TAE_1001_SC_WINNERS A
               where  A.WORKER_ID = p_worker_id
              ) A
               select /*+ no_unest */ 1
               from   CN_COMM_LINES_API_ALL B
               where  B.ADJ_COMM_LINES_API_ID = A.TRANS_OBJECT_ID
               AND    B.TERR_ID IS NOT NULL
Line: 1116

    debugmsg('SCA : End of update_txns_processed');
Line: 1119

      debugmsg('SCA : Unexpected exception in update_txns_processed');
Line: 1123

      errbuf   := 'CN_SCATM_TAE_PUB.update_txns_processed.others';
Line: 1124

  END update_txns_processed;
Line: 1126

  /* This procedure inserts credited txns into api table */
  PROCEDURE insert_api_txns(
    p_org_id              IN            NUMBER
  , p_trans_object_id_tbl IN OUT NOCOPY g_trans_object_id_tbl_type
  , p_salesrep_id_tbl     IN OUT NOCOPY g_salesrep_id_tbl_type
  , p_emp_no_tbl          IN OUT NOCOPY g_emp_no_tbl_type
  , p_role_id_tbl         IN OUT NOCOPY g_role_id_tbl_type
  , p_split_pctg_tbl      IN OUT NOCOPY g_split_pctg_tbl_type
  , p_rev_type_tbl        IN OUT NOCOPY g_rev_type_tbl_type
  , p_terr_id_tbl         IN OUT NOCOPY g_terr_id_tbl_type
  , p_terr_name_tbl       IN OUT NOCOPY g_terr_name_tbl_type
  , p_del_flag_tbl        IN OUT NOCOPY g_del_flag_tbl_type
  , errbuf                IN OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
  , retcode               IN OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
  ) IS
    l_no_of_records NUMBER;
Line: 1147

    debugmsg('SCA : Start of insert_api_txns');
Line: 1152

    debugmsg('SCA : Number of rows to be inserted : ' || l_no_of_records);
Line: 1153

    debugmsg('SCA : Start of insert_api_txns '||to_char(sysdate,'dd-mm-rrrr hh24:mi:ss'));
Line: 1155

      /* insert the credited transactions into api table */
      /* process all the rows even if some of them fail  */

    --     g_sca_insert_tbl_type := cn_sca_insert_tbl_type(cn_sca_insert_rec_type(1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1));
Line: 1174

        INSERT INTO cn_comm_lines_api_all
                   , processed_date
                   , processed_period_id
                   , transaction_amount
                   , trx_type
                   , revenue_class_id
                   , load_status
                   , attribute_category
                   , attribute1
                   , attribute2
                   , attribute3
                   , attribute4
                   , attribute5
                   , attribute6
                   , attribute7
                   , attribute8
                   , attribute9
                   , attribute10
                   , attribute11
                   , attribute12
                   , attribute13
                   , attribute14
                   , attribute15
                   , attribute16
                   , attribute17
                   , attribute18
                   , attribute19
                   , attribute20
                   , attribute21
                   , attribute22
                   , attribute23
                   , attribute24
                   , attribute25
                   , attribute26
                   , attribute27
                   , attribute28
                   , attribute29
                   , attribute30
                   , attribute31
                   , attribute32
                   , attribute33
                   , attribute34
                   , attribute35
                   , attribute36
                   , attribute37
                   , attribute38
                   , attribute39
                   , attribute40
                   , attribute41
                   , attribute42
                   , attribute43
                   , attribute44
                   , attribute45
                   , attribute46
                   , attribute47
                   , attribute48
                   , attribute49
                   , attribute50
                   , attribute51
                   , attribute52
                   , attribute53
                   , attribute54
                   , attribute55
                   , attribute56
                   , attribute57
                   , attribute58
                   , attribute59
                   , attribute60
                   , attribute61
                   , attribute62
                   , attribute63
                   , attribute64
                   , attribute65
                   , attribute66
                   , attribute67
                   , attribute68
                   , attribute69
                   , attribute70
                   , attribute71
                   , attribute72
                   , attribute73
                   , attribute74
                   , attribute75
                   , attribute76
                   , attribute77
                   , attribute78
                   , attribute79
                   , attribute80
                   , attribute81
                   , attribute82
                   , attribute83
                   , attribute84
                   , attribute85
                   , attribute86
                   , attribute87
                   , attribute88
                   , attribute89
                   , attribute90
                   , attribute91
                   , attribute92
                   , attribute93
                   , attribute94
                   , attribute95
                   , attribute96
                   , attribute97
                   , attribute98
                   , attribute99
                   , attribute100
                   , comm_lines_api_id
                   , conc_batch_id
                   , process_batch_id
                   , salesrep_number
                   , rollup_date
                   , source_doc_id
                   , source_doc_type
                   , created_by
                   , creation_date
                   , last_updated_by
                   , last_update_date
                   , last_update_login
                   , transaction_currency_code
                   , exchange_rate
                   , acctd_transaction_amount
                   , trx_id
                   , trx_line_id
                   , trx_sales_line_id
                   , quantity
                   , source_trx_number
                   , discount_percentage
                   , margin_percentage
                   , source_trx_id
                   , source_trx_line_id
                   , source_trx_sales_line_id
                   , negated_flag
                   , customer_id
                   , inventory_item_id
                   , order_number
                   , booked_date
                   , invoice_number
                   , invoice_date
                   , adjust_date
                   , adjusted_by
                   , revenue_type
                   , adjust_rollup_flag
                   , adjust_comments
                   , adjust_status
                   , line_number
                   , bill_to_address_id
                   , ship_to_address_id
                   , bill_to_contact_id
                   , ship_to_contact_id
                   , adj_comm_lines_api_id
                   , pre_defined_rc_flag
                   , rollup_flag
                   , forecast_id
                   , upside_quantity
                   , upside_amount
                   , uom_code
                   , reason_code
                   , TYPE
                   , pre_processed_code
                   , quota_id
                   , srp_plan_assign_id
                   , role_id
                   , comp_group_id
                   , commission_amount
                   , employee_number
                   , reversal_flag
                   , reversal_header_id
                   , sales_channel
                   , object_version_number
                   , split_pct
                   , split_status
                   , org_id
                   , terr_id
                   , terr_name
                   , preserve_credit_override_flag -- to ensure this is not null
          SELECT p_salesrep_id_tbl(i) -- parent.salesrep_id
               , ccla.processed_date
               , ccla.processed_period_id
               , ROUND(NVL((ccla.transaction_amount * p_split_pctg_tbl(i)) / 100, 0), 2)  -- parent.split_percentage
               , ccla.trx_type
               , ccla.revenue_class_id
               , 'UNLOADED'
               , ccla.attribute_category
               , ccla.attribute1
               , ccla.attribute2
               , ccla.attribute3
               , ccla.attribute4
               , ccla.attribute5
               , ccla.attribute6
               , ccla.attribute7
               , ccla.attribute8
               , ccla.attribute9
               , ccla.attribute10
               , ccla.attribute11
               , ccla.attribute12
               , ccla.attribute13
               , ccla.attribute14
               , ccla.attribute15
               , ccla.attribute16
               , ccla.attribute17
               , ccla.attribute18
               , ccla.attribute19
               , ccla.attribute20
               , ccla.attribute21
               , ccla.attribute22
               , ccla.attribute23
               , ccla.attribute24
               , ccla.attribute25
               , ccla.attribute26
               , ccla.attribute27
               , ccla.attribute28
               , ccla.attribute29
               , ccla.attribute30
               , ccla.attribute31
               , ccla.attribute32
               , ccla.attribute33
               , ccla.attribute34
               , ccla.attribute35
               , ccla.attribute36
               , ccla.attribute37
               , ccla.attribute38
               , ccla.attribute39
               , ccla.attribute40
               , ccla.attribute41
               , ccla.attribute42
               , ccla.attribute43
               , ccla.attribute44
               , ccla.attribute45
               , ccla.attribute46
               , ccla.attribute47
               , ccla.attribute48
               , ccla.attribute49
               , ccla.attribute50
               , ccla.attribute51
               , ccla.attribute52
               , ccla.attribute53
               , ccla.attribute54
               , ccla.attribute55
               , ccla.attribute56
               , ccla.attribute57
               , ccla.attribute58
               , ccla.attribute59
               , ccla.attribute60
               , ccla.attribute61
               , ccla.attribute62
               , ccla.attribute63
               , ccla.attribute64
               , ccla.attribute65
               , ccla.attribute66
               , ccla.attribute67
               , ccla.attribute68
               , ccla.attribute69
               , ccla.attribute70
               , ccla.attribute71
               , ccla.attribute72
               , ccla.attribute73
               , ccla.attribute74
               , ccla.attribute75
               , ccla.attribute76
               , ccla.attribute77
               , ccla.attribute78
               , ccla.attribute79
               , ccla.attribute80
               , ccla.attribute81
               , ccla.attribute82
               , ccla.attribute83
               , ccla.attribute84
               , ccla.attribute85
               , ccla.attribute86
               , ccla.attribute87
               , ccla.attribute88
               , ccla.attribute89
               , ccla.attribute90
               , ccla.attribute91
               , ccla.attribute92
               , ccla.attribute93
               , ccla.attribute94
               , ccla.attribute95
               , ccla.attribute96
               , ccla.attribute97
               , ccla.attribute98
               , ccla.attribute99
               , ccla.attribute100
               , cn_comm_lines_api_s.NEXTVAL
               , ccla.conc_batch_id
               , ccla.process_batch_id
               , NULL
               , ccla.rollup_date
               , ccla.source_doc_id
               , ccla.source_doc_type
               , g_user_id
               , g_sysdate
               , g_user_id
               , g_sysdate
               , g_login_id
               , ccla.transaction_currency_code
               , ccla.exchange_rate
               , NULL
               , ccla.trx_id
               , ccla.trx_line_id
               , ccla.trx_sales_line_id
               , ccla.quantity
               , ccla.source_trx_number
               , ccla.discount_percentage
               , ccla.margin_percentage
               , ccla.source_trx_id
               , ccla.source_trx_line_id
               , ccla.source_trx_sales_line_id
               , ccla.negated_flag
               , ccla.customer_id
               , ccla.inventory_item_id
               , ccla.order_number
               , ccla.booked_date
               , ccla.invoice_number
               , ccla.invoice_date
               , g_sysdate
               , g_user_id
               , p_rev_type_tbl(i)  -- parent.revenue_type
               , ccla.adjust_rollup_flag
               , 'Created by TAE'
               , ccla.adjust_status
               , ccla.line_number
               , ccla.bill_to_address_id
               , ccla.ship_to_address_id
               , ccla.bill_to_contact_id
               , ccla.ship_to_contact_id
               , ccla.comm_lines_api_id
               , ccla.pre_defined_rc_flag
               , ccla.rollup_flag
               , ccla.forecast_id
               , ccla.upside_quantity
               , ccla.upside_amount
               , ccla.uom_code
               , ccla.reason_code
               , ccla.TYPE
               , ccla.pre_processed_code
               , ccla.quota_id
               , ccla.srp_plan_assign_id
               , p_role_id_tbl(i)  -- parent.role_id
               , ccla.comp_group_id
               , ccla.commission_amount
               , p_emp_no_tbl(i) -- parent.employee_number
               , ccla.reversal_flag
               , ccla.reversal_header_id
               , ccla.sales_channel
               , ccla.object_version_number
               , p_split_pctg_tbl(i) -- parent.split_percentage
               , ccla.split_status
               , ccla.org_id
               , p_terr_id_tbl(i) -- parent.terr_id
               , p_terr_name_tbl(i) -- parent.terr_name
               , 'N'  -- to ensure preserve_credit_override_flag is not null
            FROM cn_comm_lines_api_all ccla
           WHERE ccla.comm_lines_api_id = p_trans_object_id_tbl(i)
             AND ccla.org_id = p_org_id
             AND p_del_flag_tbl(i) <> 'Y';
Line: 1543

    debugmsg('SCA : End of insert_api_txns '||to_char(sysdate,'dd-mm-rrrr hh24:mi:ss'));
Line: 1544

    debugmsg('SCA : End of insert_api_txns');
Line: 1562

      debugmsg('SCA : Unexpected exception in insert_api_txns');
Line: 1566

      errbuf   := 'CN_SCATM_TAE_PUB.insert_api_txns.others';
Line: 1567

  END insert_api_txns;
Line: 1606

      SELECT count(*)
        INTO l_count
        FROM   jty_conc_req_summ a
       WHERE  a.program_name = 'JTY_STAR'
       AND    a.param1       = -1001
       AND    a.param2       = 'DEA INCREMENTAL'
       AND    a.retcode      = 0;
Line: 1624

      SELECT count(*)
      INTO   l_count
      FROM   jty_conc_req_summ a
      WHERE  a.program_name = 'JTY_STAR'
      AND    a.param1       = -1001
      AND    a.retcode      = 0
      AND a.param2   = 'DATE EFFECTIVE'
      AND request_date  >  (  SELECT MAX(request_date)
                              FROM jty_conc_req_summ a
                              WHERE a.program_name = 'JTY_STAR'
                              AND a.retcode          = 0
                              AND a.param1   = -1001
                              AND a.param2   = 'DEA INCREMENTAL' );
Line: 1657

    /* insert the selected transactions from cn_comm_lines_api_all table */
    /* to the interface table jtf_tae_1001_sc_dea_trans                  */
      p_api_version_number         => 1.0
    , p_init_msg_list              => fnd_api.g_false
    , p_source_id                  => -1001
    , p_trans_id                   => -1002
    , p_program_name               => 'SALES/INCENTIVE COMPENSATION PROGRAM'
    , p_mode                       => 'DATE EFFECTIVE'
    , p_where                      => l_where_clause
    , p_no_of_workers              => g_num_workers
    , p_percent_analyzed           => 20
    ,   -- this value can be either a profile option or a parameter to conc program
      p_request_id                 => p_request_id
    ,   -- request id of the concurrent program
      x_return_status              => l_return_status
    , x_msg_count                  => l_msg_count
    , x_msg_data                   => l_msg_data
    , errbuf                       => errbuf
    , retcode                      => retcode
    , p_oic_mode                   => 'CLEAR'
Line: 1764

    /* insert the selected transactions from cn_comm_lines_api_all table */
    /* to the interface table jtf_tae_1001_sc_dea_trans                  */
      p_api_version_number         => 1.0
    , p_init_msg_list              => fnd_api.g_false
    , p_source_id                  => -1001
    , p_trans_id                   => -1002
    , p_program_name               => 'SALES/INCENTIVE COMPENSATION PROGRAM'
    , p_mode                       => 'DATE EFFECTIVE'
    , p_where                      => l_where_clause
    , p_no_of_workers              => g_num_workers
    , p_percent_analyzed           => 20
    ,   -- this value can be either a profile option or a parameter to conc program
      p_request_id                 => p_request_id
    ,   -- request id of the concurrent program
      x_return_status              => l_return_status
    , x_msg_count                  => l_msg_count
    , x_msg_data                   => l_msg_data
    , errbuf                       => errbuf
    , retcode                      => retcode
    , p_oic_mode                   => 'POST'
Line: 1979

    /* Cursor definition to select all winning resources from winners table */
    OPEN c_credited_txn_cur
     FOR    'SELECT /*+ leading(a) cardinality(a,100) */ a.trans_object_id, '
         || '       a.terr_id,         '
         || '       c.name,            '
         || '       d.salesrep_id,     '
         || '       d.employee_number, '
         || '       a.role_id,         '
         || '       ''N'',             '
         || '       b.'
         || l_ffname_split_pctg
         || ', '
         || '       b.'
         || l_ffname_rev_type
         || ' '
         || 'FROM   jtf_tae_1001_sc_winners a, '
         || '       jtf_terr_rsc_all        b, '
         || '       jtf_terr_all            c, '
         || '       cn_salesreps            d  '
         || 'WHERE  a.terr_rsc_id = b.terr_rsc_id '
         || 'AND    a.terr_id     = c.terr_id '
         || 'AND    a.resource_id = d.resource_id '
         || 'AND    a.worker_id = '||p_worker_id;
Line: 2004

    /* and insert the records in the table cn_comm_lines_api_all                          */
      FETCH c_credited_txn_cur
      BULK COLLECT INTO l_trans_object_id_tbl
           , l_terr_id_tbl
           , l_terr_name_tbl
           , l_salesrep_id_tbl
           , l_emp_no_tbl
           , l_role_id_tbl
           , l_del_flag_tbl
           , l_split_pctg_tbl
           , l_rev_type_tbl LIMIT g_fetch_limit;
Line: 2019

      /* insert the credited txns into api table */
        p_org_id                     => p_org_id
      , p_trans_object_id_tbl        => l_trans_object_id_tbl
      , p_salesrep_id_tbl            => l_salesrep_id_tbl
      , p_emp_no_tbl                 => l_emp_no_tbl
      , p_role_id_tbl                => l_role_id_tbl
      , p_split_pctg_tbl             => l_split_pctg_tbl
      , p_rev_type_tbl               => l_rev_type_tbl
      , p_terr_id_tbl                => l_terr_id_tbl
      , p_terr_name_tbl              => l_terr_name_tbl
      , p_del_flag_tbl               => l_del_flag_tbl
      , errbuf                       => errbuf
      , retcode                      => retcode
Line: 2036

        debugmsg('SCA : CN_SCATM_TAE_PUB.insert_api_txns has failed');
Line: 2040

      debugmsg('SCA : CN_SCATM_TAE_PUB.insert_api_txns completed successfully');
Line: 2087

      INSERT INTO cn_comm_lines_api_all
                 , processed_date
                 , processed_period_id
                 , transaction_amount
                 , trx_type
                 , revenue_class_id
                 , load_status
                 , attribute_category
                 , attribute1
                 , attribute2
                 , attribute3
                 , attribute4
                 , attribute5
                 , attribute6
                 , attribute7
                 , attribute8
                 , attribute9
                 , attribute10
                 , attribute11
                 , attribute12
                 , attribute13
                 , attribute14
                 , attribute15
                 , attribute16
                 , attribute17
                 , attribute18
                 , attribute19
                 , attribute20
                 , attribute21
                 , attribute22
                 , attribute23
                 , attribute24
                 , attribute25
                 , attribute26
                 , attribute27
                 , attribute28
                 , attribute29
                 , attribute30
                 , attribute31
                 , attribute32
                 , attribute33
                 , attribute34
                 , attribute35
                 , attribute36
                 , attribute37
                 , attribute38
                 , attribute39
                 , attribute40
                 , attribute41
                 , attribute42
                 , attribute43
                 , attribute44
                 , attribute45
                 , attribute46
                 , attribute47
                 , attribute48
                 , attribute49
                 , attribute50
                 , attribute51
                 , attribute52
                 , attribute53
                 , attribute54
                 , attribute55
                 , attribute56
                 , attribute57
                 , attribute58
                 , attribute59
                 , attribute60
                 , attribute61
                 , attribute62
                 , attribute63
                 , attribute64
                 , attribute65
                 , attribute66
                 , attribute67
                 , attribute68
                 , attribute69
                 , attribute70
                 , attribute71
                 , attribute72
                 , attribute73
                 , attribute74
                 , attribute75
                 , attribute76
                 , attribute77
                 , attribute78
                 , attribute79
                 , attribute80
                 , attribute81
                 , attribute82
                 , attribute83
                 , attribute84
                 , attribute85
                 , attribute86
                 , attribute87
                 , attribute88
                 , attribute89
                 , attribute90
                 , attribute91
                 , attribute92
                 , attribute93
                 , attribute94
                 , attribute95
                 , attribute96
                 , attribute97
                 , attribute98
                 , attribute99
                 , attribute100
                 , comm_lines_api_id
                 , conc_batch_id
                 , process_batch_id
                 , salesrep_number
                 , rollup_date
                 , source_doc_id
                 , source_doc_type
                 , created_by
                 , creation_date
                 , last_updated_by
                 , last_update_date
                 , last_update_login
                 , transaction_currency_code
                 , exchange_rate
                 , acctd_transaction_amount
                 , trx_id
                 , trx_line_id
                 , trx_sales_line_id
                 , quantity
                 , source_trx_number
                 , discount_percentage
                 , margin_percentage
                 , source_trx_id
                 , source_trx_line_id
                 , source_trx_sales_line_id
                 , negated_flag
                 , customer_id
                 , inventory_item_id
                 , order_number
                 , booked_date
                 , invoice_number
                 , invoice_date
                 , adjust_date
                 , adjusted_by
                 , revenue_type
                 , adjust_rollup_flag
                 , adjust_comments
                 , adjust_status
                 , line_number
                 , bill_to_address_id
                 , ship_to_address_id
                 , bill_to_contact_id
                 , ship_to_contact_id
                 , adj_comm_lines_api_id
                 , pre_defined_rc_flag
                 , rollup_flag
                 , forecast_id
                 , upside_quantity
                 , upside_amount
                 , uom_code
                 , reason_code
                 , TYPE
                 , pre_processed_code
                 , quota_id
                 , srp_plan_assign_id
                 , role_id
                 , comp_group_id
                 , commission_amount
                 , employee_number
                 , reversal_flag
                 , reversal_header_id
                 , sales_channel
                 , object_version_number
                 , split_pct
                 , split_status
                 , org_id
                 , terr_id
                 , terr_name
        SELECT ccla.salesrep_id
             , ccla.processed_date
             , ccla.processed_period_id
             , -1 * NVL(ccla.transaction_amount, 0)
             , ccla.trx_type
             , ccla.revenue_class_id
             , 'UNLOADED'
             , ccla.attribute_category
             , ccla.attribute1
             , ccla.attribute2
             , ccla.attribute3
             , ccla.attribute4
             , ccla.attribute5
             , ccla.attribute6
             , ccla.attribute7
             , ccla.attribute8
             , ccla.attribute9
             , ccla.attribute10
             , ccla.attribute11
             , ccla.attribute12
             , ccla.attribute13
             , ccla.attribute14
             , ccla.attribute15
             , ccla.attribute16
             , ccla.attribute17
             , ccla.attribute18
             , ccla.attribute19
             , ccla.attribute20
             , ccla.attribute21
             , ccla.attribute22
             , ccla.attribute23
             , ccla.attribute24
             , ccla.attribute25
             , ccla.attribute26
             , ccla.attribute27
             , ccla.attribute28
             , ccla.attribute29
             , ccla.attribute30
             , ccla.attribute31
             , ccla.attribute32
             , ccla.attribute33
             , ccla.attribute34
             , ccla.attribute35
             , ccla.attribute36
             , ccla.attribute37
             , ccla.attribute38
             , ccla.attribute39
             , ccla.attribute40
             , ccla.attribute41
             , ccla.attribute42
             , ccla.attribute43
             , ccla.attribute44
             , ccla.attribute45
             , ccla.attribute46
             , ccla.attribute47
             , ccla.attribute48
             , ccla.attribute49
             , ccla.attribute50
             , ccla.attribute51
             , ccla.attribute52
             , ccla.attribute53
             , ccla.attribute54
             , ccla.attribute55
             , ccla.attribute56
             , ccla.attribute57
             , ccla.attribute58
             , ccla.attribute59
             , ccla.attribute60
             , ccla.attribute61
             , ccla.attribute62
             , ccla.attribute63
             , ccla.attribute64
             , ccla.attribute65
             , ccla.attribute66
             , ccla.attribute67
             , ccla.attribute68
             , ccla.attribute69
             , ccla.attribute70
             , ccla.attribute71
             , ccla.attribute72
             , ccla.attribute73
             , ccla.attribute74
             , ccla.attribute75
             , ccla.attribute76
             , ccla.attribute77
             , ccla.attribute78
             , ccla.attribute79
             , ccla.attribute80
             , ccla.attribute81
             , ccla.attribute82
             , ccla.attribute83
             , ccla.attribute84
             , ccla.attribute85
             , ccla.attribute86
             , ccla.attribute87
             , ccla.attribute88
             , ccla.attribute89
             , ccla.attribute90
             , ccla.attribute91
             , ccla.attribute92
             , ccla.attribute93
             , ccla.attribute94
             , ccla.attribute95
             , ccla.attribute96
             , ccla.attribute97
             , ccla.attribute98
             , ccla.attribute99
             , ccla.attribute100
             , cn_comm_lines_api_s.NEXTVAL
             , NULL
             , NULL
             , NULL
             , ccla.rollup_date
             , NULL
             , ccla.source_doc_type
             , g_user_id
             , g_sysdate
             , g_user_id
             , g_sysdate
             , g_login_id
             , ccla.transaction_currency_code
             , ccla.exchange_rate
             , -1 * NVL(ccla.acctd_transaction_amount, 0)
             , NULL
             , NULL
             , NULL
             , -1 * ccla.quantity
             , ccla.source_trx_number
             , ccla.discount_percentage
             , ccla.margin_percentage
             , ccla.source_trx_id
             , ccla.source_trx_line_id
             , ccla.source_trx_sales_line_id
             , 'Y'
             , ccla.customer_id
             , ccla.inventory_item_id
             , ccla.order_number
             , ccla.booked_date
             , ccla.invoice_number
             , ccla.invoice_date
             , g_sysdate
             , g_user_id
             , ccla.revenue_type
             , ccla.adjust_rollup_flag
             , 'Created by TAE'
             , 'REVERSAL'
             , ccla.line_number
             , ccla.bill_to_address_id
             , ccla.ship_to_address_id
             , ccla.bill_to_contact_id
             , ccla.ship_to_contact_id
             , ccla.comm_lines_api_id
             , ccla.pre_defined_rc_flag
             , ccla.rollup_flag
             , ccla.forecast_id
             , ccla.upside_quantity
             , ccla.upside_amount
             , ccla.uom_code
             , ccla.reason_code
             , ccla.TYPE
             , ccla.pre_processed_code
             , ccla.quota_id
             , ccla.srp_plan_assign_id
             , ccla.role_id
             , ccla.comp_group_id
             , ccla.commission_amount
             , ccla.employee_number
             , 'Y'
             , ccha.commission_header_id
             , ccla.sales_channel
             , ccla.object_version_number
             , ccla.split_pct
             , ccla.split_status
             , ccla.org_id
             , ccla.terr_id
             , ccla.terr_name
          FROM cn_comm_lines_api ccla, cn_commission_headers_all ccha
         WHERE ccla.ROWID = p_rowid_tbl(i)
           AND ccha.comm_lines_api_id = ccla.comm_lines_api_id
           AND (ccha.adjust_status NOT IN('FROZEN', 'REVERSAL')) --OR(adjust_status IS NULL))
           AND ccha.trx_type NOT IN('ITD', 'GRP', 'THR');
Line: 2447

    /* update the corresponding records in commission_headers */
    FORALL i IN p_api_id_tbl.FIRST .. p_api_id_tbl.LAST
      UPDATE cn_commission_headers
         SET adjust_status = 'FROZEN'
           , reversal_header_id =
               (SELECT commission_header_id
                  FROM cn_commission_headers_all
                 WHERE comm_lines_api_id = p_api_id_tbl(i)
                   AND (adjust_status NOT IN('FROZEN', 'REVERSAL'))-- OR(adjust_status IS NULL))
                   AND trx_type NOT IN('ITD', 'GRP', 'THR'))
           , reversal_flag = 'Y'
           , adjust_date = g_sysdate
           , adjusted_by = g_user_id
           , adjust_comments = 'Created by SCA'
           , last_update_date = g_sysdate
           , last_updated_by = g_user_id
           , last_update_login = g_login_id
       WHERE comm_lines_api_id = p_api_id_tbl(i);
Line: 2475

  /* This procedure deletes the child transaction records      */
  /* from api table which have not been loaded for calculation */
  PROCEDURE handle_unloaded_txns(
    l_unloaded_txn_tbl IN OUT NOCOPY g_rowid_tbl_type
  , p_rowid       IN            ROWID
  , p_update_flag IN            BOOLEAN
  , errbuf        IN OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
  , retcode       IN OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
  ) IS
    l_no_of_records NUMBER;
Line: 2499

    /* "g_fetch_limit" or if the procedure is called exclusively to update the table */
    IF (l_no_of_records > 0) THEN
      IF ((l_no_of_records >= g_fetch_limit) OR(p_update_flag)) THEN
        FORALL i IN l_unloaded_txn_tbl.FIRST .. l_unloaded_txn_tbl.LAST
          DELETE      cn_comm_lines_api_all
                WHERE ROWID = l_unloaded_txn_tbl(i);
Line: 2525

  , p_update_flag IN            BOOLEAN
  , errbuf        IN OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
  , retcode       IN OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
  ) IS
    l_no_of_records NUMBER;
Line: 2546

    /* "g_fetch_limit" or if the procedure is called exclusively to update the table */
    IF (l_no_of_records > 0) THEN
      IF ((l_no_of_records >= g_fetch_limit) OR(p_update_flag)) THEN
          p_api_id_tbl                 => l_loaded_txn_comid_tbl
        , p_rowid_tbl                  => l_loaded_txn_rowid_tbl
        , errbuf                       => errbuf
        , retcode                      => retcode
Line: 2652

      SELECT     ROWID
                 , comm_lines_api_id
                 , load_status
                 , salesrep_id
                 , transaction_amount
                 , role_id
                 , terr_id
                 , split_pct
                 , revenue_type
              FROM cn_comm_lines_api_all
             WHERE load_status NOT IN('OBSOLETE', 'FILTERED')
               AND adjust_status NOT IN('FROZEN', 'REVERSAL')
               START WITH COMM_LINES_API_ID = p_api_id
Line: 2677

      SELECT  count(*)
              FROM cn_comm_lines_api_all
             WHERE load_status NOT IN('OBSOLETE', 'FILTERED')
               AND salesrep_id= p_salesrep_id
               AND transaction_amount = -1*p_transaction_amount
               AND NVL(role_id, -1) = p_role_id
               AND terr_id = p_terr_id
               AND split_pct= p_split_pct
               AND revenue_type =p_revenue_type
               START WITH COMM_LINES_API_ID = p_api_id
Line: 2717

     FOR    'SELECT /*+ leading ( a ) cardinality ( a , 100 ) use_nl(a e.s e.re.b) */  d.rowid,                                        '
         || '       d.comm_lines_api_id,                            '
         || '       a.terr_id,                                      '
         || '       c.name,                                         '
         || '       e.salesrep_id,                                  '
         || '       e.employee_number,                              '
         || '       a.role_id,                                      '
         || '       d.transaction_amount,                           '
         || '       b.'
         || l_ffname_split_pctg
         || ',                '
         || '       b.'
         || l_ffname_rev_type
         || ',                  '
         || '       ''N'',                                          '
         || '       count(*) over(partition by d.comm_lines_api_id) '
         || 'FROM   jtf_tae_1001_sc_winners a, '
         || '       jtf_terr_rsc_all        b, '
         || '       jtf_terr_all            c, '
         || '       cn_comm_lines_api_all   d, '
         || '       cn_salesreps            e  '
         || 'WHERE  a.terr_rsc_id = b.terr_rsc_id           '
         || 'AND    a.terr_id = c.terr_id                   '
         || 'AND    a.trans_object_id = d.comm_lines_api_id '
         || 'AND    a.resource_id = e.resource_id '
         || 'AND    a.worker_id = '||p_worker_id
         || 'ORDER BY d.comm_lines_api_id ';
Line: 2746

    /* and insert the records in the table cn_comm_lines_api_all                          */
      FETCH c_credited_txn_cur
      BULK COLLECT INTO l_rowid_tbl
           , l_api_id_tbl
           , l_terr_id_tbl
           , l_terr_name_tbl
           , l_salesrep_id_tbl
           , l_emp_no_tbl
           , l_role_id_tbl
           , l_txn_amt_tbl
           , l_split_pctg_tbl
           , l_rev_type_tbl
           , l_del_flag_tbl
           , l_no_of_credits_tbl LIMIT g_fetch_limit;
Line: 2853

            /* delete the child record from cn_comm_lines_api_all */
            IF (l_child_load_status_tbl(i) <> 'LOADED') THEN
              /* delete the row if it is not the same txn that we have processed */
              IF (
                      (l_child_api_id_tbl(i) <> l_api_id_tbl(l_table_index))
                  AND (l_child_terr_id_tbl(i) IS NOT NULL) --IS NOT NULL
                 ) THEN

                  /* start of code : logic used here is  similar to used  for loaded tansaction. Reference bug 7589796    */
                  l_match_found  := FALSE;
Line: 2867

                  /* if so, donot obsolete the child instead donot insert the new credited txn generated */
                  FOR j IN 1 .. l_no_of_credits_tbl(l_table_index) LOOP
                    l_temp_index  := l_table_index +(j - 1);
Line: 2875

                    /* update txn amt to -1 if user either has not specified anything for split pctg */
                    /* or has specified an invalid chaaracter (anything other than numbers) for it   */
                      IF (l_split_pctg_tbl(l_temp_index) IS NULL) THEN
                        l_txn_amt  := -1;
Line: 2905

                      /* credited txn not to be inserted in the api table                         */

                        l_del_flag_tbl(l_temp_index)  := 'Y';
Line: 2922

                    , p_update_flag                => FALSE
                    , errbuf                       => errbuf
                    , retcode                      => retcode
Line: 2941

              /* if so, donot obsolete the child instead donot insert the new credited txn generated */
              FOR j IN 1 .. l_no_of_credits_tbl(l_table_index) LOOP
                l_temp_index  := l_table_index +(j - 1);
Line: 2949

                /* update txn amt to -1 if user either has not specified anything for split pctg */
                /* or has specified an invalid chaaracter (anything other than numbers) for it   */
                  IF (l_split_pctg_tbl(l_temp_index) IS NULL) THEN
                    l_txn_amt  := -1;
Line: 2979

                  /* credited txn not to be inserted in the api table                         */

                  --Modified the flow for  bug 	8538923
                   OPEN get_child_records_for_rev_txns (
                   l_child_api_id_tbl(i) ,
Line: 3020

                , p_update_flag                => FALSE
                , errbuf                       => errbuf
                , retcode                      => retcode
Line: 3043

      p_rowid   => NULL, p_update_flag => TRUE, errbuf => errbuf
      , retcode                      => retcode);
Line: 3059

      , p_update_flag                => TRUE
      , errbuf                       => errbuf
      , retcode                      => retcode
Line: 3070

      /* insert the credited txns into api table */
        p_org_id                     => p_org_id
      , p_trans_object_id_tbl        => l_api_id_tbl
      , p_salesrep_id_tbl            => l_salesrep_id_tbl
      , p_emp_no_tbl                 => l_emp_no_tbl
      , p_role_id_tbl                => l_role_id_tbl
      , p_split_pctg_tbl             => l_split_pctg_tbl
      , p_rev_type_tbl               => l_rev_type_tbl
      , p_terr_id_tbl                => l_terr_id_tbl
      , p_terr_name_tbl              => l_terr_name_tbl
      , p_del_flag_tbl               => l_del_flag_tbl
      , errbuf                       => errbuf
      , retcode                      => retcode
Line: 3087

        debugmsg('SCA : CN_SCATM_TAE_PUB.insert_api_txns has failed');
Line: 3091

      debugmsg('SCA : CN_SCATM_TAE_PUB.insert_api_txns completed successfully');
Line: 3193

      INTO l_count
      FROM cn_acc_period_statuses_v acc
     WHERE TRUNC(l_start_date) BETWEEN TRUNC(acc.start_date) AND TRUNC(acc.end_date)
       AND acc.period_status = 'O'
       AND acc.org_id = p_org_id
       AND ROWNUM = 1;
Line: 3211

      INTO l_count
      FROM cn_acc_period_statuses_v acc
     WHERE TRUNC(l_end_date) BETWEEN TRUNC(acc.start_date) AND TRUNC(acc.end_date)
       AND acc.period_status = 'O'
       AND acc.org_id = p_org_id
       AND ROWNUM = 1;
Line: 3231

    SELECT TO_NUMBER(NVL(fnd_profile.value('CN_NUMBER_OF_WORKERS'),1)) INTO g_num_workers
    FROM dual;
Line: 3297

        debugmsg('SCA : CN_SCATM_TAE_PUB.update_txns_processed has failed');
Line: 3302

      debugmsg('SCA : CN_SCATM_TAE_PUB.update_txns_processed has failed');
Line: 3306

    debugmsg('SCA : CN_SCATM_TAE_PUB.update_txns_processed completed successfully');
Line: 3383

     update_txns_processed(errbuf => errbuf, retcode => retcode,
     p_worker_id  => p_worker_id);
Line: 3428

   /* Get the criterion to select transactions from api table */

       p_start_date                 => lp_start_date
     , p_end_date                   => lp_end_date
     , p_org_id                     => p_org_id
     , p_run_mode                   => p_run_mode
     , x_where_clause               => l_where_clause
     , errbuf                       => errbuf
     , retcode                      => retcode
Line: 3447

    /* insert the selected transactions from cn_comm_lines_api_all table */
    /* to the interface table jtf_tae_1001_sc_dea_trans                  */
      p_api_version_number         => 1.0
    , p_init_msg_list              => fnd_api.g_false
    , p_source_id                  => -1001
    , p_trans_id                   => -1002
    , p_program_name               => 'SALES/INCENTIVE COMPENSATION PROGRAM'
    , p_mode                       => 'DATE EFFECTIVE'
    , p_where                      => l_where_clause
    , p_no_of_workers              => l_num_workers
    , p_percent_analyzed           => 20
    ,   -- this value can be either a profile option or a parameter to conc program
      p_request_id                 => p_request_id
    ,   -- request id of the concurrent program
      x_return_status              => l_return_status
    , x_msg_count                  => l_msg_count
    , x_msg_data                   => l_msg_data
    , errbuf                       => errbuf
    , retcode                      => retcode
    , p_oic_mode                   => 'INSERT'
Line: 3471

      debugmsg('SCA : CN_SCATM_TAE_PUB.get_credited_txns for INSERT has failed');
Line: 3475

    debugmsg('SCA : CN_SCATM_TAE_PUB.batch_collect_txns with oic_mode INSERT completed successfully');
Line: 3508

   /* Get the criterion to select transactions from api table */
    debugmsg('SCA : Populating data to WINNERS table for worker_id '||p_worker_id ||' and mode '||
Line: 3559

RETURN cn_sca_insert_tbl_type IS


 RETURN g_sca_insert_tbl_type;